Hollywood Drawing

~: Two hundred and thirty three - a woman's mind

Agent Pat Kingsley is of course aware that if Nicole Kidman can participate in this big project, with the production level of Wayne Greenberg, he will definitely be able to follow the ride and further his career.

But she is also very sober, and she understands very well that the other party will promise to let her client participate in the audition, which is definitely to sell Tom Cruise a face, and definitely not because he is optimistic about Nicole Kidman playing this role.

This kind of cast pre-determined actors, going through the scene audition, it is difficult to change the decision of the producer or director, even if the audition performed well, the hope is very slim.

"Pat." Nicole Kidman didn\'t look back, looked in the mirror and said, "If the audition results are not ideal, you can help me have a meal with Wayne Greenberg. I want to talk to him in person."

Of course, Mrs. Cruise knows that she has no advantage in this audition, but the opportunity to participate in such a project is too rare even in Hollywood, where there is no shortage of projects, so she has to fight for it no matter what.

"Okay, but don\'t get your hopes up."

The broker nodded. "Tom is participating in the final voice job of "Interview with the Vampire". I think if you come to audition without notifying him, Tom will definitely be unhappy when you go back."

Nicole Kidman did not speak, and concentrated on arranging the dress on her body. Since she married Tom Cruise, although she has gained a lot of resources in the circle and no shortage of jobs, she has not really caught fire.

No matter where she went, people respected her very much, but those respected her only because she was Mrs. Cruise, and people respected her superstar husband.

And Tom Cruise is very strict with her, and she is very proud and unreasonable, which makes Nicole Kidman always feel breathless.

There are also unsatisfactory careers. Now when everyone mentions Australian actresses, the first thing that comes to mind is Naomi Watts, and then she is Nicole Kidman. This is what makes her the most unacceptable.

In the dressing room next door, there are also two women waiting for the audition. Sitting in front of the dressing table is a plump American girl, especially the face reflected in the mirror has an extraordinarily **** lips.

"Leslie, find a way to get Wayne Greenberg\'s contact information, it\'s very important to me!"

The agent nodded in embarrassment. "Don\'t worry, Julie, I\'ll try my best to find a relationship, but audition performance is equally important, that\'s the premise."

Angelina-Assistant picked up the water glass and took a sip in front of the mirror. She won this audition opportunity through her father, but although her father\'s face is great, it is impossible for her to become the heroine.

If you want to get this role, you have to think of another way. Through various media, she has roughly understood what kind of character the director is. Since the other party maintains relationships with several women at the same time, it means that this is a typical "Hollywood-style" producer.

She has seen this kind of thing a lot since she was a child, and also understands the character of such a big man. To impress them, the most basic acting skills must meet the requirements, and the rest depends on her ability.

With the favor of her father and the fact that she is not reluctant to pay, Angelina Jolie is very confident in this matter. And according to the information she has learned, this young director has a very good reputation in this regard, and he has never turned his face on his past without putting up his pants.

In the makeshift audition room, Schwartz and his assistant sat at the front, Wayne and Tim Burton sat in the back, with a director\'s monitor in front of them. Like the actor\'s audition process, the actor\'s The performance will be fed back to the monitor through the camera for the first time.

"let\'s start."

Tim Burton spoke to Schwartz.

In fact, what happened to this audition, these people in the room know that Tim Burton, as the production manager, has already communicated with Naomi Watts\' agent about the contract, which means that, If this incident is not unexpected, it is impossible to change the candidate at all.

The door of the audition room was pushed open, and the first person to come in was Nicole Kidman. She was wearing a professional dress that set off a model-like figure, and her skin was dazzlingly white.

"Hi Wayne, Hi Tim."

After she came in, she found these two people right away. The actors who walked into this studio knew that these two people were the ones who made the decision.

"Ms. Kidman." Schwartz waited for her to greet her, and said politely: "You are going to play a female prosecutor. You can start when you are ready."

Wayne looked at the woman and pressed the negative key in his mind for the first time. Even without Naomi Watts, he would not use Nicole Kidman.

The first is her stature, which is obviously a bit too high. Christian Bale is 1.83 meters tall, and standing next to her is also not suitable for acting. Her height, coupled with the high heels of women, will make the filming immediately People play.

