Holy Roman Empire

Chapter 550: Change plan

The sudden bombardment came fast and fast, and it ended more than an hour later, leaving only a mess.

After confirming security, Major General Ozgur stepped out of the command post, watching the billowing smoke rising from the city, and hurriedly ordered: "Quickly organize manual fire fighting, and the grain and ammunition warehouse must be secured."

The accompanying young officer replied, "Yes, general!"

After speaking, run immediately to convey the order. In the bombing just now, the telegraph and telephone lines that were exposed were unfortunately damaged, and there was no time to recover.

At this step, Major General Ozgur has no illusions about defending the enemy from the country.

Relying on artillery to prevent the enemy from landing, the question is what to do with the enemy in the sky? Without addressing the threat above them, they can only be beaten passively.

No matter how defensive the position is, there is a wave over his head and he still wants to collapse. The casualty figures are still being counted, and Major General Ozgur has no courage to face it.

Holding the beloved telescope and glancing at the battlefield for a while, Major General Ozgur knew that the loss was absolutely heavy.

In just over an hour, the airship brigade slanted hundreds of tons of bombs on their heads. If naval artillery shells were added, the number would be even greater.

For the small port of Ava, so much ammunition can already be used for a large blast. The port facilities have been severely damaged. The key is that the fortifications are destroyed.

Time passed by every minute, and in the evening, the casualty report appeared in the hands of Major General Ozgur. A thin piece of paper in his hand seemed to be as heavy as it is now.

Strong self-stress relieved the anxiety in his heart, and Major General Ozgur quickly scanned the loss.

More than half of the artillery was lost, with 686 killed, 1468 injured, and 315 missing. Most of the turrets were devastated, one-fifth of the material was lost, and one-third of the buildings in the city suffered varying degrees of damage. Some casualties ...

The troop strength of a regiment was lost. Don't look at the wounded and think that you can recover in the future. In fact, with the medical conditions of the Ottoman army, the casualty mortality rate is generally not less than 40%.

In simple terms, it is to resist yourself. Fortunately, the wound does not appear to be inflamed or purulent, so get back a life, or let it be.

"Battlefield rescue", where does the Sudanese government go to find so many medical personnel? Even with medical staff, they don't have enough medicines.

In this era, medicine is much more expensive than human life. For example, only penicillin that can be produced by laboratories is tens of times more expensive on the market than equal parts of gold.

Affected by chemical technology, large-scale industrial production cannot be achieved, and only small-scale production can be performed by manpower. The annual output is less than 20,000.

This output is not enough for Austria itself. Flowing into the international market naturally turned into sky-high prices. 1000 black shields have been fired on the black market, or there is no price. How can the Sudanese government provide it to soldiers?

Wounded on the battlefield, look forward to *** bless it! Most soldiers are only able to perform simple bandaging. This also requires luck. Basically, you can use whatever cloth you have.

If you're out of luck and you haven't disinfected the gauze, you can just make it work by tearing off a piece of clothing. A group of big soldiers don't know so much expertise.

After reading the report, Major General Ozgur loosened his hands and let the documents in his hand fall, and sat down with his hips as if pulled away from the spirit.

After a long time, Major General Ozgur slowly slowed down and sighed deeply: "Oh!"

Shake his head: "Send someone immediately to report the situation we encountered, and ask the country to send reinforcements, reminding the country to be careful of the enemy's airship."

Airships have been around for many years. Because of their cost-effectiveness, their practical value is not high and they are rarely seen in life.

If it wasn't for reading the newspaper, Major General Ozgur might not have known it, let alone being used in war.

However, this is a past tense. After this battle, airships will soon appear in the military of various countries. In this respect, everyone's learning ability is still very strong.

Response, sorry, this is beyond the capabilities of Major General Ozgur. It is estimated that after several more bombings, the experience and lessons may be summarized.


