Holy Roman Empire

Chapter 567: Battlefield Reporter

In order to divide Poland, it is not only enough that the two countries reach an agreement. It also needs to be recognized by European countries, especially the understanding of France and Austria.

Palace of vienna

Foreign Minister Weissenberg: "His Majesty, we have reached an agreement with the two countries. They have publicly supported our unification of the German region in exchange for our neutrality on Poland."

This is not a short check, but it is more unreliable than a short check. If Austria were to unify the German region, the most violent reaction would be the two countries.

In the face of interest, this verbal commitment is not binding, and whether it can be fulfilled depends on everyone's ethics.

Franz doesn't think that the two countries will fulfill their promises. Don't watch them beat you alive. If Austria starts to unify the German region, the two countries will soon ease their contradictions.

Can Russia's hatred be as deep as that of Britain and France? After the rise of the German and German empires in the past, both Britain and France can abandon hatred, and now Russia and Russia can do the same.

After all, it is in the interests that Austria's unified German region has threatened their security, especially for the Kingdom of Prussia, which is politically a lethal blow.

In recent years, the Berlin government has deliberately downplayed the great German unification and advocated the Grand Prussian thought that Juncker aristocrats feared that Austria would break the fortress from the inside.

The annexation of the German Federal Empire by Austria is bound to stimulate German nationalism in Prussia, which is absolutely unacceptable to the Berlin government.

Britain, France and Russia are similar. They do not want to see Austria continue to grow. Unifying the German region, Austria is essentially a continental hegemon, which has seriously threatened their strategic security.

Stepping out this step, even if Franz is the pinnacle of diplomatic play, it will inevitably be the fate of being beaten.

One-on-one, Austria does not advise; with one enemy two, think twice; with one enemy three, there is almost no chance of winning; with one enemy four, you simply surrender directly, and you ca n’t wait to die.

Obviously, Russia and Russia are not attentive. Rather than supporting Austria's unification of the German region, it is better to induce Austria to jump out to share international pressure and divide the British, French, Austrian, and the Big Three alliances.

Franz nodded: "Unexpectedly, the two countries secretly traded between Russia and Russia. Isn't it just to watch out for us to interfere, let them be happy for a while. When are the British going to start?

The person who calculates is always calculated. Great power diplomacy is that you count me today, and I count you tomorrow. Everyone has their own means. There is only interest between nations, and there is no right or wrong between good and evil.

Weissenberg replied: "The exact time has not been determined. The British are not assured of us and have kept us secret until now.

Approximately before William I ascended the throne, to persuade the Kingdom of Prussia to concede must be completed before the plan of the Berlin government was completed. "

In terms of deals and compromises, Austria is playing to the pinnacle. The current political structure of the European continent has been negotiated and compromised between the Vienna government and other countries.

Otherwise, the Russians would not be able to get Constantinople, the French would not be able to swallow up Italy, and even most of the Russian-Prussian War would not break out, and the Kingdom of Poland would have no chance of independence.

It is normal for the British to worry. No one can remain indifferent to the interests, and no one can guarantee that the Vienna government will not take this opportunity to trade with the French.

To a certain extent, the British and Austrian diplomatic ideals are the closest. Both sides take international interests as the core. When encountering problems, the first thing to think about is not to solve them, but to maximize national interests.

After a moment of contemplation, Franz made the decision: "In this case, then strengthen the strength of the Russian Empire, so that Prussia's growth will not cause us trouble.

Didn't the Tsarist government want to train troops? Agree with the Russian plan to increase troops, and we provide strategic materials. "

International politics moved the whole body and played a balanced strategy. Franz realized that the British were not easy.

It is already difficult to maintain the balance between Russia and Russia, but the British play European balance. This requires more countries to be involved, more needs to be considered, and the difficulty of operation is self-evident.

No wonder the World War broke out in time and space, and dancing on eggs every day, there are always mistakes. It is estimated that the original London government was also very aggressive, and the French actually abandoned themselves.


In the Middle East, Lieutenant General Fezlav held a telescope and watched the crowd quietly converge to the north of Jerusalem.

