Hollywood Drawing

~: Two hundred and twenty-three - while there is still value, squeeze it clean!

"Hollywood Draw(!

The theater was dark, and the movie being shown on the big screen had reached the second half.

The greatest theme at the heart of the story, \'hope\', is revealed throughout the film\'s almost unbelievably warm tone!

The atmosphere of watching this movie today is very strange. There are not more than a dozen people in the theater itself. With the rendering of the atmosphere of the movie, it makes the audience silent.

Sergey and Nina sat on the side next to Naomi Watts, and Wayne himself sat next to the aisle, although he was also watching the movie seriously, probably because he had seen it a long time ago, always. Can\'t concentrate.

The remaining three people sitting on his left were different. Almost all of them were deeply immersed in the story woven by the film. The too precious thing in reality, \'hope\', completely immersed the three of them.

This time, on a whim, letting the three of them accompany him to watch the movie is just for that little obsession in their hearts.

Not to mention the box office and other factors, this "The Shawshank Redemption" is definitely one of the top-ranked movies in the entire film history, and it is also a movie that Wayne has always believed that men should watch carefully.

It is not like the poisonous chicken soup in "When Happiness Comes Knocking", nor is it as deliberate as "Untouchable", but it can affect a person\'s thoughts throughout.

\'This is a must-see movie for men! ’ This sentence is believed to be not only recognized by Wayne himself, but in his opinion, if only based on gender, this sentence is still too narrow. He felt that this movie was one of the few films that broke through the limitations of "men\'s movies".

When we meet reluctantly, like the one in the film that imprisoned the freedom of the mind, are we the helpless old Brooke, the discouraged Rhett, or the wise Eddie?

Use wisdom, trust hope, and face fear bravely to defeat him?

Even Wayne feels that the reason why this movie is called a classic and is still popular after ten or twenty years is because it has always been doing one thing, always letting you enjoy it from a different perspective. Hope is good.

"Boss." After the movie ended, Nina\'s ordinary face was full of entanglements. As soon as she walked out of the theater, she couldn\'t wait to call him. "Why is it so good, but not many people watch it?"

He understood what Nina meant by saying this. It was obviously the first day of the show, but there were only a dozen or so people in a huge auditorium, plus the four of them.

This does not match the terrifying reputation of Ben and the film, and it does not match the professional rating of 9.8 at all. This is something that puzzles many people.

Before getting into the car, it was Sergey who answered the questions of the assistant, who was as big as a bear with the same tangle on his face. "This movie is a good movie, but it\'s not suitable for watching in a place like a movie theater. When the movie is released on videotape, I will definitely buy a collector\'s edition to keep it and watch it alone at midnight."

After the car started, Nina and Naomi Watts were both thinking about Sergey\'s words, which also reminded them both that the movie really wasn\'t meant to be watched in theaters.

Wayne has long known the result, not to mention the "Shawshank Redemption" achieved by time, even if the film was re-screened several times by Sony Columbia, the total box office was only more than 50 million US dollars, which is completely in line with its huge reputation. Mismatch.

Some movies are like this, everyone will admit that they are good, but it is really not suitable for entering the cinema market.

"Depending on the situation, "The Shawshank Redemption" shouldn\'t be able to turn around." Although Naomi Watts felt a little pity, this kind of result is what she wants to see. greatness of men.

"But this kind of tune-up film should make a difference at the Oscars. Those old men in the academy will definitely like this film very much."

The Australian beauty and Nina were leaning against each other. These two women were still reminiscing about the movie they had just watched.

"Do not."

Wayne shook his head indifferently. "The subject matter of this film determines that it is impossible to make a difference in the academy awards."

Facing the gazes of the two women, he did not continue to explain. At next year\'s Oscars, "The Shawshank Redemption" did get a lot of nominations, but they were just nominations in the end.

Regardless of whether the status of this film in people\'s hearts has already surpassed that of "Forrest Gump" over time, and whether this film has rekindled the hope of life after many people have read it, he was in this period But it can never be compared with "Forrest Gump".

This year\'s "Forrest Gump" will be a big winner at the Oscars. Sober insiders should have expected it long ago.

The American \'conservatism\' shown in the movie is always representing the fundamental needs of North American productivity and values, and it is also the direction of American culture, which is the fundamental interest of the North American public!

