Hollywood Drawing

~: Two hundred and sixty-eight - the thought of a good man

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The Rolls-Royce Silver Spike drove steadily towards Beverly, and Nina in the car threw aside the missing person notices that had been flooding during this time.

Wayne can put all his attention on the post-production of "Batman: Hour of War", but Nina has been paying attention to the fermentation of this matter, and now the legend about witches has unknowingly been stirred up a lot. great heat.

This investment plan, which is like a game of his own boss, should have been communicated by Jimmy, but during this time, the broker was working with his colleagues to register a new brokerage company and lease office space, and this matter fell again. Nina\'s head.

The assistant lady knows that her boss doesn\'t need to care about the follow-up development, as long as you invest money, you have to pay attention to the trend of things. If you invest hundreds of millions of funds, you must see enough income.

Moreover, she has always been uneasy about the fat man Harvey Weinstein. The reputation of this fat Jewish man in the circle is not very good, and the evaluation of him has always been mixed.

This big fat man has a sharp eye. For the benefit of his own film, he is definitely the kind of **** who can bring the bottom line to the lowest level, but he can continue to give new directors opportunities, just like Quentin Tarantino who is proud of the spring breeze.

The attitude of the other party towards actresses, especially the young actors who have not yet become famous, is just like another person, a tyrant, or an untrustworthy bastard. This kind of news about him has never happened. There are many.

In Nina\'s mind, when her boss compared with the other party, she simply became a good man who kept his word and did what he said. At least he didn\'t play with women by deceit and power.

"Where\'s Nami? Already on the plane?"

Opening the car refrigerator, Wayne took out a bottle of lemonade, raised his head and took a sip, frowned slightly and asked the Australian girl.

Nina nodded and said, "If the flight doesn\'t get delayed, it should be in Australia by now."

After a period of time, as long as the post-production of "Batman: Time for War" is completed, after the preview meeting, the non-stop pre-screening promotion activities will start. As the hottest actress in Hollywood, Naomi Watts can\'t rest. How long will it be under the arrangement of Warner Bros. to carry out frequent promotional activities.

So this Australian beauty, taking advantage of her free time, got on a plane and rushed back to Australia to accompany her family.

This also gave Wayne a headache. As soon as Naomi Watts got on the plane, John Gray, his old partner of Warner Bros., called Nina and informed him that there would be a cocktail party in the evening. Good he can attend.

Generally, for a formal reception like this, it is customary for everyone to bring an official female companion. This is not that kind of rave party, but a high-end cocktail party that leans towards the upper class.

"Want me to help you call Bella Grant?"

The assistant lady understood what he was thinking, so she took the initiative to take out the phone book and mobile phone from her bag, and was going to help him find a female companion temporarily.

"Forget it." Wayne shook his head. "Just the two of us go by ourselves. If it wasn\'t for Oscar, I\'d rather stay in the manor and walk the dog."

Nina shrugged, and put away her things again. As long as her boss doesn\'t care, she doesn\'t care, and if it\'s a big deal, she won\'t bring a female companion. Anyway, no one will wince and criticize their rudeness.

Originally, Wayne was never willing to participate in this kind of reception, but he still had some thoughts about Oscar in his heart, and he also had a plan to make temporary changes.

He definitely didn\'t hold out hope for this year\'s awards ceremony, but it\'s hard to say what happened after that. Since the company wanted to pave the way for him and introduce him to a few academy bosses, he simply went to get acquainted with him for future canvassing. Work ahead.

After the car drove into the Greenberg Manor, Wayne quickly took a shower, changed his clothes, got in the car and left the manor, and arrived at the Beverly Four Seasons Hotel before it got dark.

As soon as the car stopped, the doorman of the hotel helped him open the door. After he walked into the hotel lobby with Nina, he saw Jeff Robinoff at a glance. Obviously, the CEO of Warner Bros. was waiting for him.

"How is the post-production work? Is everything going well?"

The two simply greeted each other and asked Jeff Robinoff after walking into the elevator.

"Everything went well." Nodding, Wayne calculated the progress in his mind. "If there is no accident, all the work on the film will be completed around April, and it will not exceed mid-April at the latest, and there will never be any delay in the film\'s preview."

The elevator dinged and stopped on the 17th floor. As the two of them walked out, Jeff Robinoff said, "Everything is going well, the reception has already started. Let me introduce you to some old guys from the academy. ."

