Hollywood Drawing

~: Two hundred and thirty - breaking through 200 million, logging in overseas

Wayne is not in a hurry to negotiate an actor contract, nor is he in a hurry to communicate with his favorite actor, which is partly for this purpose.

As the box office of the hit "Joker" is getting higher and higher, those actors are bound to become more communicative, which can help drive down their salaries, leaving more production funds to invest in the production of the film. .

With a wave of his hand and letting the two girls continue to eat breakfast, he got up and took Nina out of the dining room, sat on the sofa beside the telephone in the living room, and dialed the number of producer Tim Burton.

The bell rang twice, and quickly picked up the other party, and Tim Burton\'s voice came from the microphone.

"Hello! Wayne, I knew you couldn\'t help but call back, don\'t worry, I\'ll try to keep their pay as low as possible, believe me, the box office performance of "The Clown" has made many people let go of their **** persistence! "

The voice came out through the microphone, and the excitement in the producer\'s tone was easily discernible.

"I\'m not worried about Michael Caine, but Liam Neeson just got an Oscar nomination, so it shouldn\'t be easy to talk about. I heard he wants to chat with me?"

"Yes, his agent is not too eager. It seems that this Oscar candidate should have no shortage of audition invitations."

Wayne thought for a while and said, "Okay, I\'ll go to the studio to chat with him at an appointment soon. By the way, what did Gary Oldman say? Still unwilling to sign a long-term contract?"

As for the candidate to play Officer Jim Gordon, he is actually not that strict. If this Gary Oldman is really unwilling to sign a long-term contract, he is ready to replace him directly.

In his plan, the character Jim Gordon has to play at least two or three films. The time line in the middle should be longer, and it may take several years. In order to avoid the accident of changing people in the middle, the actors must be asked. Sign a long-term contract.

"He\'s done it here." Tim Burton continued to speak in a proud voice. "Gary Oldman\'s agent was reluctant to sign a long-term contract because it would tie up his client for several years. But he persuaded his agent that it would come to an end in two days.

The condition I offered is that at least five contracts must be signed, and the remuneration can be increased with the film, which can effectively limit the lion\'s opening when the actor is sequel. By the way, there is news about the Samuel Jackson you asked me to find, and you can meet me when. "

Wayne laughed when he heard the name, "Mom" provoked "Farke" man, and what he didn\'t expect was still behind.

Tim Burton paused in the microphone, probably rummaging through the actor\'s resume, and after a while, his voice rang again. "This Samuel L. Jackson has just been involved in Quentin Tarantino\'s new Pulp Fiction, which is supposed to premiere in early October, and there is also a "Jungle Fever," which won the most prize at Cannes. Best Supporting Actor, he\'s the first black man to win this award."

As soon as he heard Pulp Fiction, Wayne said directly: "I will go to the premiere of that film, and Samuel Jackson doesn\'t need an appointment. I will talk to him then. And about the scarecrow. Actor, if you have someone to recommend, you can make an appointment, and I\'ll see you all later."

"Okay, we\'re all in touch, I\'ll let you know."

"no problem!"

After speaking, Wayne hung up the phone and tapped his fingers on the arm of the sofa, thinking about the supporting roles.

Scarecrow, when it comes to this, he thinks of Tom Shelby in "Blood." Especially the sarcastic "London fog is the smoke from the Razor Party, and the Shelby family has whiskey flowing through them!"

It\'s a pity that this Cillian Murphy should still be in Cork, Ireland. His age is not qualified. Otherwise, Wayne might have sent someone to Ireland to find him out of bad taste.

With the start of another weekend, the cinema market has lost a hint of fierce competition.

Although countless media film critics have collectively applauded "The Shawshank Redemption", this film also maintains a high professional score, but in the theater market, it is still "The Clown".

In the face of "The Clown\'s Soul" in its third week of release, the film "The Shawshank Redemption" did not show any rebound. Instead, the box office fell all the way, and "Forrest Gump" was released for several months. It surpassed the one-day box office.

The starring lineup of this film itself is unattractive, and Morgan Freeman is also busy being questioned for assaulting girls, which makes fans less interested in choosing this prison-themed film.

Some media have deliberately interviewed movie fans and asked them what they think of "The Shawshank Redemption" after watching the movie. Fans, however, acted flat, although most gave it positive reviews.

"The film is great, and the plot is very infectious, but the film on this subject is too depressing and not suitable for watching with friends on weekends."

Such an answer was not mentioned by one or two audiences. It also let the distributor Columbia know that their film wanted to turn over and basically lost hope in the theater market.

