Holy Roman Empire

Chapter 421: Misfortune

The Double Twelve Uprising was successful, and the real crisis of the Tsarist government came. The enemies inside are far more horrible than the outside. Many people have chosen to be neutral because the revolutionaries played the banner of "Qing Jun side".

It is not that they betrayed the Tsar, but mainly that everyone was dissatisfied with the current situation. Radical reformers are dissatisfied with the Tsar's suspension of reforms, and conservatives want to remove provisions that are not good for them.

These people's congresses have a family and a job, so it is naturally impossible to participate in rebelling against such high-risk activities.

St. Petersburg, this sudden bad news has plunged the tsarist government into chaos.

The Minister of the Interior Mikhail proposed: "Your Majesty, this cannot be continued, we must first suppress the domestic rebellion!"

There is nothing wrong with this proposal. At most, foreign enemies have torn a piece of meat from the Russian empire and have not threatened their survival. It is the internal enemies who can really kill them.

"Qingjun side" knows by looking at this banner that it is doomed to be a **** storm. Once the turmoil has gained momentum, these vested interests are the targets of cleansing.

Without killing a few filthy ministers, how can the nation explain it? At present, the top levels of the Tsarist government are all so-called "defilers", which belong to the slaughter.

Alexander II was expressionless, as if he didn't care. In fact, he was vomiting blood from his heart long ago, and he never dreamed that the revolutionaries would even make a noise at this time.

Alexander II agreed with the Minister of the Interior to suppress the internal rebellion first, but he could not raise the matter of peace talks.

The truce now requires the Russian Empire to pay a painful price. This pot tsar cannot bear it.

Secretary of the Army Heramed echoed: "The chaos occupying Moscow is too great a threat to us. Whether it is the Polish battlefield or the Central Asian battlefield, it is inseparable from the material support of the Moscow region.

According to the current situation, these two battlefields support a maximum of half a year. If we cannot suppress the rebellion within six months and restore supplies, the situation will be completely out of control. "

The suppression of the rebellion for six months, and the restoration of supplies, seemed like a joke. Destruction is faster than construction. Can local production be restored immediately after being scourged by the rebels?

Moreover, it is still winter, and the logistical requirements for combat in this season are even higher.

The Tsarist government does not have so many counterinsurgent troops and materials, except for the transfer from the front line, there is no other option in the short term.

This will inevitably affect the situation on the front lines. If too many troops are deployed, the enemy is left with a chance, leading to a major defeat on the front line, and the consequences will be even more serious.

Chancellor of the Exchequer Kristanval said: "The recent rise in prices is very serious and the cost of war is increasing. If we do not end the war as soon as possible, we will go bankrupt for at most a year."

Alexander II asked incredulously: "How is this possible, have we just made a fortune?"

In the anti-Semitic movement, the Tsarist government gained a lot, so it was spent so quickly. Alexander II could not believe it.

Chancellor of the Exchequer Kristanval hurriedly explained, "Your Majesty, we do have a lot of assets in our hands, but these things will not be realized for a while and a half.

Now that civil strife has broken out, many of these real estate properties have fallen to the bottom, and even if they are sold, they have lost a lot.

What the government can use is confiscated cash and some bonds of value. The money also has to pay off previous debt and support the cost of the war.

Now that the prices of strategic materials have almost doubled, and the Moscow region is in chaos again, we have to increase overseas purchases, which has increased expenditures. "

The real estate confiscated by the Tsarist government can actually be realized. It's just that there are too many powers in the country to pay attention to, and these people become cabbage prices as soon as they intervene.

The Ministry of Finance cannot afford to sell so many assets at a low price. Even if it is the embezzlement of state-owned assets, at least the accounts must be flattened! To be safe, naturally only slowly.

Otherwise, even if these assets are used for mortgage loans, hundreds of millions of rubles can be mortgaged to prevent famine in Jinshan.

Alexander II frowned, saying with some hesitation: "The Ministry of Foreign Affairs negotiated with the Austrians to find a way to bring down prices."

There is no way for domestic prices. Changes in supply and demand have caused prices to rise, and they can only pin their hopes overseas.

Foreign Minister Clarence-Ivanov smiled wryly: "Your Majesty, this may be difficult to achieve. Now the tariffs on trade between Russia and Austria have increased by 80%, and the excuse for Austrian price increases is tariff rise.

While we are raising tariffs, we are asking others not to raise prices, which is probably too difficult for others. "

Clarence-Ivanov was blindfolded and raised the price of tariffs blindly, which led to the deterioration of relations between the two countries, which caused great trouble to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

Do not look at the current cold relations between Russia and Austria. In fact, Russia-Olympic relations are still the first in diplomacy of the Tsarist government. If other departments cannot cause trouble, let the Ministry of Foreign Affairs take care of it!

