Holy Roman Empire

Chapter 548: Airship bombing squadron

Time passed quickly, and March passed in a flash. Declaring war without fighting for a month, if you change time, Franz can take this as a joke.

There is no way, war is for politics. This kind of nonsense really happened in reality.

In order to gain time for the Ottoman Empire, European countries evacuated expats at a snail-like speed. As its name suggests, when dealing with property, it is actually trying to buy time for the Ottoman Empire.

Don't expect free trade once the war has begun. The Vienna government issued a note early, however, and any ship entering the war zone will bear its own consequences.

This is also a tacit understanding reached by everyone. If the Ottoman Empire is over, the debts of Britain, France and other countries will be blown away.

Ottoman is also an old empire, even if it is gone, there are still family members. At that time, they were able to grab a lot of good things in Eurasia, and their payment ability was still very strong.

In the face of life and death, the Sudanese government has made every effort to raise funds to buy supplies. The treasures in the palace were evacuated, and the nobles took out a portion of their wealth symbolically to support the war.

In addition to this reason, training troops for the Russians is also a reason. Crossing the sea is not a joke. If it's okay to just spin around the Aegean Sea, the bear's health should be able to withstand it.

If they attack more distant areas, the soldiers will not have a maritime training, they will have a large area on the road, and they will also be soft-footed shrimp.

The Tsarist government is a group of dry ducks, and has no experience of crossing the sea, so it can be regarded as one thing.

Austria has a lot of experience. If you don't train, kick the seasick guy out, just wait and cry!

Faced with an unreliable ally, Franz decided to put up with it. After all, the Russians are fighting for Austria.

The fiercer the fighting in the Asia Minor Peninsula, the smoother the war in the Middle East. The last half of the 150,000 Russian army was blessed by God.

If the Russian commander is not capable enough, he may have to change rounds. No matter how good a strategy is, someone needs to implement it.

Theoretically, with the advantages of sea power, you can avoid the real situation and attack the weak areas of the enemy. But this also involves many factors such as intelligence, the judgement of commanders, and the speed of movement of the army.

Ottoman is a religious empire, and the Sudanese government has called for jihad. Regardless of their combat effectiveness, at least many people are willing to work hard.

The early resistance will certainly be very fierce, and this situation will only change after the tragic casualties exceed their mental capacity.

Didn't the Tsarist government want to use Austrian hands to train troops? There is no problem. After the war, the custody trained them to train an elite soldier, but they needed to shed more blood halfway.

Losing money or taking advantage is a problem that requires benevolence and wisdom.

Looking at the preparations of the Ottoman Empire, Franz wanted to make a false truce, and maybe it was more appropriate to go offensive after three or five.

At that time, the strategic materials bought by the Ottoman Empire were almost scrapped, and the government's wallet was emptied.

Or many shouting wolves come a few times, and may also achieve the effect of humiliating soldiers without fighting.

Think about it. This time the real goal is not the Ottoman Empire. Franz cannot change the strategy for the secondary goal.

After April Fool's Day, the ultimatum time has long passed. At this point, Franz could not afford to delay.

"Order the navy to attack and bombard the coastal cities of the Ottoman Empire. Remember to serve first, then we are civilized. Before the bombardment, we send airships to spread leaflets.

The bombardment of port cities in this era was not accurate at all. How many battle results can be achieved depends on character. The damage caused is far worse than the consequences of panic.

Franz, who always loves feathers, naturally has to be courteous. In case the people of the port run away, wouldn't even the eviction work be saved?

The goal of shelling the port city is not just to create chaos, but more to conduct fire detection and choose a landing site.

The Ottoman Empire has a large number of coastal ports, and it is impossible to fully deploy. There will always be weak points.

There were no radio stations in this era, and it was very difficult to gather information after the war broke out. Even if you get the information, if you want to pass it back, you have to go to the Persian detour. Time is not allowed at all.

There may even be a trap, which requires testing the commander's judgment.


Constantinople, Allied Command

"At 10 am on April 5, 1874, our Mediterranean fleet launched shelling at the ports of Finike, Alanya and Anamur.

Preliminary judgments of the fire defense rating of Port Fickney are C, and the fire defense ratings of Port Alanya and Anamur are D.

At 3 pm on April 6, 1874, the Black Sea Fleet fired artillery shells at Ava and Karasu, and initially determined that the enemy's fire defense level was ah-B.

April 1874 ... "

The fire defense level is artificially divided by the Austrian Navy in order to distinguish the fire strength of enemy shore guns. It is divided into seven levels SABCDEF from high to low.

Looking at the military map on the table, Arest was a little confused and didn't know where to start. As a naval general, the Marines were not his specialty, and it was too difficult for him to choose a landing site.

Soon he decided to give up and give the choice to the Russians. If the wrong place was chosen, the final loss would be heavy, and that was the Russians' own business.

"General Ivanov, where do you think it would be better to land?"

Without hesitating for too long, Ivanov gave the answer: "It's Ava, it's the closest to the Bosphorus. After taking up to two months here, you can completely control the Black Sea Strait.

With this step, we have won most of this war. If the enemy wants to stay on the strait defense line, we can also drive straight and attack the Ottoman capital Ankara. "

It is not necessary to know why, since the outbreak of the Near East War, Russian foreign trade has been inseparable from Austria.

Even if the Vienna government does not collect tolls, freight is always indispensable. Regardless of whether the two countries are allies or not, the railway company should receive a penny of money.

Imports are okay. The big deal is to buy Austrian products, and the response is not big, but the export is too big to lose.

