Holy Roman Empire

Chapter 556: Create panic

Vienna Palace, just received the good news that Ava was conquered, before Franz was too happy, bad news followed.

The Russians provided reasons that Franz didn't care. "Slaying the City" has become a fact. It is too difficult for participants to keep so many secrets. What is needed now is aftercare.

It doesn't matter if you change time. Anyway, the reputation of the bear is not good, and adding a "butcher" name will not lose a piece of meat.

Occasions of city slaughter are rare in Europe, and similar things are often done. On the surface, robbery is more civilized than slaughtering a city. In fact, robbery often has similar consequences as slaughtering a city. The food is all gone. How can the people live?

Prior to the 19th century, the main reason for the inability of the population in continental Europe was the robbery accompanying the war, and a large number of people starved to death due to lack of food.

Not to mention the colonies, no one is much cleaner than anyone else. It was just that the colonial empire controlled the right to speak the world, and everyone pretended not to see it.

Foreign Minister Weissenberg: "Your Majesty, the news of Ava's slaughter must not be concealed, and immediate rehabilitation is now required.

The public opinion is not worried, the people will not care about the life and death of the Ottomans, and at most they will say a few words, the trouble is the British. If the London government takes the opportunity to do things, it will be very politically unfavorable to us. "

In the end, it was directly determined that the Russian army had slaughtered the city, and the Russian explanation was not believed at all.

Franz also didn't believe the Russian explanation. The local people fiercely resisted what he believed was, but everyone jumped out to resist the Russian invasion. Isn't this funny?

The Ottoman Empire was a multi-ethnic country, and many nations dreamed of independence. From the outbreak of the war to the present, the Vienna government has contacted many national leaders in Ottoman.

Greeks, Armenians, Jews, Arabs, Kurds, and other nations all have a tendency to be independent.

Let them rise up and rebel, maybe everyone will hesitate, but let them die for the Ottoman Empire, that is absolutely impossible.

Are there any ethnic minorities in Ava City? I'm afraid no one will believe this statement. If you want to cover up the past, you have to leave some people to testify!

The ethnic conflicts in the Ottoman Empire are serious. Under normal circumstances, it is not difficult to find a group of oppressed minorities to testify. Who cares about the truth before hatred?

Perhaps many people will clap their hands and say that the Russians are doing a good job. Not to mention that these oppressed nations, even in Austria, many people applaud the Russians.

Prime Minister Felix: "Napoleon III has just died and Napoleon IV has just succeeded to the throne. Internal conflicts are enough for him to work. The French have no energy to participate in the Near East War.

The Paris government is just waving its flag. Without taking any practical action, the London government can't actually do much.

The Prussians were so busy annexing Poland that they didn't care about the life of the Ottoman allies. Maybe they will be grateful that this incident broke out and helped them distract international attention.

The war in Ava was done by the Russians alone, and it did not affect us. As long as the Russians bite and don't recognize them, they can drag on.

The world is not very peaceful. News happens every moment. Let's deal with it coldly for a while. When new news comes out, public opinion won't take care of it. "

This treatment is a bit shameful, and the tsarist government will bear all the pressure. There are no soldiers landing in Austria, and it is not difficult to clear the relationship.

After hesitating for a while, Franz made the decision: "Don't worry, leave this option to the Tsarist government.

The Russian army will either purge the military discipline and avoid similar situations; or continue to kill all the way. Although there are many such oppositions, there are also many supporters.

The Ottoman Empire is a European nightmare, and it can now be completely eradicated, presumably the people will not resist. The Russians have no reputation at all, and no matter how bad they are. "

Friends of the dead do not die. Since the incident was provoked by the Russian army, it was time for the Tsarist government to come out of its own hands, and Franz didn't want to take the trouble.

Perhaps it is still a good thing for the Tsarist government. The Russian people have never been afraid of the cruelty of the Tsar to their enemies, and the Ava slaughter can also distract the domestic people.

Anyway, as long as the Tsarist government is won, the prestige brought by the war can be used to suppress the rebound caused by the reform.


Saint Petersburg, Alexander II's face was gloomy and terrible. At the critical moment, the chain is broken again. The truth of the "Awa slaughtered" is not important, what is important is how to deal with it.

Anyway, people were killed by the Russian army. Even if they refused, they couldn't stop the public. This responsibility could not be pushed out.

I saw that Alexander II threw it away, threw out the documents in his hand, and gave a cold drink: "Huh!" Turning his back to the people and asking, "What is the position of the Vienna government, and they are responsible for the diplomacy of this war of?"

Yes, Russia and Austria also have a division of labor. It is natural that the tsarist government will not grab the diplomatic field.

