Holy Roman Empire

Chapter 557: Catch up

Ankara, what happened in the city of Ava has been passed on. Thanks to the good news, Abdul Aziz I was in a good mood and let go of Major General Ozgur who abandoned the city.

Being "slaughtered" has become good news, and it must be said that the Ottoman Empire has been completely abolished. If the time was changed, the Sudanese government would have retaliated.

Now, let ’s use diplomacy! It's not that Abdul Aziz I didn't want revenge, but that he couldn't win.

"Publish the news immediately, call on the people to fight against it, and tell the people that the evil enemies want to destroy the Communist Party. We have reached the critical moment of life and death.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Britain and France continued to communicate, asking them to step in and interfere in the war. Bring the tragedy of Ava City to the international media, expose the enemy's atrocities on the European continent, and launch international public opinion to condemn Austria and Russia. "

Putting hope on international intervention, this is forced by cruel reality. In recent days, the coastal cities of the Ottoman Empire have basically been greeted by the Austrian Navy, and many inland cities including Ankara have also been bombed by airships.

The Sudanese government did not organize a counterattack. They even shot down an airship. But for the big picture, it doesn't help.

The Austrian airship force originally had no targets in the air, even if they were attacked by rifles, allowing them to increase their flying height, but where can the city's large target go?

As long as the bomb is thrown into the city, the goal is achieved, and the factory and material warehouse are blown up.

Affected by the bombing, Abdul Aziz I moved out of the palace and ran to the manor house in the suburbs, and high-level government officials also followed.

There was no way. Dozens of airships appeared above the royal palace and swam together, making Abdul Aziz I a bird of surprise.

Awa is just a few hundred kilometers away from Ankara. It is within the scope of the airship bombing. It is not necessary to say that Ankara has naturally become the focus of the bombing.

Who made him make the palace so big? If it were smaller, chances are that the airship in the sky would not be found.

The results of the bombing all depended on luck, including Ankara, which was being taken care of, and actually did not kill many people, but the panic caused was not resolved.

Rich people are running, and the rest are poor ghosts who cannot run. In recent months, the number of foreign immigrants in the Ottoman Empire has exceeded the total of the past five years, which is enough to explain many problems.

Rich people ran, and the purchasing power of the market declined. Many cities in the Ottoman Empire were depressed and the economy was devastated.

Since the outbreak of the war, the industrial and commercial taxation of the Sudanese government has completely collapsed, and the government's financial crisis has become increasingly serious. Sooner or later, the Ottoman Empire will sooner or later die.


The news of the slaughter of Ava in London made the city boil. Newspapers are working overtime to catch up with the news, and no one will give up this breaking point.

Although Ava was a little further away and had no telegram connection, there was no way to collect information on the scene. But it doesn't matter, everyone can make up for it.

Every good newspaper editor is a little expert in story writing. Just thinking about brain supplements is a good article.

"Truth" is not their final decision, as long as it is not too exaggerated, they are not afraid to wear out. Since it is a slaughter city, the focus is on highlighting the brutality of the Russian army and the helplessness of the Ottomans.

As if everyone had become a messenger of justice, standing on the moral high ground, one after another condemning Austrian and Russian invasion of the Ottoman Empire.

Of course, there are also supporters of Russia and Austria. After so many years of hatred in the Ottoman Empire, how could there be no enemies?

It's just that this voice can't occupy the mainstream at present. The newspaper will only reveal the dark history of the Ottoman Empire after the sympathy of the people has run out.

Magnificent reports can increase newspaper sales. If all were released at once, where would I go to find so much news.

In Downing Street's official residence, Prime Minister Gulston is worrying about the current situation. The domestic Irish problem has not been resolved, and the international bad things have come again.

The Ottoman Empire fought fiercely with Austria and Russia in the Near East. The London government did not want to see the Ottoman Empire complete.

The emergence of the Ava slaughter was the best chance of intervention. It is a pity that their best helper Napoleon III died not long ago, and the Prussians were eyeing the Kingdom of Poland again.

No thugs can be found in continental Europe, and even if the London government wants to intervene, there is nothing it can do.

In the original Russian-Turkish war, the British could intervene strongly. It was founded in Europe that no one wanted to see the expansion of the Russian Empire. Queen Victoria made a strong statement.

Gelston said solemnly: "The Ottoman Empire will soon be unsustainable. We have just received news that the Austrians have already sent troops to the Middle East, and it may not be long before they reach Jerusalem.

The Ottoman Empire is unable to resolve the crisis in the Asia Minor Peninsula and cannot support the Middle East at all.

If we don't want to see Austria and Russia divide the Ottoman Empire and reach out to Persia, we must find ways to intervene. "

Foreign Minister Macleans: "His Prime Minister, interference is inevitable, but the time is not ripe yet.

Napoleon III had just died, and less than a month after Napoleon IV's succession, the French government was a mess.

Oppositions suppressed by Napoleon III all jumped out at this time. It is possible that the Paris government will be in a state of internal strife in the next few years.

Voting for the Polish throne is about to take place. Without external intervention, William I's victory is almost inevitable.

I doubt that the Berlin government can reach a deal with Vienna. Now that France is in an internal struggle, as long as Austria does not intervene, the Prussian ambitions will be successful.

At this time, if we want to interfere in the Near East War, we can't find any powerful ally on the European continent. We can't expect our three-inch tongues, let Austria and Russia compromise? "

Does Britain have a weapon against Austria and Russia? The answer is: yes.

