Hollywood Drawing

~: Two hundred and twenty-one - the clown's soul-returning event!

"Hollywood Draw(!

After the horror story of "Joker\'s Soul" fermented in theaters overnight, all kinds of news began to flood the media on Tuesday morning.

Not only authoritative big newspapers, magazines and TV stations, but even gossip entertainment tabloids have begun to fry this hot spot.

Early in the morning, various talk columns appeared on many local TV stations. The themes were almost all about scaring people and discussing issues such as **** violence in movies.

Contrary to regular PR activities, Warner Bros. seemed to have suddenly lost its head, and even its own media joined the discussion and began to frequently reflect on the problems in the film.

Just when everyone was confused and Sony Columbia was overjoyed, the next afternoon, Warner Bros. took the initiative to contact the families of the victims and actively prepared to discuss compensation issues.

This positive and quick attitude of admitting mistakes is not like a big capital company at all. The act of taking the initiative to take responsibility has also won the favor of most of the public. Warner Bros. also took the initiative to announce that it will internally review the large-scale footage of "The Clown".

After the evening news came out, Warner Bros.\'s media, and movie theaters across North America showing "The Clown," posted prominently, "The movie is too scary, and people with heart and mental illness are not allowed to watch it. brand!"

As expected by a group of executives at Warner Bros., such a dissuasive slogan did not stop the enthusiasm of the fans, but aroused the strong curiosity of passers-by and audiences, and they all wanted to see this frightening horror film. How exciting!

After two days of discussions, more than 40 media, large and small, appeared in the large conference room of Warner Bros. on Thursday morning to participate in the sudden press conference held by Warner Bros.

The purpose of this press conference is to respond to the public\'s response to the frightening incident and the follow-up handling.

When film director Wayne Greenberg, along with Warner Bros. CEO Jeff Robinoff, sat down at the conference room table, the lights behind the reporter flickered wildly, and most of the shots were aimed at the film director.

"The reason why I invited everyone here today is to make a public response to this "Joker\'s Return to the Soul" scaring death incident, and to explain the follow-up compensation to the families of the victims through various media friends and various media platforms."

Jeff Robinoff was useless as a host. After sitting down, he faced the microphone, looked at the blockbuster reporter in front of him, and started talking directly.

"At present, Warner Bros. has had specific discussions with the families of the victims, and has obtained their understanding. And since the incident, a large number of warning signs have been placed on its own media platforms and theaters, hoping There will be no similar misfortunes in the future.”

After speaking, he nodded to the host, indicating that the reporter can start asking questions.

As expected, the first reporter to ask questions targeted the silent film director.

"Director Greenberg, did you expect scary problems when you were shooting this work?"

"No, it was just an accident!"

Wayne leaned forward with a solemn and painful expression on his face, and said to the microphone in front of him: "My original intention was to shoot a work that can bring excitement to the public, but I didn\'t expect such an unexpected event to happen. , Here, I once again appeal to the public fans, watch the movie rationally, and movie fans with heart diseases, it is best not to watch this movie!"

As soon as the words fell, a reporter immediately asked. "Wayne, with regard to the large-scale footage in the movie, after this incident, will there be some restraint in your subsequent works?"

"Of course." Wayne kept his face tense, giving the impression that he was taking the issue very seriously.

"This incident had a great impact on me. After hearing the news that some fans lost their precious lives because of the films I made, I hardly slept well in the past few days, and I kept thinking about me every day. The original intention of making a movie.

Everyone knows that I just graduated from USC a few years ago, and every work I shoot has been sought after by a large number of young people. I thought my work would bring spiritual enjoyment to the public, but I lost two of them. precious life.

In this regard, I also made a profound reflection, and I will use large-scale footage more cautiously in the films I shoot in the future, hoping that this kind of tragedy will not happen again. "

After speaking, he secretly glanced at Jeff Robinoff, and before the reporter asked another question, he continued into the microphone: "I have discussed with the production company Warner Bros. , hold a meeting to discuss the film screening.

Our common thought is that we do not rule out the possibility of withdrawing "The Clown\'s Soul" early. After all, compared with the two precious illnesses, whether this film is suitable for continuing to show has become our common doubt! "

When he said these words, there was an instant buzz in the large conference room. The news was amazing. In Hollywood, I have only heard of increasing the show time of films through public relations, and never heard of the initiative to withdraw files. .

