Holy Roman Empire

Chapter 579: Ottoman who loves nature

Most of the people who build homes like open terrain, except for those who particularly like nature, usually don't plant too many trees around the house, especially not too many trees right in front of the gate.

It is not only a matter of feng shui, but also scientific evidence. Too many trees will block the sun and easily breed snake ants and ants.

There are exceptions to everything. Now outside Ankara many trees are planted around the manor, and even the roof is planted with grass.

In this era of no pesticides, it is conceivable how many insects and ants will breed in this environment. Under normal circumstances, only nature enthusiasts can endure.

In an age where most people work hard for three meals a day, there are obviously not so many natural hobbyists. Most of these estates are newly built, and some are still under construction.

Most of the trees are native and a few are transplanted. Viewed from the sky, it is not much different from ordinary groves.

This is all brought by war. Since Ankara was bombed, there have been more environmentally friendly, green manors outside the city.

The Austrian airship swayed over Ankara every three to five, and dropped a few bombs into the city without a target, leaving its mark.

Regardless of the specific results, let alone, those who are rich and powerful will not dare to live in the city anymore, and everyone has become a love of nature and a big forest.

Among the many estates, one is exceptional. Surrounded by "three steps, one post, five steps, one whistle", the guards are like a palace.

Yes, this is the temporary palace of Abdul Aziz I. In this small humble manor house, there are perfect civil fortifications, with multiple exits, which can be transferred at any time.

It is said that even if a few hundred pounds of bombs are dropped from the sky, they cannot be shaken. Unfortunately, the Austrian airship seems to be only interested in the city. It has never bombed outside the city, and these fortifications have no chance for actual combat testing.

At the beginning, Abdul-Aziz I was worried that the enemy would strike at any time, and hid in the basement for a week.

I later found that I was thinking too much. The airship is not a panacea. Dark nights, high winds, heavy rain, heavy fog, and sandstorms are all the nemesis of airships. Austrian airships never travel in bad weather.

With more bombings, the Ottoman government also summarized a set of response plans and established the world's earliest and most primitive air defense early warning system.

The speed of the airship is not fast, at least it is much slower than the telegram, which has created conditions for the Ottoman government's warning.

The airship takes off from the base and enters Ankara. It has to pass through many areas. When the airship is found in the cities along the way, it will report by telegram immediately.

Of course, in the absence of air defense, this kind of early warning has little practical significance. In such a short period of time, it is too late to notify the public to evade, but it is still possible to notify the big people to hide in time.

The Austrian airship bombed for half a year, causing tens of thousands of deaths and injuries. No senior Ottoman official was scratched, which is enough to prove the advanced nature of this early warning system.

Abdul Aziz I's condition is getting worse and worse. He originally thought that the Ottoman Empire would become stronger after the reform, but the cruel reality told him that the Ottoman Empire was a weak chicken.

From a military perspective, the performance of the Ottoman army this time is quite satisfactory. No big mistakes were made, and there weren't many brilliant performances.

On the local battlefield, they were able to fight the Russian army with half a pound. The counter-offensive planned by the military almost succeeded, but unfortunately, it was defeated by the Russian army to win.

There is no way to lose air control, and the Ottoman army is in a passive state. A well-planned strategy, as a result, the deployment of troops was exposed to the enemy's eyelids.

In addition to bombing and combating morale, airships can also detect enemy situations. The Austrians and the Russians did not cooperate closely, but the Russians would still be notified when the Ottoman forces were detected.

Unfortunately, the Ottoman army did not respond in time and ignored the spies in the sky.

Of course, even if you take precautions, it is actually difficult to play a role. Small-scale troop movements can deceive people, while tens of thousands of people march. How can there be no movement?

Even if you are walking on a mountain road, watching the abnormal birds will also expose your tracks. You ca n’t just pick out the bad weather that airships ca n’t see, or march at night?

In this case, it is possible to avoid airship investigation. The bad weather is not always there. The soldiers on the battlefield are expensive and fast. It is impossible to wait for the weather.

The only thing that works is night marching. Unfortunately, more than 90 percent of the world ’s army in this era did not have the ability to march at night. The Ottoman army was no exception.

Based on the organizational structure of the Ottoman army, if it is taken for granted to march at night, it will be very touching when the number of people is finally counted. You don't have to fight the enemy, you just toss yourself away.

