Holy Roman Empire

Chapter 581: Attacking Frenchman

Years hurried, and in the blink of an eye again winter.

Based on Franz's many years of experience, it can be judged that it is a warm winter. It is usually snowy at this time of the Glockner. Don't say snow this year.

Warm winter + drought has almost announced that agricultural production will be reduced in the coming year. Austria is a large industrial country and a large agricultural country. Agriculture occupies an important position in the national economy.

The Vienna government has always attached great importance to agricultural production. After years of efforts, the domestic agricultural infrastructure has been perfected and a complete disaster response system has been established.

As long as it is not a large-scale disaster that affects the whole country, Franz will not care. It now caught his attention, mostly in Vienna.

Minister of Agriculture Halls: "Your Majesty, the current situation is not too bad. According to the data monitored by various places, the scope of the disaster has not been very large.

It is mainly concentrated around Vienna and Bohemia. These areas have relatively developed industry and commerce, and the public has a strong ability to resist risks. The reduction in winter wheat production will not have much impact. "

This is the benefit brought by the industrial era. In economically developed areas, farmers entering cities to work in the slack season have become a common phenomenon in society.

Increasing the source of income also naturally increases the ability to resist risks. If it is still in an agricultural society, the government must be more vigilant.

Franz just asked casually that the reduction of grain production in a certain range is not needed in Austria's tolerance range.

Yield reduction is not an absolute crop. The loss of one hundred and eighty pounds per mu is not enough to bankrupt farmers. Unless the disaster situation is continuous, government relief is needed, otherwise, the people themselves can survive the disaster situation.


Foreign Minister Weissenberg: "His Majesty, news has just arrived from Paris that the French are preparing to send troops to **** Isabella II's son to return home, and the Spanish throne battle is about to end.

Judging from the information collected, Britain and France should have reached an agreement. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs believes that it may be related to the Near East War. The London government gave in on the issue of the Spanish throne in exchange for French support for them in the Near East. "

Without surprise to Franz, the British must pull the French if they want to keep the Ottoman Empire.

Although the Paris government kept fighting, they also did not want to see Austria pull the nail behind it. The British gave in on the Spanish throne, and the French chose not to support them.

Austria wants a stable rear, why not the French? Spain is different from the Ottoman Empire, and the French could not even pull this nail.

It is not a win that cannot be beaten. The key is that there is no way to use force. European countries may accept the Ottoman empire, but they will never let Spain be annexed.

Now that I can't fight, I'll win it. Now Spain is also a mess, with a lot of internal problems. Supporting a pro-French and weak government is entirely in France's interest.

The Queen Isabella II of Spain has a long-lasting reputation, and even her son Alfonso XII has suffered a reputational damage. If she wants to sit on the throne, she cannot do without the support of the French.

A weak pro-French government, the French will not have to worry about the threat from Spain for a long time to come.

Franz: "That being the case, then we are ready to end. Power generation for Hummel, once the British and French fully intervene, they negotiate with the Ottoman Empire. The bottom line is to take down our actual control area, plus Jerusalem.

On the Russian side, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs also appeased. How much they can gain depends on the diplomatic capabilities of the Tsarist government. "

Franz knew that this could be the last joint military operation of the Russian-Australian alliance. According to the current international situation, the alliance between Austria and the Russians has already done more harm than good.

Although Alexander II was a talented man, he suppressed all forces in the country and completed the preliminary social reforms, but his diplomatic appearance was uncomfortable.

On the one hand, the historical burden of the Russian Empire is too heavy, holding the shelf of the European continent and not adjusting the mentality in a timely manner; on the other hand, it is too valued on the territory and has a bad relationship with all neighbors.

This is not to say that it is wrong to value territories. The problem is that many territories of the Russian Empire were seized, similar to colonies.

No matter how important you are when you are strong. When it is declining, it is time to pay attention to methods and methods, and it is necessary to make concessions.

Regrettably, the Tsarist government did not do that. The Russians defeated in the last Russian-Prussian war was actually defeated by diplomacy.

If the Tsarist government gathers its ambitions, it will not go wrong at least in Central Asia and the Far East. Had it not been for the expansion of the Tsarist government before the war, which would have provoked others, Prussia would not have been able to draw allies.

It stands to reason that after being severely beaten by the society, the tsarist government should wake up and take the initiative to repair the relations between neighboring countries. What's the matter, wait until Prussia is defeated and then deal with it slowly.

