Holy Roman Empire

Chapter 554: farce

In Paris, the French are holding a funeral for Napoleon III. The crowds outside were enough to prove the popularity of Napoleon III.

On this day, the French workers took a collective vacation, and the capitalists would not want to take a vacation. Napoleon III's title of "Socialist Emperor" was not a joke. The influence of the workers exceeded anyone.

The spontaneous organization of the people's mourning activities, compared with the bleakness of time and space, has to be said to be a satire.

Although there were many people at the funeral, there were very few guests. The sequelae of the Bonaparte's poor popularity are vividly reflected here.

The European royal families seemed to be very busy. Except for the French people who ate their meals, the rest of the nobles only sent representatives to attend, and some even were too lazy to send them.

Taking the Habsburgs as an example, Franz sent a side Count to deal with things in the past. Even if the two countries are allies, the royal families of the two countries cannot change their dislike.

The grievance in it was a mess, and it was not clear for a while. Not only the Habsburgs, but most European nobles were unfriendly to the Bonaparte family.

The aristocracy also held revenge. Napoleon swept across the European continent that year. I don't know how many people's rice bowls were hit. How could this account be calculated?

If the Bonaparte family has also fallen, it is estimated that everyone will feel better. Now the result is just the opposite. The Bonaparte family is still glorious. When you see this outbreak family, everyone is jealous too late, how can you go and support them.

Napoleon IV died of gilding in South Africa in the original time and space, but it was full of excitement. Many people speculated that the British royal family planned the murder.

The reason was: When Napoleon IV encountered the Zulu warrior, Lieutenant Kerry and his men were only 50 yards away from Euren, but they were withdrawn without a shot.

There must be an article behind this obviously abnormal behavior, and it is difficult to say who planned it.

There are too many enemies in the Bonaparte family, who are capable of planning such low-level accidents, at least three figures.

There is no way, the last heir to the line is dead, the Bonaparte family not only loses hope of restoration, but also loses the ability to track down the real murderer.

At the funeral, the atmosphere was a bit weird. If anyone pays attention, they will find that many people have a gloat expression. If it is not the right occasion, I am afraid to laugh.

Yes, some people just come to see jokes. The crown prince Eugen, who was just about to succeed Napoleon III, was too young, and the French government was bound to have a fierce battle.

For example: Victor Emmanuel II, former King of Sardinia, came to see the lively. Napoleon III drove him out of office. He hated it for a long time, and now he is here to hit the ground.

He put his smile on his face unabashedly, and ignored the murderous eyes of Ou Ren completely. Europe does not have the habit of being a king, even if he is a former king, that is a king.

As a member of the remembering interest group, no matter how angry Ou Ren is, it is impossible to defeat the king. It's still at the funeral site, it's even more difficult to do it.

Perhaps it seems to many people that this approach is very unwise. This has stimulated people. Can't do it on the bright side, can't they secretly retaliate?

However, Victor Emmanuel II had a reason to do it. Now the Sardinian Organization of Renaissance under his leadership has joined forces with the Italian Revolutionary Party.

Now that the Italian independence movement is at a low ebb, as the leader of the public, Victor Emmanuel II must do something exciting.

Napoleon III's funeral was used by him and could be mixed in. Naturally, someone cooperated and wanted to see the ugly people of the Bonaparte family.

Anyway, after attending the funeral, he left with the guests. If the French want to intercept that, it's better. They can also hype public opinion. Countries that want to see French jokes will not give up this opportunity.


Franz didn't care about the farce at the funeral of Napoleon III. It was all a minor problem. That is to say, taking a child for four years, I can't stand the stimulus. If I change an old churros, I will never bother.

They have destroyed their country, taken away their throne, are they not allowed to have a little temper?

I just laughed beside them, and didn't run out of trouble and disturb the funeral order, so I treat these guys as air.

If you want to settle the accounts with the Japanese leader, why bother with it for a while. As the Emperor of France, it was not easy to fight a few clowns.

As long as their financial resources are cut off, the custody of these guys will soon cry. Xun Jun's affairs can not be done, then let them worry about Chaimiyou salt every day in the second half of their lives.

The exiled monarch has a hard time, and there are a lot of people who follow the meal. It is absolutely impossible to have money.

Franz has seen it in this regard. Massimilino has failed so much. Hundreds of people have rushed to run over.

If it wasn't for the Franz brother who often paid for it, and the Empress Sophie was secretly subsidizing it, not to mention keeping the emperor's pomp and being able to feed so many people, it would not be easy.

These people were screaming. They wanted to counterattack Mexico. They really wanted them to implement it. But there is no way, it must be raised.

Don't look at the abilities of these people. With these people and without them, those are two concepts. Without these people helping to shake the flag and wash the white, what is the reputation?

Franzken spent money to support a group of idealistic arrogance parties, which is to let these people go around to promote Massimilino's reform measures, whether practical or not, in line with Mexico's national conditions, at least it looks very good.

People who eat the melon without knowing the truth can easily be taken to the side by not thinking about deep-seated problems.

Of course, these people's activities in Austria are also restricted. They can't go anywhere. Articles they write are published selectively.

A large number of them were sent to France for further studies by Franz, which is so well-known for learning the restoration experience of the Bonaparte dynasty.

At present, the effect is good. Massimiliano's renaissance organization has been established and has attracted many Mexican students to participate.