Minister of the Interior Abdullaziz Bouteflika: "Her Majesty, the British have just heard the news that Austria intends to increase its troops by half a million."

The number of "500,000" is not simple. It must be known that the total military strength of Austria and Russia on the battlefield does not add up to 500,000.

Austria and Russia had the upper hand on the battlefield originally, and there was no need for reinforcements. Austria is now sending another half a million more troops, obviously not to win the war, but to fight the nation.

Now that Austria is ready to send more troops, is the Russian still far behind?

Abdul Aziz I asked in a panic: "Is the news certain?"

There is no doubt that the current Ottoman Empire can no longer afford this blow. Not only are the front lines defeated in a row, but the country is also unstable.

A large number of war refugees flooded inland. In order to compete for survival space and local people had a fierce conflict, the Sudanese government chose to favor its own people in the competition, and the ethnic minorities naturally separated from them.

At present, there are seven or eight rebels in Ottoman with a size of over 1,000. The largest Armenian rebels have a total strength of more than 20,000.

The Ottoman Empire lost land on the Black Sea coast so quickly, which is directly related to the domestic rebellion.

Abdullaziz Butflika bowed his head and replied: "We have confirmed from the French side that a week ago the Vienna government submitted a bill of 500,000 troops to the Imperial Parliament.

The Empire Council of the New Holy Roman Empire was just an answer, never vetoing the government's proposal. If nothing else, it should have passed now. "

Get information from the British and ask the French for proof? This is not a joke. With the intelligence capabilities of the Ottoman government, it is simply impossible to get the news back in such a short time.

Having confirmed the news, Abdul Aziz I fainted directly and gorgeously. It's not that he can't afford it, it's really exciting news.

After a trough of soldiers and horses, Abdul-Aziz I woke up already in the hospital bed and decided that naturally he didn't need to do it.

After the war broke out, the Ottoman Empire was blocked by the Austrian Navy, and Persian remained in the external passage.

Ankara has received the news, and the Foreign Minister who is far away in London must have received the news earlier.

A thousand miles away, the Sudanese government will definitely not be able to keep up with its decision. Abdul-Aziz I authorized the Minister of Foreign Affairs early and fully.

The country can no longer count on it. The Ottoman Empire has a limited population. In the successive defeats, they have lost a lot of living power.

Moreover, modern warfare is not just about someone. In a short time, where did the weapons and equipment emerge?

The Ottoman Empire is not an industrial power. Of course, arsenals exist, but that capacity is quite touching.

The war did not wait for people. At the current speed, before they had all the weapons and equipment, the enemies had hit Ankara, and the Sudanese government could only pin their hopes on international intervention.


In the official residence of the Prime Minister of Downing Street, a well-educated Prime Minister of Galston could not help but shoot the table.

The Austrians are too shameless. They have just begun mediation. The Vienna government is about to destroy the Ottoman Empire. Where does this put them?

If the Ottoman Empire is destroyed, this time the London Peace Conference will be reduced to a joke, and the international prestige that the British government will painstakingly manage will also fall to the bottom.

Marquis McLean, Foreign Minister, said: "According to the information we have received, the Ottoman Empire is almost over.

Until the war, the Ottoman Empire lost at least 600,000 troops, and more than a quarter of the population became refugees as a result of the war.

The most important thing is that their domestic economy has been dealt a devastating blow, and the contradictions accumulated in daily life have been stimulated.

Even if the Austrians do not increase their troops, as long as the war continues, the Ottoman Empire will be brought down.

The Habsburg dynasty and the Ottoman empire are their old enemies. These grievances can be traced back to the Middle Ages. Killing the Ottoman empire can be said to be the wish of every monarch of the Habsburg dynasty.

In addition to hatred, there are plenty of benefits. Although it is not known how the Austrians and the Russians are going to divide up, it is certain that once the Ottoman Empire dies, the entire Eastern Mediterranean will fall into Austria's hands.

The problem is not only that the Vienna government wants to destroy the Ottoman Empire, we must also consider the position of the Tsarist government.

When it comes to grudges, the hatred of the Russians and the Ottoman Empire is no less than that of the Habsburgs and the Ottoman Empire.

