Hollywood Drawing

~: Two hundred and twenty-two - a complete detonation of the box office

This question is very important. Bob Weinstein must remind his own brother that it is completely different concepts to play tricks on the little actors who are looking for opportunities, and cheat and fool a big director like Wayne Greenberg!

"Bob, that\'s not what I meant."

Harvey Weinstein has never taken his eyes off the huge crowd of moviegoers. Although he is good at operating genre films, he has never seen a genre film that can sell so well.

"I just suddenly felt that shooting a **** witch movie in a short period of time was not worthy of the marketing plan! You can also see the effect now, the box office of "The Clown" has already exploded, after this A few days of marketing strategy, the box office numbers of this movie will definitely far exceed the data of the forecasting agency!"

Shaking his head, Harvey Weinstein stood up with his stomach stretched out, and left the theater with his younger brother.

Although he said that, some things can\'t be changed. The witch movie still has to be filmed, and he will still host the marketing plan. Even if the final incident is exposed, what is the scolding compared to a large amount of dollars?

Whether or not he signs a contract with Wayne Greenberg, he\'s not ready to go back on his greed. Not to mention that the other party\'s current status in the circle is no worse than his own, as long as he dares to blatantly cheat the other party once, it is estimated that in the Jewish circle, he will definitely not be able to get along with Harvey Weinstein in the future.

After a day on Thursday, a new weekend has come. At 8:00 p.m. on Friday at the Beverly Kodak Theater, a grand premiere has just concluded the red carpet interview and has officially entered the film screening.

Unlike other crew members, producer Nikki Marvin and director Frank Darabont sat in the second-floor lounge with Columbia distribution chief Paul Knight.

"2520 opening theater chains!"

Director Frank Darabont\'s helpless voice has repeated this number all night. Normally, a film with an investment scale like "The Shawshank Redemption" is distributed through six major channels, and it is impossible to open such a small scale.

But when he thinks that even on weekdays, there are more than 3,300 competitors with screening scales, director Frank Darabont is helpless.

The reason why they didn\'t watch the movie together is because the three of them were not in the mood. The newspapers on the table, as long as they were in the entertainment section, were all news about "The Clown\'s Soul".

As long as one thinks of those terrifying box office figures, almost no one of the core creators has the heart to watch the movie. "The Clown\'s Soul", which has already exploded at the box office, has become more and more unstoppable at the box office after a set of promotional marketing by Warner Bros. in a reverse operation.

Following the first weekend of nearly 70 million US dollars, creating the best opening result of the year, "The Clown Returns to the Soul" unexpectedly won another 10.76 million US dollars on the first working day on Monday, which is shocking. eyeball.

This is only the harvest of the first working day. When the scary incident occurred, the box office not only did not drop as they expected, but because of the blessing of discount days and negative news, it took another 11.43 million US dollars!

The box office rule, which should have been declining step by step during the working day, was broken again by the film. As the news continued to ferment, another $11.67 million was withdrawn on Wednesday.

And on Thursday, because of the press conference, Warner Bros., which had already given many fans a good impression, even wanted to withdraw the film ahead of schedule. Countless passers-by and fans entered the theater because of this social hot event.

Especially those young people, under the rebellious and curious psychology, they walked into the theater in droves like crazy, and many young people, in order to flaunt their bravery in front of their friends, have watched the film more than once.

Under the influence of this social trend, the box office of "The Clown Returns" was reported to be 17.2 million US dollars on the working day of Thursday, which made various companies that have been paying attention to the film to hold meetings to analyze the marketing of Warner Bros. Program.

After a week of release, under the incredible gaze of countless media film critics, this film has reported a box office of $51.15 million in four working days. The total box office of the whole week has reached a terrifying $120.44 million!

This film broke 100 million too quickly and too smoothly. This result is absolutely beyond everyone\'s expectations.

When the new weekend came again, they had already received very bad news from the beginning of the morning. "The Clown" and "The Shawshank Redemption" appeared in the theater at the same time, but more than 90% of them entered the theater. All the fans chose the former.

One day, one bad news after another, no matter how huge the premiere of "The Shawshank Redemption" was held and how many stars were on the platform, it didn\'t make the three people excited.

Later, just after the movie started, I hid directly in the VIP lounge on the second floor.

