Hollywood Drawing

~: Two hundred and twenty-eight - Warner's value is far beyond imagination

Wayne ignored the Cameron Diaz woman. She was willing to rely on the gossip tabloids to maintain exposure, so let her go, which had little effect on him.

At least in his private life, he has not suffered any accusations. Most of the gossip media have described him as a playboy, and the most extreme thing is that his private life is rotten. These things are far from being involved in the moral aspect.

Some unscrupulous tabloids even collected photos of women related to Wayne, and carefully analyzed the aesthetics of the young director.

The conclusion is that the girls that Wayne Greenberg likes must have a standard model body, blond or chestnut hair, and their faces should be feminine or sweet. None of these women who are related to him are tough-looking.

Nina specially showed him the report, and even Wayne himself admitted that their analysis was almost all right, with one exception, he was a European and American goddess who didn\'t like a tough face and a bomb body, but had a shellfish. La Grant is close to that stature.

Bella Grant, beauty editor-in-chief of "Los Angeles Times", still has a slender body like a model, but has two terrifying peaks, coupled with the usual white shirt and women\'s skirt professional attire, this kind of temptation Wayne admits he does not have Men can resist.

"I\'ve seen it."

The assistant went out for a walk, returned to the living room and whispered to her boss, "Although those reporters were interviewing her, Cameron Diaz and Clever didn\'t say anything that shouldn\'t be said."

"It\'s okay." Wayne waved his hand. "Since she dares to do this, she should understand the consequences of talking nonsense. Even if she doesn\'t understand it herself, the agent behind her who advises her also understands."

Nina saw that he was not holding the director\'s notebook or planning a shooting plan for a new project. Knowing that he would not be working, Nina hesitated for a long time, but couldn\'t help but say:

"Boss, I still remind you of some things!"

Wayne looked at the assistant with a serious face, not joking, and asked suspiciously, "What?"

"I have deliberately learned about your investment. You\'d better consider the matter of investing in Warner Bros. investing hundreds of millions of dollars in this media company is not the best choice, and it can even be said to be one of the least efficient. ."

Watching the boss listen to her analysis carefully, Nina continued: "Your earnings in Internet stocks, Microsoft and Oracle, are far higher than those in the film and television industry. These two companies are not ordinary Internet stocks, they All have stable revenue channels.

This is very different from those companies that take a concept and make money by going public. Moreover, according to my analysis, these two companies are still growing rapidly. On the contrary, investing hundreds of millions of dollars in Warner Bros. can give you some voice, but this is not the most important thing. Your voice in the circle mainly comes from your works and profitability.

After this money enters Warner Bros., it will not bring you short-term benefits. It may be stuck for ten years. I have analyzed the annual report of Warner Bros., and the revenue figures of the media industry are bright, but the profits are definitely not high. , the annual shareholder dividends are also relatively general. Compared with the Internet company you invested in, the difference is not a little bit, but a difference of dozens of times. "

Wayne listened and nodded. What Nina said was the truth. If you invest in the pursuit of making more money, whether it is Microsoft or Oracle, it will have more prospects than Warner Bros. This is undeniable.

You really don\'t need to increase your status in this way. As long as you can succeed, Warner Bros. will definitely give you the greatest respect and the right to speak.

Nina is thinking about herself, and she definitely didn\'t say anything about it, but he still said: "Nina, the matter of becoming a shareholder in Warner Bros. will not change. There are still many opportunities to make money in the future. Not much, at least it won\'t lose money, will it?"

"Okay." The assistant nodded. "It\'s really not losing money, it\'s just making money a bit slower."

Everything is considered in terms of money, this thinking is absolutely correct, especially in this capitalist society, the amount of money represents the level of social status.

But Wayne is more concerned about the huge media channels and influence of the media group. Besides, Nina doesn\'t have the brain to predict the future, but he has it himself.

Not to mention the distance, in another two years, Warner Bros. will win the Little Wizard series, but this series depends on the market value of Little Wizard soaring when Warner Bros. collapsed the main revenue "Batman". The annual revenue ranks in the top three of the six.

Now that Warner Bros. has its own project, the tens of billions of dollars in The Little Witcher series can only get better and better.

The Little Wizard series is a very rich piece of fat. No one knows better than him how much revenue the horror market will generate after its success, but Wayne is very clear-headed. Choose to go with the flow and never reach out.

It would be naive to think that if you take over the copyright in advance, register a small film company, and then shoot the movie, you can set off a craze for little wizards around the world.

