Hollywood Drawing

~: Two hundred and sixty nine - smashing with money

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"Wayne, you did an excellent job."

The talking old man has a conspicuous hook nose. He is a member of a veteran academy and a director and producer who was active in the 1960s.

Perhaps in this day and age, Raheem Weitzman\'s fame is hardly known, but this old man can influence a large part of the votes in the academy.

"You\'re still young, don\'t worry." The hooked-nosed Jewish old man was clearly in a good mood, holding his wine glass with a smile, and said to the younger generation in front of him. "Some things are yours sooner or later. You just need to know that there are many old guys like me who have been watching you all the time."

"Thank you, Mr. Weitzman." Wayne didn\'t show a flattering expression, but with a reserved face, he picked up the glass and touched the other party. "The reason why Hollywood is developing like this is inseparable from the hard work of seniors like you. I only stand on your shoulders to achieve some success."

Now that he has come, he must be ready and put away some of his character. The basic operation of talking to people and talking to ghosts is really not difficult for him.

In his heart, Wayne knew better than anyone else that if he wanted that golden statue, he absolutely couldn\'t do without the support of these old guys.

Although these people have fallen out of the era, their influence on awards is definitely not those of the film critics who are jumping for joy. Compared with them, these old men have never represented only one person and one vote, but one person and one vote. Large group of Jewish groups.

Hearing Wayne\'s words, the old man\'s mood was obviously better, and the smile on his face was even brighter. Although he knew what the young man said, there was a very big compliment, but Raheem Weitzman still felt it. to very useful.

These few words simply scratched the hearts of the older generation of filmmakers. In the hearts of these older Hollywood generations, they have always felt that it was their own efforts that allowed the film industry to overwhelm Europe and become the center of world cinema.

"We\'re getting old, Wayne."

Raheem Weitzman took a sip of champagne and watched the young man in front of him appreciate it even more. "You have done a very good job of promoting the development of the Hollywood film industry, and the Academy will not forget your contribution."

Just as he was talking, he saw the two giants of DreamWorks approaching, and shook his head with a smile. "My old man, I won\'t take up your time, and have the opportunity to play golf together."

Wayne nodded and shook his hand again. "Okay, you can call me anytime."

What the other party said, the academy will not forget his contribution to the promotion of the Hollywood film industry. This sentence is the most important and what he wants to hear the most.

To be precise, this sentence is not wrong at all. The movie "Joker" broke the market barriers of many countries in the world several years ahead of time. For the first time, many countries have seen how the Hollywood film industry is Luo\'s, harvesting the global box office.

This achievement, even the subsequent release of "Jurassic Park", can not be compared.

You know, this thing should have been done by truck drivers. At the end of 1997, that big ship first let everyone in the world understand what the film industry is.

Now that he has taken the lead, the meaning has changed a lot.


Nina looked at the boss\'s habitual daze, reached out and stabbed him lightly, and whispered behind him: "Steven Spielberg and Jeffrey Katzenberg are here..."

Before she could finish speaking, the old man who came over walked up to him and greeted him with a smile. "How? Do you feel like being the center of the world?"

"Probably, it doesn\'t feel so bad anyway." Wayne shrugged and held out his hand to a bald man with glasses beside him. "Hello, Mr. Katzenberg, nice to meet you."

"Hello, Director Greenberg."

After they said hello, Steven Spielberg glanced at him, kept observing Jeff Robinoff here, and said straight to the point: "I want to talk to you about something, it\'s not very convenient here, Let\'s find a lounge."

"Ok, we have a problem."

I have known everyone I should know, and I also sold the smiling face all night, and I continued to stay here. The rest is nothing but socializing, so Wayne happily agreed, wanting to see what this good man is selling in the gourd. what medicine.

Before leaving the banquet hall, he raised a glass to the CEO of Warner Bros., then took Nina and followed the two bigwigs into the corner lounge.

The space in the lounge is not large. The four of them gathered around a table and sat on the sofa to observe each other. After the waiter served coffee, he exited and closed the door.

Steven Spielberg glanced at Nina first, then turned his head with a serious look, and said, "Wayne, I contacted your agent several times before, but unfortunately, the results were not very good."

"I am too busy."

Wayne also explained a sentence with the same seriousness. "The shooting of Batman has just ended, and I have to focus on post-production again, and I can hardly even take a break."