The besieged Austrian army turned a blind eye to it, as if it had been forgotten to the north.

A burly young military officer reported: "General, the patrolling sentinel found the mark passed by the camel team in the north. It was suspected that someone had delivered supplies to Jerusalem last night."

Since the patrol was to deliberately release water, naturally there was no need to send someone to inspect it at night. This created an opportunity for the enemy to seize the opportunity to rush supplies into the city.

Lieutenant General Fezlav said indifferently: "Don't startle them first, send someone to stare in secret, dig out the Ottoman idiot, and then wipe it out."

After a pause, Fislav shook his head again: "Forget it, don't check it. Post a notice, from now on: Anyone who provides any help to the Ottoman Empire will be dealt with as an enemy.

There is no need to specify, after the reporters have gone, we will slowly settle accounts with them. "

The young officer stopped talking and finally didn't say it. The Ottoman Empire has operated here for hundreds of years, and the rule has long been ingrained. Even if the rule is destroyed by the Austrian army, it will not clear the influence in a short time.

Some people are willing to deliver goods to the Sudanese government for the garrison. But how many of these sneaky deliveries can be delivered every day?

For more than a hundred thousand people in the city, these things are completely a slap in the bucket. Moreover, there are enthusiastic educators who come from all directions to defend the Holy Land. These people also need to eat.

Fislav probably understood what the Vienna government meant, and there was no rush to retake Jerusalem. The General Staff also ordered that Jerusalem should not go alone until it was recovered, and it was said that he was delayed to fight slowly.

In this case, when salted fish is good. War has to serve politics, and since political delays are needed, let the war continue.

Otherwise, he would have ordered his troops over Jerusalem to march into Jordan. At present, most of the Ottoman Empire ’s troops in the Middle East are concentrated in Jerusalem, and they cannot stop the front of the Austrian army at all.

Because of the relationship between reporters, even the local forces in the Ottoman Empire, Lieutenant General Fislav did not manually clean up.

Knowing that somebody was collaborating, Fislav was too lazy to send someone to investigate. It is not that he is passively idle, but that there is no need to waste energy at all.

In order to prevent the desertification of the Holy Land, the Vienna government has sent geological and hydrological experts to evaluate the soil, water, and natural environment of the Middle East, and journalists followed the record.

The data collected so far is not very optimistic. The land in the Middle East is over-cultivated, with serious soil erosion and desertification, and local land needs to be fully fallow.

According to experts, the Middle East needs at least two decades of fallow to restore its ecology.

This problem has been raging on the European continent, and everyone has condemned the Ottomans for being greedy and demanding of nature regardless of consequences.

If nothing else, the post-war Austrian Middle East would implement a land fallow plan of up to two decades. Twenty years shall not be allowed to cultivate or develop animal husbandry. The locals must leave.

According to previous practice, these people must have been repatriated to the Ottomans. It sounds pretty good, and you can return home safely, but it's actually not that simple. Is the Sudanese government able to house so many people?

Especially for the local vested interests, land and property are all returned to zero, and everything needs to be started from scratch.

This is almost impossible. The Ottoman class has long been solidified, and the number of cakes is increasing, but the cake is shrinking. The future Sudanese government must be lively.

Those who can now provide money and food to support the Jerusalem defenders, don't think that they are also local giants and nobles. Post-war repatriation has been reduced to bankruptcy.

This gap in heart is more uncomfortable than killing them. Even if they are strong and accept the reality, these guys are also troubles of the Sudanese government. That being the case, why does Fislav need dirty hands?


In the reporter ’s exclusive camp, battlefield reporter Brad complained: “This **** ghost weather is simply to kill people. To know this early, I just ca n’t come.”

Brad is an experienced war correspondent. He can be found almost everywhere where there is war. This time he accepted the commission of the London Daily and he came here.

Of course, the pilgrimage to Jerusalem is also a factor. However, the plan has not changed, and the Austrian army, which is raging all the way, has stopped outside Jerusalem.

The reason for stopping was: the guns on the battlefield had no eyes, and they were worried that the Holy Land might be destroyed.

