Holy Roman Empire

Chapter 555: Tucheng

After five days of hard fighting in the Asia Minor Peninsula, after paying the price of nearly 3,000 casualties, the Russian army finally leveled the enemy of the port, and Ava was like a peeled cherry.

Admiral Ivanov has been on the front line to oversee the battle. It was just a port battle and it took five days, which was very detrimental to the Russian army's next battle plan.

Binggui is fast, and the most important thing to get through the Black Sea Strait quickly is one word-fast.

Ottoman inland traffic is blocked, and the Austrian Navy has blocked the sea. What they need most to move their troops is time.

In advance, the Sudanese government is not sure of the exact landing site of the coalition forces and can only fully deploy it. Even now, while defending the coast of the Strait, the Sudanese government must prevent coalition forces from directly attacking Huanglong.

The Ottoman Empire has lost its capital once, and it cannot be lost a second time. If Ankara really falls and the Asia Minor Peninsula is divided into two, the Sudanese government will have no choice but to die.

According to the Russian army's plan, they should win Ava in two days, then quickly expand around, make a stance that will directly attack Huanglong, and force the Sudanese government to mobilize the surrounding army to intercept.

It's impossible now. With three more days, the situation is completely different. The Sudanese government has had time to readjust its deployment and the difficulty of the war has increased.

Ivanov's cold heart melted as he watched the stretchers carrying the wounded passing by, listening to the wailing of the wounded.

Reluctant to endure the anger, Ivanov ordered: "Lieutenant General Verasol immediately sought help from the coalition command and asked Austrian medical personnel to treat the wounded.

Lieutenant General Harrods, you are responsible for directing the rest of the aftermath. Today, the enemies of Ava City must be eliminated. "

This is all he can do. There is a serious shortage of medical personnel in the Russian army. It can only protect the personal safety of officers. If the soldiers are injured, they can only be left to their fate.

In the past, there was no way. How could a war not be dead? The price of medicine is so high and the Tsarist government is poor.

Moreover, the medical staff were all middle class in the Russian Empire. They lived comfortably in the country, and few people joined the army.

Not only the Russian army, most countries in the world have this common problem. Relatively speaking, countries like Austria and Prussia are doing better.

The Vienna government built the Medical and Nursing Academy lavishly more than a decade ago, and trained a large number of medical and nursing personnel. Under the compulsory military service system, these people will also serve in the army.

In addition, the army itself has trained some first-aid personnel on the battlefield. For the same time, the Austrian army's field medical rescue system is considered to be the most complete.

Admiral Ivanov was not the one who had to face his life and suffer, but now the Austrians were in charge of logistics, so he naturally offered help.

It is not extravagant that every soldier can get enough medicines, and at least an effective battlefield first aid must be carried out to try to save the wounded as much as possible.

The severely wounded are very regrettable. In this era, medical technology is limited, and the possibility of rescue is very low, and many people are abolished even if they are rescued.

Some casualties could not bear the pain and needed help from their comrades-in-arms. The war is so cruel, "one will succeed and the other is dead", that is no exaggeration.

"Yes, Your Excellency Commander," the two answered in unison.

Having said that, leaving their orders, Admiral Ivanov continued to inspect the battlefield. Looking around, it was full of potholes bombarded by shells.

The smell of blood and smoke was clear and audible. Under the sun, the earth was extremely yellow and red, and the atmosphere was strange.

Walking and walking, Ivanov seemed to have stepped on his feet. Looking down, he was a head with only half of his head left. It had been covered with a thin layer of soil, and Ivanov stepped out to expose it.

Frowning, Ivanov moved on. The flames had just extinguished, and there was no time to clear the battlefield. He saw the broken limbs along the way.

Arms, thighs, head, internal organs ... As long as there are parts on the human body, they can be found here. This is a **** on earth. If it is not strong inside, ordinary people will probably collapse at first glance.

(Dare to describe in detail, **** violence is 404, the author can only ...)

For soldiers like Ivanov, this is all pediatrics. The battlefield was originally full of blood, dead bones, and **** scenes. He had seen more **** scenes, and his heart was already numb.


He sighed secretly, and Ivanov was not sure whether the war was correct. If possible, he would choose the original "harassment plan".


In the city of Ava, the Ottoman army has almost run, leaving behind the daredevil team that is blocking the enemy.

These people are mostly fanatics. Not only do they want to stay hard, they also organize civilians to stay hard together.

Weapons have been sent down. Due to insufficient quantity, most people can only hold cold weapons in their hands. Knives, swords, spears, bows and arrows seem to have returned to the Middle Ages overnight.

Akyol's apprentices were among them. They took a slow response and did not flee the city of Ava. They can only coexist with the city and die.

