Holy Roman Empire

Chapter 587: Pilgrimage

In the gold standard era, it is absolutely impossible to have insufficient reserves. Don't look at Britain, France, Austria and the three countries as allies. Once there is a problem with the reform of the French currency, the first to rob the country is Britain and Austria.

This is not to say that other countries have become friendly with France, mainly because their strength is insufficient to make France difficult. In this artillery range is the world of axioms, a big fist still has many benefits.

Napoleon IV asked in confusion: "The price of gold has always been at a high level, and will it also affect Britain and Austria?"

Both the pound and Aegis are gold standards. The price of gold has risen, and the price of the pound and Aegis has also increased. The increase in the value of the currency will also affect the export trade between Britain and Austria.

Finance Minister Allen reluctantly replied: "Your Majesty, the main international settlement currency is the pound sterling and Aegis, and the impact of the rise in the value of the currency on them has been minimized.

On the contrary, we are even more disadvantaged. Influenced by changes in the currency value, more and more capitalists choose to hold the British pound and the Aegis, and the market share of the franc continues to decline. "

This is the power of currency hegemony. Although Aegis and Sterling are competitors, their interests are the same in terms of maintaining the gold standard.

In addition to market share, Britain and Austria also occupy the vast majority of shares in the international import and export trade markets, and countries have to hold a lot of pounds and aegis.

The currency hegemony of the United States in the later generations is almost the same, knowing that holding a large amount of US dollars will be sheared, but there is no way, you must hold it if you want to do international trade.

Unlike other countries, France can make concessions on the currency issue and seek the support of Britain and Austria to complete the gold standard reform. France can only carry it to the end.

This is not just a question of face, it also involves international status and a large number of interests. Once the Paris government is subdued, it is no longer the three major nations that dominate the world, but the British and Olympics have two points.

There is no doubt that the Paris government must not compromise on this issue, or the French people outside will be guilty of national thieves.

After lingering a few steps, Napoleon IV said fiercely: "Since you can't buy enough gold from the international market, then try to find a way from the gold-silver complex country.

Selling silver for gold, aren't they trying to drive up the price of gold? Then we also followed the speculation. Now the gold-silver exchange ratio in the market is only 1: 23.5, so fry me to 1:30, or even 1:40.

The price of gold has skyrocketed against silver, and the value of the British pound and Aegis has also skyrocketed, exceeding the market's limit, and they are not afraid that they will not sell gold to calm the currency value. "

This is a lose-lose play. The sudden rise in the currency value will definitely affect export trade. Britain and Austria are uncomfortable, and France, a dual system, is also upset.

Except for a few financial capitalists who can make a profit, it can be said that there will be no winners. All countries involved in international trade are victims of currency instability.

I have to say that Napoleon IV was fierce enough to prevent me from joining the game, then I turned the table over and no one wanted to play happily.

Chancellor of the Exchequer Allen hurriedly discouraged: "Your Majesty, it is absolutely necessary. We have not completed the currency reform. The first thing that has hit the surge in gold-silver exchange ratio is the franc.

If they do not compromise and allow market shocks, the franc's credit system will be completed first, and countries that have not completed the gold standard reform will suffer heavy losses as a result.

For Britain and Austria, it is acceptable to use short-term economic losses in exchange for the establishment of a gold standard system. "

Now is not the era of free trade. As the world ’s two largest colonial empires, Britain and Austria ’s largest trading partners are their own colonies.

Regardless of the impact of the increase in the value of the currency, as long as the internal circulation system is not in disorder, Britain and Austria will be able to withstand it.

Moreover, there are also many countries that have completed the gold standard reform. Everyone's currency value changes synchronously. After offsetting each other's influence, it will not affect trade.

On the contrary, countries with the gold-silver complex standard system are even worse. The sharp changes in the exchange rate have directly made many import and export companies unprofitable, and they may even lose money and make money.

Foreign Minister Montero echoed: "Allen is right, if we follow the speculation of gold prices, we will hit the enemy's trick.

The amount of gold reserves is insufficient, we can also find ways from other countries. There are also many countries that have not completed the gold standard reform, and we can cash out enough gold from them. "

Napoleon IV nodded thoughtfully and agreed. A dead friend does not die, as long as he can solve the problem, he doesn't mind which method to use.

