Hollywood Drawing

Chapter 2: 500 million

"Okay, Nami."

Tim Burton waved, interrupting Naomi Watts, who was about to start the show. "Get your agent over as soon as possible, sign the **** contract, and come here."

"Ok, Jenny will come over tomorrow."

Naomi Watts said with a smile. "Wayne, I\'m going to find Nina, and you call me after work is over."

After speaking, she walked out of the audition room. Although she had known the result for a long time, she was still very happy to be able to compare Nicole Kidman.

"Here are the two actors you mentioned yesterday?" Wayne turned his head and asked.

"Well, but only one, Edward Norton had some problems, and his agent passed up this opportunity."

Tim Burton shrugged. He personally felt that the actor simply missed a hundred million.

"Ok, let\'s go, Schwartz."

Wayne raised his hand and rubbed his forehead. He didn\'t regret missing this well-known big star. As he stayed in Hollywood for longer and longer, those big and small stars from his previous life began to slowly walk into him. eyelid.

The more I see it, the more I get used to it. No matter how popular these people are in the future, they are just little actors now.

The person who pushed in the door was also a familiar face to Wayne, and as the other party introduced himself, he also felt a little weird, and he had the illusion that he was digging the corner of the old man.

"I\'m Ralph Fiennes, born in Sappho, England, and just starred in Steven Spielberg\'s Schindler\'s List..."

Schwartz asked directly: "OK, Mr. Fiennes, how much do you know about the role you\'re going to play."

"I\'m not a fan of DC comics, but I\'ve deliberately learned about Arkham..."

Watching the actor begin a simple performance under the direction of the audition director, Tim Burton said softly, "What do you think?"

"I don\'t think it\'s a problem, you can call the shots."

Wayne nodded. There must be no problem with this candidate, and he is also willing to give the producer face.

At 3:30 in the afternoon, Wayne, who had finished his work, decided to go back to rest early today. The work on this side of the crew was going smoothly. He was going to attend the premiere of "Pulp Fiction" soon, and he could also join Samuel- Jackson chat.

In fact, Wayne never liked the black community, especially the black community in Hollywood.

Don\'t look down on many black movie fans and regard him as half his own, but in his heart, he really doesn\'t like those self-righteous groups.

This group of people is sensitive and has a lot of trouble. Even Will Smith, an acquaintance, has invited him to the party several times. He has never been there.

If this Samuel Jackson is also a self-righteous character, he will give up decisively. Anyway, in Los Angeles, there is no shortage of actors of various types.

Naomi Watts wrapped her arms around Wayne\'s arm and discussed fashion magazines with Nina before the three walked out of the studio when they ran into Nicole Kidman and her agent.

"Hi Wayne, Hi Nami."

Nicole Kidman looked complicated, glanced at Naomi Watts, and then said directly, "Wayne, can you find a place to chat alone?"

At this time, Wayne could clearly feel that Naomi Watts put his arm around him, and suddenly became harder, without any intention of letting go.

He thought about it, but said, "Forget it, Nicole, I have other dates. I understand what you mean, in fact, I can tell you the result right now, you are too tall to have **** with men. The protagonist plays, I think, you should know what I mean.

Christian Bale has been training for a few months, and I have to fully consider the conditions of the heroine, so Nicole, I hope we can work together again next time. "

He didn\'t want to waste time, and he cared more about the feelings of Naomi Watts than Mrs. Cruise. These two women from the same hometown had smiling faces on the surface, but the relationship behind them has never been good.

And he had heard it more than once, Naomi Watts said that the other party was a "bxxxh!", so he didn\'t want to bother too much and chose to speak directly.

"Nami, can we have a few words alone?"

Hearing Wayne\'s reason, Nicole Kidman looked at her fellow countryman, apparently still unwilling to give up.

"Ok! Nina and I will find a tram, and you\'ll come over when you\'re done." Now that she knew the man\'s attitude, Naomi Watts immediately put down her heart, turned her head and said something, and walked out with the little assistant. rest area.

At the same time, Pat Kingsley also consciously walked a few steps away, leaving room for them to communicate individually. Although she is not optimistic that her client can persuade each other, there is nothing wrong with trying it.

Nicole Kidman looked at the young director in front of her, and recalled various analyses of him in her mind. This person, regardless of the films he made, was full of strong personal style and seemed to be very artistic.

In fact, he still put his own interests first, put down the camera, and this is a complete Jewish capitalist.

She believes that as long as there is enough interest, this director will definitely not mind working with the devil.


