Holy Roman Empire

Chapter 565: Train officers

The Constantinople Headquarters commanded the Bosphorus Strait. It should be celebrated, but the reality is exactly the opposite.

After seeing the statistics of casualties, everyone was not happy.

As the Russians spent a lot of time in the Ava landing war, leaving enough time for the enemy to react, the Ottoman Empire mobilized heavy troops.

The result of head-on collision is heavy casualties. With the advantage of equipment, the Russian army won the battle, but the price paid was not small.

The number of casualties as high as 30,000 is enough to prove the tragic war. If the Ava war and the casualties in other areas are added, the number of casualties in the Russian army has exceeded the 40,000 mark, of which the number of casualties is close to 10,000.

Perhaps this number is not worth mentioning for the Russian Empire, but it is very deadly for the expeditionary force with only 150,000 troops.

Now the morale of the Russian army has dropped significantly, and victory cannot change the aftermath of the heavy casualties. Even if the wounded are effectively treated, the number of Russian soldiers who can return to the battlefield in the future will not exceed 20,000.

This means that from now on, the total strength of the Russian army will be permanently lost 20,000. In the short term, the Russian army can use only 110,000 troops, and it will have to station troops in the Bosporus, with less than 80,000 mobile troops.

General Allest, the chief commander of the Allied Forces, also felt the pressure. He did not care about the heavy casualties of the Russian army. The key was that the next battle was worrying him.

The Vienna government's attitude is very clear, winning the victory at the least cost. Placing the navy general in the position of commander-in-chief of the coalition proves that the Vienna government did not attach importance to the battle on the Asia Minor Peninsula and had no plans to send troops.

As a soldier, there is no desire to defeat the battle. Although the war was under the command of the Russians, there was no need for Arest to take responsibility for it. However, failure on the battlefield would still affect his reputation.

Of course, as a naval general, you do not direct the war in person, you can minimize the impact and not affect the career.

Arest warned: "General Ivanov, your strategic goals have been exposed and the enemy is ready to wait for you to jump into the pit. Do you want to continue?"

The words "you" fully illustrate the relationship between the coalition forces, and the cooperation between Russia and Austria is not close.

Ivanov's face changed, his expression a little awkward. They had planned to show their strength to Austria through this battle, but nothing happened.

Had it not been for the last minute, the presence of the Austrian airship forces had hit the enemy's morale, and the war would probably continue now.

Strength is the right to speak. The Russian army has not demonstrated superior fighting power, and the right to speak in the alliance is naturally affected.

Especially in the coalition command, facts have proved that the Russian army's combat plan failed. At the meeting, Ivanov's voice was much lower.

"His Commander, the Bosphorus has been won, the Marmara Gateway has been opened, and the Black Sea Straits of the coalition forces can enter at any time. We can launch landing operations more flexibly.

"Don't hit the south wall, don't look back." After hearing this answer, Arest rested what he wanted to say and reorganized the language.

After a period of contact, Arest knew that Ivanov was not a fool and his military capabilities were considered excellent. The previous war proved that the Russian army did not make much mistakes.

It is only "political need" to allow him to ignore the actual situation and continue to carry out a plan that is obviously wrong in the military.

The military needs to serve politics. When it comes to politics, right or wrong is no longer important.

The Tsarist government needs to open the Black Sea Strait as soon as possible to ensure that the domestic export trade is carried out normally, and the frontline Russian army can only stick to it.

Serious casualties? It doesn't matter. The Russian Empire has people. Anyway, the war supplies are provided by the Austrians, and the Tsarist government can afford to lose.

With such a strong desire to fight, Allest couldn't stop it. As long as the Russians are willing to fight for their lives, the Vienna government is willing to throw money.

"With your strength, if you want to complete the next combat plan, I'm afraid you are still weak. Is your country planning to increase your troops?"

Ivanov nodded his head: "Yes, Your Excellency the Commander. The Ottoman Empire has responded, and at least 200,000 troops are required to seize the Black Sea Strait.

I have applied for 100,000 reinforcements in China and I expect to reach the front line within two months. The only problem now is supplies.

In recent years, the Russian Empire lacked financial resources, and the Russian-Polish War just broke out. Now it cannot afford it ... "

After hearing this reply, Arest stood up and turned his back to the crowd, as if in deep thought.

Needless to say, Arest knows that the Tsarist government will have to empty gloves again. The so-called 100,000 soldiers are probably 100,000 young and strong.