When the gold standards of European countries were reformed in time and space, due to the lack of sufficient reserves, they were finally resolved by external plunder.

Now history is back on track. The French empire, which has been silent for many years, is about to expose their fangs again.


The French golden gap is not very large, and the problem can be solved by plundering, but not in other European countries.

Not every country has that strength, which can be solved by colonial plunder, and more countries have to choose to compromise with Britain and Austria in exchange for the support of the two countries in currency reform.

Vienna Palace, looking at the good situation in front of him, Franz felt a little untrue. Isn't it a joke that the British are willing to share currency hegemony with Austria?

Franz John, who did not move, even caused Franz a headache. He believed that the British must be plotting something, but it had not been found.

Victimization of paranoia, maybe there is! It's always right to be vigilant, and it's better to be busy than to be unprepared.


Winter comes to spring, and the earth exudes vitality. Every year at this time, Franz will go out with his family.

This year is no exception, but this time the destination is a bit special. An old and legendary city in Jerusalem is the end point of this event.

Because the destination is too special, there are more participants than usual. For example: the elderly Grand Duke Carl, the Empress Dowager Sophie, and the abdicated uncle Ferdinand I.

This puts Franz under great pressure. These old guys are not young, and a little accident happened on the road, and he will go back to the house to do the funeral.

Persuasion is impossible. People are true devotees. As my uncle Ferdinand I said: My biggest wish is to put the Habsburg flag in Jerusalem.

Well, many generations of Habsburg emperors have said the same thing, but they were unlucky and encountered no success in the heyday of the Ottoman Empire.

Now the opportunity is coming, one by one can't bear it. Even the honest father, who has always been unconcerned, said that if he died in Jerusalem, he would be with God.

If it wasn't for Franz's obstruction, and the Armistice Treaty had just been signed, they would have passed by. In the face of a group of religious fanatics, Franz was helpless.

Since Austria regained Jerusalem, pilgrimages to Jerusalem have been particularly numerous from European countries, not to mention the tents built inside and outside the city.

In order to solve the problem of pilgrims' accommodation, the Jerusalem City Management Committee was forced to change the original plan for all demolition and reconstruction, and repaired and rebuilt the city's buildings.

Most of the buildings have been converted into hotels, hotels, completed renovations in the shortest time, and then opened for business.

Before Franz reacted, Jerusalem became Austria's most famous tourist city, and all publicity, planning, and advertising were superfluous.

This time to go to Jerusalem to be crowned, mainly for show + pretend, so the pomp is naturally not to be underestimated.

In order to prepare for the ceremony, the Vienna government also laid the groundwork. A lot of manpower and material resources are invested in it, and Franz estimates that the final cost may be as high as tens of millions of SHIELD.

Don't feel expensive, these investments are worth it. Besides, after the recapture of Jerusalem, Austria's rule became more stable. In the face of this good news, there is no market for chaos and ideas.

This is only domestic, and Austria ’s popularity has skyrocketed internationally. The increase in soft power cannot be measured by money.

On April 3, 1875, Franz set out from Vienna with a family and started the pilgrimage.

As soon as I got on the train, it was unexpected. First, Uncle Ferdinand I was ill. Well, this is only a minor problem. He is ill every day. Everyone is used to it.

Then the mother, Empress Sophie, fainted again. After a while, the doctor gave the answer: the train was too fast-motion sickness.

Needless to say, slow it down! The train Franz was riding on was the fastest train of this era, and theoretically the fastest train could run at 80 yards.

Of course, this is limited to the theory. The railway is not a flat road. When it encounters a curve on a mountain road, it must not run so fast. The average speed is about 40 or 50 yards, which is fast in this era.

After deceleration, the situation is much better. It was late at night, but was delayed until the next day before arriving in Venice, and even transportation was affected.

This is only a small problem. It is nothing more than a day of closure of the railway from Venice to Vienna, and the loss is not significant. The test did not really begin until Venice. In addition to Franz, the seasick emperor, there was a family of old and weak women and children.

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