And the most important point, Nicole Kidman, a woman, whether it’s her first years in Hollywood or after her divorce from Tom, is very unpopular with audiences, and she is the least popular among North American audiences. one of the actresses.

No one can change the situation that netizens summed up later. There may be some natural xenophobic reasons for North American movie fans. After all, this market is the most xenophobic movie market in the world.

As long as he carefully recalls, Wayne can remember that, except for when this woman first divorced Tom, the few films she starred in sold well because of the blessing of sympathy points, and all the remaining works were almost nothing. good grades.

There must be a factor in the selection of films. Nicole Kidman\'s agent is the famous Pat Kingsley. This veteran agent in the circle who brought out Tom Cruise with one hand, it is impossible Eyes always go wrong.

This has to make people think deeply, everyone is afraid of box office poison, even Wayne is still afraid.

"Ok, that\'s it!"

Schwartz applauded politely and said, "Ms. Kidman, we will notify your agent of the results within three days based on your audition performance. Thank you for coming to this audition."

"OK, thanks."

Nicole Kidman nodded and sighed in disappointment as soon as she left the audition room. Even though she had known the result for a long time, she felt very unwilling.

From the moment she entered the door, the producer and director didn\'t speak. In just a few minutes of audition, she had already discovered the absent-mindedness of these two people, which showed that her chances were very slim.

"Nicole, how is it?" Pat Kingsley asked in a low voice, waiting for another actress to enter.

"No?" Nicole Kidman shook her head and walked out of the studio. "Let\'s go back in a hurry, wait in the rest area, I\'m going to try to chat with Wayne Greenberg."

"Okay." Although the agent agreed, he didn\'t hold out much hope.

The door of the audition room was pushed open again, and Wayne immediately looked at the plump girl who walked in, but frowned for the first time.

"Good afternoon, I\'m Angelina-assistant."

After saying hello, Schwartz let her start the show again.

Tim Burton frowned slightly as he looked at the old friend\'s daughter from the monitor.

He tilted his head slightly and whispered to Wayne: "She\'s too plump and doesn\'t match the character image you set up at all, well, it seems you\'re right, I\'ll call her father."


Wayne nodded, which was his first feeling. It seems that Naomi Watts is destined to get this role. These two competitors, who have no hope, have a big gap between their own images and the role.

Even though Angelina Jolie was also prepared, she also put on a lady\'s skirt, but her figure was more clearly highlighted by this uniform.

If you look at it from a man\'s point of view, this is definitely a rare beauty, with a hot body that bulges forward and backward, coupled with those **** lips, at first glance, you know that this is a stunner .

But in this audition room, the two people who can make decisions will not be interfered with their own judgment by these.

"Okay, let\'s go here."

Schwartz said like a routine, "Ms. Julie, we will notify your agent within three days of taking over based on your performance in the audition. Thank you very much for participating in this audition."

After the woman went out, Wayne was actually thinking, her figure would be very suitable if she played Catwoman. This typical Western-style hot body, wearing a special black tight leather jacket, is absolutely the perfect scene on the screen.

Immediately, he shook his head and drove the thought out of his head.

This is not a simple girl, she is about to enter the most **** and the most rotten period of her life. Even in the Hollywood circle, very few people can kill her.

Angelina Jolie\'s repentance is comparable to that of Robert Downey Jr.\'s prodigal son. These two Hollywood stars are also the most familiar examples of self-salvation.

One can imagine how depraved her life was before she turned over~www.novelhall.com~ Hi Schwartz, Hi Tim! "

After Naomi Watts came in, she was not at all embarrassed, and said hello to the two of them generously.

No one is more familiar with this role than her. She has seen Wayne\'s original drawings many times, so her outfit today is completely designed according to the drawings in memory.

It is also a fitted lady\'s skirt uniform, with light makeup on her face, a long hair tied behind her head at will, and a simple ponytail with this outfit, which is basically the same as the character setting.

This is the role of relationships, even if it is a fair audition, she will win without any suspense in terms of image.

"Ok, Nami, let\'s start your performance." Schwartz said with a smile, his tone was full of casualness. Compared with the previous Gong Jin\'s attitude, he was completely different.

This just shows that he treats Naomi Watts directly as his own. Anyway, they are really familiar, and there are no outsiders here, so there is no need to pretend not to know each other.