Holy Roman Empire

Chapter 589: Ottoman crisis

Pilgrimage is significant to most people, but Franz is not included here.

As emperor was privileged, Franz avoided a series of activities directly under the pretext of handling government affairs. He had made up his mind not to show up until the time he was crowned.

The charm of Jerusalem is big. Not only the old and young Franzs came, but the high-ranking Vienna government also followed.

Whether these people are devout believers or not, it doesn't matter, but for politicians, participating in this Jerusalem crown is very meaningful.

This is the first king born in the Christian world in the hundreds of years lost in Jerusalem. Regardless of its political significance or religious significance, it is worthy of detailed records in the history books.

As a participant, leaving names in history is inevitable. And there will be a high historical evaluation. Combined with the development of Austria, it is likely that this cabinet will be a myth.

The Huahua sedan is carried by everyone. Since ancient times, the wise men have matched Mingjun. The two sides have complemented each other. Franz never minds that his men have a good reputation and high reputation.


In the royal palace of jerusalem

Minister of Foreign Affairs Weissenberg: "His Majesty, it has just been reported that there has been a coup in Ankara, the reform leader Da Vizier was killed, and Abdul Aziz I was abolished.

According to the information we received, the coup was initiated by the Ottoman Al-Shabaab, the main students of the coup, and some new troops participated.

After the coup, conservatives and religious people also joined in. Now the situation in Ankara is completely out of control. "

Because of the butterfly effect, the Ottoman Al-Shabaab is also a little different from the original time and space. The formation time has been advanced and the characters participating have also changed.

After the First Near East War, people of insight who were unwilling to watch the Ottoman Empire sink down formed the Patriotic Alliance. Because the participants are mostly patriotic youths, they are known as Ottoman Al-Shabaab.

The impact of the loss of the Balkans was too great. As soon as this organization appeared, it quickly developed and grew in the Ottoman Empire.

The development and growth of Al-Shabaab also caused anxiety in the Sudanese government, which soon ushered in government suppression. Due to the chaotic internal organizational structure, Al-Shabaab soon fell into trouble.

It was precisely at this time that Abdul Aziz I, who had just succeeded the throne, kicked off the reform. Many Sudanese government policies have eased internal contradictions to some extent.

After the outbreak of the Prussian-Russian war, the Sudanese government speculated successfully and recovered the Caucasus from the Russians. The prestige of the government increased, and the Ottoman Al-Shabaab was divided.

Under normal circumstances, this organization, like most revolutionary organizations, will disappear into the long stream of history in obscurity.

Just before the Ottoman Al-Shabaab was about to end, the Second Near East War broke out and rescued the organization.

After another failure, the Sudanese government lost its people's foundation, and all levels of society lost confidence in the government and fell into a loss.

After recollecting the information in his mind, Franz asked with concern: "How about the strength of the Ottoman Al-Shabaab, is it possible to merge with the conservatives?"

The bourgeois revolutionary organizations of this era are not very firm in their revolutionary positions. Especially in countries like Ottoman Empire where capital economy has not developed, many members of Al-Shabaab are still of feudal nobility.

It is naturally impossible to carry out your own life so thoroughly. Since this uprising was defined as a coup, Franz knew that the revolutionary road of the Ottoman Empire was long.

The key is whether the Ottoman Al-Shabaab can stabilize the situation, keep the Ottoman empire, and prevent the empire that is caught in the civil war from being completely divided.

Weissenberg shook his head: "The Ottoman Al-Shabaab has grown very fast recently. It has more than 100,000 members and has won the support of many young military officers.

However, these are all false. Al-Shabaab is full of mountains and lacks a strong leader. It is difficult to integrate these forces together.

The Ottoman Al-Shabaab are mostly young people who have accepted new ideas. They have irreconcilable contradictions in their ideological concepts with the conservatives. Especially on religious issues, the two sides cannot compromise.

Abdul-Aziz I wanted to carry out secular reforms, but he was blocked by conservatives. Now Ottoman Al-Shabaab is also facing difficulties in reform.

If no accidents occur, the Ottoman government will fall into a struggle for power for a long time to come. Coupled with the turbulent national independence movement in the country, the possibility of the Ottoman Empire splitting is very high. "

Most people in this era thought that the Ottoman Empire was falling behind, mainly due to religion and institutions. With secular reforms and learning from the Western political system, the Ottoman Empire will soon be strong.

This judgment cannot be wrong, as Franz sees it far from enough. If only the reform of religion and the political system can achieve the strength of a country, then a strong country is too simple.

The priority of the Ottoman Empire is not reform, but stability. Regimes are not stable, and talk of reform is completely redundant.

After eliminating the unnecessary thoughts, Franz made a decision: "Let them go about the Ottoman Empire. Anyway, we are already enemies. Even if we help them, they will not appreciate it.

Since Britain and France decided to support the Ottoman Empire, they would not watch them split. A torn apart Ottoman empire, not only can't hold us back, it's the fat we give us.

Now I'm in contact with the nationalist groups in Ottoman. If the Ottoman empire really splits, it will also split within the framework we have set. "

Keeping the Ottoman Empire, Franz is no longer fantasizing.

Although the existence of the Ottoman Empire is more conducive to the concealment of Austria's strategy, from the position of the Vienna government, there is no reason to help the Ottoman Empire stabilize the situation.

As for British and French intervention, to keep the Ottoman Empire? Franz really didn't like them. What about the other insurgents in Ottoman?

Armenian, Greek, Jewish insurgents ...

Most of these armed groups were supported by Austria and Russia during the Near East War, and now have certain strengths.

Although the Second Near East War ended, the aftermath of the war has just begun.

A series of factors such as the post-war economic depression, the refugee crisis, and the government's financial dilemma all haunted the Ottoman government.

Britain and France are not charitable, and it is impossible to invest funds indefinitely. Stuck by government finances, Abdul Aziz I failed to solve these problems, and the current Ottoman Al-Shabaab also does not.


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