"Have we done all our publicity work in vain?" Producer Nikki Marvin\'s face was gloomy, and her voice was full of disbelief. "But those professional film critics and media who gave the film high praise and high scores, as well as many fans who watched it first, the professional scores they gave are not fake!"

The three of them have doubts in their hearts. After a day of market observation, even after the work is over, the data returned by the observers at night shows that "The Shawshank Redemption" is seriously unsuitable for the market.

What they are worried about is, is this film another example of a good reputation but not a blockbuster?

It\'s not that there are such films, professional reputation and fan reputation are overwhelming, but there have always been films that are not suitable for the market, but they are not uncommon.

On the contrary, those summer popcorns, whether they are sci-fi films or action blockbusters, are always pitiful with low professional ratings, but they can always create a miracle-like high box office.

"Don\'t worry, maybe things will turn around!"

Paul Knight\'s voice rang out, and he tightened his face. "As long as the film can hold up under the publicity of the fans who have seen it and word of mouth, it is not uncommon for the box office to break out later!"

At this time, Nikki Marvin wanted to refute him loudly, telling him that the theater companies definitely did not have the patience to wait. If the box office of "The Shawshank Redemption" was not satisfactory in the first week, the major theater companies would definitely squeeze the screening scale.

As a producer, she has seen this kind of thing a lot. Now the theater company is not without a choice. They would definitely rather give the screen to the profitable "Joker\'s Soul" rather than wait for "The Shawshank Redemption" to come back to life.

This is a commercialized society, and cinema companies are also commercial companies for the purpose of profit. They will not leave the US dollar unprofitable, just to sell Sony Columbia a face.

Besides, Nikki Marvin has already faintly felt that Sony Columbia has always been the one that has been at a disadvantage since it was acquired by Benzi in the first few years.

Among the six giants, Paramount can still be beaten in the first two years, but after Paramount was acquired by Viacom, and under the leadership of the powerful woman Shirley Lansing, it resumed in one summer vacation. labor pains.

At present, among the film giants under the six major media groups, only Sony Columbia is easier to bully, and various vague targets in North America have made this film giant controlled by this book always in pain.

"It\'s almost over, okay, let\'s go down!"

Paul Knight shook his head, took the lead and walked into the theater in the dark again. The movie has been shown to the end, and the theater was silent, as if everyone in the audience was immersed in the film.

In fact, as the distribution director of a giant company, Paul Knight, of course, is also very clear. If the film does not perform well in the first weekend, he can guess what the theater company will do.

But so what? Do you want him to take the lead in saying something depressing? Moreover, although this film was released in Colombia, a lot of publicity funds have been invested, but after all, the production company is not Colombia.

Even if it loses money in the end, and the distribution costs cannot be recovered from the box office, there is still the possibility of offline operation. He can\'t guarantee the box office of this film, but he knows that the video tape market will definitely be good.

The film gradually ended, and when the lights came back on, the unexpected applause woke everyone up.

Hundreds of people who watched the entire movie earnestly stood up at the same time and began to applaud at the same time almost after the movie was over. The applause lasted for at least ten minutes. stopped. UU Reading www.uukanshu.com

This kind of invisible encouragement gave the core creators with a cold heart a glimmer of hope. They hoped to wake up tomorrow morning and get good news at the box office.

"Don\'t think about it, go to the reception first." Frank Darabont patted the actor Tim Robbins on the shoulder. "We have to start a heavy publicity campaign tomorrow. Go back to rest early after the reception. At least the audience\'s response is very good, isn\'t it?"


Tim Robbins didn\'t get happy at his words, but kept frowning. "However, Morgan was still in the police station, and her wife did not bail him, but instead bit him again, which is unbelievable!"

In fact, they understand what\'s going on. Morgan Freeman was treated as a monkey by Warner Bros. It must be over. His wife certainly wouldn\'t mind kicking him further into a deeper well for the sake of his huge fortune.

This kind of thing is not uncommon in Hollywood, and now the crew is constantly being attacked by Warner Bros. Media because of this incident, and there will always be a lot of trouble.

"Morgan is over. If you really have a good relationship with him, wait two years. After the public forgets about it, help him take on some suitable roles."

Frank Darabont similarly sighed and offered a most timely suggestion.

And Nikki Marvin and the others would never have imagined that, not far from the Kodak Theater where the premiere premiered, another theater in the same Beverly area, Wayne and Naomi Watts, after disguising, even Watching The Shawshank Redemption!

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