Holy Roman Empire

Chapter 420: Qing Jun side

The Russia-Australia relationship has undergone a turnaround, which has quickly triggered a chain reaction in politics, and the London government can finally sleep peacefully.

Alliances without conflicts are terrible, but conflicting alliances are not a concern.

Now that the relationship between the two countries is cold, the support of the Vienna government for the Russians will definitely be discounted. This is what the London government wants most.

Other issues can be postponed. Only the Russian threat to India must be resolved immediately.

A few years ago, the British still remembered the Great Indian Uprising. It was because of the secret support of the Russians that the London government paid hundreds of millions of pounds in military expenses.

If this hidden danger is not resolved, who can afford it?

The most important thing in India is people, and social conflicts are also a lot. As long as some people stir up the flames, the outbreak of rebellion is just a common occurrence.

The best way is to separate India from other countries. Small countries do not matter. They have neither the courage nor the strength to do things, and the big countries are different.

In particular, the three countries of Russia, France, and Austria are the focus of the London government's strict prevention of death. At present, neither France nor Austria has extended their claws to India. Only the Russians have expressed interest. The London government naturally wants to cut off the tsarist government.

Independence in Central Asia is the best option, leaving such a buffer zone to protect the enemy from the country. Even if the British-Russian conflict is in Central Asia, it does not hurt the Central Asian London government.

On the current four fronts, the Central Government is the most strongly supported by the London government. Sending mercenaries to battle in person is enough to illustrate the problem.

At 10 Downing Street, Foreign Minister Raslin Hui reported: "No accidents happened. This time the negotiations failed. The Russians were unwilling to make any concessions. The conditions they gave in the end was to restore pre-war conditions.

This made our friends unacceptable. The Prussians made territorial claims against the Lithuanian region, while also demanding Poland's independence.

The Ottomans wanted to take back Constantinople, and they are said to be negotiating with Austria to redeem part of the Balkans.

The Vienna government did not directly refuse, but now the price has not been negotiated. If Constantinople is withdrawn by the Ottoman Empire, then the redemption of the Dardanelles is not a big issue and Austria seems to lack interest in the Black Sea.

The representatives of the Eastern Empire hoped to recover the Western and Far East. At present they are playing well in the Western Territory. It is said that the old general still carried the coffin to the expedition.

There is some chaos in Central Asia. It is too difficult to coordinate the joint operations of several Khanates, but their hatred of the Russians is worthy of recognition.

Our friends have a fairly firm will to fight. The situation on the battlefield, on the whole, is in our favor.

Not long ago Russia-Olympic relations have changed, it seems that Alexander II had lost his temper. With the encouragement of capitalists, the Tsarist government raised tariffs with Austria and the Cold War broke out on both sides.

The Austrians have sharply increased the prices of export goods by about 50% compared with the previous ones, and some goods have also increased by 100%.

If nothing else, Austria's support for the Russians will be further reduced in the later wars, and the Russians have no chance to retreat this time. "

These conditions are obviously not acceptable to the Tsarist government. Otherwise, the Russian Empire will have a short lap, especially in Constantinople, where there is no room for negotiation.

Russia-Olympic relations have been cold, which was originally operated by the London government. Any contradictions are accumulated little by little. Some people in the Tsarist government feel that they have lost an alliance with Austria, and there are also such people in the Vienna government.

In this context, the usual small contradictions of the English people who once again provoke alienation were naturally magnified infinitely.

When Franz knows it, there is nothing he can do but just let the relations between the two countries continue to deteriorate. The same was true of Alexander II, and even if it was discovered, it could not be stopped.

In addition to the benefits, everyone has to face. The benefits brought about by the Russian-Australian alliance are no longer sufficient for them to act to suppress contradictions.

The two powerful emperors were unwilling to make concessions, and things gradually got worse. Only after the sequelae broke out, the two sides would re-emphasize the role of the alliance.

Obviously, the British will not give such opportunities. Continued divorce between Russia and Austria has become the most important relationship between the British Foreign Office.

