Holy Roman Empire

Chapter 575: Folk response

The invention of the telegraph accelerated the spread of news, and the news of the Prussian government's sale of the Rhineland region soon spread across continental Europe.

At the Royal Palace in Berlin, William I wiped his sweat: "Send someone to ask the Prime Minister, didn't you let him send someone to explain, why haven't the crowds dispersed yet?"

This is a characteristic of the nationalist era, and the people began to value territory. The land transactions of the monarchs were free to control, but now it is necessary to consider folk reactions.

Don't look at the richness of the Rhineland region. It is not actually the core territory of the Kingdom of Prussia, and it is threatened by the French. It has a lower status in the eyes of the government.

Originally, Bismarck dared to promise the Rhineland region to the French, and actually made the worst plan. For example: In the Prussian War, the French robbed the fire, and Prussia could only give up.

Fortunately, they won the bet, and the French chose to wait and see, instead of robbing. Otherwise, European history will be rewritten later.

With the desired benefits, Napoleon III had no motivation to launch. After the strength increased and decreased, the Prussian Kingdom's odds were even lower.

Moreover, with an extra piece of land as a buffer, even if the Kingdom of Prussia dared to take risks, the French also increased the buffer time and could mobilize more troops. Prussia wanted to win the war and only expected God to bless him.

Bismarck in the Rhineland region dared to take risks, and if he changed the area where Juncker aristocracy was concentrated, he would not dare to take it out to make a promise.

Short checks also need to be kept highly confidential, and high-level government officials can know, but the people below cannot know. As soon as the news spreads, a military coup will occur in minutes according to the national conditions of the Kingdom of Prussia.

In this country where the army is the master, any method that harms the interests of Junker aristocrats must be thought twice.

The farce outside William I was just upset and not worried about a big mess. It doesn't matter if it hangs high, it also applies to the Kingdom of Prussia.

The Rhineland region is an enclave, and the connection with the country is not so close. Except for the pain of the capitalists, most people have no direct loss of interest.

It doesn't involve self-interest. Following the trouble, vent the dissatisfaction in your heart, and things will pass.

The Kingdom of Prussia was not in the position to become the master of the capitalists. Some people made trouble when they gave up Silesia, but in the end it was not a good compromise.

Even without the Rhineland region, steel production in the Kingdom of Prussia fell sharply by 60%, and the total industrial volume was reduced by nearly 40%. William I was still not panicking.

The Prussian Kingdom's internal market is limited, and industrial and commercial products are not competitive in the international market. It took only a few years, and the emergence of excess capacity in China.

This is a characteristic of the times and is affected by many factors. In this era, the capitalist world will have an economic crisis every ten or eight years.

From 1847 to the present, there have been three economic crises, not far from the fourth. If the agricultural crisis is calculated, it will be the fifth time.

Industry is not the more the better, the overcapacity is a disaster. If you open the history book, you will find that after each crisis, war will break out. Everyone seems to be used to using the war to survive the crisis.

The economic crisis of 1847 triggered the Great Revolution of 1848; the economic crisis of 1857 caused the American Civil War; the economic crisis of 1867 caused the outbreak of the Russian-Prussian War; the agricultural crisis that erupted two years ago triggered the Near East War, the Russian wave war.

Abandoning the Rhineland region now seems to be costly, and in fact, it is also fighting for the Kingdom of Prussia to integrate the Kingdom of Poland.

Otherwise, if a new round of crisis breaks out, they do not want to launch the Prussian-Russian war, and someone will send them to the battlefield.

Any decision is unavoidable, and some people's interests will be damaged. William I did not mind first sacrificing the interests of some capitalists. The bourgeoisie is a complex group anyway, as long as the rulers are not stupid they will not be united.

Without the Rhineland region, many people would profit as well. Without a competitor, everyone can divide up the market they have left. These beneficiaries will not give up their own interests for the sake of "class interests."


Ruhr area, the Berlin government's sale of the Rhineland area news has been heard, the local government is already preparing to evacuate.

The people spontaneously took to the streets and started a large-scale demonstration. This time there is really no one organized and suddenly abandoned, who will have resentment in their hearts.

As a manager of the Ruhr area, Andrea was also very unhappy, and the documents issued by his superiors were torn into pieces.

Under normal circumstances, he would never dare to do so, and deliberately damaged the official document to lose his job. Now he can't take care of his anger.

