Holy Roman Empire

Chapter 571: Threat

Turning over the table, Franz was also compelled to do so. Despite Austria's influence in the German Federal Empire, Hannover's central government is more pro-British.

From the standpoint of the German Federal Government, it is obviously more in the interest of the ruling class to be closer to the British and use their strength to ensure their independence.

In contrast, the Vienna government shouted the slogan of unifying the German region every day, which made it really difficult for them to get close.

This kind of worry is limited to big states. For most of the small states, there are no such troubles. It is no defense to follow Austria. Anyway, they are younger brothers.

Affected by nationalism, most of the small states in the German region dumped more on returning to the Shinra Empire and fulfilling their dream of great power.

In terms of strength, once the German region unifies the European hegemony, and this European hegemon is likely to become the world hegemon.

The overlord is not only a name, but also hidden benefits. Nationalism in Germany can develop and grow. In addition to Austria's secret support, many local capitalists and nobles have also made great efforts.

In addition to patriotism, it is more for the benefit. The hegemon can bring a larger market to the capitalists, and it can also bring glory and benefits to the nobles.

Although there are many supporters in Austria, most of these people are outside the scope of guerrilla rights and may be distributed in small states and cannot control the decision of the central government.

These people support the German regional unification, in a sense, in order to reshuffle the cards and reorganize the rights and interests by the hands of Austria.

In Franz's view, most of these people are speculators. Let them shake their flags and scream. It is no problem to cooperate with the Austrian rule. They cannot be expected to die.

Otherwise, the rule of the German federal government would have been subverted long ago. Franz, a nationalist fighting force, has seen it. If these people dare to take the lead, the German Federal Government can be replaced in a moment.

Now turning over the table, in addition to warning the German Federal Government not to play with fire, Franz is still beating these speculators and telling them in actual action that leaving the German Federal Republic of Austria is a small country without a voice.

So that after the annexation of the Rhineland region, these people drifted away, and the English people flickered to play German.

These areas are different from Switzerland, Belgium, and the Netherlands, which were previously separated from the Shinra Empire.

Switzerland is a mountainous region. It belongs to a place where there is nothing, but the people are sturdy, and Franz naturally has no interest in such a place.

Belgium's geographical location is important. As a buffer country in France and Germany, whoever thinks of them will fall to the other side.

Not to mention the Netherlands, which has always been outside the German region, has been independent for a long time, and has formed its own cultural heritage system.

All three nations have independent capital, but a scattered German Federal Empire does not. The poor strategic position sandwiched by Faop's three countries is destined that their future will not be better.

Once the European balance is broken, the tragedy of the German Federal Empire is doomed. Prior to this, Franz didn't mind them having to escape for a few days.

How do you know the importance of a strong motherland without having experienced social beatings?


Berlin, William I was furious since he knew that Britain and Austria would give the Rhineland to the German Federal Empire.

It is too bullying. Even if the Rhineland is an enclave and the French are on the side, it may be lost at any time, which is also the territory of the Kingdom of Prussia.

Imagine that year, after the anti-French war ended, Austria forced the Rhineland region to them at the Vienna Conference, letting them serve as a guard for France.

The sad scene of his father, Frederick William III, has come to mind of William I. Unexpectedly, he caught up again in his lifetime.

On the surface, even if an additional territory is an enclave, it is not humiliating.

In fact, the Vienna Conference was also a spoils conference after the victory of the Anti-French War. Taking away the Rhineland region, Prussia lost the opportunity to swallow Saxony.

At that time, the Rhineland region was a rotten land, and it was still threatened by the French at any time, and it was nowhere near the fertile soil in front of the house.

Finally, when the industrial age came, the rotten land became a treasure land, and it turned out to change hands again. How did William I accept it?

I promised to the French that it was just a blank check. William I knew that Britain and Austria would not allow the French to annex the Rhineland region, and he could regret it afterwards.

Now that is good, Britain and Austria are doing more extreme than he imagined, ready to take the Rhineland region directly from them.

William I held back his anger: "Britain and Austria want to take the Rhineland from us. What do you think we should do now?"

Prime Minister Mochi shot the table: "This is impossible. The Rhineland region is our legal territory. After the European countries of the Vienna Conference confirmed it, why did Britain and Austria take away from me?

No matter what, we will not budge. If such humiliating conditions have been agreed, how can we explain to the people. As long as we don't agree, can Britain and Austria still send troops to help the German Federation fail? "

Chancellor of the Exchequer Gorman: "It's not that simple. Of course, Britain and Austria will not send troops to force the Rhineland region, but they can still prevent us from establishing the Pope United Kingdom.

According to news from London, Britain and Austria have reached an agreement. Once we reject this transaction, we refuse to recognize this Polish throne election.

If we forcibly merge Poland, Britain and Austria will mobilize European countries to embargo our supplies, and the London government is ready to collect debts in advance. I am afraid that our financial situation ... "

send troops? There is no need to send troops at all. Just the embargo on the materials will not bear the Kingdom of Prussia. Besides, the British still need to collect debts in advance?

There is no doubt that the economic crisis in the Kingdom of Prussia will erupt at most one month, or that devastating economic crisis.

Mao Qishou contradicted: "If the British people collect debts in advance, we will declare bankruptcy, and rely on these debts, so that no one can be better off if the two lose.

The material embargo is easy to say, and it is impossible to implement it in concrete terms. In the European and British countries, Britain and Austria cannot cover the sky with one hand. They do not do business and other countries do it.

Moreover, this kind of government forcibly intervenes in free trade, and their domestic capitalists will not agree. "

Chancellor of the Exchequer Gorman explained with a bitter smile: "The capitalists promised to leave it alone, but the material embargo between Britain and Austria did.

Without the participation of all countries, most of our import and export trade is conducted with Britain and Austria, accounting for about 66.4% of the total import and export trade.

Once blocked by Britain and Austria, more than half of the ports in the world will be closed to us. Flights to Africa, India, and Southeast Asia will be completely disrupted, including our only colony.

To the Americas ... "

This is a practical issue. The combined economic volume of Britain and Austria together with the colonies has accounted for 58% of the world's total, industrial total accounts for 68%, and import and export trade accounts for 75% of the world.

The combined colonies of the two countries are more than one-third of the land area. Most of the ports in the world are monopolized by the two countries. It is impossible to avoid overseas trade.

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