He had probably guessed the other party\'s purpose, but he still took out a cigarette and waited patiently for the other party to continue talking after lighting it. He was very curious about what conditions the two big bosses of DreamWorks would use to impress him.

"Okay, Wayne." Steven Spielberg didn\'t go around in circles, and said directly: "DreamWorks has a project in hand, and we all think that you will be the best director. The scale of this project and the The style suits you very well."

Seeing that he has been listening carefully, the old man and Jeffrey Katzenberg looked at each other and continued: "This film has the humanistic care you are good at, the depiction of **** and real battlefields, and most importantly, We unanimously felt that making an R-rated film would be the most appropriate for this project.”

Hearing this, Wayne sighed in his heart. He probably guessed which project it was. If it was correct, it should be the World War II film that started with the beach landing.

"Of course, if you feel that this film is not suitable for you to play after watching it." The other party continued to speak. "I\'m still used to projects initiated by myself, and we can also talk about your ideas between us."


Without thinking, Wayne shook his head directly. "We all know that it is impossible for me to shoot the projects invested by DreamWorks, so I don\'t have to take it out, sorry."

"Don\'t be too busy to refuse, you may be able to read the plan and script first."

Seeing that he shook his head and refused without hesitation, Steven Spielberg stated his conditions. "Thirty percent! Wayne, thirty percent of the global box office will be your compensation as a director and producer.

No matter what the box office of the film is, this share will not change! The planned production cost is $70 million, and if you\'re willing to take over, DreamWorks will add another $20 million as your base director\'s pay. "

That\'s right, Steven Spielberg\'s thinking is very simple, that is, Chi Luoluo\'s money.

As long as the other party is willing to direct, he is willing to pay for the horror in the early stage and in the later stage, so as to ensure that the film can achieve maximum success.

These splits sound scary at first, and almost amount to DreamWorks giving away most of its profits. The old man has made a plan. If this can be done with money, thank you, the price is definitely not too much, and DreamWorks can earn more benefits offline.

"I admit, no one doesn\'t like more money, and I also like it." Wayne let out a long sigh of relief, suppressing the momentary heartbeat in his heart. "But unfortunately, Steven. My work plan has been scheduled for five years, and I\'m afraid I don\'t have the time and energy to direct this film."

He didn\'t lie in this sentence. If he guessed correctly, the preparation time of this project will definitely not be shorter than "Batman: Time for War". A large number of actors in the film need to undergo several months of military training and learn to use equipment from World War II.

When the preparations are completed for the shooting, the work is by no means easy, and it is impossible to complete the production in a short period of time. It involves a large number of actors, a large number of blasting scenes, and a large number of battlefield restorations, which are almost impossible to complete in a short time.

Even if the factor of different positions is removed, he did not take so long to shoot an alternative war film.

"I hope you\'re thinking about it." Steven Spielberg had long expected and didn\'t show disappointment. "This film really suits your style, especially the depiction of the brutality of war and the discussion of human nature.

And most importantly, it\'s a realistic film, and it\'s a natural fit for the Oscar stage. "

"never mind."

Wayne still refused in person. If he were to change to a director, the sky-high remuneration and the temptation of Oscar might be stunned and agreed, but he already had his own plan, and he was not short of money.

"Steven, I suggest you direct this film yourself, I really don\'t have enough time."

"Okay, if you change your mind, you can contact me." Steven Spielberg gave Wayne one last deep look, stood up and said politely to him, and Jeffrey Katzenberg, who has always been taciturn Grid ~www.novelhall.com~ walked out of the lounge.

The remaining two were not in a hurry to go out, but sat on the sofa and continued drinking coffee.

From the perspective of remuneration alone, the sincerity of the other party is indeed very sufficient. The conditions offered by DreamWorks, even Warner Bros. would not dare to play like this. It can only be said that Steven Spielberg is too eager to use a box-office bomb to break the increasing constraints of DreamWorks.

It\'s a pity that Wayne really can\'t spare the time. Even if he can spare a year, he won\'t shoot the movie that DreamWorks invested in. This is the basic premise.

If you want to stun him with money alone, the price the other party pays is terrifying enough.

"Sorry, I didn\'t see anyone here..."

The door of the lounge was suddenly pushed open, and a woman full of alcohol stumbled in. "Ah! Director Greenberg, what a coincidence."

Wayne looked at the woman who smelled of alcohol, but his eyes were full of clarity, and muttered softly. "interesting."