John Russell said with a smile: "It seems that the means of peace have failed, then the test of strength is next.

The lonely Russians are not so terrible. As long as the war is dragged on to next year, then I am afraid that the tsarist government's wallet will be in a hurry again? "

John Russell is in a very good mood. If possible, he doesn't mind issuing a medal to Russian capitalists and bureaucrats, which is still the highest grade.

According to the plan, they originally thought that it was the Austrians who caused the deterioration of Russia-Austria relations. After all, now that the Russians are still fighting on all sides, how can we ignore the relationship between the two countries?

It doesn't matter who got the job done first, the end result is the same anyway. The current changes have directly increased the cost of war for the Russians.

War is a swallow of golden beasts, and money really costs nothing. Don't look at the Tsarist government's huge gains, but they can't hold the bureaucracy too greedy, and no matter how much money they have, they will soon be squandered.

This is the common nature of the old empires. Which of the British, French, Russian, Austrian, Western, Dutch, and Portuguese is not a corrupt empire?

It's just that the Tsarist government has to be more powerful. The chaotic system provides a breeding ground for corruption, while Britain, France, and Austria have a system that can curb corruption to a certain extent.

Even Franz has no way to completely solve the problem of corruption, and can only adopt the policy of killing pigs from time to time. After three to five years, a great anti-corruption campaign has been carried out to kill chickens and monkeys to deter bureaucratic groups.

The advantage of doing this is to make the bureaucrats learn smarter, know what money can't be touched, and converge to eat.

At this step, it is already the extreme that can be achieved in this era. It is impossible to put an end to corruption.

The final result is naturally that 7 or 8 yuan of the 10 yuan with constraints are spent; the 10 yuan without the constraints, and finally 4 or 5 yuan can be used in the end, are not easy.

After a few calculations, the Minister of Finance Agarwal replied: "Not so fast. The tsarist government is still trying to raise funds, and it is not completely empty.

Of course, if the fire in their country ignites, then the wallet of the Tsarist government will really run out.

At that time, the Tsarist government should declare bankruptcy, rely on all its debts, and the Russian-Austrian alliance should almost be broken. "

The actual situation is even more serious. Because of the war, a large amount of gold and silver flows out of the Russian Empire every year. This outflow rate is far faster than the replenishment rate of mining.

The tsarist government's reduction of imports from Austria also has a "money shortage" factor. After all, this is a cash transaction, and they all use hard currency.

In a single transaction, the amount of silver is as low as several million two, and as many as ten million two. No matter how big a family business is, it can't afford such a splurge.

This is also the reason for the sharp increase in loans between Russia and Austria. The Tsarist government cannot provide enough cash in the short term and can only use physical mortgage loans to pay for goods.

Such collateral must be established in the context of the stability of the Russian Empire. If a civil war occurs, many collaterals will instantly fall into nothing.

At present, the Tsarist government holds a large amount of real estate, such as: ports and docks, mines, farms, forest farms, shops and houses in cities ...

These are good collaterals that generate a portion of the revenue each year. Once the civil war breaks out, these things are worthless.


In Moscow, Mattorsky was in no hurry to launch an uprising. With so many international friends participating in the uprising, it is natural that insurgent experts exchange experiences.

After specialized training, Materski evolved. In order to launch more people in support of the revolution, he is launching a strike of workers and organizing peasants to resist taxes.

After the war, prices soared, but wages did not increase, and overtime hours were extended. Fortunately, everyone worked hard for a day, and the rewards they received filled the stomachs of the family.

Throughout 1866, there were 76 large and small strikes in the Russian Empire. There was no doubt that these unorganized resistances were futile and all were suppressed.

Equally unfortunate are the farmers, whose high war tax makes them difficult to accept.

Although the tsarist government's actual war tax was not high, the overcharge of three or five battles was not something that Alexander II could stop.

A young man whispered, "Sir, the Prussians are pressing again. They want us to find a way to cut off the Moscow railway and cut off the supply of tsarist troops."