After being silent for a while, Nicole Kidman said directly: "If I can play this role, I believe it will have a greater impact, and I have no requirements for remuneration."

Speaking of this, she observed the man\'s face, showed an impatient look, and quickly showed her trump card. "Also, if I could play the role, I\'d be sure to put Tom on the stage."

This is indeed a good condition. Even Wayne has to admit that with Tom Cruise\'s unrivaled box office appeal, if he is willing to do his best for the film\'s platform, the effect will be better than the 20 million US dollars of publicity funds. Works.

Still he shook his head. "Nicole, I think I made it clear enough that your image doesn\'t match the character setting."

Seeing that he wanted to leave after speaking, Nicole Kidman gritted his teeth and whispered, "Tell me, Wayne, what do you want? What do I need to pay for you to modify the character settings!"

If the other party doesn\'t agree, then she obviously hasn\'t paid enough. This is the thought in her mind at the moment.

Wayne understood exactly what Nicole Kidman meant. He looked at the Australian mermaid who was at the best age in front of him and said it was absolutely nonsense that he didn\'t have the slightest bit of temptation.

But he continued to shake his head. "Nicole, that\'s it, I respect you very much, so I choose to tell you the audition results directly. I hope you can respect me too."

After he finished speaking, he walked out of the rest area, got on the tram, and with Naomi Watts and the others, drove in the direction of the studio gate.

"I hope you can respect me too..."

Wayne\'s words before he left were like a slap in the face, slapping her face hard, causing her white face to change color in an instant.

Looking at the agent in the distance, Nicole Kidman took a long breath, adjusted her emotions, and walked out of the studio with Pat Kingsley.

"That woman is so confident." Naomi Watts hugged Wayne\'s arm, rolled her eyes, and suddenly said, "She must have offered very attractive conditions? Wayne, she doesn\'t want to play The red sofa or the red carpet?"


Wayne didn\'t answer this question. There was nothing to say about it. Anyway, it was absolutely impossible for him to promise her to change the character settings.

He is telling the truth on this matter, and it is not perfunctory. Christian Bale has been training for several months, and the follow-up actor selection must take into account his own conditions as the actor.

Even if there is a height problem, he can rely on shooting and post-processing, and he will not take this risk. Nicole Kidman is really beautiful, and Mrs. Cruise\'s identity is really tempting.

Compared with the temptation of Mrs. Cruise, the investment of hundreds of millions of dollars is obviously more important.

The signing of the crew and actors was also completed in a short period of time. Tim Burton finally successfully signed a contract with Michael Caine\'s agent. He will play Bruce Wayne\'s housekeeper Alfred. .

The main actors were all determined one by one, and those who needed to enter the group for training in advance also started the movement training the next day.

Whether it\'s Liam Neeson, who just won the Oscar nomination, or Christian Bale, who has been working hard, their hard-working looks are definitely very different from the stars in the public eye, and they are definitely not glamorous.

Actors who have always been famous in this circle all understand the importance of hard work, and their clear heads will always remind them that every opportunity in Hollywood is hard-won.

If you want to continue to succeed in this circle and continuously improve your coffee status, you have to work harder than normal people.

From the end of September to the beginning of October, although Wayne has been stuck in the studio, concentrating on all kinds of preparations before the filming starts, he has been staring at the box office of "The Clown", which is related to his income.

This film has spent the hottest three weeks~www.novelhall.com~ The audience is also rapidly decreasing, but there has been no major investment in the recent release, which also allows the film to retain a large screening scale.

The third weekend passed, and after the working day, the film finally showed a big drop, with $1.91 million on Monday, $2.43 million on Tuesday, $1.77 million on Wednesday, and $1.65 million on Thursday.

The fourth weekend opens, which is also the last weekend of the large-scale screening of "Joker\'s Soul", and Miramax\'s masterpiece "Pulp Fiction" will be ushered in next week.

This weekend, the film\'s box office rose slightly, taking $4.95 million on Friday, $7.81 million on Saturday, and $4.13 million on Thursday, plus four days on weekdays. This week, it scored $24.65 million again, making it the fourth consecutive weekend box office. champion.

By this time, "The Clown\'s Soul" had reaped a total of 252.53 million US dollars in the North American theater market, and the box office had successfully exceeded 250 million.

Just as Wayne and Warner Bros. designed, to achieve a super high box office in the shortest possible time, even if the scale of the screening is to be reduced from Monday, they have already obtained enough benefits.