Holy Roman Empire

Chapter 653: Had to pay

At the Vienna Palace, the content of the imperial negotiations has reached Franz. It's not how powerful the intelligence service is. It was completely intentionally leaked by the British.

This kind of high-level negotiations involves only a few people with knowledge and senior ministerial officials. It is not something that intelligence organizations can buy.

It is not surprising that the Popo Federation moved closer to the British. In any case, John Bull is a sea power country and cannot become the mainland hegemony. There is no direct conflict between the British and the Pope.

In contrast, Austria is different. The Vienna government is shouting every day to unify the German region, and the core territories of the Popo Federation are in the German region. It is no wonder that the Berlin government is not worried.

From the standpoint of Austria, it is in the best interest of both Russia and Russia to lose both. To cooperate with Austria is to seek skins from tigers. With choice, the Berlin government naturally favors the British.

"The British actually want to promote relations between France and France. What do you think is the conspiracy behind this?"

The British have always been trying to isolate the French, and now suddenly pushing France and France closer, it is difficult for Franz not to try to figure it out in the worst of maliciousness.

Foreign Minister Weissenberg analyzed: "His Majesty, there may be two reasons for this.

The victory of the Russian-Prussian War is unpredictable. The British people alone can guarantee the victory of the Commonwealth Federation, but they do not want to give up the benefits of sending them home. They must find someone to share the risks.

If the French are brought in, the United Kingdom and France will be able to keep the Pope Federation, even if the situation is unfavorable, and ensure that the investment will not be lost.

The other is for us. The London government believes that the strength of France and Austria has been unbalanced, and the French need to attract allies and continue to maintain the European balance.

The latter is unlikely. With the prestige left by Napoleon, the British will only overestimate the strength of France and cannot underestimate it.

Since supporting the restoration of the Spanish royal family, the French strategic situation in Europe has reversed. The London government is still having a headache to split the French-Western alliance, and there is no reason to continue to win them allies. "

After the restoration of Napoleon III in the middle of the 19th century, France broke the shackles of the Vienna system, and its military strength was resurrected.

European countries were worried about the military threat from France. Under the auspices of Austria, the West, Pud, Switzerland, Belgium, and the Netherlands signed a common defense treaty, and the French strategy fell into a passive state.

Of course, the French expansion has not been blocked. For example: Osa ’s relations are bad, the Kingdom of Sardinia is excluded from the joint defense organization, and the French have only one way to expand to Italy.

In order to change the diplomatic distress, Napoleon III took a series of political and diplomatic actions to improve relations with European countries.

After the outbreak of civil strife in Spain, the French government supported the restoration of Alfonso XII, Spain announced its withdrawal from the United Defense Organization, and the strategic blockade declared bankruptcy.

Geopolitical relations, as France and Spain moved closer, John Niu couldn't sleep. For their own strategic security, the British have been trying to find ways to divide France and Spain.

Prime Minister Felix: "No matter what the reason, it is already a fact that France and France are closer. Without the cooperation of the British, it is difficult for us to stop all this.

The French are ambitious and have always wanted to seize continental hegemony, it is impossible to refuse to send home the Pope Federation.

The two parties already have the benefit basis for cooperation. Even if they are not aligned, the relationship will go further. We need to be prepared in advance to avoid being caught off guard. "

No way, the Pope Federation chose the British, and Austria could only support the Russians, which was determined by national interests.

Franz is not interested in continental hegemony, but this cannot be said! Austria has no ambitions for continental Europe, and Franz himself did not believe this.

This is not a question of ambition, it is mainly determined by strength. Whether you like it or not, as long as the strength is reached, interest groups will push the government upward.

Austria is not moving now, that is the game is still in progress. The French mighty tigers are there. On the bright side, France and Austria have equal military strength, and the British are on the side.

Austria's rise was a one-point military and a nine-point politics, and there were fewer domestic radicals. The ideal strategy of most people is to unify the German region, and dominating the world is not within the scope of the plan.

Of course, this is also related to the distribution of benefits. Austria has gained a lot in the colonial movement. As a vested interest, naturally it is not so cynical and it is anxious to break the world order.

Minister of Foreign Affairs Weissenberg: "The situation is not so serious, and the closeness of the Franco-Prussian law is not all bad. At least the German Federation will fall to us. If you are lucky, you can win Belgium.

As long as the Russians do not fall, the Popo Federation will always be contained, and the main thing we need to face is France.

The only headache is the uncertainty over the choice of the British. However, this is not difficult to resolve. There are definitely more anti-French factions in the London government than anti-Olympic factions. Our diplomatic advantage is even greater.

Moreover, it is still Belgium and the German Confederation. It is impossible for the London government to completely ignore the interests of the younger brother. It is more likely that we will work with us to suppress the French. "

The reality is that the French import tens of millions of tons of coal from Belgium and Germany every year, and this number is still increasing.

This has seriously affected the development of the French economy, especially in the field of heavy industry, and France has lagged behind Britain and Austria.

Even if the French government wants to maintain restraint, domestic capitalists will not agree. If the Paris government does not want to see an escalation in Italy, it must address energy.