Some people will think that "Forrest Gump" is a bowl of fake chicken soup, and the life that hangs everywhere is too unreal, but what is revealed in the film is indeed the most in line with the current American values.

The phrase "Life is like a box of chocolates, you never know what the next one will taste like!" The beginning of the film Gan sitting on the bench has already explained too many things.

If Oscar is looking at it with an oriental mindset, then "The Shawshank Redemption" definitely has a lot more advantages than "Forrest Gump", it\'s just a different angle of view.

After the car returned to the manor, the assistant ran back to the study automatically. She has a lot of work now, especially she has to communicate with the accountant at any time, and she has to make sure to deal with the various fund statements sent by Colin Howard. The lawyer also needs her. Stay concerned.

However, as long as the popularity of "Joker Returns" passes, Wayne\'s financial transactions are fully prepared, and her work will gradually decrease after she successfully becomes a shareholder in Warner Bros.

There are not many people Wayne can trust. Even the accountant Colin Howard maintains the necessary supervision. This is a lesson left to him by countless predecessors, and the main financial review and supervision methods are in the hands of Nina. .

If accountants can still spend money on money in this way, the only loophole can only be to hook up with Nina. The difficulty factor is too high. Outsiders will never know how much Nina can get from Wayne, and no one else can give it. stable long-term interests.

"It\'s too hard to be your assistant!"

Before Naomi Watts went upstairs with him, she watched Nina push her glasses and sighed as she walked into the study. This time, I have lived in the manor for many days, and the assistant lady is much busier than before.

"Fortunately, you chose a top student like Nina at the beginning, otherwise ordinary people would really not be able to be your assistant."

Wayne shrugged, opened the bedroom door and walked in. He did not object to this view. Whether it was fate or other, Nina was indeed a good assistant who was capable and fit him.

"Nami, don\'t think of her as an assistant!"

After taking off his shirt and sitting on the balcony, he still explained something. "Nina is not only my life assistant when I\'m filming, she\'s also my personal manager, private... well, I mean she\'s not just an assistant."

Of course, he didn\'t say a lot, but correspondingly, the salary he gave Nina was definitely far more than the scope of an assistant.

The word bonus that is always on the lips is not a joke. Since the work of the assistant lady has increased, for every salary Wayne receives, a percentage of it goes to Nina, and she takes it no less than the agent Jimmy.

"Are you still waiting for the box office to come out?"

Naomi Watts changed into her pajamas, walked to the balcony and sat beside him, carefully under her feet, trying not to touch the two dogs snuggling next to him.

"However, Wayne." The Australian beauty took a sip of his black tea, turned his head and stared into his eyes strangely. "You\'re obviously not acting like you usually do with the movie "The Shawshank Redemption" today, and the words \'go to a really good movie\' don\'t seem to come out of your mouth!"

Wayne froze for a moment and asked, "What am I usually like? What should I say?"

Naomi Watts put away her smile and tensed all her expressions, which could be seen to be deliberately imitating his state at work.

"First, will The Shawshank Redemption cause trouble for our film, and how much will it cost our film if it does well?

Second, "Joker\'s Soul" has already crushed it at the box office, so don\'t take this film to heart.

Third, now that our film has exploded at the box office, how much value can it create for us? We must squeeze all the value out while the heat is still there! "

Just leisurely lighting a cigarette, and hearing what she said like her, Wayne pointed at himself in surprise, and said, "I\'m usually like this?"

"Yeah." Naomi Watts winked playfully, took the cigarette from his hand, and took a deep breath gracefully. "In your mouth, movies have nothing to do with art at all. Only valuable movies are qualified to talk about art. You are usually like this!"


Wayne tilted his head and said mockingly: "It seems that I have become a qualified Jewish capitalist~www.novelhall.com~ Naomi Watts stuffed the cigarette back into his mouth, turned around and lay on his back. In his arms, he looked up at his face and asked, "So, Mr. Greenberg, how much value do I have in your eyes? Or, when are you going to drain my value? "


Wayne stretched out his hand, squeezed the blonde beauty\'s chin lightly, and said to her: "Some words must not be said nonsense, from your words, I have already noticed the great changes in myself over the past few years, don\'t let it go. I lost my first companion, ok?"

Naomi Watts looked at his serious expression and nodded. She and Wayne had known each other not for a day or two, but for many years, and knew that he was telling the truth.

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