Holy Roman Empire

Chapter 558: Intrigue

After capturing the Ava region, the Russian army did not stop the footsteps of the war, but went straight to the Bosphorus. This is the first gateway to the Black Sea.

If you had crossed the sea directly from Constantinople a few decades ago, this is not the case. With the development of artillery technology, it was too easy for shore guns to block the strait.

The coalition also considered launching an attack from the Marmara Sea, but before the war broke out, the Ottomans concentrated the navy in the past.

Austria does not have many warships in the Marmara Sea. It is ok to suppress the Ottoman navy, but it is impossible to destroy them.

In the face of enemies crouching in the port, it is more convenient to fight on land. The navy rushed in to decide the battle. The price to pay was too great.

In Ava's headquarters, Lieutenant General Harosev, who had committed crimes, reported in a low voice: "His Commander, the attack ahead has been blocked, and the enemy has resisted too fiercely.

Even very despicable disguised as old and weak women and children, let our army relax their vigilance, and then launch a sneak attack. Frontline troops are progressing slowly, requesting airship bomber support. "

What "pretends to be old and weak women and children" is clearly old and weak women and children. The makeup technique has not been so impressive these years, and the gap in body shape cannot be masked.

With the propaganda of the Sudanese government, the Russian army has become a man-eating demon, and the people have long been mobilized, either voluntarily or forced. These people have caused a lot of trouble for the Russian army.

Admiral Ivanov gave a stern glance, and his dissatisfaction overflowed with words: "Waste, haven't we left the airship, our soldiers will not fight?

Tell the frontline troops that the airship is not their nanny, and you have to find your own way to fight.

Now the airship force is carrying out strategic bombing missions. This has a bearing on the entire battle situation, and it is not specifically for them to wipe their buttocks. "

The size of the Austrian airship unit is quite small. Even if it is sent out, it is just a small number of people. At the same time as the strategic bombing, it is impossible to allocate enough troops to support the frontline Russian army.

Ivanov's ability to become a commander of the Russian army is not to be afraid of being mixed up, and his strategic vision is not lacking.

From the overall situation, bombing the Ottoman cities, weakening the enemy's war potential, blowing up roads and bridges along the way, and increasing the pressure on the enemy's logistics supply are more important than taking two or two lines of defense.

If you just stare at the battlefield in front of you, you will stupidly stumble and crash all the way. Not to mention the 150,000 Russian army, even if it is 1.5 million Russian army, there will be few people left in the end.

For Lieutenant General Kharov, Ivanov was very fancy. Otherwise, if Ava was involved, he would be allowed to go home to take care of the elderly. How could he stay and work hard for crime?

Ivanov knew very well that this Near East War was seen by many as a good opportunity for gilding. This 150,000-strong Russian army had a large number of affiliates.

I wanted to ask for assistance at every turn, and most of them were made by the officer in the relationship. If the Austrian airship was under his command, Ivanov would be happy to sell his personality.

Unfortunately, this time the two sides commanded separately. Since the Russian army insisted on launching the Black Sea Straits Raiders, the General Command of the Allied Forces has been completely reduced to the Logistics Office + Relations Coordination Committee.

Both sides are fighting each other now, and joint operations do not exist. Austria's cooperation is also limited to providing them with logistics and ship transshipment forces when necessary.

There is no problem with this mode of command. The Austrian army fought in the Middle East, and the Russian army fought bitterly on the Asia Minor Peninsula. The two places were far apart and could not be united.

Let's forget about the airship forces. Because of the asymmetric information, accidents that accidentally hurt friendly forces occurred in previous cooperations, and the two sides had a big fight.

Then, Arest released the Russians completely, pretending that they did not see whatever the Russians did. All airship forces were dispatched for strategic bombing, far from the front.

The distance produced beauty, without the cooperation of the airship, the Russian army immediately missed the benefit of having someone to cooperate with it. The airship force may not be able to kill as many enemies and destroy as many fortifications, but it is very important to disintegrate the enemy army.

According to past experience, the Ottoman army's resistance was fierce. As soon as a few bombs in the sky fell, morale fell instantly.

