Holy Roman Empire

Chapter 574: Power of public opinion

Becoming a neighbor with the French this year is still very challenging, and we must always be vigilant.

The Rhineland region is an enclave and has a good neighbor. A long time ago, the Prussian government was ready to lose the Rhineland region, but it was not expected that it would be lost in this way.

The diplomatic pressure exerted by Britain and Austria, the Prussian government is unable to admit that it can only choose to compromise. In the short term, abandoning the Rhineland region is also a good thing for the Kingdom of Prussia.

After the sale of the Rhineland region, not only can it get rid of the financial crisis, but also get rid of the French threat, and it can concentrate its forces against the Russians.

If they insist on not selling, maybe the French will go straight on in the next Russian-Prussian war. After the annexation of the Italian region, the Prussian government had no confidence in the French's ethics.

If it were not for mutual restraint between the powers, the Rhineland region would have been lost. Do not look at the original time and space of the Kingdom of Prussia and win, it is considered that the military strength of the Kingdom of Prussia is above France, in fact the opposite is true.

Perhaps the French empire's military strength may not be much stronger than in the same period in history, but the strength on paper is very amazing. The standing army is twice that of the Kingdom of Prussia, and the comprehensive national strength is more than three times that of the Kingdom of Prussia. (Including French Italy and colonies)

After having the great enemy of the Russian Empire, and then confronting France, it was definitely a flood of brains.

After a symbolic struggle, Prussian Foreign Minister Jeffrey Friedman reluctantly announced that the sale of the Rhineland region was open for the highest auction price.

There is no doubt that this is a divisive alliance between Britain, France and Austria. If it is true that financial hard work, whether it is Belgium or the German Federal Empire, can not be France's opponent.

Austrian Minister Hummer: "There is no problem in auctioning the Rhineland region in your country, but the Rhineland is part of the German region and the German people live on it.

Taking all factors into consideration, it is better for the Rhineland region to join the German country. I suggest that this auction be conducted by German-speaking cultural countries: Switzerland, Belgium, the German Federal Empire, and the New Holy Roman Empire.

As a proposer, we can avoid the suspicion and withdraw from this auction. "

"Avoiding suspicion" is all about gilding his face and placing an enclave under the eyes of the French. Who can sleep?

European countries do not want the French to expand in Central Europe, nor do they want Austria to expand in Central Europe. Even if they want to take the Rhineland region, there is no chance.

The "enclave" is also relatively speaking, if it is facing the French, it is indeed an enclave; if it is replaced by the German Federal Empire, it is a double-sided attack.

French Foreign Minister Montero stood up angrily: "No, since it is a public auction, naturally it is the highest bidder. All European countries are eligible to participate. How can it be restricted to German countries in a narrow sense?"

How can I miss such a good thing when I can buy the Rhineland region with money? Even if the chance is small, Montero must fight for it.

Hummer said, "We are all civilized people. Everyone knows that we must manage a place well without the support of the people.

Your cultural traditions are incompatible with the Rhineland region. How can you handle the relationship with the local people? As a civilized country, we must respect public opinion. "

"Public opinion" was the first thing the French came up with. Napoleon III respected public opinion. And it was a truly elected emperor, not a conspiracy to restore.

This does not mean that European countries really respect the public opinion. The ruling class often chooses to respect public opinion when it is in its favor, otherwise it pretends that it has not seen it.

In order to kick France out, Hummel held up the "public opinion" banner without hesitation. This is a need for both interests and politics.

As the leader of the German region, Austria has a responsibility to take the lead. Otherwise, Belgium and the German federal empire would have the courage to compete with the French.

Seeing the flames, Marquis McLean, the British Foreign Minister who has been watching the show, said: "Sir Hummer is right. As a member of a civilized society, we must respect public opinion.

More than 95% of the people in the Rhineland region are of German descent, and their cultural traditions are more suitable for merging with the German state.

Now that the New Holy Roman Empire has withdrawn, the countries most suitable for auction are Belgium, the German Federal Empire and Switzerland. "

The British and Austrian countries are in the same position, and the European countries that are still waiting to participate have joined in. At this moment, everyone is "respecting the public opinion."


With more than a dozen countries in common, Montero couldn't resist the pressure. The reality is before us, and no one wants to see France continue to expand. The so-called "public opinion" is a shame cloth that everyone uses to frame their own image.

If the public opinion is really respected, the Irish region has become independent, the Scottish region has also become independent, and the major colonial empires have collapsed.

The truth is one thing, and what is said in the mouth is another. Everyone wants face, saying that one set and one set are necessary.

If there is no cover cloth, France is too strong to spread out directly. Everyone is worried that France will threaten their own security when they grow up. How will everyone get along?


After a cold drink to express his dissatisfaction, Montero chose silence. There is no way, this occasion is not suitable for a war of words, everyone's attitude is very determined, there is no way to persuade.

If you want to intimidate and lure you, the leaders are Britain and Austria, and you have to humiliate yourself. France has not singled out Europe's strength.

Montero's silence quickly won everyone's high praise, all kinds of **** came out, such as: "take care of the overall situation", "have a sense of international responsibility", "respect the role model of public opinion" ...

But falling into Montellor all turned into irony. If you do not achieve your goal, no amount of good words can bring benefits.

As a politician, if you get praise from all sides, don't rush into happiness, it is better to calm down and reflect on it first.

Normally, as long as there are two situations, people will praise you. The first case is that you are dead, and everyone is always tolerant of the dead; the second case is that your approach is in their interests.

The second situation in the world can be explained most of the time: you have done wrong and made everyone profit. In this case, it is easiest to get praise, and there will be names after life.

Otherwise, you're good if the enemy doesn't black out, and you still expect others to give you a good comment?

Respect the opponent, that is to respect the opponent who died or fell down, the opponent who is still in office, do not want to defeat, but also to make a name for the opponent.

After appeasing the French, everyone's eyes gathered on the representatives of Switzerland, Belgium and the German Federation, waiting for their reply.

Swiss Minister Podolski first gave the answer: "Although we are very keen to purchase the Rhineland region, due to financial constraints, we still have to give up."

Everyone almost believed, looking at Podolski with a sad expression. The Swiss federal government is indeed poor, limited by productivity and resources, and Switzerland has not yet developed.

However, it is said that due to financial resources to abandon the Rhineland region, everyone is more willing to believe that the Swiss are afraid of the French and dare not fight this enclave.

In this respect, Switzerland is completely different from Belgium and the German Confederation. The latter two are directly adjacent to the mainland and can increase their national strength.

Take the Kingdom of Belgium as an example. After gaining the Rhineland region, it will soon multiply its overall national strength. As the earliest industrialized country on the European continent, Belgium is a world leader in many fields.

Unfortunately, due to the small size of the country and insufficient development potential, Belgium has not been able to reach the threshold of powers and can only exist as a small country.

With the Rhineland region, they can complete the transition to a middle country, and their viability will greatly increase by then.

If it falls into the hands of the German Federation, the increase in strength will be even more pronounced. In addition, it is inevitable that heavy industry will surpass Spain.

There were only two buyers left, and Prussian Foreign Minister Jeffrey Friedman was not upset. This was expected.

Either France and Austria will come to the auction together, or the two countries will go out together under mutual restraint. Austria didn't want to stick to this trouble at this time, and chose to pull the French out together.

It is impossible for the auction to take place immediately, and no one has completed insider trading. This is not just about having money, but also political considerations.


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