Seeing that international grain prices were being fired up, domestic grain was piled up, and Alexander II was almost worried and bald.

There is only one buyer in Austria. If the capitalists do not take advantage of the opportunity to lower prices, are they still capitalists? Regardless of how food prices in the international market have risen, the purchase price of Austrian capitalists has not changed.

That's it. If the Black Sea Strait is not opened as soon as possible, if it is delayed until the end of the year, what will they trade with the British?

Grain-for-loan activities must not be stopped, or the railway construction of the Russian Empire would have to be stopped.

After thinking about these issues, Arest deliberately reminded: "The importance of the Black Sea Strait is unquestionable, and the Ottomans also know that they have deployed heavy troops in this area.

It is necessary to land in areas where the enemy's strength is weak, mobilize the enemy, and then launch a full-scale operation. "

This is an established strategy, and Arest does not want to be scrapped by the Russians. If they landed directly from Ava, they would have suffered heavy losses.

The Russians are not afraid of the fatalities of the gray animals, and Arest still feels bad about the money. You have to know that all the supplies are being undertaken by Austria. It is not a joke that the artillery sounds golden.

After hesitating for a moment, Ivanov nodded. The gold master's face is still to be given. If Austria does not cooperate, they will not swim.

It is impossible for 150,000 Russian troops to land at one time and split troops to attack multiple areas without affecting his combat plan at all.

Seeing that he had achieved his goal, Arest was very happy: "Well, I will let the airship bombing team cooperate and see if I can take the opportunity to destroy the enemy shore gun."

There is no way, limited by technical problems, and you ca n’t play with the plane. Franz can only use airships to make up the numbers.

This unit has some embarrassments in Austria. Since its establishment, it has not achieved a record. Not even the chance to perform on the battlefield, but the airship transport team performed well.

If it wasn't for the outbreak of the Near East War, the enemy's shore guns would need to be resolved before landing. It is estimated that Arest would not have thought that Austria would have this force.

In recent years, Austria has been generally peaceful, except for the occasional beatings in the colonies, which is also an English cloth war.

The enemy of the colony did not need the airship force to go out. The "England War" was fighting again in a vest, and it was too conspicuous to take an airship out. Once the cover is lifted, the play will not go well.

After waiting for so many years, the airship bombing team finally got the chance to perform. Franz immediately transferred this unit to the Balkans and was ready to test it in action.

Although the original space-time airship appeared shortly after, it was eliminated by the aircraft. But the Germans also bombed Britain with airships, which proves that airships still have a certain military value. Isn't it a problem to bully the Ottoman Empire?

By the way, make an appearance to attract the attention of various countries and increase everyone's military expenditure.

If every country puts out an airship and the air force comes out, and they are eliminated overnight when the plane appears, everyone's expressions must be very exciting.


Ava is just an ordinary port city in the Ottoman Empire. If there is any difference, it is probably close to the Bosphorus!

The spring breeze swept across the earth, blowing the green and blowing the willows, but failed to blow away the smoke of the war.

Since being hit by the Austrian navy, the tranquility of this small town has been broken. Rich people ran early and the market became depressed.

Sudan's "jihad" order has been communicated and everyone has been mobilized. Without enough weapons, I developed it myself, and the smithy business in the city suddenly became hot.

As a veteran blacksmith, Akyol's mood was so heavy that he didn't even care hard to hit the iron. Trial and hard work has become a coping, as if there is no fear of losing customers.

Now he really does not worry about the loss of customers. For this "jihad", he has been expropriated for free and has a heavy task every day.

Akyol shouted at the apprentice: "The son of Emperor Smanragah hurry up, if you can't complete the task, be careful to eat the whip!"

(Remarks: Before the Surname Law was promulgated in 1934, Ottoman civilians did not have a surname, and one of the common names of "Son of Emmanuel Sarmaga")

"The son of Emperor Smanragah" is an immature boy, only about 13 or 14 years old. After hearing Akyol's words, he immediately speeded up his hands and complained:

"Master Akyol, what do you think we use to build these weapons? Aren't we all using guns to fight wars? With these gadgets, it's estimated that even the enemy can't get near.

Ava is a port city with a lot of people going from north to south. With ears and ears, everyone knows that the cold weapon era has ended.

Akyol stared: "Where's so much nonsense, this is the thing the masters decide, and you still need to worry about it?"

Akyol also wanted to know this question. Unfortunately, his limited ability was limited by his limited knowledge, and he could not think of the usefulness of these cold weapons.

In order to build these weapons, the masters seized iron weapons, because of insufficient quantities, they also smelted a lot of agricultural tools and even iron pots.

Every time I watched the agricultural tools that had been fortunately created in the past turned back into hot metal, Akyol's heart was bleeding.

However, Akyol, who has been worn away by life, would not ask why. Master Guan asked him to do it, so he did it well.

Asked a lot, isn't it wrong to get a whip down? The Ottoman Empire is not a legal country. If it is beaten by a grandfather, it will be in vain.

The teenager was still a little bit unconvinced, but he did not dare to stand up against the master. He seemed to be afraid of the official's whip, but he just worked hard.

After a while, he complained again: "Huh! Blame the heathens. If it weren't for their invasion, we wouldn't be so tired. When they come, I must give them some color and see!"

Akyol ignored the boy's complaints, he didn't want the enemy to land in Ava. Even if Dou Da did not know a basket, he knew that the enemy was not so good at dealing with it.

The Ottoman Empire lost its capital in the last war, and a large number of powerful wolves fled back. Akyol saw it with his own eyes.

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