Holy Roman Empire

Chapter 551: Landing War

The city of Ava after the war was beyond recognition. The bombings in Austria were targeted. Except for military installations, most of the bombed were landmark buildings.

Whatever the target is conspicuous, just blow it up. On the contrary, the loss of the humble civilian area was relatively small, and most of the buildings were only affected and did not suffer devastating damage.

The fire from the bombing was quickly put out, and the sound of weeping still rang through the city. The order in the city had collapsed, and the **** who were robbed by the fire were indulging.

Ottoman soldiers who should have maintained order, many of them also joined the looting team, the ugliness of humanity was completely revealed, and Ava was crying tonight.

If anyone counts, you will find that the people who died in the bombing have not died much in the chaos.

Facing the chaotic situation, Akyol and his disciples did not dare to go out. Not long ago, there were still a few gangsters who wanted to take advantage of the fire and were expelled by Akyol's apprentices with shotguns.

The shotgun is a collectible of the owner of the smithy. It is said that it was passed down from the ancestors. Perhaps it was too tight or too tight, and the shotgun was left behind.

His son Raja asked, "Master, will they come back again?"

My family knows their family affairs, and these shotguns, which are collectibles, do not know when they were passed down. It is okay to take them out. If you rely on it to kill, the chance of killing yourself is not much lower than the chance of killing the enemy.

Akyol replied uncertainly: "Should not, we are the smithy, the masters of Duguan have been requisitioned. Except for a pile of iron materials and swords, there is not much oil and water to fish at all.

We still have guns in these hands, as long as these people are not fools, they will soon want to understand. "

At another point in time, iron and sword are wealth. But now it's not working, the officials will be confiscated directly. The cold weapon created is ready to be given to civilians to fight to the end after the city is broken.

The great sultan has given a death order: "The city is in the people, the city is dead." How can it be called "jihad" if it is not dead?

Whether the people will die with their enemies to the end will not be considered by the officials. If the defending officers are lost in the Awa area, they will follow.

Everyone cares for themselves, who cares if the people will die in the end? If you can mobilize one by one, lure the enemy into the city, and then launch an attack, you must deter the enemy if you cannot win.


Ava Defence Command, Major General Ozgur is worrying about the threat above his head. Without solving this problem, the enemy threw the bomb down from the sky, and the following set was chaotic.

There may be armies that can change the face of the enemy's bombing, but this does not include the Ottoman army. During the bombing period, there was a lot of ignorance in the mouth, shouting "God punishment", kneeling on the ground and praying for forgiveness.

"The enemy's airship is too powerful. What measures do you take?"

With that said, Ozgur set his sights on Saltus. The airship was first invented by the French. It has been 90 years and the technology has been updated several times.

It is rarely seen in Ottoman, but in developed countries in Europe, it has been used in life. There are even airship transport companies. Of course, such advanced enterprises usually have a difficult time.

Counting on a group of clay buns that do n’t even know what the airship is, Ozgur knows it ’s unrealistic, just pinning his hopes on the top student, Saltus.

In this era, there were not many overseas students sent by the Ottoman Empire, and a large part of them were influenced by Western thought. They returned to the revolution and there were not many honest people like Saltus.

"Honest man" This is the label that Urzgul has put on Sartus, but anyone who learns a little bit about horse riding skills will not be sent to Ava.

A bit of military common sense knows that the Ava region is near the Bosphorus and may become the front line at any time.

The enemies this time are Russia and Austria. The Ottoman Empire's odds are very low, and the Sudanese government is only pursuing a decent end to the war.

A war that was almost doomed to failure. In addition to facing danger, officers on the front line also had to worry about being regarded as scapegoats after the war.

Otherwise, Ava is not a major military force, nor is it a major general of Ozgur. Anyway, there are also two divisions under his command.

Most of the people present were in the Ottoman army, or the backstage relationship was not strong enough, so they were put on the front line.

Fiddled with the arm wrapped in gauze, Saltus slowly said: "General, air combat bombing for the first time in military history, no country has an effective response.

However, when studying in France, some students made the idea of ​​airship bombing. It is very difficult to knock down the airship.

The bullet is not powerful enough, unless it hits the vital part, otherwise it will be difficult to cause a deadly threat even if it hits the airship. The best option is an artillery. Unfortunately, the elevation of the artillery is not enough to attack the air.

In the current situation, we cannot counterattack the enemy effectively. The only thing that can be done is to harass the attack with a rifle, forcing the enemy to take off, thus reducing their hit rate. "

Without solving the problem, Major General Ozgur was somewhat disappointed. The range of the rifle is limited, and the effective lethality of most rifles is only a few hundred meters, which means that as long as the enemy bombs at a height of kilometers, they will be powerless.

Major General Ozgur continued to ask, "Does anyone else think differently?"

A middle-aged officer stood up: "Her general, we can't attack enemy airships, but it's always possible to avoid bombing?

If the enemy bombards at a height of 1,000 meters, then making some shelters, for example: disguising as weeds or shrubs, disturbing their vision, may reduce casualties. "

A low-tech shelter, such as grass or shrubs, has already appeared in the military, but it is not used for air defense but to ambush in the field.

Lieutenant Colonel Saltus objected: "No, it may work in jungle areas, but in the port of Sava, something messy appears, isn't it a target for the enemy!"