The Tsarist government also fights for factional rights, and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs is also the real power of the Ministry of Finance.

Alexander II's face was very ugly. He was not a fool, and his brain made up for it in an instant.

Chancellor of the Exchequer Kristanval hurriedly explained: "The increase in tariffs is mainly to increase fiscal revenue and protect national industries. You should know that the tariffs between us and Austria are very low, even if the increase is 80%, it is only for other The country is flat. "

Kristanval isn't a fool, he still has a sense of it. He had done his homework before raising tariffs in both countries.

The Russian-Austrian alliance has not yet broken, and if the tariffs are raised above all countries, then the charges of sabotaging the alliance will not escape.

The choice is the same as that of other countries, indicating that this is normal tax regulation and is not specific to Austria.

Alexander II glanced at him fiercely, and was very angry in his heart, scolding the Ministry of Finance for being a rice bucket, even if the tariffs were to be adjusted, time must be divided!

Now that Russia-Austria trade has almost monopolized the foreign trade of the Russian Empire, the Tsarist government is one of its main customers. Isn't it trouble to raise tariffs?

Now revenge is coming, wool is coming out of sheep, tariffs and prices have also risen, and they have risen even more.

Monopoly, love to buy or not to buy. Now they have to spend more money. The increased expenditure is far more than the increased tariffs.

Protecting national industry, dare to come up with such nonsense reasons. Who knows, Russia's industry is only now starting, and whoever uses a bunch of inferior goods is unlucky.

Civilian goods are nothing more, military supplies are simply murder.

Alexander II has made a decision to spin off the Ministry of Finance's right to set tax rates, and by the way find an opportunity to replace the idiot now.

Dissatisfaction with Austria, Alexander II decisively weighed in his heart. Anyone who asks for help, no matter how dissatisfied, must endure.

"Communicate with Austria. The issue of tariffs can be negotiated. Based on the commercial trade treaties signed between the two countries, no one can change the tariff rate without permission."

When he said this, Alexander II was bleeding in his heart. This means that the Tsarist government will make substantial concessions on tariffs in exchange for Austrian support.

This support is not limited to economics but more political. Once the choice is made to end the war, Austria's support is essential.

Without the support of a great power, even if they reach the negotiating table, they will suffer a great deal.

The Russian empire is no longer as glorious as it once was. If one does not operate well, it may usher in a disaster.


Just as Alexander II was hesitant to end the war, changes in the front line helped them make a decision.

On January 2, 1867, the Prussian army suddenly launched a winter offensive. This battle, which was originally a tentative attack, has achieved amazing results.

The Russian army, which was good at winter operations, suddenly turned into soft-footed shrimp. When the Prussian army won the victory, the root of the matter was known.

The aftermath of inferior cotton coats and quilts broke out, and the Russian soldiers were frozen into a ball and could only be heated by a fire.

Post-war statistics, on average, only one-third of the Russian soldiers on the Eastern Front received qualified cotton clothes. Many companies had to put on duty soldiers with qualified cotton clothes, and the remaining people warmed around the fire.

In addition to clothing, inferior food is also a major factor in the non-combat reduction of the Russian army, and food poisoning has become a common occurrence.

The Russian commanders are not completely ignorant of these issues, but they are too wide-ranging and everyone chooses to protect themselves. After taking a copy, they all chose to pretend to be deaf.

The commanders of the Russian army thought that the winter was here, the Prussian army was not good at winter operations, and the two sides ceased fighting. These problems would not be exposed, and they would pass after a long time.

However, plans do not keep up with changes. A tentative attack broke the defense of the Russian army, hundreds of thousands of Russian soldiers became captives, and the situation on the battlefield was completely out of control.

The cover was lifted, and the Prussian army is now expanding its results. However, Russian soldiers wearing inferior cotton clothes could not exert their combat effectiveness at all.

Many soldiers surrendered directly to the Prussian army, just to dine. From the point of view of food, the standards of the two sides are quite different.

The food standards of the Prussian army fully reflect their status in the country. It can be said that during the same period, the European continent was ranked high.

Needless to say bread, potatoes, soybeans, there is a certain amount of butter, cheese, meat or canned food every day, and occasionally some vegetables.

In contrast, Russian soldiers, it is good to be able to fill up potatoes. If canned goods are made in China, they may not dare to eat them. Cheese and biscuits are present in the recipe, and occasional distribution is not a guarantee of eating.

Bread can be used as a brick to build fortifications, and it is no problem to block enemy bullets.

After all, it ’s hard to eat meat once, and that's not the age of jerky. It is almost impossible to chew by teeth, and it is best to cook it.

In this context, the Russian army usually has to find a way on the battlefield to get a portion of food to improve the food. After all, their food standards are really unbearable.

The sudden winter battle, the Russians were not so much defeated by the Prussian army as logistics or domestic bureaucrats.

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