These are all bad times. Looking at the domestic warlords playing that hi, these people finally find that the emperor is better.

Affected by public opinion, many people think about it and find that Massimilino I did nothing bad.

As the newspaper said, the local warlords in Mexico were too powerful, and the emperor's orders could not be implemented.

Because of opposition to the emperor's reform, the conservatives and the warlords rebelled together, and the Revolutionary Party was a fool who was fooled.

Behind this, Franz sponsors Massimilino 200,000 Aegis every year. It can be said that public opinion was pulled back by money.

The pressure on Victor Emmanuel II will be much greater. One is not just practicing, and the other is taking actual action to restore the country. It is not a grade in terms of cost.

Although there are many gold sponsors secretly sponsored, the amount is not large, and Victor Emmanuel II, who has a large group of men, is short of money. If you do n’t have enough money, you must create a topic, mobilize everyone's patriotic enthusiasm, or use a big flicker technique to increase the investment.

As long as the source of funds is cut off, the momentum of these resurgent organizations will immediately drop many grades, after all, people also want to eat.


Intelligence chief Tyron: "His Majesty, the Prussians have acted. In recent days, Polish newspapers have been scolding the government and attributed the Polish chaos to the absence of a king and high-level government struggles for power.

The foundation of the East-Brovsky government is unstable. It was only through popular support that it barely won the election. The Prussians were entangled in public opinion. They are now pinning their hopes on international interference.

However, Napoleon III just died, and everyone was paying attention to the future political direction of France. For a while, he could not consider Poland.

If there is no accident, the Polish parliament will re-elect a king election within a month at most, this time with far fewer competitors, and William I's election is almost doomed. "

The number of competitors has decreased. This is not because the Prussians are making a ghost. It is because many people are scared by the chaos in Poland and do not want to go to this muddy water.

Don't look at how big Bobo hasn't been independent for a long time, there are a lot of things that come out. In the international arena, they assume themselves as if they are already a member of the great powers.

The self-proclaimed sixth largest country in Europe, second only to the five countries of Britain, France, and Russia, has not considered the feelings of Spain, the German Federation, and the Nordic Federation. The three countries are no worse than Poland in terms of comprehensive national strength.

Even the humble small countries of the Netherlands and Portugal may not be as good as Poland in terms of comprehensive national strength. Don't look at them because they have a small population, but they have colonies and their economic strength exceeds Poland.

Even if this is the case, even if it is a propaganda need, an appropriate exaggeration of one's own strength is acceptable. Not long ago, Austria ’s diplomatic oolong almost used force against Poland, which made many people understand.

The Kingdom of Poland looks good. It is also a medium-sized country in continental Europe. In theory, as long as it develops well, it is possible to join the power club.

But the geographical location is really too bad, sandwiched between the three countries. The sudden Austrian-Poland conflict reminded many people of the old story of the three countries dividing up Poland.

Poor geographical location + love to die, clearly a huge pit. No one wants to be the king of the country. After weighing the advantages and disadvantages, many people choose to give up.

Franz raised his tea cup and took a sip: "Keep staring, don't act rashly. The Darkman on the British side can start, and it will start immediately after William I is elected King of Poland.

Be careful not to expose us. It would be better to let the German Federal Empire take the initiative and they jumped out to compete with the French for the Rhineland.

We and the British have received the news that the French want to buy Rhineland. In order to prevent the French from continuing to expand and support the German Federation to acquire the Rhineland region, it is much more reasonable. "

Austria has a great influence in the German Federation. Many big aristocrats and senior government officials have secretly contacted the Vienna government. It is not difficult to push them out. The problem is that it is difficult to keep them secret.

No one can guarantee that these people will not leak. Separate bets have always been the way of these people, while maintaining contact with Austria, they have not dealt with other forces.

The front foot promised to keep it secret, and the back foot sold the secret. This kind of thing doesn't happen too much in continental Europe.

Especially such things that affect national decision-making cannot be achieved by one or two people. Too many people need to be launched. If someone leaks information, it is difficult to find out who is a traitor.

Intelligence chief Tyren answered thoughtfully: "Yes, Your Majesty. We will first reveal the secret trade between France and France, and then let the British push the German Federation to fight."

The Berlin government issued a short check, which is not important, as long as everyone thinks it is true.

In the face of international pressure, if the Prussians dare to hard-top, Franz would dare to join forces with European countries to intervene. From the beginning, he was ready to force the Berlin government to abandon the Rhineland region.

In the 19th century, if a country wanted to be strong, it must first have enough coal and iron. Without these things, heavy industry would not develop.

Originally, Germany could be developed in time and space. The most important thing is that they have the coal and iron resources in the Rhineland region, and then they can have the glory of the Ruhr industrial zone.

In a short period of time, this part of the resource is missing, and the effect may not be obvious. With the further development of industrial technology, the sequelae will erupt.

Even the annexation of the Kingdom of Poland cannot compensate for this loss of resources. Coal resources in Europe are mainly distributed in England, the Central European Rhineland, Ukraine, Silesia, and the Balkans.

Unfortunately, the Donbass coal field in Ukraine is still far away, and the Kingdom of Prussia is out of reach. The Silesian region fell into the hands of Austria again. After losing the Rhineland region, sooner or later the Kingdom of Prussia will delay industrial development due to coal problems.

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