After the destruction of the office, Andrea forced to calm the anger. As a nobleman loyal to the country, Andrea understands what is at stake.

The Rhineland region is destined to be abandoned, but so many people and industries cannot be abandoned. The Berlin government has issued an order to organize the evacuation of personnel as much as possible.

That's right, the priority is to evacuate people. After fighting the Tsarist government, the Berlin government has realized the importance of population.

Without a sufficient population, there will not be sufficient troop resources. When the tsarist government is good at playing sea tactics, it is not enough to have fewer troops.

As long as there are people, there will be land, as will factories. The Berlin government had had an experience of evacuation, but the situation was completely different at the time.

When the Silesian region was abandoned, the Kingdom of Prussia had just won the Prussian War and obtained a large amount of land. The East Prussian region had been beaten into white ground, and the population was added. According to immigration, there was no problem.

The situation is much more complicated. The Rhineland region has a much larger population than Silesia. It is not easy to accommodate so many people.

The Kingdom of Prussia does have some undeveloped land, but most of these land are in poor geographical conditions, and there are few undeveloped high-quality land.

Obviously, it is not enough to accommodate people in the Rhineland region. The Prussian industry is also unable to digest such a large population, which is destined to make a choice in this evacuation.

Andrea's mission is to organize the departure of people who have a greater effect on the country, mainly the rich and the middle class, including: capitalists, doctors, teachers, engineers, skilled workers ...

After these people evacuated, it was ordinary workers and farmers. The final buyer was either Belgium or the German Federal Empire. The Berlin government was not afraid to offend them and could slowly organize the evacuation.

Before evacuating, we must first let the people marching outside to demonstrate. Otherwise, so many people will be blocked on the street, and many tasks cannot be carried out.

After hesitating for a moment, Andrea convinced himself and walked out. Quite a bit windy and cold, and the heroes are gone forever.

Well, in fact, the situation is not so serious. The angry people did not rush to beat Andrea, but shouted for an explanation.

On the one hand, the educational success has made the Prussians learn to observe order; on the other hand, the garrison has already begun to move, surrounded by heavily armed soldiers. If you want to make trouble, you must also consider the consequences.

The suppression of the workers' movement these years is nothing new. After seeing the army's stance against the enemy, everyone couldn't help it.

When Andrea arrived at the government building, he ordered the staff to have moved to the table, and stood on the table with a bite, and waved a Prussian flag in his hand to signal everyone to be quiet.

Advanced equipment can only rely on roar, Andrea exerted his best efforts: "I know why everyone came, now I feel as sad as you.

Because we all love this country, and we love to cultivate our land. But there is no way, now I have to announce the bad news.

The news you hear is not rumor, the government does give up the Rhineland region. "

After receiving an official response, the noise again sounded, and the already angry people could not control their emotions. If it was not blocked by the army, they might have rushed up.

"Quiet", "quiet" ...

Andrea's heartbreaking cry didn't help, and he was forced to only let the soldiers fire his gun to warn him.

"Bang bang ..."

After the gunfire, the order barely returned to normal. I have to lament that the bullets are more deterrent.

"Be quiet and give me two minutes. If you have any questions, discuss them after I finish talking. Don't forget that discipline is the basic code of conduct for every citizen."

The argument was heard, and everyone looked at Andrea, waiting for his explanation.

"The Berlin government does not want to abandon the Rhineland region, but there is no way. The Kingdom of Prussia is too weak. In the face of threats from the powers, the government has to consider the safety of everyone's life and property.

Some people may say that they are not afraid of death, and they are willing to fight for the Kingdom of Prussia, and so am I. If possible, I would rather fight with a gun on the battlefield than live in humiliation here.

But one cannot think only of ourselves, we must be responsible for the parents, wives and children, and we must be responsible for the Kingdom of Prussia. We were refreshed for a while, what should they do, and what should this country do?

Don't tell me that victory belongs to Prussia. First of all, find out who the enemy is now. Think about it with your own mind. We have a chance to win.

It is not that the Kingdom of Prussia has not experienced failure. We almost lost our country during the anti-French war, and finally we have not recovered again.

As long as people or hope is there, today's humiliation can be recovered tomorrow. Abandoning the Rhineland region temporarily does not mean giving up permanently.

One day, the Kingdom of Prussia will be truly strong and fearless, and we will be back here again. History will remember all this ... "

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