Hollywood Drawing

~: Two hundred and thirty-two - the actors are in place one after another

When Wayne and Nina walked into the producer\'s office, the first thing they saw was Liam Neeson, who "saved the sky and saved the earth". This actor is definitely a typical example of getting more and more popular as he gets older.

Now he is only just beginning to emerge because of "Schindler\'s List", and he will not show his performance until he participates in "Star Wars", "Gangs of New York", "True Blood", "Hurricane Rescue" and other films. The unparalleled charm of an old man.

"Nice to meet you, Director Greenberg!" Liam Neeson stood up and extended his hand without waiting for an introduction.

Wayne shook his hand, nodded to his agent, and said, "Hello, let\'s sit down and talk."

Several people skipped the exchange of greetings directly. Before the agent Andy Bergard came, he specifically inquired about the director\'s work style and knew that he liked to be straightforward in his work.

So he sat down and said directly: "Director Greenberg, my client is willing to accept this invitation. The specific conditions have also been communicated with Tim, and there is no objection to joining the group in advance for training."

Andy Bergard and his clients know that if they don\'t accept it now and are willing to audition instead of his clients, there will be countless actors. Even if it continues to drag on, it is impossible for the crew to make the conditions wider.

The pay for this role is not high, it can even be said to be very low, only a mere one million US dollars, which is not in line with the value of Liam Neeson who just won the Oscar nomination for leading actor.

But this opportunity is equally important. As long as you participate in this crew, it can be said that in addition to the remuneration, both the exposure and the success rate of the film are guaranteed.

Even for a horror film with an investment cost of 25 million US dollars, the director on the other side can achieve appalling box office results. I believe that this huge investment of hundreds of millions of dollars will definitely have a higher success rate for the other side.

"Well, it looks like there\'s nothing I need to do." Wayne laughed. "Well, since you and Tim have already negotiated, I believe all the conditions will be accepted. But..."

After speaking, he looked at Liam Neeson, who had been silent all along, carefully observed the opponent\'s figure, and continued: "But I need you to sign a contract as soon as possible, and then directly enter the group to participate in training.

I believe you have already read the script. You still need to complete some of the action scenes of this character yourself. Because of the style of the film, I hope to use as few stunt doubles as possible, especially in the opposite scene with Bruce Wayne. "

He is not worried at all about his acting skills. The other party has just been nominated for an Oscar for the leading actor, and the most important thing is the action scenes. Although the film has a strong sense of comics, the overall style is still biased towards realism.

Liam Neeson and agent Andy Bergard looked at each other and nodded at Wayne.

"I have no problem here. I can directly sign a contract with Mr. Burton, and I can enter the group and start training tomorrow."

Wayne stood up and shook his hand again. "Well, I wish us a happy cooperation."

Liam Neeson and his agent were very efficient. After lunch, he called his lawyer and signed his name after confirming that there was nothing wrong with the contract.

At the same time, he and the fitness coach of the crew, after a brief communication about the training plan, left the Warner Bros. studio.

"The Scarecrow, the doctor in the Arkham Asylum, I have two candidates here." Tim Burton sent away Liam Neeson and his agent, and came to the director\'s office, facing the filming Wayne of the plan said.

"Could it be another big man\'s favor?" Wayne put down the notebook in his hand and raised his head to tease. "You are also a film director, as long as you think it is appropriate, you can let actors come to the studio, and there will be a small audition tomorrow afternoon.

As long as the actors audition well and can agree to the contractual requirements, I have no problem. "

"Okay, I\'ll notify them to come over tomorrow." Tim Burton shrugged, and did not deny that someone called him, and he still understands the character of his partner. As long as it doesn\'t affect his work, he will definitely Willing to sell my face.

Hollywood has always been about relationships, and this role does not have many scenes. As long as the basic conditions are met, Wayne will definitely give priority to the candidates recommended by his own people.

After the matter was finished, Tim Burton didn\'t disturb his work anymore, opened the door, turned around and walked out.

In fact, Wayne is not worried about other actors, but is rather apprehensive about Naomi Watts\' acting skills. The first part of this prosecutor\'s role is not bad, and she can handle it with her ability.

But in the second part of the film, the role of the prosecutor will require more explosive power. If Naomi Watts just played a vase role, her acting skills would definitely be qualified, but she has not tried this kind of role that requires explosive acting skills.

