Holy Roman Empire

Chapter 594: response

Thanks to the credit of the telegraph, what happened in Persia soon spread across the European continent, and it instantly shocked the world.

Franz, as one of the first people to know the Ottoman actions, was shocked by the determination of the Ottoman Al-Shabaab.

This is not the best option, but it is the best option for the Ottoman government. With fiscal depletion, diversion of refugees to neighbouring countries is the most effective way to survive the crisis.

Austria and Russia can not afford to offend. The two countries have blocked the border. Only a few people can sneak across, and then they can only catch Persian soft persimmon and bully him.

As for the terrible consequences, aren't they still endorsed by the British? The fight against the Persians is what the London government wants to see, and the British have come forward to deal with it, and in the end most of it has been small and small.

Franz asked with concern: "How many Ottomans have entered the country illegally in recent times?"

Although Austria is not suitable for smuggling, under the pressure of hunger, the number of illegally entering Ottomans has increased sharply in recent times.

Felix: "There are about 80,000 people, of which 78,000 have been caught. The defenders have tried to capture as few people as possible, but some Ottomans are hungry and deliberately sent them to be caught by the defenders. .

According to regulations, these people have violated Austrian law and must be punished, and the garrison can only arrest them and bring them to justice. "

Franz's unscrupulous thought, I am afraid that not only some people were deliberately caught by the defenders, but many people deliberately sent them to the door.

They are going to starve to death, who cares what happens if they are caught? The worst result was nothing more than being killed by the defenders on the spot and being relieved.

Besides, whether returning home or being sentenced to jail, Austrians should also take care of the food first, right? I can make a good meal, and that's what I make.

After a moment of contemplation, Franz made the decision: "Sentencing in accordance with our law, the Arabian Peninsula needs to return farmland to forests and grasses. These people will stay and grow grass and trees!

After serving, he will be repatriated to the Ottoman Empire. Presumably, the Ottoman government will be able to accept it. "

The dignity of the law must be maintained, and no matter what the reason is, it must be held accountable if it violates the law.

As for the completion of service and repatriation, everyone directly ignored. According to Austrian law, illegal immigration started five years ago, and mass incidents were doubled.

By the time these people have finished serving, it is estimated that they will almost become obsolete. For a long time to come, the Arabian Peninsula is in a state of fallow, thousands of miles are uninhabited, and guards can save a lot.

These years in prison in Austria, it was not easy at all, especially the recidivism.

No matter you are going to mines or building railways, you must complete daily tasks to get food for the next day, otherwise you will be hungry!

Now that human rights are not spoken, people who starve to death need not be held responsible. It's best not to get sick, otherwise the chances of survival are very low.

This is the case in the whole society. The life expectancy of workers after entering the factory is only a dozen years. This is the result of the strengthening of management by the Vienna government.

Not to mention prisons, don't think of those who have served more than ten years. Those who can last more than five years are blessed by God.

Foreign Minister Weissenberg: "His Majesty, the Persian government has protested the atrocities of the Ottoman Empire in the international community and asked us to intervene in this incident.

The Persians are sincere, and if we intervene, we can increase our influence in the Persian region. Considering the next strategy, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs considers it necessary for me to step in. "

Intervention must be intervened. Now that Austria is the "enemy" of the Ottoman Empire, how can things not be done to the enemy?

As an excuse to come, if the Vienna government does not take action, I am afraid that everyone will feel that there is a problem.

Intervention is necessary, but how to intervene will test diplomacy. In the face of an enemy that is full of flaws, you must strike selectively. If you accidentally kill yourself, it will be a tragedy.

Franz: "The formation of an international investigation team will cause trouble for the Ottomans in diplomacy. It is estimated that the British will cause trouble and let them do the work.

As for Persia, it is not the goal of our expansion. If the British would pay the price, let them be fine. "

Austria now needs time to develop the African continent and has no energy to continue its expansion into South Asia. At this time, it is not worth strategically to accept the Persians and the British to confront each other.

Franz didn't like to sell teammates either, so the Persians promised to give up.

