Holy Roman Empire

Chapter 576: First one hundred forty-six

Andrea's speech was so touching that he himself was touched. However, there is no use for eggs. Most of the people present are ordinary people. Their ideas are not so great, but they pay more attention to the immediate interests.

The number of IQs has halved, and the crowd outside is more than 10,000. People in front can listen to Andrea's speech and pass it to the ears of the people behind them. Naturally, contextualization and artistic processing are indispensable.

Looking at the chaotic crowd, Andrea helplessly admits that it is impossible to reason.

Unless he has the energy to do one-by-one ideological work, with his three-inch tongue, it is possible to convince everyone. Obviously, this is impossible. With so many people outside, he couldn't be too busy.

After hesitating for a while, Andrea finally made the decision: "The colonel ordered the soldiers to disperse the crowd!"


Facts have proven that the military is more deterrent. Andria struggled to achieve his goal, and the army quickly dispersed the crowd as soon as the army intervened.

The dispersal of the demonstrations did not mean that things had passed. The army was able to maintain stability, which was the first time the Berlin government had bought soldiers.

For the vast majority of ordinary people, talking to them about ideas, the overall situation, and the rationale is better than talking about the benefits.

The Berlin government promised soldiers to pay a lot of resettlement expenses, and arranged the work of their families, and the treatment was no less than the current job. With the appeasement of the officers, the military's heart stabilized in the first place.

In fact, chaos can't be confused. The Prussian army implements a garrison. Most of the soldiers stationed in the Rhineland are not locals.

Reasoning is effective without involving self-interest. These soldiers may sympathize with the local population, but they will never violate the order.

In the same way, Andrea could not use it. The Berlin government gave up money to buy the army. That was a limited number of soldiers. The number of soldiers in the Rhineland region was tens of thousands, and the family members were only a few hundred and twenty thousand.

However, the number of ordinary civilians is not so small. The relocation fees allocated above are limited, and it is impossible to properly resettle all of them.

Such a large-scale relocation cannot be completed by one or two people. Now it is not only to convince the ordinary people, but also to persuade grassroots bureaucrats first.

Remembering that most of the public officials at the grassroots level are locals, Andrea sighed helplessly. He himself was unwilling to give up the Rhineland region, let alone these people?

Dragged his tired body into the conference room, took a cup of water and took a sip of water, moistening his hoarse throat.

"Everyone sit down, you know everything. The Berlin government has made a decision and the sale of the Rhineland region is a foregone conclusion.

Everyone knows that the French have always been jealous of us, and the Rhineland region has been under strong military pressure for a long time.

The current international situation is very clear. Our greatest enemy is the Russians. While confronting the Russian Empire, we couldn't keep the Rhineland at all.

Rather than let the Rhineland region fall into the hands of the French, it is better to sell to Belgium or the German Federation, at least in the hands of the German people. "

Speaking of which, Andrea burst out a few tears.

"I know this result is difficult for everyone to accept. Frankly, I can't accept it. But for this country, we have no choice.

The Russian-Prussian War may break out at any time. Once the war begins, we will not be able to divide our forces to defend the Rhineland region. The fall is an inevitable result.

Britain, France and Austria have already formed an alliance. Britain and Austria do not want to see the French annexation of the Rhineland region, but they will not face the French because of the Rhineland region.

Now that the United Kingdom and Austria have asked us to sell the Rhineland region, although it is meant to suppress us, it is more to prevent the French from continuing to expand to Central Europe.

The Berlin government had no choice but to reject Britain and Austria, and we must face the pressure of the French alone. "

The crowd bowed their heads and said nothing in protest. Andrea's heart sank, everyone knew the truth, but it involved self-interest, and it was not easy to make sacrifices.

The Berlin government promised that they would be resettled properly. It's actually a blank check, a carrot and a pit. Where can there be so many places in the Kingdom of Prussia to house them?

Even if it can be resettled, that's how it can be compared to the prosperity of the Ruhr area when it is allocated to the backcountry with a lack of officials.

In addition to the benefits, the homeland is also an important factor. Not everyone is willing to toss, many people who are dissatisfied with the Berlin government will still hinder this time.

Both Belgium and the German Federal Empire were once part of the Holy Roman Empire. In terms of national and cultural traditions, everyone belongs to themselves. It is not unacceptable to turn around and change to another owner.

If not already, Andrea would have the same idea. Don't look at the Prussian kingdom being stronger. In fact, the living standards of the Prussian people are still the lowest among several German countries.

High military expenditures have crowded out funds that should have been used for people's livelihood. Because of debt, the Prussians have to bear high taxes.

For many people, as long as the ruler is his or her own, can protect everyone's interests, and will not be discriminated politically, then why follow the Kingdom of Prussia to black?

The rise of nationalism has affected many people. These years the Kingdom of Prussia has been playing German, but in the Rhineland region surrounded by the German state, it has the least influence.

The "Great Prussian Thought" is actually a variant of the German Great Unification Thought, except that the place to be unified is different, and the cultural tradition is still the same.