But in line with this role and the principle of giving priority to the people around him, Wayne is still going to use her. After the first film, if he feels that Naomi Watts\' acting skills are not enough, he will let this woman go to acting school for another period of time. .

The surprise boost will definitely have an effect. After all, this woman is also very talented. Coupled with various assistants during the shooting, the effect should not be too bad.

With the return of the director\'s core team, Wayne also put more energy on the overall planning before shooting.

Warner Bros. also transferred the second production funds to the account of a third-party insurance company on the second day. Tim Burton can communicate with the insurance company at any time according to the needs of the crew.

The investment in the film is too large, and it is impossible for Warner Bros. to invest alone. Like most Hollywood production companies, more than half of the production cost is solved through multi-channel financing.

The new project is under the banner of Wayne Greenberg, and the financing issue went very smoothly. Whether it is the film fund in the circle or the overseas financial channel, the recognition of the name Wayne is very high.

His success rate in making films over the years is the greatest guarantee for investment.

This kind of operation is also very common in Hollywood. Small production companies all know how to borrow chickens to lay eggs. The six giants play this kind of money with the funds raised to make money for themselves more professionally.

The crew was temporarily divided into two parts by Wayne. Luke Simmons had already brought some people with him and went to the Xiangjiang location first. He would communicate the shooting location and crew logistics before the crew arrived.

When the arrangements are made on the Hong Kong side, he will bring people back to North America again and fly directly to New York to do the same thing.

Zach Snyder stayed in the studio. He would assist Wayne in drawing the storyboard and screenplay in less than two months before shooting, and communicate with the camera crew in advance about the arrangement of the camera.

Wayne worked with Tim Burton from time to time in the production of storyboards and screenplays to refine the shooting budget into each drawn scene.

This is their first time working together, and Wayne has a lot of respect for Tim Burton, and it\'s impossible to do all the work of a production manager as before.

This shooting scene is also the biggest one. In addition to some behind-the-scenes personnel who have cooperated many times, the crew also began to recruit more staff. Steve Wilson, Robert Carlos and Weeks Hart\'s props group will gradually increase some staff.

The production of props started relatively early, and this part was guaranteed to be completed before the shooting. Then there was the problem of equipment rental and use. In this regard, because he was backed by Warner Bros., he could save a lot of heart.

Wayne spent his first two decades learning about filmmaking, which helped him, as a director, understand all the work involved in the preparation of the project.

Even if his team now has enough responsible personnel and funds, many things do not need to be done by himself. Most of the time he is in the role of allocating tasks and coordinating the overall situation. Deploy the preparatory tasks of each team.

After lunch time, Wayne took his eyes off the director\'s notebook and asked his assistant, "When does the audition start?"

"The audition room has been set up, the actors have already arrived, and there are about twenty minutes left to start."

Glancing at Wayne\'s schedule, Nina\'s mouth twitched upwards. "I went out and said hello to Nami just now. She should wait for you to go back after work. Over at the manor..."

"Call that Cameron Diaz." Wayne said with a headache, "Tell her it\'s not convenient to stay at the manor these days."

Since the end of the work on "Geek in Disguise", this woman has not left the past few days. Relatively speaking, Charlize Theron\'s face is not thick enough. After the threesome, he left the manor that day.

Cameron Diaz not only didn\'t leave~www.novelhall.com~, but also walked around in front of the paparazzi at the door from time to time. Faced with some difficult questions, he also answered very forthrightly.

Many tabloids now have reports of two women staying at the manor at the same time, and the stories they make up are all interpretations of Wayne\'s rotten private life.

"How about Zach and the others?" Wayne asked as he got up and walked to the audition room, driving the mess out of his head.

Nina picked up the book and other things he was going to use, followed behind him and said, "The scripting, scene design, camera communication and other work went smoothly."

At the same time, in a separate dressing room in the studio, agent Pat Kingsley looked around and whispered: "Actually, I\'m not optimistic about your audition, I have news that this role has been set by default. With Naomi Watts, they\'re just one last step away from signing a contract."

"Pat." After Nicole Kidman put on make-up, her complexion was even more white and glowing, she said firmly: "Try no matter what, Wayne Greenberg\'s production success rate , coupled with the scale of investment in this film, if I can participate in the film, this is likely to make my career take a big step forward!"