Without a huge global distribution channel and perfect upstream and downstream operation capabilities, if you want to hype up this series that started with tens of billions of dollars, it is a fool\'s dream. This is a perfect commercial society, and fairy tales will never happen in reality. .

And the most important point, Warner Bros. or Time Warner, the development potential is not low at all, and it will develop better and better.

Not much, just after 2000, the company will be completely on the fast track. At that time, Warner will rely on the accumulation of these years to develop a company that spans publishing, film and television industries, and the Internet. Almost all of the world\'s influential media will be present in this company.

Famous are "Time Magazine", "Sports Illustrated", "Fortune Magazine", "Life Magazine" and other world-renowned magazines and media.

The TV station also has CNN, HBO, Turner TV Network, TNT, Cinamax, cable TV movie channel, TBS-, The-Wb, Cartoon- and other cable, wireless and satellite TV stations.

There is also the most important wealth of this media group, Warner Bros. Pictures, which also has small and medium-sized film distribution companies such as New Line, and DC Comics, which Wayne values ​​most.

Of course, the premise of all this has to wait until the merger of Time Warner and AOL in 2000. At that time, AOL Time Warner will complement each other\'s advantages and become one of the largest media groups in the world.

These two years are definitely the best time to invest in Warner Bros., and by virtue of Warner Bros. natural person shareholder status, they can hold a large share of Time Warner.

Even if Wayne goes bankrupt in the future, as long as he relies on this company, he will definitely become one of the richest few people in North America, and it is also the most invisible wealth.

This is just the beginning of Warner. When it joins forces with Conscart and Universal Pictures, this media group will be truly terrifying.

Wayne personally believes that this company is the only company that may have a chance to break arms with Walt Disney, and the remaining four Hollywood giants basically have no possibility.

"Hey, hey! Honey?"

Cameron Diaz stretched out his hand and shook it playfully in front of Wayne\'s eyes, pulling him out of his memory state. "Dear, you haven\'t answered my call for a long time, have you forgotten me?"

"Why, I saw you on TV yesterday morning."

Wayne tilted his head and carefully observed the girl\'s changes. In a few months, she suddenly changed from a hot, **** and enthusiastic girl to the current little star, and her head seemed to suddenly open up.

To say that she came here unintentionally, he must not believe it. Naomi Watts just left the manor yesterday, and this girl ran over the next day. Either she was smart or someone pointed her, and she knew how to use the group of reporters at the entrance of the manor. Hype, this girl is not stupid.

"You don\'t blame me, do you?" Cameron Diaz hugged the man\'s arm, began to show the beauty of his body intentionally or unintentionally, looked up at him and said, "You know, I\'m very grateful for your kindness to me. Help, what I said in the interview are all my sincere words."

"Crack!" Wayne slapped Cameron Diaz\'s buttocks as hard as he could. "Dear, I\'m a director, don\'t show your acting skills in front of me! Understand?"

"Ah, it hurts."

This slap, he didn\'t have any energy left, he could allow a woman to play a little trick to increase exposure, and he could also satisfy her trivial material desires, but he had to remind her not to feel like a fool, nothing Understand.

However, the girl only frowned and skipped the topic by pretending to be stupid. She rolled her eyes and lay on his shoulders and whispered, "Let\'s go upstairs. I want to go to the balcony to see the scenery of Beverly."

The girl hugged Wayne\'s arm and pulled him upstairs to the balcony of the bedroom on the third floor.

When the two of them sat on the reclining chair together, UU read www.uukanshu. com Cameron Diaz observed his face and saw that he was not really angry because of his small actions, and he let out a long sigh of relief.

"Haney, I\'m 24 years old this year!" She turned her head suddenly, didn\'t care at all about the hand wandering around her, and said, staring into the man\'s eyes.

"Oh, do you want me to wish you a happy birthday? Or do you want a birthday present?" Wayne asked casually, looking at the busy gardeners in the garden.

Cameron Diaz rolled his eyes and said with a flat mouth: "I mean I\'m 24 years old and I don\'t have much time to waste on the road to fame, can you help me, dear! "

"Oh?" Wayne smiled suddenly, looked at her and asked, "How do you want me to help you? In my next project, there will be no female characters with important roles, and the route you are taking now is very good, big There is never a shortage of opportunities for beautiful vases in commercial films.”

Shaking his head, he pondered anxiously, his work schedule is very full, and it is impossible to squeeze out the time to get Charlie\'s Angels out, or can he launch this project as a producer to Warner Bros. after becoming a shareholder? !