Holy Roman Empire

Chapter 590: Fierce

After news of the Ankara coup in London, the Prime Minister knew that things would be worse.

The problem of the Ottoman Empire is not something that can be solved by changing the government. No matter who comes to power, the first problem is to solve the refugee crisis and suppress the rebellion.

The Sudanese government failed to complete these two tasks, not only because of their decay and incompetence, but because they really couldn't do it. Make bricks without straw. Whoever changed it is the same.

"What is the minimum investment required for the Ottoman Empire to resume agricultural production?"

Marquis McLean, Foreign Minister, shook his head: "I am afraid that no one can answer this question, Prime Minister. The Russians have done a terrific job, destroying all infrastructure that can be destroyed before the withdrawal.

According to information from the embassy, ​​almost no complete building could be found in areas occupied by the Russian army, and they destroyed all buildings except the church.

Even the countryside has not been spared. Houses, farmland, bridges, and dams have been bombed. They even artificially blocked the river channels and turned the farmland downstream into the country of Ze.

It is said that the Russians consumed tens of thousands of tons of explosives only for the purpose of destruction, and the Russian occupied area was almost completely white.

The Ottoman government resumed the spring ploughing plan, and it failed completely under the destruction of the Russians. According to the current situation, even by 1876, the Ottomans recovered at most half of the local agricultural production.

The Sudanese government did not have the financial resources to persist for so long. In order to relieve the refugees, the Sudanese government embezzled most of the government's funds, including education funds.

The cause of the coup was the misappropriation of education funds by the Sudanese government. The problem is now Ottoman Al-Shabaab. "

Prime Minister Galston nodded. Russia and Turkey have a long history of hatred, and the Russians have resorted to vengeance. He was not surprised.

The previous Russian-Turkish war was more **** than this, and it was not surprising that tens of thousands of people were slaughtered at one time.

No farmland or river has been blown up in the past, not because the Russians are soft-hearted, mainly because the industrial technology has not developed to the present level.

This time the logistics were provided by Austria, and the Russians did not need to save. Now it is about to evacuate. The ship is still provided by Austria. The large hidden supplies hidden in front can't be hidden now.

Food and other living materials can also be said to be seized trophies and ammunition produced by the Austrian arsenal, which cannot be explained in any case.

The Russians were also fierce enough to release all these ammunition on the Asia Minor Peninsula. Except for giving the face of God not to blow up the church, they blow up everything that can be blown up.

After filling his brain, Prime Minister Gulston had a headache. The Russians are having a good time this time, and now where is the Ottoman Empire going?

The cost of rescue is too great; if it is not saved, the Ottoman Empire will certainly be overwhelmed by refugees, and it will inevitably be annexed by Austria.

"What are you going to do?"

Marquis Macleans frowned, answering with a embarrassed face: "This problem is not difficult to solve, at least for the Ottoman Empire. As long as they are fierce, they can ..."

The faces of the people changed greatly, and the number of refugees in the Ottoman Empire was quite large. Even if hundreds of thousands died this winter, there were at least two million.

According to Marc Maclean's plan, although the refugee crisis was resolved once and for all, the losses to the Ottoman Empire were catastrophic.

However, everyone has no objection and can climb to this position. Everyone is a firm-minded generation, and it is not easy to be controlled by personal feelings.

What does the life of the Ottomans have to do with them? In a time when millions of people die from hunger every year in the world, everyone's sympathy has long been exhausted.

After lingering two steps, Prime Minister Gilston said: "This matter has nothing to do with us, everything is the Ottoman's own choice.

What we have to do now is to provide them with a counterinsurance fund to stabilize the situation in the Ottoman Empire as soon as possible, and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs shall monitor their use.

At the same time, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs must be prepared. Once the Ottoman government takes action, it will definitely be pointed at by thousands of men. It is also irrelevant to scold international media, but Austrians must not be allowed to seize the handle and take the opportunity to interfere in Ottoman's internal affairs. "

In this regard, the Prime Minister of Gullston is still very relieved. Intelligence shows that Austria is eating into the Arabian Peninsula, and it will be impossible to determine it within a few years.

