Holy Roman Empire

Chapter 580: Moral abduction

After hundreds of years of hard work by everyone, the folk image of the Ottoman Empire in Europe is equivalent to the devil, the hatred value is far ahead of the latecomers, and it has not wavered for hundreds of years.

After the outbreak of the Near East War, the Vienna government propagated another wave of ancestral feats for them, which directly led to the better reputation of the Ottoman Empire in the people. There were also people going to the door of the Ottoman embassy to carry out activities.

Without blackout, the history of the Ottoman Empire itself was dark enough. Finding a little information can attract a large wave of hatred.

Supported by public opinion, Minister Hummer was righteous at the London conference. Governments condemned the Russian invasion of Poland, but no one condemned Austria's invasion of the Ottoman Empire.

This is the importance of publicity. In the European continent of this era, the Black Ottoman Empire itself was politically correct, and a little guidance was enough.

In the original Russian-Turkish war, the Tsarist government was sprayed with blood. In addition to the tsarist government's failure to do a good job of propaganda, there is also their own image, which is not much better than the Ottoman Empire.

Of course, regaining Jerusalem is also a political plus. Immediately after the outbreak of the Near East War, the Austrian army immediately launched a sacred land resumption war, which blocked many people's mouths.

Franz originally had the title of King of Jerusalem, which was recognized by European society. It is now completely legal to take home territory without any moral pressure, not even an invasion.

However, it is still the interests that determine the political direction. Austria has sufficient reasons for war. It is no problem to slap the Ottoman Empire.

But to destroy the Ottoman Empire is not the same. European society is very afraid of annihilating the country. Especially for many small European countries, this kind of extermination made them feel insecure.

If no one takes the lead, even if these countries are dissatisfied, they can only choose to hold back.

The Near East War was an attack on the Ottomans by the Austrian and Russian crowds, who did not have the capital to participate. Now that the British are willing to come forward, everyone is naturally happy to join.

As soon as the mediation meeting began, Hummer noticed this change. Although the words of the representatives of various countries were very implicit, he clearly felt the meaning of leaning towards the Ottoman Empire.

The general meaning is to persuade: for world peace, it is still necessary to negotiate to resolve the contradictions and end the Near East War as soon as possible ...

It doesn't matter for one person, a group says it's different. If your heart is not strong enough, it will be easily biased.

Hummel waved his hand: "You, the responsibility of the war is not with us. This involves historical issues. I believe everyone knows what is going on. I don't need to spread it here.

Now we are just driving away the invaders and reclaiming our homeland, shouldn't we? "

This is a bad debt, and history is simply unclear. Hundreds of years have passed, and no verification can be made.

Moreover, over the years, everyone has added a lot of information to black Ottomans.

Normally nothing, but if this topic continues, the Austrians will definitely use these art-processed materials as a reason to attack Ottoman.

What is more troublesome is that these materials, many of which have been endorsed by their ancestors, have been widely recognized by European society. For political correctness, they cannot jump out and overthrow.

Seeing that the atmosphere was embarrassed, Marquis McLean, British Foreign Secretary, took over the topic: "His Excellency, history has passed.

What should have happened and what shouldn't have happened. It doesn't make sense to pursue it any more. Now we should focus on the future.

This Near East War has caused 800,000 deaths, more than 3 million people have been made homeless, dozens of cities have been ruined, and economic losses are countless.

No matter what the Ottoman Empire did, the punishment was enough. If it continues, it will only ruin more families.

The child has no father, the wife has no husband, and the old man has no son. These human tragedies are staged every day.

Maybe you don't know that the Ottoman Empire is now hungry, and tens of thousands of people fall every day, and even some places have eaten food.

In the face of God, for these innocent people, end this war as soon as possible! "

When he said this, the Marquis, who was completely involved in the play, seemed not a British foreign minister, but a loving priest.

Everyone at the scene understood that the British were playing with moral abduction. Thinking about it is also in line with John Bull's style. The current international situation cannot be interfered by force at all, and the British want to keep the Ottoman Empire. Naturally, they can only find another way.

Hummel was so sick that anyone could talk about "pity", but the British were not qualified to talk about it.

As the world's number one colonial empire, it has ruled four or five billion people, and every year it is the number of people who die from exploitation.

Unhappy and unhappy, Hummel still controlled his emotions: "Sir Minister, you should say this to the Ottomans.

A large number of people are homeless, hungry and hungry, which is caused by the inability of the Sudanese government. You think they are pathetic, so do you look at these photos again?

Recorded above is an Armenian village that was slaughtered by these poor people, and soldiers of the Sudanese government also participated.

And these photos, which record that they killed the priest and destroyed the church ... "

These photos were obtained by intelligence organizations at a high price. Don't look at the outbreak of the Near East War. There are still many British and French who stay in the Ottoman Empire.

No matter how chaotic it is, they will not affect these high-level "big men." With the strictest protection of the Sudanese government, they are safe as long as they are not killed by bombs in the sky.

This is a special product of the times. Even the small **** on the streets of London are not a big man in the Ottoman Empire.

Under the reward, there must be brave men. Intelligence organizations are willing to spend money, and naturally someone can provide photos. Anyway, they were a privileged class in the Ottoman Empire, and they were afraid to touch them when they were caught by the Sudanese government.

If a professional is present, you will find that many photos are not just taken, but old photos that have been stored for several years.

But it's not important. The photos prove that these atrocities have actually happened. That's enough.

Marc Macleans had a headache, and he could already imagine what kind of sensation these photos would appear in a newspaper in London tomorrow.

"My Excellency, the above things in the photo, I think the Ottoman Empire will give you an explanation, these perpetrators will be punished by God.

The cause of these tragedies was actually the destruction of social order caused by the war, and the government lost control of the country.

I propose that after the war is over, everyone will form a joint delegation to station in the Ottoman Empire, specifically to arrest the mob on it. "

In order to keep the Ottoman Empire, the Marquis of Macleans also worked. This embarrassed the Ottoman Foreign Minister Albiacs not far away, and decided without asking my opinion?

After seeing the contents of the photo, all of Albiac's dissatisfaction disappeared. These things are not normal in the normal period, and now on the table, it is completely different.

Immediately stated: "Please rest assured that the thugs above will be held accountable. The Ottoman Empire is a country of religious freedom. There is absolutely no religious persecution, and we will not let these thugs go free."

After a pause, Albiac brought back the biased topic: "I feel very ashamed of this tragedy.

Because of the war, the government devoted all its energy to the battlefield and neglected local management, which led to a tragedy.

In order to make up for the regret and prevent similar things from happening again, I hope to end this war as soon as possible. For world peace, the Ottoman Empire is willing to contribute. "

Albiaci had scolded him in his heart, and he couldn't imagine that he was stupid, so stupid as to be so hopeless.

This year's camera is a big man, and the movement of the shooting is not small, it is difficult to think about it. This means that when taking pictures, these parties did not stop at all.

The ignorant are fearless. The camera is still a new thing. More than 80% of Ottomans have never seen this thing, let alone know the role of the camera. This is the reason for all this.

After brain supplementation, Albiac still decided to go back and advise the Sudan to strengthen the control of the camera. There are so many things that the Ottoman Empire can't see, it is careless.


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