Holy Roman Empire

Chapter 566: Final idealism

Affected by the heavy casualties of the Russian army, the war on the Asia Minority Peninsula eased. In addition to the continued harassment and bombing, the coalition forces made occasional landings to cause damage.

The Ottoman government wanted to take the opportunity to counterattack, but unfortunately it was not allowed. Just after a major defeat, the loss of personnel and materials was very serious. Ottoman traffic was inconvenient and there was no way to complete the replenishment in the short term.

In the Middle East Theater, Lieutenant General Fezlav was sighing at Jerusalem. Religious cities are troublesome. There are too many landmarks in it. If you accidentally break them, it will be very troublesome.

Otherwise, Fislav would have ordered shelling. The inability to use heavy fire was just one thing. He also had to control the casualties of the main force.

The main purpose of training is to train. Austria is not Russia. It is not necessary to take soldiers' lives seriously.

In order to reduce losses, Lieutenant General Fislav used cannon fodder forces to attack the city as much as possible, which is why the progress was slow.

The guard reminded: "General, the meeting is about to begin."

Fislav nodded and turned into the headquarters.


A young military officer stood up, with a sad look on his face, coupled with a childish cheek, which made people feel awkward.

"General, you can't make such a strong attack. If this continues, the war will not end, and the army in our hands will be completely lost."

There is no doubt that the troops commanded by the young officers were used as cannon fodder. Indigenous soldiers have no status in the Austrian army and are not staffed during normal times. They are recruited only temporarily when needed.

Fislav replied expressionlessly: "Major Rick, war has always been brutal, not afraid of sacrifice is the essence of soldiers, you have to learn to adapt.

If you are concerned about the heavy casualties, then you have to find a way to bring down the casualties, instead of complaining to me here.

Now that you are commanding the colonial forces, we can not care about such casualties. If one day you command a regular army, this casualty figure can already send you to a military court. "

Sacrifice was cannon fodder, and Fislav naturally didn't care. If the regular army loses so much, he will have to think about how to explain it to the country.

In fact, Franz doesn't care about soldier casualties, but casualties must be valuable. If it is an officer's decision-making mistake that has caused heavy troop losses, even if he wins the war, he still needs to be held accountable.

In contrast, the status of the cannon fodder troops is much lower, and it is enough to recruit them after they die. The Vienna government will never ask questions.

This war, except for Jerusalem, is the training of young military officers' command capabilities through actual combat.

For example: Rick is a division commander of the colonial forces, or a major is not yet eligible to appear at military meetings.

Rick's young officer hurriedly explained, "No general, I just think this kind of blind attack is meaningless.

In the case that heavy artillery cannot be used, it is difficult for us to make an attack like this, and we may change to a more effective siege method.

For example: Recruit young and strong on the spot, let the Ottomans kill each other, and weaken the morale of the defenders in the city. Or drive people into the city and consume the enemy's food. "

These two approaches have actually been mentioned at previous military conferences. The reason for being rejected is very simple, and that is because of fame.

In order to gain political capital, the Vienna government has called out the slogan of regaining the Holy Land. Not looking at the lonely Holy See, he spontaneously jumped out and waved his flag.

A large group of journalists who are not afraid of death have come here from continental Europe. Every move of the Austrian army was stared at by the eyes of countless people. Lieutenant General Fislav naturally would not take extreme measures.

Some people do not understand this approach. Everyone's reputation is not good these days. Austria's means in the colonial movement are also unclean. Why care about reputation?

After hesitating for a moment, Fislav shook his head: "No, the military serves politics. Jerusalem's status is extraordinary. We must consider international influence.

If the soldiers in your hands have more than one-third of the casualties, you can pause the siege first. We have cut off the water source, and the people inside can't hold it for long.

This war is a practical training. The knowledge you have learned will be applied to the battlefield, and the loss will be second. "

Seemingly easy answer, but it is full of helplessness. Pinning hope on the enemy's inadequate preparation is not something a general should do.

However, in reality, Fislav has reported the situation to the Vienna government. The answer is: It doesn't matter if Jerusalem can't be beaten in a short while. Austria is not short of this time, but its international reputation must not be damaged.

Another young military officer suggested: "Otherwise, let's let go and let someone spread the rumors and encourage local Muslims to enter Jerusalem to defend the Holy Land.

And when we capture the captives, we can create opportunities for them to flee back to Jerusalem. Whether the garrison in the city accepts it or not, it is good for us. "

This obscure means seems to be much more civilized.

