Holy Roman Empire

Chapter 570: Lift the table

The British are in action, and other countries have not been idle, especially the four countries of Pu, Russia, Poland, and Ottoman at the center of the vortex.

In order to obtain Russian diplomatic support from European countries, the diplomats of the four countries are like hard-working bees, constantly shuttled through the embassies of various countries.

France, Austria and Germany, which are also at the center of the vortex, seem to be silent in their sleep.

Hummer knew that things were not so simple on the surface, not that they didn't want to move but could not move, and that constant change was the best choice in Austria.

The French did not move. He also understood that, thanks to the prestigious name left by Napoleon, to this day, European countries have not relaxed their vigilance against France.

Under this circumstance, no matter what the Paris government's diplomacy is doing, European countries will not give up their fears.

Wanting to annex the Rhineland region, with the exception of Monaco, which is controlled by the French themselves, any country in continental Europe will stand on their opposite side.

Small countries can also intimidate and lure them into keeping them neutral. What about several big countries? Even if he wanted to exchange benefits, France couldn't afford the price. Since it is destined to be useless, why waste energy?

The German Federal Empire did not move, which made Hummer wonder. If he wanted to win the Rhineland, he would not be able to do so without the support of European countries.

Give everything to the British, and they wait to sit and enjoy it? When John Bull was charitable, how could they be left to nothing without sufficient benefits?

The German federal empire could not have no interest in the Rhineland region and won the Rhineland region, which would greatly promote their domestic heavy industry.

There was no action at all, so I just let the British take care of it, so I was not afraid to be sold by John Bull.

You know, there are many countries interested in the Rhineland region. In addition to the French, Belgium is also a competitor.

Under normal circumstances, Belgium's strength is too weak, and at most it is secretly considered. But once there is support from the powers, that's not necessarily the case.

The German Federal Empire can pay for the Rhineland region, and Belgium can also pay for it.

For the Kingdom of Prussia, it is more in its own interest to hand over Belgium to the German Federal Empire.

Belgium is also the younger brother of the British. It is not the best choice to hand over the Rhineland to Belgium, but as long as it does not fall into the hands of the French, the London government can also accept it.

Knowing that rivals exist, the German Federal Empire still believes in the British, and there must be unknown secrets.

Hummer ordered: "Halls, immediately generate electricity in Vienna, and let their intelligence organizations find out insider trading between Britain and Germany as soon as possible."

"Yes, Your Excellency!" Secretary Hall replied.


The London Conference was officially held on July 20, 1874. Polish Foreign Minister V. Vulublevski rightly accused the Russians of invading Poland and made three recommendations to the International Conference:

1. Condemns and sanctions Russia's aggression against Poland;

2. The Russian army immediately withdrew from Poland;

3. The Tsarist Government compensates the Kingdom of Poland for war losses.

There is no doubt that the Poles' proposal has received diplomatic support from European countries and has condemned the atrocities of the Russians.

Perhaps for the sake of blocking the Russians, or for other calculations, the Foreign Secretary of the United Kingdom, Macleans, who presided over the meeting, proposed a vote.

The result was naturally one-sided. Representatives from the sixteen countries of the British, French, Austrian, Russian, Prussian, Polish, German, Spanish, Portuguese, Swiss, Belgian, Greek, Moroccan, Black, Nordic, and Ottoman, 13 of them supported Poland. people.

Austria and Montenegro abstained. The only negative vote was the Russians. Quite a vote of veto means that the resolution was abolished because the Russians opposed it.

Hummel was puzzled, he had no idea what medicine was sold in the English gourd. This international conference does not have a binding force, and countries have not signed relevant treaties.

It had virtually no effect except to make the Russian representative look ugly. There is no problem in verbally supporting Poland. If you want all countries to send troops to interfere in this Russian-Polish war, let's sleep!

Hummel is not skeptical of the British's flickering ability. If the London government is willing to pay a large price to persuade the Kingdom of Prussia that it is probably okay, other countries should not think about it.

Obviously, the British did not support the Prussians to fight, this input and output are not proportional.

If the Russians are really defeated, the Berlin government will be on the books, and all British investments will be lost.

It's not that the Berlin government wants to settle accounts, but at that point, they really don't have money.

