Holy Roman Empire

Chapter 569: British plan

An Austrian embassy, ​​a staff member in his thirties reported: "His Excellency, this is information we have recently collected.

It is worth noting that at the same time as the visit of the Marquis of Macleans, the Deputy Secretary of State for the Foreign Office, Crow, also entered the French Embassy at the same time.

The two held talks in the back room, no one knew the specifics. It is initially determined that the content of their conversation should be related to the Near East War, and half of it may involve the issue of German unification. "

Bringing Austria to check and balance France, and then pulling France to check and balance Austria, and using the Anglo-French-Austrian alliance to maintain the stability of the European continent and consolidate their world supremacy is the British foreign policy.

The British and French contacted Hummer without any surprise. The British wanted to keep the nail of the Ottoman Empire, and the Vienna government was prepared to leave the decaying empire to slowly shear wool.

If the Ottoman Empire is killed suddenly, Austria will not be able to swallow this piece of meat. By then, the European countries will divide up, which will not only undermine the fraud strategy implemented by the Vienna government, but also put Britain and France into their back gardens.

Just slogan "Unified Germany", if you take it seriously, lose. As a high-level government official, Hummer knew very well that the Vienna government was not ready to unify the German region.

Hummer nodded: "Place the file here, I will take the time to look at it. Now continue to stare at the British, I always feel that things are not so simple."

Things went so smoothly that Hummer didn't need to do anything to get the desired result.

If it is something else, it can be celebrated in advance. But in international diplomacy, the more such times, the more vigilance is needed.

No one can guarantee that this will be a smoke bomb released by competitors. Britain and Austria have just reached an oral agreement, which is not binding, and it is too easy to repent.


In the official residence of the Prime Minister of Downing Street, high-level British cabinets gathered.

Prime Minister Gilston: "How is the plan going, have France and Austria been hooked?"

Foreign Minister Macleans: "Progress is going very smoothly, and France and Austria are very vigilant against each other. As long as we control the time and proceed step by step as planned, without leaving them time for private transactions, the overall situation is set.

Compared to France and Austria, I worry more about the German Federal Empire. There are too many states in the German region, Austria has too much influence in the German region, and local nationalism has awakened.

I worry that even with our support behind them, they may not go according to our plan. In case they don't persist, our investment will be lost.

You know, so far, Hanover hasn't really mastered the country. Their imperial parliament still follows the traditional model, one state and one vote, which is very headache. "

"One state, one vote" is a prerequisite for the establishment of the German Federal Empire. Otherwise, why do many German states follow Hanover?

Behind the right to vote, there is Austrian writing. This political structural model was created from the outset to prevent the German Federation from being integrated.

Now the effect is very good. After so many years, the German Federal Empire is still the "comedy empire".

In theory, such a political structure will affect the development of the country, but the opposite is true. The local economic development is very good.

These states have a high degree of autonomy and can formulate economic policies flexibly. There is no need for the central government led by Hanover to intervene.

The economic foundation determines the political structure. Due to geopolitical, cultural, political and diplomatic factors, many states in the German Federation inevitably tie the economy to Austria.

Not every small country has ambitions. For many small countries, it is sufficient to develop a good economy. Anyway, no matter who is the boss, they can't turn them into the boss, as long as they are acceptable.

Many states at the village and town level have even cancelled their army. For them, it is the same whether they support the army.

Duel is no longer popular these years. The tens of thousands or hundreds of thousands of troops have exceeded their total population. They cannot win even when they encounter invasion by foreign enemies.

According to the British plan, the German Federal Empire would later cut off with Austria, completely get rid of Austrian influence, and become a truly independent country.

The highest authority of the German Federal Empire is the Imperial Parliament. Under the basic system of one state and one vote, these small humble states can unite and reject any decision of the central government.

Macleans' worries are justified, and if the German Federal Empire Parliament stands up and sings it, it will be a joke.

Prime Minister Gilston frowned: "This is indeed a problem, but it can be left to the German Federal Government to handle.

If these states cannot be convinced, the emperor will have to order the closure of the Imperial Parliament. This may cause a little chaos, but I believe they can still be overcome.

After the German Federal Empire annexes the Rhineland region, their strength will have a qualitative breakthrough, and the economic aggregate and industrial aggregate can be ranked among the top five in Europe.

If Austria annexes the German Confederation, then the European continent is really a big one, which is not what European countries want to see.

It is now the general trend that the Federal Republic of Germany and Austria are further divided and the possibility of German unity is completely cut off. Even if the Vienna government is regenerating, there is no way to resist the common will of European countries. "

The German Federal Empire was originally the most prosperous region in the German region, and the Rhineland region was even more powerful.

When you open the map, you know that the essence of the original German and German empires are here. Just looking at industry and economy, it is equivalent to half the strength of the original German and German empires during the same period.

This volume is no longer small, the total economic output exceeds that of Spain, and the per capita income exceeds that of France and Austria.

The only shortcoming is the large number of states in the country, which has dispersed the country's power, especially the military power. Otherwise, the German Federation can join the power club.

If we simply calculated the total domestic economy, now both France and Austria exceed Britain, and Austria is already the world's largest economy.

The economic structure determines the superstructure, the volume is so large that it is not impossible to develop sea and land rights at the same time.

Once Austria annexed the German Federal Empire, it had the power to simultaneously develop land and sea power, which had seriously threatened Britain's supremacy.

Chancellor of the Exchequer Laruk Royd: "We seem to have overlooked something. Just changing the name of the country may not be able to achieve the goal.

Do not forget that the German Federal Empire has long been an independent country and has nothing to do with the Shen Luo Empire that the Austrians fiddled with, but the Vienna government still holds the banner of unity in the German region, and the people in the German region buy it.

The nationalism agitated by the French has now been carried forward in the German region, and it is not restricted by the rules of the game at all.

If the people cannot be cut, the actual effect of changing the country name will be very limited, and it may even further stimulate nationalism. "

Jurisprudentially, Austria has nothing to do with the German Federation. It stands to reason that people in the German Federal Empire will not buy Austrian accounts.

It is a pity that nationalism was encountered and the situation changed. Nationalists insist that the German region is a whole. They acknowledge that the Shinshin Empire has inherited the legal system of the fallen Shinshin Empire, but does not recognize the current German Federal Empire.

This complicates matters. The German Federal Empire is independent, yes, but Austria still has a unified population base in Germany.

The British wanted to change the country name of the German Federal Empire. In fact, it was a further political cut to lay the foundation for weakening the theory of German unity.

Minister of Foreign Affairs McLean shook his head: "The cultural traditions of Germany and Austria are in the same vein. It is very difficult to separate the people.

Even if it was an independent country that had seceded from the Shinra Empire earlier, in fact the Netherlands did a better job and basically completed de-Deutschlandization.

Belgium and Switzerland are deeply influenced by German culture, but they and Austria have been cut off. Neither country is included in the German government ’s unified strategy for Vienna.

The Kingdom of Prussia did a good job too, and within a few years, it would be possible to get rid of the influence of the idea of ​​a great German unification.

Due to internal problems and lack of a strong government, the German Federal Empire has been slow to act.

Now we have to push forward, or maybe one day we will do a little work and the German region will be unified. "


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