Fislav nodded: "This suggestion is good, ordering the patrols in the north to release water, intentionally leaving a gap to allow personnel to enter and exit.

Then send some people to talk with the local strength factions, and let them guide the local government into Jerusalem, and find an excuse to deal with it without cooperation.

Regardless of whether the garrison in the city puts people into the city, first send people to the city and then talk. Be careful, don't let people find out. "


The red sunset was gradually fading, and Russia and Poland were still fiercely fighting, and the battlefield was already full of blood.

At the moment of life and death, the courage shown by the Polish army surprised the Russians. However, this changed the direction of the war. Over time, the disadvantages of the Polish army were gradually exposed.

Night fell, the night blocked the Russian front, and both sides were forced to withdraw. The shaky Kiev held on for another day, and Pretal, as a defensive officer, was already struggling.

With less than one-fifth the strength of the Russian army, he has been holding the city for a week, and the reinforcements have not arrived. The surrounding friendly forces have long been defeated, and Kiev has become a lone city.

Dragging his tired body and counting the casualties, Pretar sighed.

The Polish government has deployed an infantry division and two garrison regiments in the Kiev region, with a total strength of 16,000. Now less than half are capable of combat.

This is also the result of Pretar's pressure to concentrate all the forces in the Kiev region after the outbreak of the war. Otherwise, it will not stop the Russian army for a week.

The strategic place outside the city has been almost lost. During the day, the Russian army invaded the city. Without reinforcements, Kiev's fall was a doomed result.

Pretar no longer has fantasies about the reinforcements, he just expects the government not to waste the time that the 16,000 garrison lives won.

Late at night, after deploying the defensive task, Pretar wrote the last letter, or a testament, to the Polish government.

The telegraph from Kiev to Warsaw has been cut off, and now only original communication can be used. Whether this letter can be delivered to the Polish government is unknown.

This time Pretar did not ask for help, and reason told him that it was foolish to fight the Russians in Kiev.

The best battlefield is in Warsaw, although putting the battlefield in the capital can be very costly. But without a public base, it is too difficult to win with the weak.

War always requires sacrifice. In Pretar's view, there is no price to pay for victory.

Today, the defenders in the Kiev region can sacrifice for the country, and then Warsaw, as the capital, can also make sacrifices.

As one of the leaders of the Polish Revolution, after the independence of Poland, Pretar took the initiative to leave the Center of Rights and chose to defend the most unpopular Kiev front line.

When this decision was made, he was ready to sacrifice the country. The Russian Empire was not easy to deal with, and the Tsarist government made a comeback, as many people expected.

It's just that this time came too early. After independence, Poland didn't revive. After only a few years, it was reduced to fish again.


In Warsaw, when Prime Minister Donbrowski received Pretar's testament, news of the fall of Kiev and the suicide of Pretar came along, pulling out the last nail, and the Russian front Directly towards the Slucci River.

Putting down the letter in his hand, East Brovsky shook his head. In his opinion, Pretar was too idealistic, and at this point it would be nice for the Kingdom of Poland to survive.

Rather than fantasize about concentrating its forces to wreak havoc on the Russian army in Warsaw, hope that the Prussian reinforcements will arrive soon.

The day before the fall of Kiev, the Polish parliament had elected William I as king, and Popov's confluence was a foregone conclusion.

Until the war, the Kingdom of Poland has failed. In the short period of half a month, the Kingdom of Poland has lost 80,000 troops and lost one-fifth of its territory. What will it do against the Russians?

There is always someone responsible for the failure of the war. As the loser, the interim Prime Minister of East Brovsky is not far behind the days of blame resignation.

There is no way. Under the pressure of the Russians, all walks of life in Polish society advocate compromise with the Prussians in exchange for the protection of the Berlin government.

In his political career over the years, East Brovsky was not in vain. He was no longer the simple revolutionary.

With an analysis of the current situation, he knew that there was a secret trade between the two countries. It's impossible to know why the Berlin government is ignorant, but the Prussians are still slow, which is enough to explain many problems.

The end of the war is no longer something that the Polish government can decide. It is estimated that when the Russians took the agreed site, they would sit down and negotiate.

The intervention of the international community saw thunder and rain. If Britain and France really wanted to interfere in this war, they would send troops directly to the Baltic Sea to intimidate St. Petersburg, and the custody government would compromise.

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