Ivanov could not admit that the Russian army could not fight without the help of Austria, and could only proceed stubbornly. Moreover, strategic bombing by airship forces is also beneficial to the entire battlefield.

Lieutenant General Kharosf explained: "His Commander, the casualties of our army have indeed been quite large recently. The number of casualties in the past two days has exceeded 1,000.

After paying such a large price, we still can only advance a dozen kilometers a day. In addition to the casualties of the Battle of Ava, our army's casualties have exceeded 8,000.

According to the current progress, it will take at least one month to conquer the Bosphorus. The casualties required may be as high as tens of thousands.

This has exceeded our capacity. The Bosphorus is just the beginning, a strategic step from the first stage, just a small step.

If this situation does not change, we will not be able to win this war with our current strength. Even if China can continue to increase its troops, there are still many issues to be involved. "

The enemy is not desperate, and the battle is naturally not good. In this short period of more than a week, the Russian army has set a record of defeating the enemy by 58,000, annihilating the enemy by 12,000, and capturing 836 troops.

So few prisoners are the result of propaganda by the Sudanese government. Ottoman soldiers thought that the Russian army would kill all of them and naturally would not surrender.

The captured prisoners were basically the results of the previous landing campaign. Ottoman soldiers have rarely surrendered since word of Ava was slaughtered.

The enemy chose to die in the end, and the number of casualties in the Russian army inevitably went up. At present, there are more than 8,000 casualties in the Russian army, including more than 2,000 people who died in battle. Even if they are effectively treated, only half of them can finally return to the battlefield.

Ivanov shook his head: "I know these things, but they still don't work. The airship is not our army, and the command is in the hands of the Austrians.

The coalition command was still in Constantinople, and there was no plan to move. Even for coordination, we have to send people back to Constantinople first.

How long does it take to come back? Every time I come this way, how can we fight later?

We and Austria have made a clear agreement. It is only necessary to ask them for help once or twice. If they need their help for the entire war, we can win, and things are not so simple.

The interest is seen between nations, and no one will pay blindly. Every time we ask for help, we need to pay the price, these are the interests that belong to the Russian Empire. "

Anything that concerns politics is no longer simple. Neither side has done less to stab the knife between allies.

It's just embarrassing that the Austrians have done a more subtle job and can't handle it on the surface; on the contrary, the Tsarist government has done a lot of things.

These battles are under way, and the people below are still unclear, Ivanov has already contacted them. For the sake of interests, these contradictions and conflicts have been suppressed by both parties.

But the estrangement has been buried. Today you secretly account for me, and tomorrow I secretly account for you. Almost every time a contradiction occurs, the relationship between the two countries goes further.

The Vienna government refused to renew the contract, and the tsarist government did not jump out to blame, because it was caught by Austria with many handles, and it was unreasonable to argue.

These things are not exposed, it ’s still hello, hello everyone, once the cover is opened, the later things will not end well, at least hostilities between the two countries are indispensable.

The high-level intrigues directly frustrated the officers and men below. Otherwise, even if the airship is inadequate, can't the Vienna government supplement it?

It cannot be said that Austria does not even have an airship reserve, only the 120 airships on the front line.

You must know that the Austrian airship has existed for more than ten years. Naturally, there are many airships retired in the middle of this long time. These airships have not been dismantled and sold for scrap iron, but they are still sealed up.

It can be used at any time if the Government of Vienna wishes. Anyway, the Ottomans did not have anti-aircraft firepower, and even if the airship had a poor performance, it was not a problem to bomb the enemy.

It is not impossible to change this situation, as long as the Tsarist government is willing to bow its head or pay a certain price, it can achieve its purpose.

Unfortunately, this can only be wishful thinking. In the Near East War, the two countries joined forces solely because of their interests. Since interests are involved, many issues cannot be compromised.

Some soldiers' casualties were not seen by the Tsarist government at all. How could they give in?

The battlefront was still burning, and the Russian soldiers rushed forward and fought fiercely with the Ottomans.

St. Petersburg is also not calm. Since receiving Poland's return to the parliament for king elections, the Tsarist government cannot sit still.

The facts are before us. William I did not even have a strong competitor in this election, and there was no suspense in his victory.

Once Poland and Prussia share the monarchy, the union between the two countries will inevitably become closer, and it may even merge into one country.

