Hollywood Drawing

~: Two hundred and twenty-nine - $200 million to break many people's psychological defenses

"Charlie\'s Angels" is just Wayne\'s first reaction, after all, this is Cameron Diaz\'s most successful series, this is the most profitable series.

However, when he thought of the current social environment, he immediately rejected the idea. In this social environment, the risk of a film with a pure female protagonist is too great, and no one can guarantee whether the public fans can accept the female protagonist.

Even in a few years, the status of women in society will gradually rise, and the feminist movement will gradually take shape, and such projects must be cautious.

Even in the past 20 years, films with purely female protagonists have only accounted for a very small part of the total number of Hollywood films each year. This industry has always been popular with machismo, which is indisputable.

"If Warner Bros. has a project that suits you, I can recommend you to audition, but it\'s just a recommendation! Whether you can get a role in the end depends on your own efforts."

Wayne reached out and stroked Cameron Diaz\'s hair, still willing to help her a little, this girl gave him a good feeling, straightforward and enthusiastic character, easy to gain the favor of men.

Of course, her hot figure is also her advantage, especially the waist like a motor, which is definitely one of her most charming skills.

"Thank you, Honey!"

Cameron Diaz understands the meaning of this promise. Maybe for Wayne, it\'s just a word of hello, but for little stars like them, it\'s a huge audition advantage.

Even if he won\'t be given special care in the audition, he can at least guarantee that he will compete in a relatively fair environment, and with his promise, a large part of the mess in the audition will definitely disappear by himself.

"How do you want me to thank you, dear."

Cameron Diaz raised his head, his big eyes glowed with water, and his sweet face had an enchanting smile, as if the bones were taken from his body, and he gradually softened from the chair.

Sitting on the balcony on the third floor, from which he could see most of Beverly\'s scenery, Wayne raised his hand, picked up a cigarette from the table, lit one, and watched the traffic down the mountain through a burst of blue smoke.

Just when he was about to finish smoking a cigarette, the door on the third floor was suddenly pushed open. Charlize Theron, like a bear who stole honey, put his head into the room and observed the balcony. Behind him, he closed the door and walked in quietly with a handbag.


She came quietly behind Wayne, suddenly shouted in his ear, and covered his eyes with her hands.


Wayne was covered by her eyes, and the two women looked down and looked at each other, stunned...

When the bright sunshine in Los Angeles once again shone directly into the bedroom through the wide balcony, Wayne opened his eyes in a daze, and when he reached out to block the dazzling sunlight, he suddenly froze for a moment.

It can be seen that Cameron Diaz, who is lying on her chest, is still sleeping, her messy hair covers most of her face, but there is clearly an arm around her.

The sore waist pulled back all his memories in one fell swoop, making him completely awake.

Cameron Diaz was awakened by his action, opened his confused eyes and looked at him for a few seconds, and then said hello very naturally.

"Good morning, darling."

"Well, good morning."

Wayne glanced at the quilt that slid down, and Cameron Diaz still had a clear slap print on his body, which should have been slapped when he was crazy last night.

"Hi, good morning!"

At this time, Charlize Theron on the other side also woke up, glanced at the other two, didn\'t care about their eyes at all, and said hello very naturally.

"What time is it?" She grabbed Wayne\'s watch by the head of the bed, glanced at the time and mumbled, "It\'s almost nine o\'clock, no wonder I\'m so hungry! Honey, let\'s get up and eat, I\'m about to be hungry. It\'s gone!"

Saying that, he turned his head to look at the man leaning on the bed.

"Okay, let\'s go eat." Wayne yawned, got up from the bed, put on pajamas and walked to the bathroom, ready to start washing.

Those two women, he believed that he didn\'t need to worry about it. He didn\'t force them to stay together last night. On the contrary, they cooperated very well.

After a short time, the two women also walked into the bathroom together, and began to wash with the sound of rushing water. From time to time, the two women would chat a little or two.

These two women know that this matter is really nothing in this circle. There are more crazy men and women than this. No one is a rookie who has just entered Hollywood, even if he has not seen this scene with his own eyes. , and heard a lot.

When the three of them changed their clothes and walked to the restaurant downstairs, the assistant lady was eating breakfast while flipping through a large stack of newspapers. After seeing them sitting down, she greeted them kindly.

"Good morning, Cammy, Sally!"

Then he stretched his back, turned his head to look at his boss, raised his eyebrows, and said, "Boss, do you want to hear the latest news about "The Clown\'s Soul"?"