The war is a swallow of gold. The debt owed by the last Russian-Prussian war was paid by the Berlin government less than one-third. What will they pay back again?

Even if you win the war and get rich trophies, these trophies cannot be cash. Most of them are real estate and land, and they cannot be converted into wealth in a short time.

Even because of the war, more funds are needed to develop new occupation areas. For a long time, these new territories contributed negatively to finances.

Unless the British continue to increase their loans and allow the Berlin government to borrow new debt to pay off old debt, otherwise the kingdom of Prussia, which has no money, is doomed.


At the Palace of Vienna, Franz's face changed greatly after receiving what happened at the London conference. The seemingly bland vote was actually a hidden killer.

The Russians don't feel it. They are isolated by themselves, and even if they are confronted with European countries, the situation will not be worse.

If you change countries, it will be different. If you ignore the attitudes of European countries, you also need to ignore the capital of European countries.

There are only two countries on the European continent that are not afraid of being hostile. The first is the Russian Empire. They have more debt and dominate their geographical advantages. The vast territory + cold winter makes the Russian Empire invincible.

Beyond that, Britain is left alone. Even if everyone is upset with them, there is a strait barrier, and the strength of the Royal Navy, there is nothing they can do.

Other European countries are different. If you want to mix on the mainland, you can't make yourself the enemy. Every time we stand on the opposite side of European countries, it means that the crisis is approaching.

Napoleon's lesson learned has already told everyone: without a superior strategic position, without the strength to single out continental Europe, it is best not to wave well.

Franz can be sure that the British are not targeting the Russians this time, and the declining Russian Empire is not worth their thoughts.

It is worthwhile for the British to make every effort, except for France and Austria, where no third party can be found. Now that the Paris government is still fighting, it is unlikely that things will be done in the short term, so most of them are directed at Austria.

"The British have already made a move. How do you think we can cope?"

Prime Minister Felix: "Your Majesty, it depends on what the British want to do. At present, there are not many places we can be targeted, and there are even fewer places worthy of British calculation.

At this time, the British did small actions, either to disrupt our German unified strategy or to undermine our eastward expansion plan.

If it were the former, they would most likely start from the German Federal Empire. Our nominal German unification strategy is left with this last link.

However, the German federal empire is severely divided, and it seems that its strength is not small, but the power it can exert is very limited.

Even if they can integrate the German Federal Empire, there will be no way to win the hearts of the people. It is not possible to learn the Prussian kingdom from German nationalism overnight.

If it were the latter, then the British would have to keep the Ottoman Empire. This is not inconsistent with our strategic goals. The plan has been completed anyway, and the Near East War just needs an excuse to stop.

At present, the main goal of the British is not to allow the French to obtain the Rhineland region, which should be incidental to us. The Anglo-French-Austrian Alliance still exists, and the British should not go too far. "

Is it so simple? Franz was very skeptical. He didn't think that the British had laid so much in the early stage and the appetite was so small in the end.

Foreign Minister Weissenberg: "I remember two days ago, our embassy in London also sent a telegram explaining that the German Federal Empire did not behave properly, and intelligence organizations were required to investigate the insider trading in Britain and Germany.

Based on the current situation, it can be concluded that there is likely to be an unfavorable transaction between Britain and Germany. In order to avoid being found abnormal by us, the German Federal Empire chose to brake statically.

Of course, it must also be a small smoke bomb released by the British. The German Federal Government only accompanied them to perform a play to confuse us.

To break the game is very simple. The German Federal Empire thought that the annexation of the Rhineland region was a surefire victory, so we mixed up the water.

Didn't the Belgians show their intention to buy the Rhineland? Then we let them move and buy one more competitor, presumably the Prussians should be very happy. "

It's not clear what the British plan, it doesn't matter, first disrupt their deployment and mix the water correctly.

Let Belgium jump out at this time, and the London government has to make a choice. Only one of the two younger brothers can support it, so the relationship between the British and the one who is abandoned will inevitably be affected.

After a little thought, Franz made the decision: "Then encourage Belgium to come, but this is not enough pressure.

At this point, confidentiality has no meaning. Presumably France and France have guessed the British plan.

So just make things clear and let them know that we and the British have joined forces to support the German Federation in acquiring the Rhineland.

Let France and France jump out and flip the table. "

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