It is the Tsarist government that has caused the two countries to step up their union. The existence of the Russian Empire has brought heavy pressure on the ruling classes of the two countries. People of insight in both countries know that only by joining together can they have the power to fight the Russians .

This is not something that individuals can resist. Before that, it was the intervention of the great powers that prevented it from happening. After all, after the Prussian-Russian war, the Russian Empire was a bit miserable, and the Tsarist government seemed likely to collapse at any time.

The British, French and Austrian countries did not want to add a cake on the table, so they interfered in the Polish throne elections and kicked William I out. The Prussians were not to be outdone, they simply pushed the Revolutionary Party to power and secretly supported the Revolutionaries to prevent the election of the throne.

The delay in solving the Polish throne is the result of joint intervention by all parties. Now things have changed, and no one expected that the reform of the Russian Empire came back so soon after Alexander II's reform.

Maybe not as strong as it was at the peak, but also much stronger than what is now Prussia and Poland. If you calculate the comprehensive national strength, the Russians are almost double the sum of Prussia + Poland.

This action by the Berlin government was also forced. Without the annexation of the Kingdom of Poland, the subsequent war is almost doomed to lose.

After Alexander II's reforms, the Russian Empire was much stronger. I don't have panic in my hands, even if it is painful in the agricultural crisis, but in the war years, this is the advantage.

The Tsarist government can control its fullness, and gray animals have combat effectiveness. If you want to consume the Russians, don't make fun of it, has the Tsarist government not yet returned to Moscow?

No matter how many battles the frontline loses, the tsarist government with grain in hand will not collapse. After the outbreak of the agricultural crisis, Alexander II gritted his teeth and directly collected food for taxation, turning this food into a strategic reserve. This was the root cause of the tsar's financial bankruptcy.

Otherwise, after tax reform, so many maggots have been cleaned up. Even if a large area of ​​territory is lost, the tsarist government's fiscal revenue should have exceeded before, how could it soon go bankrupt?

Glancing at the crowd, Alexander II asked: "At this time William I jumped out to fight for the Polish throne. What do you think?"

The Tsar did not do well either. Since the ascension of the throne, Alexander II has not lived a good few days.

Because of a mistake in judgment, he wanted to restrict Austria at the beginning of the throne, and ignored the threat of the Kingdom of Prussia. As a result, the current unfavorable situation has continued, and the internal dissent has never ceased.

Had it not been for Alexander II's powerful political skills, he would have been kicked out of office. For the Tsar, the Russian Empire has not happened.

The last example was Peter III, which happened to be pro-popular. Alexander II apparently learned his lesson, and decisively chose Prussia. Despite losing the war, he still kept the throne.

In this respect, the Russian people are still very generous. Victory or defeat is a routine thing. As long as the Tsar can look inside the government, as long as the people at the bottom can fill their stomachs, they will not rebel because of the failure of the war.

Foreign Minister Chris Basham: "Her Majesty, the Prussians are acting at this time, and they are related to the current international situation.

Napoleon III died, and the French government was caught in a vortex of power struggles, and was short of energy to participate in international affairs. As long as the Prussians are willing to pay a certain price, it is not difficult for the French to stand by and watch.

As Russia-Austria relations have become colder, the Vienna government has never tried to support Prussia to contain us. Even if it isn't now, it will be in the future.

right now. Both our energy and Austria's energy have been restrained a large part in the Near East War. If the Prussians were willing to spend a lot of money, the Vienna government might acquiesce in their actions.

With France and Austria settled, it is not difficult to persuade the British. Even if the London government opposes it, it will not send troops to interfere.

If the British, French, Austrian and the three countries do not take action, even if we send troops to interfere, the Prussians will not let go, which will inevitably lead to a new war.

We are not ready yet, the Near East War has restrained some of our strength, and now the outbreak of war is very bad for us. The Prussians should have seized this opportunity before taking the opportunity. "

After Chris Basham's slap, things became clear. Although a solution exists, it is a pity that the decision-making power is not in the hands of the Tsarist government.

If France and Austria do not take action, their family will not scare the Prussians at all. They are enemies anyway, and the Berlin government doesn't care what they think.


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