There are too many issues to be involved in this, even if the distribution agreement signed with the theater company will be a sky-high compensation figure.

"Director Greenberg, are you saying that "The Clown\'s Soul" may be withdrawn in the near future?" a reporter from the Los Angeles Times asked impatiently.

Wayne nodded and said into the microphone seriously: "Now this proposal to withdraw the file has been discussed within the company, and there is a high probability that it will be passed in the near future."

After he finished speaking, Jeff Robinoff coughed lightly into the microphone, which instantly attracted everyone\'s attention.

"Wayne was right, Warner Bros. was the first company in the world to produce and distribute sound films, from Mr. Sam Warner\'s improvement of sound film technology to Mr. Harry Warner\'s own production of films.

The production philosophy of Warner Bros. has always been to bring joy to the masses, which has been flowing in the company for decades. Now that two precious lives have been lost because of a movie, this is contrary to the company\'s core philosophy, so it cannot be ruled out that the decision to withdraw "Joker\'s Soul" in advance will be passed. "

The press conference ended with the surprise of the reporters. It\'s not that no one thought of the reason why Warner Bros. did this, but there is no fool. Now go and say what you think.

In the subsequent media reports that participated in the press conference, this incident was mentioned invariably, and the news that "The Clown\'s Soul" may be withdrawn in the near future also spread throughout North America in an instant.

On Thursday night, a large number of young people suddenly poured into the theaters showing this film. These people, who were already in a period of rebellion, wanted to watch this film before the film was released. A frightening movie.

It was not the fans who poured into the theaters, nor the insiders and the media who were full of admiration for this wave of Warner Bros. operations, but the Weinstein brothers of Miramax who felt the deepest feelings about this incident.

In a theater not far from the company, Harvey Weinstein and his younger brother Bob Weinstein have been sitting in the seating area of ​​the theater lobby for more than an hour.

Since they entered the theater at around 5:00, the long queue to watch "The Clown\'s Soul" has no tendency to shorten, and more than 90% of these movie fans who come to find excitement with curiosity are young people.

"They are the main force contributing to the box office!" Bob Weinstein sighed suddenly looking at the crowd of people in the hall.

Harvey Weinstein heard his brother\'s words, but did not look back, and clenched his fists as he stared at the audience. Thinking of the plan in his office safe, his scalp tingled.

"Wayne Greenberg! You\'re not just playing with humanity in the movies, it turns out you\'re in real life too..."

"What?" Bob Weinstein asked suspiciously, not hearing what he said.

Shaking his head at his brother, he did not explain. Others don\'t know, but Harvey Weinstein knows very well that the marketing plan that Warner Bros. is now playing must also come from the hands of that young man.

From the very beginning of the scary news, he has begun to have doubts. He is not the only one who suspects this, but no one is stupid enough to talk nonsense at this time. Warner Bros. gave all Hollywood distribution companies, Lively class.

This matter has developed to the present, and in just four days, almost all the people in the circle have understood that the entire process of this marketing plan is estimated to have been placed in the offices of many publishing companies.

Harvey-Weinstein understands that this is just a simplified version, and that if the plan is followed, the impact will be much greater through the bombardment of large-scale media and activities.

"Why do I feel that this film is not as scary as it says on TV?" The two young people who had just come out of the show walked out while talking.

"It\'s terrifying, but it shouldn\'t scare people to death, right?" Another young man who was traveling with him scratched his head and also questioned.

"But the story of the film is really good! It reminds me of my childhood..."

"Yeah~www.novelhall.com~ I also feel the same way, the story is really nice..."

This is no longer the Weinstein brothers. It was the first questioning that I heard, but the questioning turned into a questioning, but the fans who had hardly seen it yelled at them, and no one showed the anger of being deceived!

Looking at the backs of the two young men, Harvey Weinstein said, "Bob, I suddenly regret it."

"Regret? Harvey!" Bob Weinstein immediately looked at his brother seriously. "You don\'t want to go back on it, do you? Wayne Greenberg is definitely not a small person we can handle. Disney will not hard-cap Warner Bros. for us, but Warner Bros. will definitely bite us to death for that director!"

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