This explanation is maddening but politically correct. With the unique religious status of Jerusalem, devout believers cannot naturally open their hands and fight here.

The temperature in the Middle East is so high that ordinary people simply cannot stand it. In recent times, the Austrian army has reduced non-combat reductions by more than double digits.

The soldiers couldn't keep up, and the reporters who were with the army were not much better. The Austrian army does not have an uncle. Naturally, it is impossible to make ice cubes to cool them.

Henry, a partner who lives in a tent, joked: "It's too late to leave now. Austria has a supply ship every week. They don't mind taking you alone."

Brad's face changed greatly, and the report on the battlefield was abandoned halfway but was very embarrassing, which was related to his professional ethics.

"Get off! Lao Tzu isn't the one who flinched. You don't want to enjoy the glory of reporting this war alone. This is a chance to reclaim the Holy Land. It's just a chance. I have to regret it for life."

Battlefield reporters also need to look at their resumes. The more wars they have participated in, the more valuable the news they have reported, and the higher their status in the industry. The recovery of such a special war in Jerusalem is naturally highly regarded.

Of course, if it wasn't for the restoration of the Holy Land, hundreds of battlefield reporters would not be gathered, and they would not need two people packed in a tent.

For example: The Austrian army attacked Kuwait. Except for the domestic newspapers who sent reporters, the major European newspapers were too lazy to send people.

This kind of unimportant news, with the official news published in Austria, or the news published in Austrian newspapers, copy and modify it to change the perspective, just mention it on the international section of the newspaper.

Only a campaign of national concern such as Jerusalem is worth sending someone to collect first-hand information and carry out a large book and special book after art processing.

The treatment of more people and less people is completely different. If there are only one or two reporters in the field, it is estimated that the army will still receive them warmly. Hundreds of battlefield reporters ran all at once, and anyone who changed would be disgusted.

Now every move of the Austrian army is stared at by these reporters. If it weren't for the impact, Fislav would have to rush.

Therefore, the expenses of these reporters are paid by the newspapers behind them. The Austrian army only provides a safe camp and the most basic living guarantee, which is simply a standard for soldiers.

If you want better living conditions, you will find a solution. Unfortunately, this is the Middle East, because the war is withered and the order is chaotic. Not only do you have the money to spend, you have to be careful not to leave the barracks even when traveling.

Several daring colleagues ran out to interview the local people, and they were all sent to see God. Of course, they might also have seen ***.

Except for a lucky Austrian patrol passing by, the rest were turned into corpses. One of the unlucky eggs was sent to the barbecue by refugees.

After this lesson, everyone dared not run away. Now that the Austrian army is under siege, there is no news, and everyone can only spend time in the camp.

Henry laughed: "Just a joke, activate the atmosphere, don't be so angry Brad. Life is already very difficult, if we don't have an optimistic heart, how can we live?"

Brad nodded: "Well, even if you're right. The days are really boring, and God bless us to restore the Holy Land as soon as possible."

Henry cracked without hesitation: "I do n’t think God blesses you, or Jerusalem will not fall into the hands of the Ottomans.

You should go and tell the Austrians, let them start the offensive quickly, regain Jerusalem as soon as possible, and we can go home soon.

According to the current situation, I estimate that Christmas will be here this year. Not only this year, but maybe Christmas will be here next year. "

It is normal for a reporter in the field to spend Christmas on the battlefield. No one can guarantee that the war will end before Christmas.

Only this time the situation was special and the weather was bad. Everyone was mixing outside, and it was a bit of a bitter to eat.

The trouble is that the Austrian army siege without attacking. There are cases of siege such as opening history books. For the special status of Jerusalem, everyone believes that the Ottomans will definitely be prepared in advance.

Brad's good mood disappeared for a moment, and he rolled his eyes: "Nonsense, the excuse for the Austrians not to attack is to worry about destroying the Holy Land. Why can I make them launch an attack?

You haven't seen the cities along the way. If the Austrian army is really full of firepower, even if it recaptures Jerusalem, it will be a ruin. Who can bear this responsibility? "

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