Compared with the sorrowful Ava defender, the atmosphere of Constantinople's joint headquarters is much warmer. The airship brigade has made great achievements as soon as it is launched.

Originally, they thought that it would take a heavy price to destroy Ava's shore artillery, and the Russian army was preparing to land from nearby areas and fight from the land.

Speaking of which, landing from the surrounding area is very simple. In fact, due to geographical constraints, without good ports, ships cannot be docked at all, and the Russians are ready to board bamboo rafts.

There is no doubt that this approach is quite dangerous and requires human life to fill it out. There are landing crafts in Austria. Unfortunately, due to insufficient preparation in advance, they were not sent to the Black Sea in time. If you land from the Mediterranean coast, it will be fine.

Intentional or unintentional, this issue will not be mentioned for the time being. In short, the landing craft can't come in a short time. If the Russians can wait, it will be over a period of time.

This kind of boat can be produced in the Danube boat factory. Without considering the service life, inferior goods can be produced in two or three months. It is no problem to log in two or three times anyway.

Now, the enemy's shore artillery has been hit hard, and it's all right. Even the preparatory plan for the offense was aborted.

The Tsarist government urgently needs to occupy the Black Sea Strait to ensure the smooth flow of this most important foreign trade channel. In order to give a satisfactory answer to the country, Admiral Ivanov decided to speed up his army.

Before landing on the Ottoman Empire, land in Ava first. The combat plan formulated earlier was not completely abolished, but the implementation efforts were greatly reduced.

Regarding such unauthorized manipulation of the combat plan and disregarding the behavior agreed in advance by the two countries, the Allied Commander-in-Chief Allest was very dissatisfied.

Although Arest was not from the army, the staff assigned to him by the Vienna government were all professionals.

At a glance, you can see the risks of changing your combat plan. According to the original plan, as long as it landed in a weak area of ​​the Ottoman Empire, implemented a scorched earth strategy, and expelled the population into the interior, it could bring down the enemy.

There is no need to fight hard, as long as you continue to destroy, you can win the war. After changing the plan, the Russian army must fight the Ottomans.

The Russian army's confidence slowly, and the Austrian military does not have such strong confidence in them. Everywhere, 150,000 Russian troops have to fight hundreds of thousands of Ottoman troops. After losing the tactics of the sea, how strong the gray animals are in combat, everyone has no idea.

I have to say that the first impression is very important. From the beginning, Arest believed that this Russian army had limited combat effectiveness. According to Austrian standards, Russian military training is basically unqualified.


Arest sternly scolded: "General Ivanov, this battle plan was jointly approved by the two governments.

Prior to this, both of us have carefully evaluated and selected the most suitable solution from many battle plans.

According to this battle plan, the losses of both of us can be minimized and the war won at the least cost. I think this is the common pursuit of everyone. "

Ivanov shook his head: "No, Your Excellency Commander. This battle plan is too conservative. It will take all sides to force the enemy to divide and then attack Ava, which will take at least three to five months.

However, this is based on the situation where the Ava defenders have strong defensive firepower and cause great trouble for landing. Now that the enemy's shore guns have been destroyed by us, we can launch an attack immediately.

Now that the Ottomans have not responded, we can make a time difference. Even if there are more troops assembled by the enemy, we have an air advantage.

Believe me, no army can maintain its combat effectiveness under the bombing of airships, and the decaying Ottoman Empire will be destroyed at a stroke.

We don't need to argue about these meaningless issues; victory belongs to us. General Arest, let us cast our glory together! "

Arest frowned, and said intently: "General Ivanov, you are too optimistic. The airship is not invincible. Many special terrains, such as the airship in the jungle, are difficult to function.

If a decisive battle breaks out, even if we can win, you will lose a lot. The boys followed us to fight, so we should take them back as much as possible. "

After a moment of silence, Ivanov shook his head. He wanted to reduce casualties as much as possible according to the established combat plan.