Of course, the prerequisite for all this is that the British are willing to pay the price, otherwise, the knife is still indispensable.

The international situation has developed to this stage. The possibility of a large-scale conflict between Britain, France, Austria and Austria in a short period of time has become infinitely small. Most of the most commonly used methods in the future will be stabbed with a knife.

This is somewhat similar to the original time and space. The collapse of the colonial empire and the spread of nationalism are actually the results of imperialist nations' stabbing each other.


The Tsarist government is also worried about sudden refugees in St. Petersburg. Although not as many Persians poured into the Russian Empire, this unit was still ten thousand.

The mountains of the Caucasus are not conducive to the passage of large military forces and are very conducive to defense. But it is also conducive to the infiltration of refugees, sneaking in from a certain mountain.

The garrison wants to defend, but it is actually powerless, unless heavy soldiers are deployed on each hill, otherwise the influx of refugees will not be blocked.

Of course, the mountainous terrain is not completely unhelpful, at least some of the physically incapable refugees have been intercepted. Those who can enter the Russian Empire are basically young and strong, and most of the old and weak died in the climbing.

For some countries, increasing labor may be a good thing, but it definitely does not include the Russian Empire.

As one of the most populous countries in Europe, Russia has people. Coupled with the low level of industrialization and limited demand for labor, the Tsarist government has no direct love for refugees.

Alexander II said weakly: "Send someone to contact the Austrians and ask if they need labor."

In order to develop the African continent, Austria has been recruiting immigrants on the European continent. It was carried out in the name of a civilian colonial company, and the Russian Empire was also an important source of immigration.

"His Majesty, the Austrian colonial companies have never accepted the Ottomans, they will not accept these refugees," explained Foreign Minister Chris Basham.

There is no shortage of people in Austrian Africa, but not everyone needs them. Unfortunately, the Ottomans were turned away. The colonial government clearly stated that illegal immigrants were organized to mine.

Not only are the executors unlucky, even the shareholders of the colonial company will be held accountable. In this regard, the Vienna government is very strict, and those who tried the law were penalized.

Alexander II asked unwillingly: "Then the American countries, would they accept the refugees?"

Now Alexander II very much hopes that someone will come to take over the market. Regardless of the price, he can deal with these people, that is, make money.

Chris Basham shook his head: "Your Majesty, if it is a slave, it may still be sold. If it is ***, it will not be sold at all.

The capitalists and planters only like obedient slaves and have no love for the Ottomans. If it could be sold, Austria would not send the Ottomans back home. "

The slave trade has been suppressed by European countries nominally. In fact, it has always existed secretly. Even the British who advocated the abolition of slavery secretly continued.

In the face of interest, capitalists have never been disciplined. Not doing that is simply because the benefits are not big enough, and Austria's ability to make bird exchanges on the African continent is the result of the Vienna government subsidizing labor export companies.

If the Tsarist government is willing to pay, none of these issues will be a problem. In this age, American countries were relatively salty fish. Although immigration was needed, the government rarely took the initiative to recruit immigrants in Europe.

On the one hand, the cost of immigration is high; on the other hand, the locals are afraid that the immigrants will rob the job. On the whole, the people are opposed to immigrants.

Unfortunately, Alexander II did not want these refugees, essentially because he did not want to pay. The Russian Empire's industry was underdeveloped and there were not so many positions to house refugees.

Even if it is sent to the mine for mining, it is a loss. This will seize the work of the original miners and increase social conflicts.

After hesitating for a moment, Alexander II frowned and made a decision: "Order the garrison to send these people to the Ottoman Empire, if any refugees break in-kill!

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs has warned the Ottoman government that if they are unable to maintain domestic order, we will be happy to send troops to help. "

The "reputation" is useful to others. For the Tsarist government, this is the case anyway, and it can never be worse.

There was no order to kill the refugees, it was Alexander II who paid attention to international influence. Otherwise, it is normal operation to kill all of them with the grudges of Russia and the Ottoman Empire.

"Yes, Your Majesty!" Chris Basham replied

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