Holy Roman Empire

Chapter 553: Throne

On April 21, 1874, Napoleon III died of illness at the Palace of Versailles. The news quickly seized the popularity of the Near East War, and everyone's eyes gathered in Paris.

Franz of Vienna Palace sighed deeply. A competitor just left.

After adjusting his mood, Franz soon recovered.

"When Napoleon III went, the transfer of rights in France was indispensable. In a short time, we should not worry about the threat from the west. The next step is to hurry up.

All of us in Berlin and London can start to act. This change in the European situation has a bearing on the international landscape in the coming decades, and it must not let the situation get out of control. "

I have to say that strategic layout is trouble. Mistakes anywhere can trigger a chain reaction.

Even the death of Napoleon III is within the calculation range. If he persists for a few more years, Franz's European strategy must be completely overturned.

Minister of Foreign Affairs Weissenberg: "Your Majesty, the situation in France is more chaotic than we had previously estimated. Napoleon III has just died, and the French government has also fallen into a struggle for rights.

Napoleon IV, who is about to ascend to the throne, has insufficient prestige and cannot suppress the veterans in the government. Currently, the major factions are fighting very hard.

If the internal struggle does not end, I am afraid that the French will not have the energy to intervene in international affairs in the short term, and our plan to attract enemies may not work. "

The French government's internal fighting was deliberately created by Napoleon III, and the rights of the emperor could only be guaranteed if his ministers fought.

Napoleon III died too early and paved the way for Crown Prince Euren too short to establish prestige and fail to overpower everyone.

In this case, let the following ministers fight each other, and the little emperor appeared as an arbiter. After a few years, the emperor's status has been stabilized, and then the ministers below will be replaced.

This is a very clever conspiracy technique that can achieve a smooth transition of imperial power. It is just that the sequelae are also great. A continuous government will waste a lot of energy and affect the development of the country.

The French family has a great career and slow development is not a big problem. There are almost no external threats, and no country will miss it and run to invade France.

France, which is constantly infighting, obviously will not jump out to do things. Even if you covet the resources in Belgium and the Rhineland region, there are many teammates who are holding back, it is difficult to become a reality.

As long as the French main force does not come out, Austria can't help the French. According to the plan, it was tempting France to send troops to the Rhineland region, and Austria pulled the European countries together to form an anti-French alliance.

Do n’t think that Lanxi ’s soldiers are strong and strong, but now they really ca n’t fight in the Napoleonic era. Once again, they will not be able to support the anti-French war.

Franz nodded: "It doesn't matter, the possibility of this plan is very low, it becomes the best of nature, and it doesn't matter if it fails.

France is not our real enemy, and the nations of Europe are not our real enemies. Our real enemies will always be ourselves. "

Franz couldn't help but be excited when he said the last word. After so many years of development, Austria has finally developed to the point of ignoring external threats.

The situation on the European continent has been beyond recognition. In the situation of confrontation between Russia and Russia, there is only one France left, which has not threatened the security of Austria.

From the beginning, the Vienna government had two sets of plans: balancing the power of Russia and Russia or defeating France.

No matter which one is achieved, Austria will emerge from the crisis of multi-line operations. It is not easy to defeat France, then continue to implement the strategy of balance between Russia and Russia.

This was learned from the British. John Niu achieved maximum benefits while implementing the Continental Balance Policy, and Franz naturally had to follow suit.


In Berlin, after receiving the news that Napoleon III was dead, William I was almost crazy, this is simply "want to fall asleep and encounter a pillow".

Russia and Austria are ravaging the Ottoman Empire, and the French are dying again. It can be said that William I ’s biggest stumbling block to the Polish throne is gone.

Foreign Minister Jeffrey Friedman reminded: "Your Majesty, things are not so optimistic. The death of Napoleon III only means that the probability of French intervention is reduced, which does not mean that it will not interfere at all.

Although the Near East War restrained some of Austria's energy, they still had the power to intervene. We also have to consider the response of the British. The London government does not want to see us really rise.

If we want to annex Poland, we better get the support of two of the three countries: Britain, France, Austria, and at least their acquiescence. "

The excited William I woke up instantly, and it was too early to be happy now. Without leveling up the three great powers, the annexation of Poland was a mirror.

"This is really a question. If we deal with France and Austria, how much will it cost?"

Benefits are always the best outbreak of solving problems. If they cannot be resolved, the benefits must not be large enough. Don't look at European countries' opposition to Prussia's annexation of Poland, as long as interests are in place, opposition can also turn into support.

The choice to buy France and Austria is also a practical need. The Russian Empire is a deadly enemy, and the Berlin government cannot buy it; the strength of the British is at sea, and the possibility of sending troops to interfere is very small.