It is regrettable that the Tsarist government has not changed its mind, taking its neighbors' homeland as the enemy's invasion, thinking that their own victims.

Needless to say, there will definitely be no friends in this way. Franz was very skeptical of the next Russian-Prussian War, and the Russians were also besieged.

Because of the relations between the Russian and Austrian alliances, Austria's relations with these countries are not good. Of course, Austria's strength is strong enough, even if the relationship is not good, the treatment of the powers is still there, and it does not affect trade with various countries.

The Prime Minister Felix reminded: "Your Majesty, it is better to inform the Tsar government first, to give them a buffer time."

The Russian-Olympic League is not over yet, and the matter of pit teammates cannot be done too clearly. The Near East War can make the current situation, mainly because Austria is providing strategic materials.

If Austria withdraws from the war, the Tsarist government cannot afford the cost. The cost of the same strategic materials varies from country to country.

Relatively speaking, the cost of strategic materials is lower for an industrial power with its own production capacity, while the cost for agricultural countries that need to import is much higher.

Taking weapons and ammunition as an example, the Russians need to pay a third of the cost of Austria. This is the usual cost. If it is in the war, it may be half as high.

There are many factors involved, such as: production costs, transportation costs, procurement costs, and the integrity of the bureaucracy.

If the Vienna government now posed the Russians, perhaps the Ottoman Empire would not have to pay anything, and the Tsarist government could only withdraw its troops.

The main enemy of the Russians was the Kingdom of Prussia, and it was impossible for the tsarist government to defeat the Ottoman Empire.

Now that the war has progressed, the Tsarist government's strategic goal of weakening the Ottoman Empire has been completed. Even if the Ottoman Empire was reborn, it could not threaten the Russian Empire within two decades.

As a reminder to the Russians, without paying a price, Franz naturally follows the good.

"The Ministry of Foreign Affairs informed the Russians and passed on the news that Britain and France were closer. Presumably the Tsarist government would understand."

It ’s impossible to understand or understand. Without the money and supplies from Austria, the tsarist government would not have the financial resources to continue the war.


At the Prime Minister's Office of Downing Street, Prime Minister Gulston is very upset now, saying coldly, "Raul, summon cabinet members to come to the meeting."

Franz believes that the British made concessions on the Spanish throne in order to keep the Ottoman Empire. In fact, the London government did not make a decision so quickly.

Austria is a threat. France will also threaten. No matter which company is allowed to grow, it will also threaten the interests of Britain.

Unless there is no way, the London government would not compromise with the French.

In the original time and space, the British fell to the Allies, or the German Empire expanded the navy and made them feel threatened. Until then, they have been swaying.

Now Austria does not have a big expansion of the navy. The size of the navy has always been under the French, and it ranks third in the world in terms of gross tonnage.

From the British standpoint, both France and Austria are huge threats. Both of these threats have common weaknesses. We must develop land rights at the same time. On the European continent, the two countries have restrained each other. The pressure of the London government is not great.


The prime minister questioned: "Honest Marquis, aren't you telling me that the French are busy fighting and are not interested in participating in international affairs?

Now that's what happened, we stopped Austria for them, and the French sent troops directly to interfere in the Spanish throne battle.

I dare not imagine how sensational this news would be if it spread. "

The Marquis of Macleans also wanted to cry without tears. He did not expect that the French in the internal fight would suddenly come to this move.

I have to say that the French candidate has a good time. Conflicts between the UK and Austria due to the Ottoman issue, the two countries did not work hard to interfere in the Spanish throne dispute.

"His Prime Minister, this is our misjudgment, which underestimates the French ambitions. This is the end of the matter, and now we must find a way to deal with it, otherwise we will create the biggest joke of this century.

In the current situation, we can only choose one. Either join forces with the French to keep the Ottoman Empire, or join forces with Austria to force the French to give up interference in the Spanish throne.

My personal suggestion is to keep the Ottoman Empire first, and the issue of Spain is coming to Japan. There is no permanent ally in politics. Today the Spanish government can pro-French and tomorrow they can pro-British.

If the Ottoman Empire dies, it will be difficult to resurrect it. Without the containment of the Ottoman Empire, Austria could expand to Central Europe by that time, and the European balance would likely be broken. "

Another reason Marquis Maclean did not say was that interference in the Near East War had begun. If he quits now, it means tampering with the intervention and he will be attacked by the opposition parties.

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