Holy Roman Empire

Chapter 419: Struggling to meet pit teammates

Randall Garment Factory, St. Petersburg. The workers in the workshop are busy. Now they are making a batch of military uniforms. Winter is coming soon. Cotton is a must.

If you look closely, you will find that these cotton coats are defective. The fluffy stuff was obviously not cotton, and the rags in it were clearly visible.

Nicholas Cage, owner of the Randall Garment Factory, has been suffering from headaches for several days after seeing reports of raw materials rushing.

Initially, the products of Randall's garment factory were made of cotton. The main market was folk. Although it was the worst cotton, it was also a real cotton coat.

However, the situation changed with the outbreak of the war. After the sea route was cut off, the supply of raw materials became their biggest problem.

This situation has become more serious after receiving military orders. In order to make up for the shortage of raw materials, Randall's garment factory used substitutes.

For example: crushing used clothes, buying some used cotton clothes and rebuilding them, gauze discarded by the hospital ...

However, this is still a drop in the bucket. But it's not Nicholas Cage's style if you have money.

"Yadil, to continue to increase the straw content, we must complete the order with the current raw materials."

Yadir said in horror: "Mr. Cage, we have already added a lot of straw. If it continues to increase, I am afraid there will be problems!"

There is nothing strange about adding straw to cotton clothes, but now this addition is not cotton clothes, but straw clothes.

Except for a layer of cloth on the outside, all of which was broken straw, which was found to be almost inevitable.

Could not help Yadir not worry, this is military uniform, Russia's winter is so cold, that will cause great disaster.

Nicholas Cage said casually: "Don't worry, the battlefield is in Poland. There are warm winters there, and the soldiers' bodies can't be frozen!"

Although he was a little bit worried, as long as he thought about his background, he was relieved. Production of unqualified uniforms. When did his uniforms pass?

Fading, shrinking, and fragile are all normal conditions, and Nicholas Cage is used to it. Anyway, it can be delivered, and it does not matter if the defective product is not defective.

This time it was a bit overkill, Nicholas Cage paused and added: "Thicken up!"

No problem, the straw can also keep warm, anyway, gray animals are not worth it, just use it!


It wasn't just Nicolas Cage who made the same decision. Many suppliers chose to charge the best.

Qualified products, don't dream about it, everyone should make money?

Russia ’s industrial production costs are already high, and the bureaucrats are eating so hard. How can they make a profit without reducing the production costs?


The change of suppliers directly reflected on the battlefield. The earliest victims were Russian troops in the Baltic Sea region. Most of their supplies were supplied by the industrial area of ​​St. Petersburg.

Colonel Gerald is the quartermaster of the Eighth Division of the Russian Baltic Regiment. This is a fat poor job. He also made a lot of money by taking advantage of his post.

However, Colonel Gerald Reid was afraid now. Prior to this, the supply of materials in Austria exceeded seven levels. The quality of these products may also have problems, but it does not affect the use.

Now the situation has changed. The amount of Chinese goods and materials received in the past month has surged to more than half of the entire logistics supply system.

It can be said that as long as it can be bought in the country, the bureaucrats of the Tsarist government are giving priority to domestic production, which will cause headaches for the officers of the Logistics Department.

If only 20-30% of the materials are unqualified, they can think of ways. For example: report the war damage directly, or mix and match to make up for it, anyway, the Russian army also took a short time.

After taking the benefit fee, they settled the matter, and now they are looking at junk products at a glance. What can I do?

Send it down? The frontline soldiers are in trouble. Who can afford it? In addition to these things, these quartermasters need to take responsibility.

The Russian army also has rules, and it is forbidden to accept substandard products. However, it is not acceptable if you do n’t accept it. At this time, it is not ugly to block back the big ones?

Gerald Reed ordered: "Take a closer look and see how much is available in it. Give me statistics!"

Now he just expects that the bureaucrats in the rear are a bit scrupulous, and there must always be something available.

The time passed by every minute and second, and the results of the inspection made Geraldine Shock shocking. He didn't talk about the straw coat and quilt.

Weapons and ammunition are unqualified, these things are easy to handle, and they are directly damaged. Anyway, there is no standard for the consumption of these things on the battlefield.

