Holy Roman Empire

Chapter 593: Refugee wave

Since May, the Ottoman government has subconsciously reduced relief food. Bread that was originally mixed with leaves and sand can no longer be guaranteed.

The stomach can't fool people, and dissatisfaction rises among refugees. News of food shortages spread wildly in the camp, all kinds of rumors were flying, and people were heartbroken for a while.

In a refugee camp on the Persian border, Akoyor, who had just received a day of food, came out dissatisfied.

A fist-sized potato is all he has today. Not to mention adults, even children aged five or six are not enough.

Oh, there are no young children in the refugee camp anymore, the youngest is half a dozen. In the years of fleeing, the earliest deaths were young children and the elderly.

The Ottoman Empire was originally poor, and eating a full meal has always been the luxury of most people. Not to mention after becoming a refugee.

After getting the food, Akyol left immediately with a few friends and relatives. The camp is also not safe. If you do n’t hold a group, it may become food for other people.

Human nature is not worth mentioning in the face of hunger. Akyol saw too much Yi Yi eating along the way, and now he dare not completely trust anyone.

A companion asked anxiously: "Akyol, you have a wide range of knowledge, and now food is getting less and less. What shall we do next?"

They are considered to have a bottom line among the refugees. Even if they are hungry, they have not learned how to eat human flesh.

Of course, this bottom line is limited to now, and if it continues, no one can guarantee that they will not be assimilated.

Akyol replied bitterly: "Everyone can find the food that can be found in the surrounding area. The rear army has blocked the road and no one is allowed to pass.

Now I do n’t want to go hungry, I can only venture across the border and go to the Persian border to live. I am afraid that the officials and grandfathers in the country think so too, and they wish that all of us would die. "

The situation has deteriorated to this point, and the previous Sudanese government has primary responsibility. As the government did not control the refugees in time and provided effective relief, more refugees were created.

Otherwise, there are not so many war refugees created by the Russians alone.

After the initial war refugees, the Ottoman government did not provide timely relief. With more and more refugees unable to fill their stomachs by begging, many people have given up their moral bottom line and started to rob the people along the way.

After Pandora's Box was opened, it could no longer be stowed. The people who have been robbed of food by refugees have become new refugees, and then start to cycle.

After the war ended, the Ottoman government began to deal with the refugee problem, at which point the situation was out of control.

In troubled times, a heavy code was used. While relieving refugees, the Ottoman government also adopted brutal means to suppress it, and then it could barely establish order.

It's too late, the refugee crisis has become a national crisis. Due to the inaction of the previous Ottoman government, many of the refugees are very hostile to the government.

Akyol is a craftsman. He is trying to live in the city. He barely knows a few words, has a little knowledge, and a little understanding of the current situation.

Ottoman Al-Shabaab has good publicity and packaging, and has a good reputation in the country. Many people have high hopes, and Akyol is no exception.

I thought that after Al-Shabaab came to power, we would arrange for everyone to return to their hometowns to resume production, but in the name of being scattered, they were expelled to the border.

Seeing that the amount of food distributed is decreasing day by day, the government has not given a statement, Akyol has gradually despaired of the government.

Traveling to Persia to talk about life, this is the small news circulating in the refugee camp, which roughly means complaining: Persian grain harvest this year, the government failed to borrow food in Persia.

The Ottoman and Persian borders are long, and in some places they are still borders between mountains and forests. It is very difficult to completely block the borders.

Someone has already ventured across the border, but it is gone forever, and the situation on the opposite side is unknown. Just a few kilometers away on the border line, there were unlucky eggs caught by Persians hanging on poles.

"But what to do with the Persians, they are all a bunch of executioners, so hot!"

When he said this, Shenke John was still shaking, as if the Persians were in sight.

Akyol shook his head: "The domestic food shortage is real. This war has produced millions of refugees and the country is really out of money.

Expecting the gang of officials to pay for food relief by themselves, I am afraid they are dreaming. I'm afraid you've heard that some people have proposed to cut Tingkou in accordance with tradition in order to weather the food crisis.