In the cautious style of the Vienna government, things will not be done for a short time until the Arabian Peninsula is digested.


Ankara, the Ottoman Al-Shabaab, who has just taken power, has fallen into confusion before it has time to enjoy the thrill of power.

The script is not opened in the right way. After overthrowing the decaying government under normal circumstances, under their leadership, shouldn't the Ottoman Empire immediately recover?

However, the reality is exactly the opposite. After the overthrow of Abdul-Aziz I, they have no choice.

This was just a coup, not a revolution, so Al-Shabaab soon took over state power. Of course, it is inevitable that the government is mingled with conservatives and religious figures.

Politics always needs to be compromised. If you are not willing to share your rights, how can you win everyone's support?

After getting the rights, Al-Shabaab members were confused. This is not a empire that is prosperous and rich, but a decaying empire that is full of flaws and that can be disintegrated at any time.

As a Al-Shabaab leader, Middlehart, who had just taken over, quickly became dumbfounded. The issue of rights struggle was put on hold first, and the problem of fiscal bankruptcy was imminent.

The overthrown and overthrown government is also not rich. Perhaps many of its officials are fat, but it is still too small for a country.

This did not release the government's arrears of administrative funds, and the wallet dried up again. The most costly relief for refugees, there is no funding to suppress the rebellion.

I do n’t know Chai Migui if he is not in the house. Now Midhart has finally realized the suffering of the Sudanese government. The government does not have enough money to do anything.

"What do British and French say, wouldn't they offer us a loan?"

Borrow without money, this is the most common practice of the Ottoman Empire. In this era, the two countries that most like to issue loans are Britain and France. More than 80% of the world's international loans are issued by both of them.

"Prime Minister, the French refused our loan. Although the British did not refuse, they also put forward the conditions. This loan can only be used to suppress the rebellion.

And they also proposed that we should resolve the refugee crisis as soon as possible and prove the government's ability to govern. Foreign Minister Hardfao said bitterly

The refugee crisis is well resolved, as long as you have the money. There is not enough food to buy from the two neighbors.

It's a pity that the Ottoman Empire is short of money. Now even if they want a loan, the collateral is hard to find.

This is the pot of the previous government. In order to fight the war, the Sudanese government did its best to raise funds. If there were no international loans, the previous government would have no money to help the refugees.

Unfortunately, Midhart had just spent the money before the previous government came to power and took over a mess.

Of course, if the previous government had not run out of food, the coup would not have succeeded, and it would have been impossible for him to succeed.

Middlehart patted the table: "How to solve it? Millions of people reached out to us for dinner, and the government's food was held for up to two months.

In such a short period of time, even if the spring ploughing is supplemented, the harvest cannot be expected. Moreover, our farmland has been severely damaged, and most of our lands cannot be restored to farming within the year.

Our food gap this year is as high as 3.16 million tons, and at least 5 million tons of food will be needed to completely resolve the refugee crisis before we can get out of the plight. "

The figures of the British were not accurate. The Ottoman refugees were not only the original three million or more, but they were later expelled from Austria.

This number is increasing every day, and the Vienna government has performed very well in repatriating Ottomans.

In addition, civil war is also the main cause of the increase in refugees. During the suppression of the rebellion, the warring parties created another group of refugees.

In this context, the total number of refugees has increased even though many people have died during the winter.

If anyone counts, it will be surprising to find that the number of refugees in the Ottoman Empire has approached 30% of the total population, far exceeding the capacity of a normal country.

"The British have suggested that we deport people who have lost their livelihoods to Persia and alleviate the domestic food crisis.

Or establish a quarantine zone to separate the refugees and let them survive. "

Middlehart was stunned, he couldn't think of anything else. Whether it is deportation, or the establishment of a refugee quarantine area, and let it survive, it means that millions of people will die as a result.

Compared to direct slaughter, there is no essential difference between the two methods. The only difference is that you do not need to carry the charge of a butcher.

This has exceeded the ability of Middlehart's heart to accept. He has just ascended the throne of prime minister, and still retains a trace of conscience.

The savior, who has always claimed to be the Ottoman Empire, is now very challenging to make him determined to sacrifice millions of people.


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