Jeffrey Friedman thought about it and said, "In the current situation, we can promise France and Austria to support Austria's annexation of the Ottoman Empire and the German Federation and France's annexation of Belgium as a transaction.

When necessary, you can also promise to sell the Rhineland region to the French and Austria to the southern part of Poland. "

Promise promises, whether they can be fulfilled depends on the actual situation. Just as the Ottoman Empire was divided up, Franz also promised the Russians more than half of the Balkan Peninsula, and in the end most of them fell into the hands of Austria.

The Vienna government also did not violate the agreement. The extra territory was bought by Austria from the French, not from the Ottoman Empire.

It's just that it's Prussian turn, the situation has changed. France and Austria are too strong, and the possibility of a change is small. The promise now is likely to become a reality.

The room was silent, and everyone was weighing the pros and cons. In this respect, Bismarck was bold enough to write a short check directly to Napoleon III, turning his head and turning his face into disapproval.

After hesitating for a while, Prime Minister Mao Qi broke the silence: "You can try to fight for it. As long as you can annex Poland, the gap between our strengths and that of France and Austria will be greatly reduced, and then things will be different.

In the future, we can also draw the attention of the French to the Low Countries and Austria to the Ottoman Empire.

Don't forget the response of other European countries, maybe the promise now does not need to be fully fulfilled. "

This is not the first time that this has happened on the European continent. If other European countries interfere and the transaction cannot proceed smoothly, France and Austria will not be able to accuse Prussia of default.

This is similar to the plan of William I, who had long been prepared to let the British finally come out to make trouble and prevent France and Austria from expanding into Central Europe.

After a pause, William I made the decision: "Let's do it now. It will create the established facts and then negotiate later. The result will be more favorable to us."

If possible, William I wanted to annex the German Federal Empire. Unfortunately, the difficulty is too great, and the three countries, Britain, France and Austria, cannot agree.

Everyone knows Austria's German unification strategy, even for political propaganda, the Vienna government will interfere with it.

The French also wanted to annex the territory west of the Rhine, with the German Federal Barrier in the middle, and the Rhineland region was an enclave. If Prussia annexes the German Confederation and the territory becomes one, it will not be easy to pay attention.

Different from the original time and space, in order to prevent Austria from annexing the German Federation, John Cow has invested a lot of resources in the German Federation, which is completely treated as a son.

The relationship between the two sides is close, and it is above Belgium and the Netherlands. The German Confederation is also playing a balance, the Navy is completely British equipment, the Army is basically all Austrian equipment.

Relying on good diplomatic relations, the Vienna government has no way to use force against the German Federation. If we want to unify the German region, we have negotiated. As long as Austria can settle the European countries, they will not object.

The seemingly coordinated move is actually a very clever political means, which has pushed the responsibility of undermining the unity of the German region to the international forces.

Regardless of the end result, the interests of the ruling class will not be compromised. You do n’t even have to worry about national defense security, you are in trouble, and you can justly ask Austria for help.

There are also factors in the Vienna government's abandonment of the national policy of the German Unification Plan.

The seemingly coordinated reunification actually hides a lot of mystery. Through peaceful negotiation and reunification, the government can only get a nominal reunification, and it will also lay hidden dangers for the division of the empire.

Franz is not a fame-seeking man. Just a nominal dominion is not worth Austria's bet on the entire empire.

Then everyone acted together. The more the German Federation cooperated, the more the European countries worried that after Austria unified the German region, the integration strength would be soared in a short time, and everyone desperately prevented Austria from annexing the German Federation.


Warsaw, as if everyone was paying attention to the succession of the Polish throne overnight, experts and scholars have commented in the newspapers, and all the problems encountered in Poland are attributed to the absence of a king.

This is not nonsense, they still have evidence. All the great powers in Europe have monarchs, either kings or emperors.

Republican countries cannot even choose a representative. The division of the American civil war in Europe has been promoted as a negative textbook. "The emperor took turns" was considered one of the main causes of the American Civil War.

Who knows true or false? Anyway, monarchy nations are so propaganda, talk too much, everyone will believe.

Radical newspapers have begun to publicly accuse the government of deliberately preventing the king from being created for the sake of their rights.

This statement cannot be miscalculated. The Polish government does not want the king to appear, affecting their rights.

But if this cover is opened, it must never be admitted. Now in the era of monarchy, constitutional monarchy was established when Poland gained independence.

The Constitution is so clear that the Polish interim government cannot afford the charge. Looking at the crowds marching outside, the Prime Minister Donbrovsky knew that he could not continue.

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