The middle-aged officer's face sank, and his lips stunned: "Is it effective? I'll know it after trying. We can artificially expose some false targets and attract enemy airships to bomb. These small changes are not so easy to notice."

Major General Ozgur rubbed his forehead. He was happy to see the contradictions of his people. Only when his people fought, his authority could be perfectly guaranteed, but it was a non-war period.

Now the enemy may come at any time, the internal contradiction is terrible, and a bad one will bring out the calamity.


Binggui is speedy, and since he decides to land from the Ava region, naturally he will not leave the enemy preparation time. On the third day after the bombing, the coalition forces were ready to land.

On April 18, 1874, under the cover of Austrian airships and warships, 50,000 Russian troops launched a landing operation in the Ava region.

The roaring cannon sounded, and the airship roared. The smoke was pervading Ava again, and the cry of blood and fire seemed to vent the sorrow of the earth.

The telescope picked up by Colonel Jules above the airship looked down at the ground, which was his favorite. The roar of gunfire and explosions was, in his opinion, the most beautiful movement.

The Austrian airship bombing brigade has been established for more than ten years. There has been no shortage of various materials, but none of them have a record of success. Each airship soldier has a heavy pressure on their shoulders. They urgently need to prove themselves.

As the only directly-administered troops of the General Staff, they are separated from the army and navy, and they are inevitably brought up to talk about military battles each year.

As time went on, the call to cancel the airship was getting higher and higher in the Austrian army. If it was not for the support of the emperor, this army would have disappeared in the Austrian army.

Lack of track record and no proof of their worth, this is the biggest shortcoming of the airship force. The army is a strong world, and speaking with records is more effective than anything.

With the outbreak of the Second Near East War, airships finally had a place to play. After the Ava bomber, the Austrian military was shocked.

Everyone was aware of the threat above their heads for the first time, and the claim that the airship was cancelled disappeared overnight. In particular, the navy who witnessed the bombing scene first reported to the country and requested to be equipped with air defense weapons.

It doesn't matter if the weapon is developed based on demand. The Navy is aware of the threat from the sky. To equip air defense weapons, the arsenal will naturally develop.

As the commander of this airship bombing group, Jules has always had a dream to turn the airship unit into the air force and stand side by side with the army and navy.

This is very difficult, and if you don't have a track record, it is almost impossible to achieve this. The Army and the Navy will strongly oppose each other, and no one wants to have one more rival for military spending.

Future wars require air support. It does not matter whether they are engaged in land or sea navigation. It is only a short time now. Everyone has not responded yet, and it will be proposed before long.

The crisis awareness made Jules particularly enthusiastic about this operation. It is more convincing than any reason to want the support of high-level government and speak on the record.

Intensive gunfire sounded, even at altitudes of several hundred meters, Colonel Jules could hear it. He also saw a little bit through the telescope, flashing a few meters away.

In an instant, Colonel Jules responded and hurriedly ordered: "Command the fleet to take off, fly at an altitude of 1,200 meters, and carry out high-altitude bombing."

At this time, two airships had been shot. Fortunately, these rifles had limited power. As long as they did not hit the vital parts, this point of injury would be deadly.

The airship bombed the squadron and the Ottoman army below was relieved. During the short air-to-air shooting, there have been many accidents.

There is no way, not all rifles can be shot directly into the sky. Designers did not even consider the threats in the sky during the design process.

The number of 12 meters has exceeded the effective range of most breech rifles. This distance not only greatly reduces the hit rate, but also reduces the bullet's lethality, or it can't hit it at all.

As a cost, the bomber's hit rate will also be greatly reduced. Many times you can only bet on character. If you want to ensure the hit rate, it is best to bomb.

Obviously, the enemy was ready, and all guns were fired against the air. Colonel Jules was afraid to go down and take risks.

In case of bad luck, an airship will be reimbursed if it is hit. There are only dozens of such luxury goods in the entire Austrian army, and he cannot afford to lose them.

Even high-altitude harassment is enough. Most of the coastal defences have been destroyed in the last bombing. This can not be repaired in just two or three days.

Now it's airship bombing and naval gun attack, how can the Ottoman army passively beaten have a good life?

The casualties were not terrible yet I don't know, anyway, the Russians have begun to land on the beach. On the airship, Colonel Jules could also see through the telescope that the Russian soldiers had landed and were attacked by Ottoman soldiers in the dark castle.

Gatlin emerged from the corner galloping on the battlefield, and the Russian army suffered heavy casualties for a while. However, it was hard to bear down the fur, and the artillery was quickly set up to fight back.

From the moment when the Russians successfully landed, there was no suspense in this landing battle, and it was nothing more than paying the size of the casualties.

Seeing that the overall situation was set, Colonel Jules smiled cheerfully: "Order the troops to bomb freely and stay away from the port area. Don't injure friendly forces by mistake."

For the entire landing campaign, the coalition forces now have an advantage, and it can be said that the overall situation is set. But for the Russian soldiers fighting hard below, the trouble has just begun.

The Ottomans were not so vulnerable, and many hidden fortifications were only exposed at this time, causing heavy casualties to the Russian army.

The horn of "offensive" has sounded, countless Russian soldiers ...

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