Holy Roman Empire

Chapter 549: bombing

"Boom, boom, boom ..."

A round of artillery shells descended from the sky, causing chaos in the city of Ava. Cries and screams rang throughout the city, and the frightened people roamed the streets.

Akyol couldn't care about his work, and he took the apprentice and ran to the backyard. Suddenly stopped at a pile of debris, Akyol started to clean up the mess and said, "Let's help, let's hide in the cellar."

Knowing the seriousness, the boy nodded and followed. The original purpose of this hidden cellar was to avoid the tax officer from the blacksmith owner.

How can you avoid tax evasion when doing business in the Ottoman Empire? Although it is only a small blacksmith shop, the boss processed as many as a dozen people at the peak.

How much money can these small objects make by simply building farm tools and pots and pans? Not to mention being shaved by a layer of oil and water by the grandfathers of the officials, and few of them fell into the hands of the boss.

The boss of the smithy with agile minds will naturally not sit still and open up a new business decisively-building weapons, and it is still the kind of unseen weapon.

With the passage of time, the age of the heat weapon is coming, and private life is getting worse and worse. Bandits, bandits, and pirates are getting fewer and fewer customers, and the smithy is slowly declining.

By the time of this generation of bosses, a grocery shop had been opened and expanded, and the smithy still remained as the ancestor. There is only a master of Akyol, who usually creates some daily necessities for sale, but also maintains it.

After the outbreak of the war, the boss who was aware of the danger and ran away with his family left only Akyor and a primary school student to stay at the shop.

The underground business is gone, and the cellar has also been abandoned. Except for the occasional storage of some supplies, it is not often used.

Now it has become a hiding place for the two of them. In the small space, the breathing of both of them is clearly visible. The teenager asked with a bit of anxiety: "Master ..."

Akyol interrupted: "Stop, I know what you want to ask. But now we can do nothing but hide here.

When they heard the sound of cannons, they would certainly hide. Even if you go out now, it won't help. The shells don't have eyes. We can't stop them at all, I believe that *** will bless them ... "

Encountered by a naval gun attack, Ava's defensive officer Ozgur ordered immediately: "Organize a counterattack for me immediately, and we must not let the enemy behave like this."

This war, the Ottoman Empire also prepared for more than half a year, purchased a lot of artillery from Britain and France, as a key defensive port, there are hundreds of artillery distributed on the shore of Awa.

Of course, there are only more than thirty heavy artillery pieces that can really make a difference. The other artillery was not a big threat to the armored ship.

This is not a small number. With so many Ottoman port cities, Ava is able to allocate so many artillery, and it is unusually important.

Under normal circumstances, no one would bomb warships and shore guns, which is a very foolish choice. The shore gun has a small target and can focus stably on land. It must be a warship that suffers from bombardment.

Of course, there are exceptions. Weapons and equipment and the quality of soldiers are also the key factors affecting the hit rate. It is not surprising to lose to warships in the bomber, but these are very few.

"Yes, general!"

As soon as the voice fell, several young officers hurried forward and picked up the phone in the command room and shouted. These phones are without exception, they are not as big as dial pads, and all rely on manual wiring to talk.

If you look closely at the German instructions on the phone base, you will find these products, and also note the origin of Austria.

This is a small problem. Now that the technology is limited, it is impossible to be monitored remotely. No matter who made these phones, there is no backdoor.

The battlefield is still the most practical. Most of the telephone equipment on the international market is exported by Austria. The Sudanese government has no critical qualifications.

Don't look at the simplicity of these devices, in fact, "the slightest loss in the production will be thousands of miles away." With the industrial technology of the Ottoman Empire, the communication equipment produced could not be used at all.

As orders were issued, the long-awaited shore guns began to show their power, and the sound of deafening guns continued to sound.

On a warship two or three nautical miles away, a burly middle-aged officer was standing on the splint and holding a telescope to look into the distance. (1 nautical mile = 1.852 km)

The guard dutifully reminded: "General, here is dangerous, you still go to the lookout room!"

The middle-aged man laughed, "If the enemy can hit this distance, then God wants to call me in advance."

Hit? Most artillery can't shoot this far, and a few artillery with this range cannot be aimed at this distance.

The Austrian navy's attack on Ava was completely random. There was no need to aim at it. As long as it was adjusted to the maximum range, it would suffice to let the shell fly as far as possible.

