Holy Roman Empire

Chapter 588: Years at sea

The enthusiasm for pilgrimage was unstoppable. After a day in Venice, everyone was resurrected with blood and started a new journey the next day.

Because of seasickness, Franz did not like to run around. He did not even have a special cruise ship with the Austrian royal family. This time he went out to borrow a luxury passenger ship from the royal shipping company.

Despite being a luxury passenger ship, it still looks a little shabby with this family.

No way, time is too short. The coronation time was determined early, and after three to four months, even if the shipyard was able to complete the task, Franz didn't dare to take the ship on schedule.

The core members of the Habsburg dynasty are all on it. If an accident occurs, they will be reimbursed. This risk must not be taken.

Originally, Franz planned to ride a warship, which was safe, convenient, and domineering. It is a pity that the plan does not change quickly. The old and weak women have to follow up, and they have to consider comfort.

Seemingly ordinary travel, the Austrian Mediterranean Fleet came out of the nest. Hundreds of warships, large and small, were scattered along the way, and more than a dozen battleships escorted.

To make such a loud noise is actually showing off force.

Along the Eastern Mediterranean are all Austrian ports. Franz and his team travel by boat during the day and rest on land at night. They only need to spend one night on the boat during the journey. There is no so-called hidden danger.

At the beginning of the year, the Austrian Navy ransacked pirates in the Eastern Mediterranean. Even if there is a fish that leaks the net, no one can't think so. At this time, he ran out to die.

It was another calm day, and the boring Franz stood on the splint and looked into the distance.

"Looking at the sea again, when did Franz like the sea?" Queen Helen's voice sounded.

Franz shook his head and passed the telescope: "Look, those little guys just like the sea."

In the direction of Franz's finger, Queen Helen looked over and said, "It's so young!"

There is also a bit of loneliness in the tone, it seems to be nostalgic for the lost youth.

Franz nodded very cooperatively. Time passed quickly, and he had been an emperor for more than two decades.

Youth and passion, I regret that this is not the life of the emperor. When he was young, he had to be mature enough to be convincing.

After so many years, the status of rights has been solid, and there is no need to pretend it. Unfortunately, the youth that passed away is gone forever.

After years of sentimentality, Franz asked in a consultative tone: "What do you say I let Frederick enter the Navy?"

Entering the military service is an essential life experience for members of the royal family. As the Crown Prince Frederick is no exception, the difference is only in the army or the navy.

As early as during the Near East War, Franz was preparing to throw Frederick into the army's gilded army. Unfortunately, the service time stipulated in the new military service law was 20 years old, which was a little older.

As a rule-maker, Franz is very aware of the consequences of breaking the rules, seemingly inconspicuous changes, but in fact the beginning of the collapse of the system.

Moreover, Frederick was the crown prince and his military achievements could only be icing on the cake. Franz wasn't prepared to train a Napoleonic heir. Austria needed only the guardian.

Queen Helen resolutely replied: "Very bad! Austria is a country with land rights at the core. Even though the navy has expanded rapidly in recent years, the essence has not changed.

Frederick is the crown prince. If he enters the navy, he will send a wrong political signal to the outside world, which will trigger a new round of land and sea disputes. "

After so many years of queen's career, Queen Helen is no longer a political noob, and she still has the most basic judgment ability.

Geography has determined that Austria's land rights-centric strategy cannot be changed at all. There is no room for negotiation in this regard. As neighbors with the three army powers of Russia and France, Austria is doomed to maintain a continental army.

The outside world may not know, but the senior management is very clear, Franz attaches great importance to the development of the army. The total strength has not expanded much, but the number of reserve forces is increasing.

The staff reserve plan is also getting bigger. Today, if a big war breaks out, the Vienna government can mobilize three million reserve forces in one month and increase it to five million in three months.

If Franz had not been very stable, it is estimated that many people would doubt whether the emperor wanted to sweep the European continent, and only then did such a maddening reserve system.

After a long time, everyone will be relieved. His Majesty the Emperor prefers to use diplomatic means, and challenges the world that does not exist.

At present, Austrian fans in the world think that Franz has done so many reserves, mainly to reflect fairness.

In everyone's subconscious, so many people do not need to fight at all, no matter what kind of war, so many troops are not needed.

Up to the royal family, down to the ordinary people, they all have to perform military service together. No one can be an exception. This is itself a manifestation of fairness.

Franz nodded helplessly: "This is indeed a problem, but it cannot be solved.

Forget it, this choice is for Frederick to do it himself, and I can do it for him. "

Franz still had a headache, even if he was confident that he could suppress the military. The dispute between the army and navy will be faced by almost every big country, and it is still an inextricable problem.

If the army and navy get along in harmony, even military expenses are too lazy to fight, then that will be a real disaster.

For example, the kingdom of Montenegro, which was upgraded not long ago, has never had a dispute between the army and navy.

Since the Ottoman Empire withdrew from the Balkan Peninsula, Montenegro has truly been the Nanshan.

I have to say that this is the practice of smart people. For a small country with a population of less than 200,000, the army is a very luxurious thing.

Of course, the Kingdom of Montenegro is also a land and navy in name. The police on land are the Army, and the police responsible for smuggling at sea are the Navy.

Expansion of armaments, what do you want? The neighbor next door is not easy to mess with. If it arouses hostility from the Vienna government, it may be destroyed in minutes.

Fanatic nationalism must also be motivated. The rulers are not fools and ca n’t see what is hoped for. Who will do it with their own lives?

After the pressure was gone, the Kingdom of Montenegro who had farmed with all his heart did well in his childhood. Although he did not become rich, he was on his way to becoming rich.

This time Franz did not intend to visit along the way. He passed through three countries in total. Greece and Montenegro were not worth him to draw in. The Ottoman Empire was already the enemy. It was right to fight. The visit was unnecessary.


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