The problem was that the country could not stand up, the Black Sea Strait was cut off, and the foreign trade of the Russian Empire was hit hard. If the passage cannot be opened as soon as possible, after the autumn grains are put in storage, that loss will be even greater.

Just after the war broke out, the Tsarist government applied for three orders and five orders to speed him up. War needs to serve politics, and soldiers must also consider national interests.

Austria can allow the war to drag on. The longer it is dragged on, the greater the benefits Austria can gain from Russia-Austria trade. The monopoly of more than half of the profits of the Russian Empire's trade can almost wipe out the losses caused by the war. The Vienna government is naturally in no hurry.

"Hi Commander, I still insist on changing the battle plan. This is what St. Petersburg means. The economic losses caused by the war are too great, and the Russian Empire can no longer afford it."

Arest stopped talking, and at this stage, unless he strongly organized, for example, Austria's transport ships and warships did not cooperate, otherwise they could only persuade St. Petersburg.

After pondering for a while, I said, "Well, I will report to Vienna. If the General Staff agrees, we will cooperate with you."


The Palace of Vienna, receiving Franz's achievements in the airship bombing team, had not had time to be happy, and then received the news that a "strategic dispute" broke out on the front line.

The Russians knew he wanted to get through the gangster channel, but he didn't expect that the Tsarist government would lose their breath so quickly, not even the soldiers' casualties.

Well, it seems that the Tsarist government has never cared about soldier casualties. This issue should not be considered from the beginning.

Franz patted his forehead: "What do you think, the Russians are so eager to attack, should we agree or refuse?"

Prime Minister Felix: "Your Majesty, this question is the same choice, but I personally prefer to agree with the Russians.

This war is only a strategic fraud, and the outcome is not so important. If we follow the original plan, we can say that it will be a win, and it is uncertain whether Ottoman can exist.

Now that the Russians are willing to change their strategy, let them go. If the Russian frontline suffers heavy losses, we can take the opportunity to end this war. "

Well, the military simply doesn't bother to think about it, the victory or defeat does not matter at all. If this salty fish strategy is passed on, it is estimated that nobody will believe it.

Perhaps when future generations study this period of history and connect everything together, they can reveal the truth of the facts. Of course, the possibility of being biased is still greater.

Franz set his sights on the military. He needed an answer from the military to weigh the pros and cons in order to make a decision.

It seemed to be aware of Franz's eyes. Secretary of the Army Albrecht: "His Majesty, after changing the battle plan, the Russians' chances of victory in the Asia Minor Peninsula have been greatly reduced. Even if they can win the war, they will lose a lot.

However, the victory or defeat of the Asian Minority Peninsula war does not affect our Middle East strategy.

Now the Sudanese government dares not take risks to increase the Middle East, and no one can guarantee that we will not increase our military input in the Asia Minor Peninsula.

In the event that the Russians are defeated or the losses are heavy, we can send troops at any time, and the Sudanese government is afraid to act rashly. "

Franz: "Tell Arest, then, no matter what the Russians want to do, let them do whatever they want."

As long as it does not affect the Middle East strategy, Franz will have no fear of sending troops to the Russians. It's all about money, and it's nothing compared to oil in the Middle East.


Constantinople, after receiving Franz's order, Arest gave up and continued to warn, and he warned: "General Ivanov, you must insist on landing from the Ava area first, and we agree.

However, you will bear all the consequences. If the main force of the Ottoman Empire is attracted, and the next strategy cannot be continued, don't blame me for not reminding you. "

This is not a shirk of responsibility, but a reasonable dump. Since the Russian army has arbitrarily changed the battle plan that has been negotiated in advance, it will naturally take responsibility for this.

Clearly speaking now, there will be a lot less skin in the future. Even if the Russian army suffered heavy losses, it could only swallow in the stomach with tears.

Ivanov replied joyfully: "Relax, Your Excellency Commander. We and the Ottomans are old rivals. How much strength they have, it is clear that there will be no problems."


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