After a series of social beatings, Alexander II has clearly realized that diplomacy is not a child's play and cannot be solved by taking it for granted.

Foreign Minister Chris Basham stepped forward: "His Majesty, the Government of Vienna has promised that they will be responsible for the settlement of European countries, but international opinion is powerless.

This answer was somewhat unexpected by Alexander II. In his opinion, this time the incident was caused by the Russian army. When this kind of thing happened, the Vienna government should also be worried. How could it be agreed in one go?

In contrast, public opinion was not taken seriously by Alexander II, and it was up to them to scold the newspaper. Anyway, I'm used to it. If there was no news of the Tsarist government in European newspapers that day, that would be the real "news".

"Willn't it be so easy? The Vienna government promised so easy, what is Franz paying attention to?"

This is the experience summarized by Alexander II's dealings with Austria. Basically, as long as the Vienna government agrees readily, there will be additional conditions.

Foreign Minister Chris Basham explained embarrassingly: "The Vienna government proposes: either we purge the military discipline to prevent similar things from happening or continue the massacre."

Hearing this answer, Alexander II was shocked at first, and then came to his eyes.

"Slaying the city" will cause blame from the international community, increase the resistance of the Ottomans, and also encourage more people to choose to run.

It's not easy to drive local people away. It is terrible to change an army that bears the reputation of the "Butcher". I am afraid that most people will flee.

No matter how hard the Ottoman Empire is, it is impossible to confine all the people to the place. This difficult execution ability is not something that the feudal empire can accomplish.

Only when panic was created and a large number of Ottoman people joined the fleeing team, the strategic alliance had already won.

The Russian army swept all the way, and I am afraid that the refugees will be able to bring down the Ottoman Empire. Everyone wants to eat. If the Sudanese government can't solve the problem of eating for these people, hungry people can do everything.

The rear is chaotic. How can the front fight? Alexander II did not think that the strategic supplies stored by the Ottoman Empire on the front line were enough for this war.

After thinking about it, Alexander II was still afraid to make a decision and asked everyone: "What do you think?"

Chancellor of the Exchequer Kristanval: "Your Majesty, this requires a degree of control. There are tens of millions of Ottomans. It is impossible to kill all of them and the international community cannot tolerate them.

The Austrians meant to create an atmosphere of panic, forcing people in the coastal areas to move in, not really to kill all Ottomans.

If we really push the Ottomans into a hurry and fight us to the end, this war will be endless. We held it for too long, defeating the Ottoman Empire first, forcing them to pay lands.

To annihilate the Ottoman Empire is not an overnight problem, we must be prepared for a protracted war.

Every ten or twenty years, a war is waged against the Ottoman Empire, and gradually eroding them is the best choice. "

This "best choice" is based on finances. The Tsarist government has limited financial resources. If the Ottoman Empire is destroyed at once, they will not be able to eat it, and it will only be cheaper for the Austrians.

After pondering for a while, Alexander II nodded: "Give electricity to the front line, just do that. Remember to tell Ivanov that stupid thing, the war behind must be fought.

Similar oolong incident, I don't want to appear again. The Russian Empire couldn't stand such frustration. If he couldn't do it, give me home early. "

As the commander-in-chief of the Russian army, Ivanov had the blame for the "slaughter" incident in Ava.

As for the parties, even if it is to be held accountable, it will not be possible for Alexander II to take care of it himself, otherwise what else is needed?

Overstepping issues is taboo in any country. All the tsars are done. What are the ministers doing below?

Once these people are idle, internal fighting will break out. Opening the history book will reveal that most of the party disputes broke out, and the ministers were too busy.

The idle egg hurts, so it is difficult to prevent some unintended thoughts. Today you count me, tomorrow I count you, everyone will fight within a long time, nothing else.

"Do more and make more mistakes, do less and make fewer mistakes, don't do well." Once this twelve-character motto has become the official code of conduct, then the country will be tragedy.


Ava, after being washed in blood, the city became gloomy and walking down the street would make people feel cold.

After all, the Russian army is only a foreigner, and it is impossible to search every corner. There are still some fish that leak.

One of the lucky ones was Akyol, who hid in the cellar of the smithy and escaped.

Late in the night, the Russian army has closed the team and returned to camp. The people of Ava City are dead, and the Russian army will naturally not be heavily guarded.

Some fish that missed the net were not valued by the Russians at all. In the course of the fight, many people ran away.

With so many Russian soldiers involved, confidentiality is simply impossible. The Russians couldn't do it if they wanted to kill.

It is better to think about how to fight the next battle in order to spend energy for the fish that may be missing the net. Someone ran away, just to spread the panic. Maybe they don't have to wait for them to rush people. The surrounding villages will be empty.


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