As the first city to be conquered, Ava's resistance will definitely be the most intense. The Sudanese government lacks confidence in winning the battlefield and attempts to use this drastic means to scare off the enemy.

If all Ottomans are desperate to resist, even Austria, a big family, cannot afford it, and war also needs to consider costs, and it is impossible to endlessly invest.

The teenager asked with a trembling: "Master, is the enemy really going to kill us all?"

No one can keep calm before life and death, let alone a teenager? The age of middle school students, who should have been studying in school and learning knowledge, was forced to leave the battlefield.

Akyol pretended to be calm and calmly said, "Who knows! After a while, your kid will be a little smarter. Once out of their sight, just find a corner to hide, and insist on it until it gets dark and we will run again . "

Akjor's hands were shaking as he spoke, and apparently he wasn't as calm and calm as he was.

Protecting the home and defending the country is too extravagant for these little citizens who are in a state of precariousness.

The enemy is not terrified. I don't know. The horror of the Ottoman government, they have experienced it.

Ava is also a port city. Naturally, it is unavoidable to be impacted by external ideas, and everyone's consciousness is also slowly changing.

The Ottoman government that had enslaved them gradually developed resentment and lost loyalty. This change was usually inconspicuous, and it changed at the point of life and death.

The Russian army has begun. The Ottomans lurking inside the building have not stopped, and it is not the time for a decisive battle.

The people of Wuhe can't win the regular army, and cold weapons can't do more than hot weapons.

The city of Ava has been abandoned, and the remaining garrison troops have been withdrawn outside the city, preparing to stop the Russians by relying on the terrain and slow the speed of the Russian army.

If you want to trouble the Russians, the best night is when the black lights are blind. At that time, the people in the city can take advantage of the terrain to create big troubles for the Russian army.

The plan will never change quickly. The Russian army is not a small sheep. It comes to eat meat when entering the city. The Tsarist government is poor, and the Russian army has always had the tradition of replacing plunder with plunder.

The Russian army who participated in the Battle of Ava was no exception. The Vienna government provided them with logistics materials, but they did not send them troops.

Even if Franz was willing to give it, the tsarist government did not dare to. If it really goes on and breaks the Russian army's cheap salary system, how will the war be fought?

If the sacrifice is so large, how can it make up for everyone's hurting heart if it does not reap a benefit from the city of Ava.

In the face of the Russian soldiers who entered the door, the ambush of the Ottomans could not proceed. No need to say, then hit it!

Crying, shouting and killing sounded through the sky. Russian soldiers had long red eyes on the battlefield. Naturally, in the face of the Ottomans who dared to resist, they naturally raised the butcher knife.

By the time Lieutenant Harrods reacted, Ava was originally a small city. Because of the war, he ran away another batch, and the unlucky eggs left now are only 20,000 or 30,000.

With such a small population, how could it be the opponent of tens of thousands of Russian troops? The battle continued into the evening. Except for some lucky people who hid and escaped, the rest became ghosts of Russian soldiers.

Clearing up the whole city really did, everyone was almost dead, and Ava was naturally safe. But the sequelae made Lieutenant General Harrods cry.

How did the robbery say it turned into a "slaying city"? Well, this is not to blame the Russian soldiers, seeing the Ottomans holding weapons in their hands, they just destroy the enemy in advance.

Just for this reason, it is estimated that the Russians themselves will believe. After speaking, no one would believe it.

Massacres are not popular in continental Europe, and of course massacres of "indigenous people" are not counted. It's just that it's a thing of the past. Even in the late 19th century, even the colonial slaughter will cover it up.

At this point, Lieutenant General Harosev could only recognize it arrogantly, and he had worn the General Butcher's hat.

Fortunately, this is the Ottoman Empire. In the European world, Ottomans are not much higher than indigenous peoples.

Lieutenant General Harrods was pleased that with the grievances of the Ottoman Empire and Russia, domestic radicals and religious figures would support him, and the tsarist government could not use him as a scapegoat.


The next day, Admiral Ivanov, who had just entered the city, was stunned by this horrible "war result." As the commander-in-chief of the Russian army, he thinks that the problem will be more comprehensive.

On the surface, many people clapped their hands to applaud the grudges of the European world and the Ottoman Empire.

But politically, it is not simply to look at grievances. This incident has provided European countries with an excuse to interfere in this war. I am afraid that before long, St. Petersburg will face diplomatic pressure from the international community.

Realizing the seriousness of the incident, Ivanov immediately ordered: "Immediately block the news, give a password to what happened in the city of Ava, and announce the expulsion of the people in the city."

That's it, we can only play tricks. Except for not acknowledging, Admiral Ivanov did not know what to do.

After a pause, he glared at Lieutenant General Kharov, and Ivanov added: "Take the matter as soon as possible and report it to the Allied Command and St. Petersburg. This matter is no longer something we can handle ourselves. . "

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