Holy Roman Empire

Chapter 573: Pull down

The plan didn't change quickly. Looking at it was just noisy, but the French government was silent. Franz had to admit that he had misjudged.

The table was turned over, but the French protagonist was not involved, and the situation did not develop as Franz expected.

The Paris government seems to have staged a farce, which actually happens to be the choice that is in the best interest of France.

What France needs now is to keep a low profile and reduce its presence as much as possible. If this time jump out to compete for the Rhineland region, the awkward Britain and Austria will immediately give up their prejudices and suppress them together.

France is so strong that it happens to be adjacent to the Rhineland region. Geopolitics has decided that this problem cannot get to the French. The Paris government did not state its position, but was seduced by all parties.

Vienna Palace, looking at the information in his hands, Franz shook his head helplessly.

Whether Austria made money or lost money this time overturning the table is still unclear, but the Kingdom of Prussia certainly made money.

If, according to the British plan, a sudden attack at an international conference, there would be only a buyer in the German Federal Empire.

A strong buy business is naturally not as competitive as the two buyers. It is estimated that the sale of the Rhineland region will pass the financial crisis of the Berlin government.

Foreign Minister Weissenberg: "Her Majesty, the Berlin government has released news that it is interested in selling the Rhineland region, and now both Belgium and the German Federal Empire have expressed interest.

However, Belgium lacks the support of the great powers. Unless the French can get the support, otherwise the Prussians want to sell them, this transaction will be difficult to complete.

The German Federal Empire also has problems. Some people have raised the issue of the ownership of the Rhineland in the Imperial Parliament. Many state representatives have clearly stated that the Rhineland must join the state of the state.

If it were not for the immediate adjournment of George I, perhaps the parliament has now made a decision and cut off the possibility of the central government being directly under the Central Government. "

(George I of the German Federal Empire: George V of Hannover, Hannover has been destroyed in time and space, and there is no such monarch)

It can be seen that Weissenberg is still regretful that the German Federal Parliament has taken a step back. If a resolution has been reached, Austria's goal will be achieved.

As for supporting Belgium's acquisition of the Rhineland region, it has been a cover from beginning to end. The reason is very simple, Belgium and France are too close.

Without France's support, perhaps they still have a chance to compete; if they have the French's support, they won't even have a chance to compete.

The French are not charitable. Since they support Belgium, it is bound to be rewarded.

If the Kingdom of Prussia sold the Rhineland region to Belgium and turned Belgium and gave the above resources to the French, wouldn't it be a waste of time?

In terms of industrial development, the value of the resources of the Rhineland region to France is higher than that of Italy.

Napoleon III won the Italian region. Except for increasing the territory, population, and market, there was almost no gain in resources. Instead, France's resource crisis became more serious.

Before the occupation of Italy, the government of Paris need not worry about the energy of Italy. It's not the same now, these problems have become the problems of the French themselves.

France needs to import hundreds of thousands of tons of coal from the outside every year, and this number will continue to rise with the development of industry.

The impact on the French economy in the short term may not be obvious. If it is over ten or eight years, French heavy industry will be left behind.

Formerly, France became a usury empire, which means that the lack of local resources and the need to import from the outside world have raised the cost of industrial production.

The production cost is high, and the sales price has to rise accordingly. This has caused many French industrial and commercial products to lose their market competitiveness internationally, forcing capitalists to transform.

For the purpose of curbing the French, countries that have acquired the Rhineland region cannot be pro-law. This is a matter of principle.

There is no doubt that the German Federal Empire has done a better job in this regard. It has been hovering diplomatically between Britain and Austria, and it is more reliable than Belgium, which is swinging between Britain and France.

Prime Minister Felix: "Let's look at Belgium's choice first! If the Belgians have ambitions and want to build a strong country and can say no to the French, then it is not impossible to give them the Rhineland region.

We also need a nail to curb France. It is impossible without certain strength. Prussia was originally the best choice, but they developed too fast.

If it is not for us to cover Germany's unified strategy, in fact, to allow Hanover to acquire the Rhineland region, integrating the German Federation is also a good choice. "

If you want to take it first, Hannover's integration with the German Federation does not actually affect Austria's unification of the German region.

Because by the time Franz feels that the time is ripe, when he can start, Austria already has the power of a world hegemony and is not afraid of being attacked by the masses.

For the sake of pure interest, the German Federal Empire is already a chicken rib. Only by winning the Rhineland region can it be regarded as flesh.