There are people coming and going in the banquet hall on the 17th floor of the hotel. Almost all the participants are dressed in formal clothes, holding wine glasses and chatting politely with each other. The waiters are holding wine trays, constantly shuttle among these successful people .

Since Wayne and the others entered the reception, they immediately attracted more than one gaze. Even if all the guests here had some achievements in the circle, they still stared at the young man invariably.

"It seems that Warner Bros. has very high expectations for him. The director seems to have an idea for academic awards."

Holding a glass of champagne, Tom Cruise watched Warner Bros. CEO take Wayne, constantly introducing him to various bigwigs in the circle, and sighed to his agent Pat Kingsley.

"According to the news circulating in the circle." Pat Kingsley is also observing each other. "At least one-third to half of Warner Bros. revenue is related to his works. Also, I heard that Wayne Greenberg owns more than five percent of Warner Bros. shares!"


Before the superstar husband could speak, Nicole Kidman turned her head in surprise and looked at her agent when she heard the number.

Pat Kingsley shrugged. She had her own sources, and even if the number wasn\'t accurate, it wouldn\'t be too different. Glancing at the people around her, she continued in a low voice:

"You heard it right, even if Wayne Greenberg hasn\'t bought the shares for a long time, the investment income should have risen a lot. Warner Bros. stock price has been rising steadily this year. Even if you don\'t count his other net worth, just With this part of the shares, he is already one of the richest people in the circle."

There are some things she hasn\'t said yet. Judging from the current momentum, as long as the other party\'s "Batman: War Hour" can continue to be successful in the summer, Warner Bros.\' stock price will definitely soar again.

Hollywood stars and directors hardly trust the financial market. They would rather invest in art than in the stock market. But whether the other party did it intentionally or not, this vision and decisiveness must be stronger than 90% of the people in the circle.

Nicole Kidman\'s eyes on that side are very complicated. Until now, he can still remember from time to time what the other party said when he rejected him that day.

She glanced at Tom Cruise and let out a sigh of relief. Fortunately, her superstar husband didn\'t know about it, and Pat Kingsley didn\'t talk too much. Otherwise, with his careful eye, there must be endless quarrels.

And not far from them, an emerging force in Hollywood, the two bosses of DreamWorks, are also observing Jeff Robinoff and the others.

"Steven, are you really going to do this?"

Glancing at the young man, Jeffrey Katzenberg took a sip of champagne and asked the old man beside him softly.

Steven Spielberg nodded and said in a voice that only the two of them could hear: "We need a big box office win! And this young man is the most suitable candidate right now."

The three giants of DreamWorks got together, and their purpose is not to be a small and medium-sized film company. All three have huge ambitions and want to become the seventh giant in Hollywood.

But Jeffrey Katzenberg\'s animation department has a very long film production cycle. Although animated feature films have amazing profitability, the same production costs and time are much more expensive than live-action films.

The only thing that can make a mark as soon as possible is Steven Spielberg\'s live-action film department. If Wayne Greenberg can be invited, it will undoubtedly be the best way to guarantee the success rate and box office.

"It\'s hard, Steven." Jeffrey Katzenberg shook his glass and turned his head to look at each other seriously. "I think it\'s better not to have too much hope. Neither Warner Brothers nor that young man will easily agree to your invitation. He is not a small director who wants to seek a chance to make his mark."

In fact, in his heart, he also felt that it was the quickest and best way to invite that young man, but the possibility of this matter was almost zero. The change in the attitude of the six giants towards them, the three bosses know best in their hearts~www.novelhall.com~ unless they are willing to give up their ambitions and become a content production company with peace of mind.

It is absolutely impossible, they will not give up the original intention of founding DreamWorks. And that young man, strictly speaking, is also one of the bosses of Warner Bros., and naturally he is in a different position from them. How could he watch the rise of DreamWorks.

Many people in the circle know that Wayne Greenberg is definitely not to be messed with, plus the media group Time Warner is backed, it is already very good that the other party does not suppress them, and now I want the other party to make a film for DreamWorks. , that would be too difficult.

Thinking of this, Jeffrey Katzenberg continued: "I think it\'s better if you shoot yourself, and you will be more sure of success."

"No." Steven Spielberg shook his head. "If you want a box office bomb, this junior among our "own people" is the best choice, and his production style is naturally suitable for this project. In this kind of R-rated film, even I can\'t compete with him compared to."

After he finished speaking, he saw that the crowd surrounding each other had spread out, obviously he had already known all the people he should have known. "Let\'s go, let\'s go talk to that young man, I hope my chips can impress him."