There are not many Russian railways, and Moscow happens to have one. As long as this railway is cut off, it will be even more difficult for the food in the Volga River and industrial products produced in Moscow to enter the front line.

In fact, the strategic position of the Volga River is even more important. As Russia's mother river, it can connect Moscow and St. Petersburg by water. However, it freezes in winter and cannot function.

After a moment of contemplation, Matterowski answered with a frown, "Let them rest assured, we will finish the agreement!"

Obviously, he did not want to cooperate with the Prussians. If not, Mattersky would not be willing to sell Russia's interests.

Moscow's geographical location is very important. It is not only the second largest industrial base of the Russian Empire, but also the main link between East and West. It is also one of the most important food producing areas of the Russian Empire.

At present, the three major food producing areas of the Russian Empire are Poland, the surrounding areas of Moscow (the Volga River Basin), and Ukraine. Other regions have not yet been developed.

The Polish region can no longer be counted on, and chaos in the surrounding areas of Moscow will cause another tsarist government to remain in Ukraine.

So food shortages will also become a big problem for the Tsarist government, or an unsolvable problem. Not only will the frontline soldiers be hungry, but St Petersburg will not be able to hold on for long.

The Prussians sent them to Moscow in order to cut off the Russian logistics and weaken the war potential of the Tsarist government.

Without the local supplement, I expect to import from the outside, and not to mention whether the tsarist government's wallet can support it, the key is that their capacity cannot meet the demand at all.

Matetorski didn't want to be a puppet, he wanted to overthrow the rule of the Tsarist government and build a free country.

After arriving in the Moscow area, he took the initiative to alienate the Prussians on the grounds that for the sake of confidentiality, he actually did not want to cut the land.

It is just that he cannot do without the support of the Prussians, and even with the support of the British behind him, and he has to make a grateful look.

The industry of the Russian Empire did not develop in this era, and the number of workers was not large. It was not enough to overthrow the rule of the Tsarist government.

In order to make up for the lack of strength, Materowski aimed at a large number of farmers. Alexander II liberated serfs and won everyone's support, which became the biggest problem of the uprising.

"Qing Jun side" This is an uprising slogan of an international friend who sponsored for free. The purpose is naturally to attract more people to participate in the uprising. After all, the tsar's reputation in the folk is still very good, and he directly rebels will not agree.

This runs counter to Materowski's ideal. The European cultural tradition determines that once this banner is set, even if the government is overthrown, the Tsar or the Tsar will at most use the constitutional monarchy to restrain it.

Nicholas I recaptured Constantinople, leaving enough political relics for Alexander II. He himself declared the abolition of serfdom and gained the support of tens of millions of Russian farmers who had just been liberated.

Matterski was very skeptical that even if he overthrows the current government, Alexander II can still have power.

Although "Qing Jun side" is good, he has also placed himself under the Czar, and his monarchy has been settled. He is naturally at a disadvantage in politics.

However, this slogan has the support of many international friends. Needless to say, everyone is a monarchy and naturally we must support this system.


Sighing deeply, Matterowski reluctantly chose to compromise. The power of all parties within the Revolutionary Party has been gathered, and it is no longer a monolith. His leader cannot do anything.

The bourgeoisie who supported them only wanted to control their rights through the revolution, but was not ready to lift the Tsar down.

Most inside the Revolutionary Party also support the retention of the Tsar. Without the Tsar, how could they counterattack and become nobles?

Don't expect how high your consciousness is. Most revolutionaries are rebellious because they are dissatisfied with reality, and they have no lofty ideals to liberate humanity.

Matetorski could not go against the wishes of the crowd, otherwise changing the leader would be a matter of a meeting, arguing for another three or five days at most.

On December 12, 1866, under the leadership of Materowski, many Russian revolutionary coalitions launched the Double Twelve Uprising in Moscow.

The insurgent army used the "Qing Jun side" as its political platform, and called on all Russians to rise to kill the polluters and return to the czar.

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