With so many states in the German region, if all were put in, the Imperial Parliament would be lively. It is estimated that more than half of the energy of the future central government will be used to reconcile internal relations.

The partial German region has been divided for hundreds of years, and the people have long been accustomed to state politics. Coupled with religious factors, changing the rules of the game will inevitably be backfired.

This has to find someone to carry the blame, or else it will be dominated by crisis. The failure of both the German and German empires to solve this problem completely is sufficient to illustrate the problem.

Prime Minister Felix wanted George I to carry this blame, and when he killed many small states, Austria would jump out to pick peaches, and the hatred could be much less.

Franz nodded: "This issue can't be rushed. It's easy to make a wedding dress for someone else.

The national policy has been formulated, and we will proceed step by step. It is a taboo to take the liberty to change plans. This play must go on, at least for us to fight for ten years.

At that time, even if it's a gangster, we are in a good position. Even if Britain and France want to make trouble, they must have that strength. "

Ten years later, this is Franz's minimum requirement. If possible, it's better to go for two or three decades.

At that time, the French themselves left behind, and the two countries, Russia and Russia, successfully escalated into feuds. Even if the British wanted to be a demon, they would stop because they couldn't find a thug.

The original time and space London government did not go all out to suppress the Americans, but chose to kill the German Empire. One of the most important reasons was that it could not find a thug.

Under the Franz butterfly effect, this space-time industrial revolution is advancing much faster. Not only did electric power begin to spread in advance, even the development of internal combustion engines was much faster, and diesel engines were born.

Although it is still in the laboratory stage, there is no way to promote its use, which is also a major improvement of the power system. When the power system developed to a certain degree, it was the turn of the aircraft.

The development of the Air Force was the time when Austria replaced British hegemony. This is not Franz's suggestion. It is because the Royal Navy is too powerful, and it is simply unrealistic to rely on the Navy to directly overtake.

"As short as you are, you are as good as a blogger." Isn't this tired? Originally, the German and German empires used facts to prove that the British would not leave competitors with the opportunity to overtake the Royal Navy.

Austria's geographical position is better than that of the German Empire, but the nature of multi-line operations has not changed, and it does not have the geographical advantage of the United States that dominates a continent.

The birth of the Air Force is different. It competes with the British in emerging fields, and Franz does not advise at all. Deploying a circle along the Mediterranean Sea, the transportation lines on the African continent and homeland have stabilized, and Austria has also stabilized.

Austria's native population has exceeded 75 million, which is almost the same as the Russian Empire, more than twice that of the British mainland, and more than 10 million colonies in Africa. The longer the delay, the more obvious the population advantage will be.

As an old empire, itself is a vested interest, Austria now has no shortage of resources and markets, and no desire to urgently challenge the world order.

The task of challenging the world order should be left to the new empire. Unless there are soft persimmons that can be pinched, otherwise challenging the world order is trading with high risks and low returns. The result of more than 90% is that the spoils are not enough to make up for the losses of war.

From the perspective of God, the old empire is actually not the real enemy, and the new empire is the threat.

The most typical example is the three countries: Britain, France, and Austria. Each of them is the biggest competitor to each other, and there are still conflicts. However, not only did the three countries break out of war, they first formed an alliance.

The biggest problem is the lack of motivation to start the war. Everyone is a vested interest. There are large colonies under their hands, and their own families are supporting them. Who has the heart to grab others?

It is important to know that war has its costs. Starting from the First Near East War, wars that broke out directly between European countries were almost at a loss.

Even if the Prussian kingdom, which has obtained a large area of ​​land in return, wants to achieve profit, it will be a matter of decades later, and it will still be a loss of money in a short period of time.

From the perspective of investment science, the outbreak of war between big countries is a high-risk, low-return investment, which is naturally unpopular.



Countries condemned the Russian Empire's invasion of Poland and encountered a tsarist government that was not afraid of boiling water.

The Russians refused to retreat, and no one in Europe would send troops to interfere. This does not affect the continuation of the meeting, and the question of the illegality of William I as king of Poland has become a new focus.

Simply put, as long as the Kingdom of Prussia is willing to abandon the Rhineland region, William I is the legal King of Poland, and even the merger of Prussia and Poland can be legal.

On the contrary, it goes without saying. The imperialist iron fist will tell everyone what is legitimacy.

Axiom and justice, all turned to naught in the London conference. Without knowing it, everyone's discipline was pulled down a bit.

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