Looking around, except for Belgium and the German Federation, Britain and Austria are left with coal resources nearby. This multiple choice question is basically a fixed answer.

Right before that, the French are still actively looking for coal mines, and look forward to gaining ground in the North African colonies. When they finish prospecting, they will take the most extreme way.

Everyone is a realist. As soon as the French move, Belgium and Germany will find that the British are unreliable. Only Austria has an option.

Franz shook his head: "It's not that simple. Hate cannot control the British's decision. They will only be affected by their interests.

Judging from the current situation, France's demand for resources continues to increase, at most not more than two decades, and the French will reach out to Germany and Germany for resources.

At that time we will either enter the market passively or actively participate in the game. The British will still continue their balancing strategy, whoever is stronger will suppress whoever.

From the economic data point of view, the French have deviated. In order to maintain rapid economic growth, I do not know which genius came up with the development of an industrial chain with the financial industry as its core.

At the current speed of development, how long do you think the balance between France and Austria can be maintained? "

The nature of the usury empire has not changed. Since the death of Napoleon III, the French government has been unable to suppress the domestic capitalists, and the economy has been involuntarily inclined to finance.

With the intensification of the energy crisis, the cost of France's industry has continued to increase, this situation has become more and more intensified, and the proportion of manufacturing in the GDP has become lower and lower.

In the short term, illusory figures have masked contradictions, and everyone can't see the crisis yet. But once the war breaks out, all problems will break out.

Needless to say, the world's boss always wants to suppress the second child. The French bubble was punctured, when the Austrians and the British turned their faces.

Economic Minister Reinhard Haldergen: "How long the military balance can be maintained depends on changes in the international situation. But economically, the balance has long been broken.

According to the data collected by the Bureau of Statistics, the industrial strength of France is only 68.1% of the British, and only 58.6% of ours. This proportion is still declining.

The gap in the heavy industry sector is even greater. Take the steel industry as an example: French steel output is only 37.2% of the British, less than one-third of ours.

Coal production is even more disparate, less than a third of the Britons, and less than a quarter of ours.

These data can already explain a lot of problems. It is worth mentioning that the newly added Italy region has hardly contributed to French heavy industry. Coal production can be ignored, and steel has only a few small workshops. "

Not to despise the Italian region, there are really not many resources. The capitalists were willing to support Napoleon III in order to obtain more cheap industrial raw materials.

No one expected that France is also barren. The annexation of the Italian region merely increased the national strength of France in name. In fact, it was more of a burden.

In addition, without the Italian region, France's resources are scarcely less than it is now.

After hesitating for a moment, Franz made the decision: "Accelerate the negotiation process with the Russians. As long as the Russians are willing to deposit the reserved gold in the Austrian National Bank, the shortfall will accept their territorial mortgage.

If the Tsarist government agrees to use 90% of the funds to purchase Austrian goods, we accept that they use industrial raw materials to pay off their debts. "

It doesn't matter whether the loan is collected or not. Since the Popo Federation has made a choice, Austria can't help but respond.

Moreover, this is already doomed. With the international credibility of the Tsarist government, who dares to lend money to them except Austria?

If the Vienna government did not support the Russians, the war would have been divided before the war had begun.

The face of the Chancellor of the Exchequer Karl changed sharply, and he quickly discouraged: "His Majesty, the Russians are in very bad financial condition. Even if they win the war, they will not be able to pay back the money.

There is no problem with gold collateral. But territorial mortgages are completely unnecessary, and Austria doesn't need these bad places now.

Dividing the Popo Federation is nothing but a blank check. Now that the British have decided to support the Popo Federation, the French have a good chance of supporting them.

Backed by Britain and France, even if the Russians can win, they will not destroy the Commonwealth Federation. At the most, they will take back Poland. We do n’t need these bad places. "

Carl repeatedly emphasized "bad land", and Franz also had a headache. Beginning with the localization of Africa, the desire of Vienna's top executives to expand on the European continent is gone.

It's not that the land that the Russians took out for mortgage was really rotten. On the contrary, it was very fertile, mainly because the cost required was too high.

Franz explained bluntly: "This is a strategic need. We need to defeat both Russia and Russia and eliminate two potential threats at the same time.

Without funding the Tsarist government, what did the Russians use to fight?

The issue of collateral can also be discussed slowly with the Russians. You can fool the Tsarist government first, as long as they win the war, they can trade the territory of the Federation of Popo.

For the homeland of the German region, we can replace it in the ratio of 1: 3 and let them mortgage the Ukrainian region as much as possible.

If the Tsarist government insists on using Bulgaria as a mortgage, let them add Constantinople. They can also be allowed to redeem, but at a profit. "

Chancellor of the Exchequer Carr worried: "With the credibility of the Tsarist government, I am afraid it will be difficult for them to implement the treaty, and then I am afraid it will be another dispute."

Not "fear", but disputes are bound to occur. With the credibility of the Russians, the possibility of proactively fulfilling promises is almost zero, and by that time it still depends on strength.

Franz is very relieved that the Popo Federation is not weak, and the post-war Russian empire will also have to be peeled.

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