If it turns out to be a reality, we ordinary people without background will probably be washed away.

If you do n’t run now, you wo n’t be able to run afterwards. I've already thought about leaving now. We pretend to be digging wild vegetables. In case the Persians find out, they will be mistakenly bitten by one bite. "

When he said this, Akyol had no idea, but in order to survive, he had to pull everyone to run with him.

Xenophobia is very serious in this era. If a single person enters a foreign country, how can he survive?

There are now tens of thousands of refugees on the border. Persians are bound to intercept as long as they do not want to be hit by the refugee wave.

At this time, luck will be tested. If you are unlucky and meet the patrol of the garrison, you will die for nothing.

Just by taking a meal, you can get back a good life, which is only the treatment of the master with good luck. Ordinary people are hung on poles and used to kill a hundred.


In the Ottoman barracks not far from the camp, Major General Shen Dierke, who is responsible for implementing the refugee deportation plan, is at a loss.

Although he continued to seduce news, cut food supplies, put pressure on them, and encouraged refugees to go to Persia for living, too few people successfully crossed the border.

This "less" is relatively speaking. On the long border, there are now hundreds of refugees and thousands of refugees entering Persia every day.

However, this number is almost negligible relative to the entire refugee community. As the granary bottomed out every day, Major General Shen Dierke was in a hurry.

"All of you, our food is about to run out and we will be completely out of food after half a month. In any case, we must send refugees away within half a month.

Persians are now staring closely, and the success rate of refugees crossing the border is very low. Especially after the **** massacre of the garrison, many refugees dare not cross the border.

This situation must be changed, otherwise the consequences will be clear to everyone. "

A young military officer couldn't bear to ask, "General, is there really no way out? You must know that the Persians are fierce and let the refugees pass by, and the last one will survive at most."

Major General Shen Dierke shook his head: "It's good to have one or two out of ten. It's better than staying to die. I want to remind you to put away your poor sympathy.

You should be aware that there are not so many refugees originally, it is because of the sympathy of some people that has led to the current situation.

If no change is made, all Ottomans will become refugees. The government's family has been exhausted by the war. The treasury can run mice. In order to relieve refugees, even military operations to suppress the rebellion have been suspended.

Let me tell you the bad news. The domestic grain output this year is expected to be only about 60% of normal years. If the refugees are not sent away, everyone will be hungry before the autumn harvest. "

The Ottoman Empire has extensive experience in dealing with famine. According to the Turkic tradition, usually at this time, a war is waged, the population is reduced through the war, and the crisis is passed.

Unfortunately, this ancient practice has become increasingly outdated. With the advent of the age of hot weapons, the Ottoman Empire was declining, and it no longer had the power to siege the city.

After a long silence, a middle-aged officer proposed: "General, the Persians have strengthened their vigilance, and in order for most refugees to pass, they must first resolve the garrison.

Otherwise, let us disguise the soldiers as refugees, attack the Persian garrison directly, tear open a hole with force, and let the refugees pass.

For the sake of insurance, it is best to merge Kiyoshi within 50 miles to let the refugees know that there is no food around them and break their illusions of return. "

"Merger of Qingye" was nothing at all to the Ottoman Empire. The scourge of refugee camps had been stricken for decades, and the locals had also been turned into refugees.

Seeing more, everyone ’s sympathy is gradually exhausted, and many people start to treat refugees as a scourge. This statement is not wrong, human nature cannot stand the test before hunger.


In the early morning of May 18, 1875, the Ottoman army took off its military uniform, turned into a refugee, and launched a surprise attack on the Persian garrison from multiple locations.

The unexpected Persian garrison was directly blinded by the sudden battle. Without waiting for the Persian government to respond, countless refugee troops followed.

In one day, millions of refugees crossed the border and poured into Persia. Under the guidance of the Ottoman army, refugees were wreaking havoc in Persia as if they were transiting.

This is just the beginning. The Ottoman government continues to expel domestic refugees into Persia, as if Persia was used as a scrap purchase station.

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