Want to get the results, unless you get closer. The closest warship to Ava is also maintaining a distance of two nautical miles.

This distance is just right, it can ensure that the naval gun can hit the shell into the city, and it can also ensure the safety of the warship.

Looking at the watch on his hand, the middle-aged officer said to himself: "They should come, and I'll do it again if I don't come."

This is not the first time that the port city has been shelled. After the prelude to the Ottoman port on April 5, the Austrian Navy will conduct live-fire training on several port cities every day.

That's right, it's live-fire training. The navy took this as a training session, using the Ottomans as targets, and training the gunner's hit rate.

Before long, colorful clouds floated in the sky, and the middle-aged officer frowned: "Command the fleet to bring the distance closer to 1 nautical mile and pay attention to the wind direction."

In order to create opportunities for the Air Force, this time they had to act as bait. How can the enemy's shore artillery fire be forced out without creating enough pressure?

Sure enough, with the approach of the Austrian Navy, the sound of artillery fires became denser. In order to make a beautiful result, Ozgur had been hesitant to hide, and all the firepower of the garrison went together.

Behind the two inconspicuous shore guns, the young officer Saltus Pasha yelled excitedly: "Give me a shot and catch a warship. Those little ones, can you hit them!"

Lieutenant Colonel Saltus-Pasha is not an ordinary aristocratic officer who is waiting to die. As a rising star of the Ottoman Empire, he is an international student at the French Saint Cyril Military Academy.

If it were not for the sudden outbreak of the war, he would continue to complete his studies in France. There is no way. At the critical moment of life and death, the Sudanese government can only desperately call it back, no matter whether it has graduated or not.

What's more, after studying for a few years outside, I have come into contact with the most advanced military ideas in the world today. The theoretical knowledge is much stronger than that of the domestic noble military officers.

Under normal circumstances, such talented students as Saltus Pasha should go to the headquarters, and then to the division. Unfortunately, Saltus Pasha has offended people just after being assigned to Ava.

In the early days, the deployment of Ava's shore guns was useless and a modification plan was proposed. In the face of the war, the old disability villain was only a minority. The modification plan was passed, and Saltus Pasha was promoted to lieutenant colonel.

Offending Sartus Pasha, he was soon sent to the front line to exercise. In fact, it is to guard the shore gun. If it is not for the war, it is estimated that the second half of the life will end like this.

A soldier exclaimed: "Lieutenant Colonel, which bird in the sky is here again."

Shouting at the dissatisfied soldier, Colonel Saltus-Pasha corrected: "That's an airship, not a big bird."

The soldier hurriedly remedied: "Yes, airship. Hey, something has fallen, is it throwing waste paper again?"

For illiterate head soldiers, there is not much difference between leaflets and waste paper thrown by Austria. Using leaflets to cause panic and seduce local people to run was unsuccessful.

The well-informed Saltus Pasha has reacted. Why does it need so many airships to throw leaflets? One ship is enough, there is no need to dispatch more than 20 ships at a time.

"It's not a bomb, find a place to hide!"

After that, Sartus Pasha ran away. This is not to blame him for being panic. No one has experienced this wave, and the first time he can determine the bomb, his knowledge level is high.

How do you avoid bombing, which is not written in the book? Knowing the runway is enough to prove his flexibility. When the enemy is bombing, it must be directed at the artillery, and the safety from the turret will naturally increase.

However, it was all too late, and before taking a few steps, bombs fell from the sky, and the turrets were under special care.

After the roaring explosion, there was only a mess. The escaping Sartus Pasha was overturned by the waves, and two shrapnel were inserted in his arms.

Holding back the pain, he looked up at the soldiers who remained in place, and could no longer see the human form. There was only a crater on the ground, and there was a blur ...

Saltus Pasha has lost sight of the artillery, forcing the pain to climb up and continue to run, he just wants to stay away from the battery.

From the bombardment from the sky, many people fell into a state of persecution. This has exceeded their ability to accept and have no idea how to respond.

The turret was designed just to deal with enemies at sea, but no one thought about defending the enemies in the sky.

Air defense firepower does not exist. For the first large-scale bombing in human history, who would not know the prophet?

No matter how chaotic the ground is, the bombs in the sky continue to dump to the ground. As soon as suspicious targets are found, they are thrown directly.

In Ava's garrison commander, Major General Ozgur was like an ant on a hot pot, so anxious that he stomped his feet, completely wondering what to do.


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