Holy Roman Empire

Chapter 592: Make a living

Time passed quickly. On April 28, 1875, Franz was crowned King of Jerusalem in a cheer, and history opened a new page.

Immediately after the coronation ceremony, Franz received a bad news, uncle Ferdinand I was critically ill.

God did not care for him, even in the Holy Land, he could not suppress the sickness.

Ferdinand I ’s illness has a long history. Being able to persevere until now is a miracle in itself. Want to be “cured”, not to mention that even now, even one hundred years later, the medical profession is powerless.

Franz sighed after visiting the unconscious uncle. It is the most helpless to be born, sick, and dead. The uncle of the original time and space also died that year, and the butterfly effect did not change the outcome.

People can't be ruthless, and Ferdinand I has no children. From an early age, he treats Franz as a biological son, and can even be regarded as a doting.

Although Ferdinand I would be confused from time to time, this did not damage the feelings of the two. At that time, Franz didn't beat the uncle's banner flickering, and it was common to counterfeit the book.

Now I think about it carefully, so many times I have not helped, I am afraid that my uncle took the initiative to carry a lot of blame for him.


The emperor was destined to be lonely, and while Franz was feeling, a message interrupted his sentimentality.

"Is the message ok?"

It's not that Franz is rare and weird. It's too surprising. It's beyond Franz's imagination.

The Prime Minister Felix replied affirmatively: "It has been determined. The Ottoman Empire is indeed guiding refugees to the Persian border, and the external explanation is for decentralization.

By the way, the Ottoman Empire is still recruiting heavily. Among the refugees, 16 to 50 years old, all were recruited. It is said that it was to suppress the rebellion.

The London embassy also confirmed that the British had recently provided a loan to the Ottoman Empire and specified that it must be used to suppress the rebellion.

The rebels of the Ottoman Empire were all in the dark, and they were scattered and fighting, and they were not opponents of government forces at all.

The Ottoman Empire's increased enlistment efforts are probably aimed at waging war against Persia and diverting domestic conflicts. "

The Ottoman Empire attacked Persia? Franz shook his head, he always felt unreliable. I was just beaten up, and immediately jumped out to do things, wasn't it tiring?

Don't look at the Ottoman Empire being a bit stronger than Persia, but they can't hold back more enemies. Whether it is Austria or Russia, as long as they pull their hind legs, they will lose all their achievements.

What if we don't win the war? Instead of risking a war, it is better to fight the civil war in the country. When the population is almost consumed, the domestic contradictions will be resolved.

"This conclusion may not be correct. Now the imperative of the Ottoman Empire is the refugee crisis and the suppression of the rebellion. What good is it for them to attack Persia?

Unless Al-Shabaab is a bunch of fools, we should know that the current Ottoman Empire cannot afford the war, and even if it wins Persia, the refugee crisis cannot be solved. "

There is no problem using war to transfer contradictions. The Ottoman Empire and Persia are also hostile, and there is no pressure to attack Persia.

The problem is that Persia is not a wealthy owner. It is almost impossible to get enough food from Persia to survive the crisis.

Foreign Minister Weissenberg: "His Majesty, there may be British people behind this. We have extended our influence to the Middle East, and the British will definitely take action.

From the standpoint of the London government, to ensure that India is foolproof, it is best to hold Persia in your hands and divide the sphere of influence with us in the two river basins.

But more than a decade ago, the British invasion of Persia ended in failure, and the London government should have some fear. They are likely to draw the attention of the Ottomans and create opportunities for another invasion of Persia.

The problem of the Ottoman Empire is no small, no big, it is nothing more than a matter of money. If Britain could afford it, it would still be able to weather the crisis for them. "

The money and food needed by the Ottoman Empire is an astronomical figure, but this "astronomical figure" is also relatively speaking.

It is an "astronomical figure" for ordinary countries, but for the British, it is a huge sum and crowding out.

The 5 million tons of food gap sounds terrible. But these foods are not needed at one time, but the food gap in the next year or two.

If all the cheapest potato flour is purchased, it will actually cost tens of millions of shields. The Ottomans are not qualified to be picky eaters, and it is good to have them.

The only problem is that the Ottoman empire's ability to repay is worrying. It is too risky to lend money to such a precarious country.

"Refugees", "Borders" ...

Franz's light flashed and he instantly understood.

"People are staring at the number of Ottoman refugees scattered across the border. I suspect Al-Shabaab wants refugees to feed in Persia.

There are too many refugees in the Ottoman Empire, which has exceeded the limit of the country's tolerance, and it is impossible to rescue them all.

For anyone to govern, there must be a choice. If nothing else, the Ottoman Empire will soon expel the national minorities.

For security reasons, the border guards were ordered to be more vigilant and to prohibit any illegal immigrants from entering. Especially the Dardanelles, don't let people sneak in. "

In Franz's view, the Ottomans were a dangerous move, completely dead. The country will explode as soon as there is a slight omission in the plan.

Even if Franz changes, he will still choose to gamble. There is still a chance for betting. If you do n’t bet, you just wait for death.

The government has no money and is unable to help so many refugees. This is a practical issue and will not be transferred by individual will.

At this time, you can't listen to the party's letter, and it is blown up by the ceiling, and it's just as if you can't produce food. Borrowing foreign debt is easier said than done, but capitalists are not stupid, and it is impossible to get money out of the water.

It is cruel to let refugees go abroad to make a living. Anyway, it is also a hope of life. At least some lucky people can survive, and it is better than all staying alive to die.

Perhaps the refugees will hit not only Persia, but also the Russian Empire and Austria.

However, Franz is not very worried. The area bordering Austria and the Ottoman Empire is either the vast sea or the vast desert, and a small part of the oasis is also an agricultural fallow area, which is a normal operation for hundreds of miles of uninhabited people.


Ankara, after a political struggle, the new Sultan Abdul Hamid II has been born.

Over time, the refugee crisis has continued to climax. Although Midhart rightly rejected the British insidious proposal, he was very honest in his actions.

Whether it was intentional or unintentional, a large number of refugees were diverted into border areas. How can light hit Persia?

Persia is also an agricultural country with limited productivity and cannot afford so many refugees. Middle-hatched bottom line, still want to let more people survive.

So the other two neighbors were also the destination of the fleeing mission. Middlehart also specially arranged for people to join the refugees and prepare to lead the fleeing campaign.

In order to avoid international conflicts, this operation, nominally, is a fugitive movement of people's spontaneous action, and has nothing to do with the Ottoman government.

Abdul Hamid II asked with interest: "Are you ready, prime minister?"

Sitting in this position, I learned that Sudan's troubles. Abdul Hamid II did not want to be ousted from office and died.

Now he must rely on Al-Shabaab to resolve the refugee crisis in the country. In contrast, the ongoing civil war is less important.

The first restriction of the national insurgent army was the word "nation". This innate condition restricted the development of the insurgent army.

The number of ethnic minorities is limited, and the national uprising army only operates in its own ethnic region. There is no mass basis in changing places, and it is difficult to recruit troops.

In this context, the refugee crisis is particularly dazzling. The ethnic conflicts of the Ottoman Empire are serious, and we want everyone to unite only when we are trying to survive.

Refugees have just broken this restriction. Once the government stops relief, in order to survive, rebellion is almost an inevitable result. Millions of people rebelled together, and **** could not save the Ottoman Empire.

Midha nodded characteristically: "It is almost ready. If the plan goes smoothly, more than two million people are expected to leave and go to Persia, Russia, and Austria to make a living. By then, the domestic food crisis will be resolved."


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