Austria dared to shout the slogan of unifying the German region, which was built on strength. Even if the Vienna government did not shout, the vigilance of all countries would not weaken.

If you change the Kingdom of Prussia, it will be different. If the Berlin government does not shift its goals and chooses the same strategy as Austria ’s German unity, who knows whether it will eventually be annexed by Austria by political means?

Many people know that the military capabilities of the Habsburg dynasty are not bad, and the talents of the imperial temples of all ages have been focused on political diplomacy.

Opening the history book shows that almost every expansion of the Habsburg dynasty was a political and diplomatic success. On the contrary, the use of force to open the territory to expand the territory has very few results.

For other European countries, the threat of Austria is not as strong as France's foresight; but for the countries of the German region, after the rise of nationalism, the biggest threat has become Austria, which is good at political diplomacy.

The high-level government knows what's going on, but the people at the bottom can't imagine that much, including most grass-roots officials.

Andrea speaks so nicely that abandoning the Rhineland region hurts the fact that their interests cannot be changed.

Everyone has the idea of ​​patriotism. It is difficult to say which country you love.

Including the present-day Prussian kingdom, there are idealists who believe that the German Federation should unite to build a powerful empire to dominate the world.

Franz's troublesome German Unification Commission laid the theoretical foundation for this idea. There is also the German Reunification Daily, which spreads the idea of ​​great reunification to the German region.

Such newspapers are naturally banned by the Berlin government. The newspaper's headquarters is in Frankfurt and is not under the control of the Berlin government. It is indispensable to bring some newspapers secretly.

Anyway, one can count one by one, there is no shortage of idealists in this world. The more the government bans, the more secondary 2 teenagers are interested.

Sometimes the data will be deceiving. According to the propaganda of the German Unified Organization, as long as the Kingdom of Prussia, the Federal Empire of Germany and the New Holy Roman Empire merge, the unified German Empire will immediately become the world's first empire.

It really looks like that on paper. In fact, politicians know that this is impossible. If it really merges, this new empire will not become stronger, but will first fall into a situation of internal and external difficulties.

Internal rights are constantly struggling, and the outside world is also hostile to European countries. More than 99% of them may be beaten by everyone and then fall apart.

Regardless, the idealists still believe that these people often express similar views and affect many people. Many people think that the German states are their own.

This is very detrimental to the relocation work, just like when Silesia was relocated, many people chose to stay.

The situation in the Ruhr District is even more serious. Many local capitalists cannot move if they want to leave. Plants, machinery and equipment can be moved, but industrial raw materials cannot be moved.

Among them, the steel industry is the most obvious. Not every region has such unique conditions. For their own benefit, they can only stay.

These people are unwilling to leave, naturally they will keep the workers and technicians, otherwise who will work for them?

As the most powerful region of the Prussian bourgeoisie, relocation is not that simple. Andrea had felt the pressure, and seeing the reaction of his group of people knew that things were in trouble.

Immediately patted the table and asked: "Why don't you talk? Why aren't you all very capable at ordinary times, and you are all dumb at the critical moment?"

An old man put the glass in his hand on the table and replied angrily: "Mayor, what do you want us to say? As a group of abandoned people, do we not even have the right to be silent?"

The Ruhr area is the largest industrial area in the Kingdom of Prussia. As the manager of the Ruhr area, Andrea is also the mayor of Bottrop.

"Mr. Andrew, I know the government's decision hurts your interests this time, but for this country we have no choice.

The time is urgent. I don't care if you want it or not, you must give me the energy to complete the domestic deployment task perfectly.

The Berlin government has ordered that the entire Rhineland region will enter military control. Your task is to do your ideological work and organize the orderly withdrawal of relevant personnel.

Whoever wants to work passively will be punished with treason. Am I kidding, you guys can try it.

The first person to complete the relocation work, the person in charge together with the subordinate executives, all officials were promoted to two levels, and a cash reward of 500,000 marks.

I have made things clear to you. It is up to you how to choose.

By the way, the families of government officials are the first evacuees. If you want to run, then as soon as possible, it is too late. "

If there is no ideological work, Andrea doesn't think he can persuade this group of old official churros. The most effective way is to intimidate.

Sending away the families of the bureaucrats first, and breaking their retreat, was a trick that Andrea had come up with.

It turned out to be effective. After listening to this result, the silent people could no longer sit still.

"Run away", no kidding. Military martial law is about to happen. Can those who drag their families to run there? Believe it or not, as soon as you go out, you will be regarded as a typical chicken tamarin.

A responding middle-aged man immediately stated: "His mayor, the people do not understand that the government's painstaking effort to abandon the Rhineland region is justifiable.

As government officials, we should take the lead. I suggest that everyone go back and mobilize their relatives to leave first. Someone has taken the lead. The next work should be better. "

Changing faces quickly is the basic skill of bureaucrats. How can you climb up if you do n’t have any ability?

Weighing the pros and cons is everyone's instinct. Since it is destined to be tied to the chariot of the Prussian kingdom, it is still better to find a way to get political capital for yourself.


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