If not, the Tsarist government wants to train troops through this war and prepare for the subsequent Russian-Prussian war.

In the eyes of politicians, human life is worthless. Being able to take Austrian supplies and train an elite division, it is estimated that the Tsarist government would not care about the casualties.

After half a time, Arest gave the answer: "This is beyond my authority. To increase the supply of supplies, this must require the consent of the Vienna government."

Ivanov said eagerly: "Her commander, in fact, the consent of the Vienna government is not required. As long as we report more losses, we can put the account ..."

Let the Vienna government decide that it involves diplomacy. Countries have always used their interests to speak, and the Russian-Olympic alliance is no exception.

This involves the issue of the division of future spoils. Ivanov would rather have less supplies now than pay a greater price to the Russian Empire.

The Russian army has always had a hard time. The logistics of the expeditionary army is based on the supply of the Austrian army. This standard far exceeds the treatment of the Russian army.

In the opinion of many Russian military officers, the treatment of gray animals is a complete waste. If you lower the standard and report more damage, the supply of 150,000 troops and the supply of 230,000 Russian troops will suffice.

Insufficient weapons and equipment are also easy to handle. According to the practice of the Russian army, the soldiers in the front are killed, and the soldiers in the back can pick up their guns and continue to use them.

In addition, some materials can be captured on the battlefield, and everyone can cooperate to solve the problem.

Arest's face changed so much that the Russians could do it, but he didn't dare to do it.

Franz's supervision of the military is very strict. It is necessary to go to a military court to misreport war damage and sell national interests. The promise promised by the Russians, for Arest, was a lifeline.

"No! General Ivanov, I warn you that this matter ends here, please don't insult the aristocratic glory!"

Having said that, Arest fell straight out the door. He was really angry, and if he did not do it, it would be impossible.

It's not easy to get into this position. I don't know how many people are staring down. Want to replace it.

As for "the benefits promised by the Russians," Arest was dismissive. If high-level officers like him are poor ghosts, how can the following officers and soldiers live?


Vienna Palace, looking at the battle report in his hands, Franz was not surprised at all. No matter how the Ottoman Empire fell, the rotten ship still had three pounds.

The reforms in front of the Sudanese government are not completely useless, at least training a modern army. Maybe due to financial resources, bureaucratic corruption and other factors, the Ottoman army is not strong, but how much better can the Russian army be?

The Tsarist government has limited financial resources, and the Russian army is also suffering. The information collected on the front lines has already shown that the Russian military is seriously inadequate.

The two rookies are pecking at each other. The Ottoman army has a quantitative advantage, and the Russian army has the equipment advantage. It is normal to lose heavy war losses.

There was no major defeat on the front line, and no Austrian troop was needed, Franz was satisfied. From the standpoint of Austria, the Russian combat effectiveness is still weak.

"The Russians want to use our strength to train troops. Maybe they will continue to change troops on the grounds that they need to rest.

The tsarist government is in a hurry. It seems that the Prussians have given them a lot of excitement. How do you think we should answer them now? "

Franz's subconscious oblivion about the Tsarist government's attempt to open up the Black Sea Strait. That's a trivial matter compared to hidden plans.

In the last Russian-Prussian war, the insufficient training of most of the Russian soldiers was also an important factor that led to the failure of the war.

learn from mistakes.

The Tsarist government wanted to train an elite army, which was an inevitable result. The biggest problem with the Tsarist government now is that it has no money, and the Near East War has become an opportunity for Russians to train.

Anyway, they are paying by Austria, they just need to get out of the way. Do not look at the heavy casualties of the frontline Russian army. Once the restoration has been restored, the combat effectiveness of the remaining troops will definitely rise instead.

Prime Minister Felix: "Your Majesty, it depends on how much the Russians will pay. The actual training losses are very large, and the soldiers cannot serve long-term, and they will retire after a few years.

If the Russian-Prussian War does not erupt in a short time, these soldiers will only be able to impart experience. The Russian army does not lack this kind of experience. It was only a few years after the last war.

I think the Tsarist government wants to train a group of qualified officers through actual combat. As long as there are enough officers, it is not difficult to expand the army, and it can guarantee a certain combat effectiveness. "

Training officers is what Austria is doing. The convening of so many cannon fodder units on the battlefield was to train officers. Otherwise, the Middle East battlefield would not have been able to erode. Jerusalem has not been conquered yet.

It is not as simple as the Russians want to train officers. This is also related to the future situation in Europe, for example: increasing the odds of the tsarist government in the Russian-Prussian war.


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