The most troublesome thing was the food. The cans served to the bottom officers were moldy. Colonel Gerald Reed opened one and found that there were small animals in it.

Not to mention the food of ordinary soldiers, potatoes that have been sent, corn that has changed color, black bread that can be used to repair the fortress ...

Only unexpected, not impossible. The only thing that Gerald Reed was pleased with was the one-month supply of supplies for three months.

Except for non-conforming products, they are qualified products. The number of supplies calculated now is based on full members. After a long battle, the actual number of eighth divisions is less than seven floors full.

If there are more dead people on the battlefield, or if you grab some supplies back from the enemy, and report more war damage, this winter will barely be able to pass.


For the Russians, it was only themselves who could bring them down. The Tsarist government has enough strength to deal with it, even from all sides.

It is a pity that Alexander II ignored the terrible nature of the wrong political signals. The coldening of Russia-Austria relations led to increased tariffs, on the one hand for bureaucrats to flatter, and on the other hand for the benefit.

Although there are also rebates available in the Russian-October trade, the rebates offered by Russian capitalists cannot be held high!

For the same commodity, Austrian capitalists give a maximum of 20-30% rebates to Russian local capitalists. This number can be reversed and bureaucrats get the largest share.

As for increased costs, cut production costs. As long as you are willing to sacrifice product quality, are you afraid that you can't control the cost?

Alexander II never dreamed of it, and the reformist officials he promoted actually corrupted in such a short period of time.

The first reason for purchasing Austrian goods was that the bureaucrats were still a bit scrupulous, and they knew the importance of logistical supplies to the war. However, people would not be satisfied, and they would receive more rebates and naturally become greedy.

On the other hand, because Russia ’s domestic production capacity is not enough, even if the bureaucrats do not care about the life and death of frontline soldiers, they cannot be reduced in quantity and can only be purchased.

Over time, the production capacity of Russian capitalists has also increased, and political changes now allow bureaucrats and capitalists to see opportunities.

Prior to this, there were still a few restrained officials who were afraid to act wildly. Misinterpreting the political signals of Alexander II now makes these officials silent.

The consequences are naturally not as simple as the bureaucrats think. Layers of deduction have become the practice of the Russian army. Those who can keep their sense in the face of interests are always a minority.

The upper ranks are rotten. Can you still expect the lower ranks to be clean and honest?

This time Franz did not quietly be an audience, but pushed. It provided a space for the Tsar government bureaucrats to give full play to.

In his opinion, the Prussians sent a caravan, which would give the Russian army the greatest damage. Waving the banknote directly, said to the quartermaster: buy, buy, buy. Much higher than the death on the battlefield.

As long as there is money, even the enemy can be a guest of honor to the Russians, and there is no enemy in front of interests.

Franz acknowledged the corruption of the Russian military's logistic system, and Austrian capitalists also contributed greatly. In order to get more orders, everyone also showed their magic.

But this is only an inducement, and in essence the Tsarist bureaucracy has long since decayed. The lack of effective oversight has made Russia's bureaucrats happy.

At the beginning, the Vienna government also sent people to supervise exports, fearing that they would lose their brands and lose this big market.

No longer needed, in order to retaliate against the Russians increasing tariffs, Franz chose to ignore.

Ignorance is not just about deregulating domestic goods, but also for example, allowing fake and shoddy products to appear in the Russian military system.

Simply put, it is the inferior goods produced in Russia, with a trademark as an Austrian military product.

Prior to this, the Vienna government severely cracked down, and sent a special person to supervise it. Once found, it was referred to the Russian Foreign Ministry.

In terms of diplomacy, the bureaucrats of the Tsarist government did not dare to mess up. After handling several scapegoats, the rest did not dare to mess up.

According to the usual practice, goods produced in Austria do not need to be inspected at all, and the defective rate is within the controllable range; while the locally produced munitions products need to be selected for qualified products mixed in defective products.

There is no doubt that the prices of munitions exported by Austria are higher. Now that there are no restrictions, capitalists naturally don't mind posing.

As long as a part of the qualified samples is provided, a thick red envelope is attached, and it is handed over to the official responsible for prosecution, and everything is solved.

This is definitely not an Austrian pit teammate, it is a Russian bureaucracy. Franz had sent some people to gather evidence, and then revealed it after the incident.

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