In one day on Friday, whether it was the attendance rate and the number of moviegoers, or the "Joker\'s Soul" which was released for three weeks, it was far ahead. On Saturday morning, the box office figures that Wayne read in the newspaper completely made him put down. Heart.

Compared with the $3.93 million on Thursday, the box office on Friday ushered in a strong rebound. Although it did not exceed $10 million, "The Clown\'s Soul" received $9.09 million that day, and it still dominated the box office with an unrivaled advantage. Weekend dominance.

The second place is "Forrest Gump", which has been released for a few months. This film has already won more than 290 million US dollars. On the same day, it reaped 3.9 million US dollars again, which is infinitely close to breaking through 300 million US dollars. .

Then came "The Shawshank Redemption" at $2 million, "The Lion King" at $1.7 million, and "Cannonball" at $1.2 million.

The films released in the past few weeks have also caused various prediction companies in North America to break their brains. The firm trend of "The Clown" does not follow the rules of the market, allowing them to raise the predicted box office end point again and again.

"The Shawshank Redemption" is another situation. It has a trend of rushing on the street as soon as it is released, but it has a terrible professional score and reputation, and it also makes them dare not draw conclusions easily, but the total box office is only more than 10 million, making it The issuing companies have lost confidence and cut off the investment in follow-up announcements, in order to stop losses as soon as possible.

This is an unusual September schedule. No one would have thought that a pure horror film would dominate the theater market, but you have to admit its greatness.

On Saturday, "The Clown\'s Soul", as the leader, once again won the box office of 13.39 million US dollars.

After the box office results of this day came out, all the distribution companies have vaguely understood one thing. The film critics association and the media, the so-called professional reputation of the film, actually has a very limited impact on the fans.

All these good movies in the mouths of film critics, the people who are guided, recommended and influenced by them are some older movie fans.

The main force contributing to the box office, young people, have their own ideas and will not be influenced by those professional authorities. If you want them to enter the theater to support the film, professional word of mouth is not as useful as media hype.

This is actually a trend. From the beginning of the next few years, the influence of film critics on the summer program will become smaller and smaller. This box office carnival mainly composed of young people basically ignores the opinions of professional word of mouth.

If more than ten years later, film critics will not be affected by the summer season, let alone the Christmas season, and their role will gradually be limited to the awards season. This is a general trend that no one can change.

After the third weekend passed, "The Clown\'s Soul" received $9.09 million on Friday and $13.39 million on Saturday, and also earned $7.26 million on Sunday, with a weekend score of $29.74 million. Three consecutive championships in the North American cinema market.

The film was released for three weekends and grossed a total of 227.88 million US dollars at the box office. It exceeded 200 million US dollars without a trace of suspense. Now everyone is looking forward to whether there will be a horror film with a North American box office exceeding 300 million US dollars.

Also this weekend, "The Clown\'s Soul" started its own overseas screening tour, leading to the United Kingdom, Australia, Canada, New Zealand and other countries and regions, and opened its premiere in more than 40 countries and regions around the world.

The publicity team composed of the main actors of the crew also started the European promotion tour from the UK as usual. After the three-day screening of the film on the first weekend, these young actors and Li Guohao also received countless cheers wherever they went.

Although the response to this horror film overseas was not as enthusiastic as in North America, it also caused a movie viewing trend. Young people from different countries bought tickets and entered the theater.

Even many well-known European film critics are publishing articles discussing the social issues, which also makes this pure horror film top the weekend box office in the screening area.

The film was released for three days~www.novelhall.com~ and collected $12.07 million in the British Isles, $9.5 million in Germany, $7.65 million in Mexico, $6.2 million in France, $4.3 million in Brazil, New Zealand, Australia,…

According to the rough statistics of the overseas distribution department of Warner Bros. in the first three days of the first weekend of "Joker\'s Soul", the box office closed at more than 77 million US dollars.

No one would be foolish enough to compare this film to Wayne Greenberg\'s predecessor as a genre film alone, and it\'s done well enough.

The media in various regions also have different attitudes towards the film. The strong invasion of Hollywood films also makes the local media feel nervous.

"Wayne Greenberg overuses **** scenes and overplays the weaknesses of human nature. He is trying to use dark gimmicks to gain more attention!" ---Spanish "Aspen"

"Hollywood is crazy to include so many R-rated footage in a movie starring children. They are desperate for business." - Le Figaro, France

The film was only released overseas for three days, and it caused controversy in various regions.