Wayne nodded, took a sip of the milk and drank half a glass, then picked up his favorite cod sandwich. His stomach was also protesting silently. He played too crazy last night, and he didn\'t have time to eat dinner. Now he felt that his chest was pressing against his back.

Glancing at the two women with calm faces, who were eating with their heads lowered, they sighed inwardly, sometimes they can\'t be too indulgent, but how many normal men can refuse the double temptation of such an ancient and warm heart?

"This is a report from the Los Angeles Times, the editor-in-chief is Ms. Bella Grant, what a coincidence..."

Nina\'s first sentence was in an obviously mocking tone, and after her boss gave her a stern look, she continued to read seriously: "The Clown Returns to the Soul has been screened in theaters for ten days, and it has been With a rare speed, it has won more than 180 million US dollars at the box office.

Even on the second week of the working day, the popularity of the film is still unabated, and more young people choose to go to the theater to support this controversial horror film. There is even a trend among young people now, do you want to prove that you are brave enough? Then go watch a show of "The Clown Returns to the Soul"!

There are also many people who, in order to compete bravely with their friends, repeatedly purchased tickets to watch the movie. With the enthusiasm of countless young people in North America, the box office performance of "Joker\'s Soul" is also amazing on weekdays. It reported $4.2 million on Monday, and its performance is still extremely strong.

Tuesday was the discount day for traditional theaters in North America, and the box office increased compared to Monday, and it reaped 5.63 million dollars again. After that, on Wednesday and Thursday, it got 4.02 million dollars and 3.93 million dollars respectively, and continued to take 17.51 ​​million dollars in seven working days. Dollar.

"The Clown Returns" has been released for a complete two weeks, and it has unexpectedly earned a total of 198.14 million US dollars, and it should enter the 200 million US dollar club today. Just before its third weekend screening, this record-breaking horror film will also hit overseas markets this Friday, led by the UK..."

Nina didn\'t read any further, because she knew her boss\'s habits. He only had the box office numbers in his eyes, and he always sneered at the various comments that followed.

However, this box office figure still caused the two women who were just concentrating on eating to stop their movements together, and opened their mouths to look at the man in surprise.

Cameron Diaz took a gulp of milk, swallowed the food in his mouth, and said to Wayne: "Two weeks, two hundred million immediately, my God!"

She understands what this number means. "Grangers in Disguise" earned $119 million at the box office in two months, creating a star like Jim Carrey and making herself famous.

She doesn\'t need to watch TV now, she can imagine how hot the actors who are still running promotions in the United States will be. If there is no accident, they will immediately start overseas promotions. These people are really lucky.

"What\'s so surprising?" Charlize Theron picked up the knife and fork again, and continued to send scrambled eggs to his mouth. "Wayne\'s film, when will it not be successful, and when he fails once, will it become news that shocks the United States?"

Cameron Diaz gave her a sideways glance, caught her movements in his eyes, and spit out "bixxh!"

Listening to the set of numbers read out by the assistant, Wayne didn\'t have any special feeling. He and Warner Bros. did everything they could, and this result was normal.

Picking up the tissue on the table and wiping his mouth, he suddenly asked, "Nina, are there any new movies coming out this week?"

"Jimmy called me on the phone this morning. There will be two new films released today, but the show is very small, with less than 500 theaters. This week\'s theater market should still be based on the third week of "The Clown". , and the second week of "The Shawshank Redemption", "Forrest Gump" and other films."

Nina opened her notebook, glanced at it and continued: "The rest of the films such as "The Cannonball Expert", "The Lion King", "Browsing Eyes" and other films~www.novelhall.com~ still have hundreds of screening scales , there should be an Oscar reason for the continued screening of these films."

"Well, I see."

Wayne nodded, so it seems that "Joker\'s Soul" can occupy the North American theater market for at least a week, which is enough for the current box office trend.

If you add the follow-up screening time, if you are lucky, it is not impossible for the film to break the box office of 300 million US dollars.


The housekeeper Hela walked into the restaurant, glanced at the two women who were eating, and said: "Tim Burton called and he said that Michael Caine had agreed to play Alfred, and even On the side of M Neeson, he also contacted him through his agent, expressing that he would like to find a time to chat with you."

"It seems that the box office power of "The Clown Returns" is strong enough, isn\'t it?" Wayne smiled and shook his head. The $200 million may have broken many people\'s psychological defenses.

"Understood, I\'ll call him back soon."