It's a pity that it is not powerful enough, or it cannot be used at all. For example: The loan agreement signed by Britain and Russia allows the London government to sever the tsarist government's money bag at any time.

But these loans also have benefits exchanged. The Russians joined the British-dominated monetary system before they offered the loan.

If the agreement is really torn up, the Tsarist government will inevitably withdraw from the sterling-gold system, which is absolutely impossible for the British financial consortium to agree.

The currency reform of the ruble and the British pound has just begun, and it will take at least a few years to complete it. Before the plan is completed, the tsarist government must pull it.

Threatening Austria is more troublesome, and war will break out. If two countries cannot fight, they will only be cheaper to the third party.

Unless forced to do so, it is not normally possible for the London government to make such a decision. The British foreign policy always revolves around national interests, and they will not do things that harm their own interests.

Chancellor of the Exchequer Laruk Royd questioned: "Let Prussia annex Poland, is it crazy for the Vienna government?"

Foreign Minister Macleans said: "The Vienna government is not crazy. Prussia's attempt to annex Poland cannot be completed in a short time. Now it is only the first step.

The Russian Empire was the first to be affected by the Popo merger. Even if it is to worry, it is also a headache for the Tsarist government.

There must be a war between Russia and Russia, and this time may be within ten years. The war is extraordinary now, and the losses caused by the two great powers are definitely an astronomical figure.

Prussia wanted to make a big threat to Austria, at least until they completely defeated the Russian Empire. Until then, the Berlin government will not challenge Vienna.

If the Austrians were able to become a German Confederation, the power gap between the two sides would widen, and Prussia would be strategically advantageous.

Perhaps Franz the Great is still waiting for the Prussians to kill his good allies, and Austria is well placed to accept the Russian heritage in the Balkans. I don't believe they have no idea about Constantinople. "

Laruck Royd nodded: "It is a tragedy for the Russians to have such an ally. It is ridiculous that Austria is now regarded as the most reliable ally in all Europe, and the reputation of the Vienna government is still considered the highest."

No one answered the question, and the Vienna government ’s credibility is the highest in Europe, which was established through a series of international events.

Not something that can happen can be vilified. Speaking of smallpox, nothing happened, who can guarantee that it will happen?

If the Vienna government pays the attention of allies within the time limit stipulated in the covenant, it will certainly lose its reputation. If the covenant is over, this moral pressure will not exist.

It is impossible to form an alliance, and everyone will always be good friends. No one is so naive about playing international politics.

In recent years, the London government is also trying to change the international image, but they have too many cases of selling teammates, everyone is taking precautions.

Even though Britain, France, Austria and the three countries have formed an alliance, the private covenants between France and Austria still exist and have not been declared void.

The London government originally joined in order to break up the Franco-Austrian alliance, but later discovered that the alliance can bring greater benefits, and immediately changed its approach. While provoking France-Austria relations, they are maintaining the three-nation alliance.

The three countries of Britain, France, Austria and Austria were all colonial powers. Everyone was fed and became a vested interest in the international order. The British took the largest share.

In contrast, the emerging powers of the rising star are the real threat. After all, resources and markets are limited. The old empire eats meat in a large bowl, and the emerging powers cannot even drink soup. How could it be if there was no idea in my heart?

If it were not for the rise of emerging powers, Prussia had merged with Poland a few years ago.

The two countries have common enemies. Prussia's influence on Poland is very large. William I has always been a favorable competitor to the Polish throne.

Many people believe that only the two monarchs can cooperate closely and resist common enemy invasion.

The thin camel is larger than the horse, and even if the Russian Empire is declining, it is still a European power, which has brought heavy pressure on the two countries.

Not to mention the Russian Empire, even the declining Ottoman Empire, many people still stubbornly believe that they are a powerful country.

After a few moments of silence, Prime Minister Gilston asked carefully: "So what do you think of William I as King of Poland, should we stop?"

This problem is also a headache. The Kingdom of Prussia is the younger brother of the British, but this younger brother is too strong and is not controlled at all. Once Prussia annexed Poland, the younger brother was gone.

Chancellor of the Exchequer Laruk Royd: "The annexation of Poland by Prussia has had little effect on us, but it has not made them easy.

Is n’t there a gossip that the Berlin government wants to do deals with France and Austria in exchange for their approval?

True or false, let alone, but what can Prussia trade? If the transaction is completed, the two countries of France and Austria will probably grow bigger, and there will be no room for small nations on the European continent.

This is very dangerous, so that they continue to merge like this, and it will become more difficult to restrict in the future. Calculating the total domestic economy separately, both France and Austria surpass us.

If they continue to expand, perhaps they do not need to unite in the future, and any country has a threat to our strength.

The power of the Royal Navy is also piled up by us with countless pounds. If France and Austria do not focus on the development of land rights, they will be able to build a Royal Navy. "

This threat has been felt in Britain. Unlike the original time and space, France and Austria are now growing like snowballs.

Perhaps the per capita income is not as good as that of Britain, but relying on more people, both France and Austria have counterattacked in terms of economic aggregates.

Now Britain's industrial dominance is also at stake. After the outbreak of the Second Industrial Revolution, they have lost their advantages in emerging industries.

With a strong family base, they can still sustain it, but the crisis is already brewing. If the vast colonies had not given them the confidence, perhaps many people would have felt the crisis.

Unfortunately, all this has been covered up. What Lalouch Royd saw was only the increasing revenues of France and Austria, which made him uneasy.

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