The most recent one was the Russian-Prussian War. If it were not for the back of the Ottoman Empire, the tsarist government would at least not lose so badly.

Alexander II had experienced it firsthand, and had a painful skin. The desire to destroy the Ottoman Empire was much stronger than Franz.

From the current situation, the Vienna government and the Russians have reached an agreement. Not surprisingly, the Tsarist government will also send more troops. "

Hatred and interests are all in place, deserving the Ottoman Empire. If the governments of Vienna and St. Petersburg show mercy to the Ottomans, then there will be problems.

Prime Minister Gilston rubbed his forehead and said helplessly: "Anyway, the Ottoman Empire must be preserved, otherwise we will be a joke.

The current international situation is very bad. We must adopt flexible diplomatic means to keep the Ottoman Empire and not let the situation go out of control. "

There is no way, now the French are powerless. The Paris government had serious internal fighting, and by the time they made a decision, the Ottoman Empire was history.

Without the participation of the French, the London government would not be able to intervene even by force.

The Royal Navy is powerful, but if they want to send their main fleet deep into the Mediterranean, the London government will also advise.

This is not just a question of how many warships you have, but you also need to consider the ability to invest.

Of course, if the Royal Navy is concentrated, there is no danger in or out of the Mediterranean. France and Austria combined in the Mediterranean warships may not be able to leave them, and naturally will not be risky.

In practice, this is impossible. As colonial empire warships will inevitably be stationed, the British can mobilize a mobile force of at most half of the fleet.

The hatred of Britain and France is not shallow, and the French navy is looking at it again. Just to be delivered to the door, who can guarantee that France and Austria will not join forces and pull them off the maritime supremacy?

You need to know that the Mediterranean Sea is different from the Atlantic Ocean. Once blocked, it cannot go out. In other places, even if the naval battle is lost, you can run.

As long as naval battles are not surrounded or the performance gap between warships is very different, they are rarely wiped out. The vast sea is not so chasing.

The Mediterranean is an exception. There are only a few British ports in the Mediterranean, so it is not very safe.

If he turned his face, the French would break their retreat when the Royal Navy entered the Eastern Mediterranean.

As soon as the Suez Canal was closed and the island of Malta was taken down, the Royal Navy was trapped inside. It's not a matter of not being able to rush, but what to do with logistics supplies?

Warships in this era are not as powerful as the later generations. From the Eastern Mediterranean to running back to the British mainland, the straight-line distance is several thousand kilometers, and the actual route distance is farther.

Most warships carry insufficient coal, and must be replenished in order to return smoothly.

Along the way, there were interceptions by the French and Austrian navies. They could only run at full horsepower, and the sailing direction also depended on the wind direction. Not to mention that many warships have given up sailing power and do not have this option.

Neither the Austrian nor the Austrian navy had to fight against them, they just had to attack the supply ship. Either cut off the coal supply, or consume ammunition, you can achieve the goal.

What's more, the performance of the steam engine in this era can not be fully driven. Generally, the horsepower must be overhauled the last time it is run.

There is no port parking and maintenance along the way. It can be said that as long as it does not run out the first time, it will not run out. A navy that has lost its logistics does not have the capability to sustain operations at all.

There are no radio stations these days, and drifting off the coast for ten days and a half months is a common occurrence. As long as France and Austria block the news, it may be over here, and the London government will not receive the news.

Of course, luck is important. If you are lucky, for example, when you encounter foggy weather, you have escaped the interception fleet, and you have enough supply ships, and you have not hit the reef, you may still run out.

As for smashing enemy interceptions and forcing out of the siege, just think about it. It may not be difficult to win. The question is how much supply ship is left after winning?

Has he been injured, has the enemy's main fleet been pursued? If the main battle is to be fought, half of the Royal Navy will definitely not win.

Without enough confidence, the British will definitely not gamble on character, and the Ottoman Empire is not worth their risk. If you succeed, you may not achieve your goal. If you fail, you will lose money.

Now that it has entered the age of ironclad ships, it is not as easy to add as sailboats. Once the Royal Navy loses once, the position of maritime supremacy will be shaken, and the British cannot afford to lose.

This is how the world's boss pulls hatred. Once the flaws are revealed, even the pattern of wolves and tigers.

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