Hollywood Drawing

~: Two hundred and seventy - perseverance

Nina turned her head to look at the woman who pushed in the door, and immediately wanted to applaud her perseverance.

No matter how this Angelina Jolie got the news and found it here, it shows that this woman is very caring.

"It\'s a coincidence, Ms. Julie." Wayne got up from his chair, buttoned his suit, and prepared to leave the lounge. "It looks like you drink a lot, and this lounge is given to you."

After speaking, she walked out from the side of this American girl, Angelina Jolie was stunned for a moment, and she didn\'t react until the two of them left.

Some doubts, he lowered his head, looked at himself from top to bottom, and muttered softly. "No reason, is he really not interested in me?"

Before coming here today, she put on make-up and put on a **** little dress. Since she walked into the hotel, she has attracted the attention of many men, which made her more confident in herself.

And according to the rumors in the circle, Wayne Greenberg treats women who take the initiative, and they are definitely open to anyone who comes. Even many popular movie fans know that this young director has always been a playboy.

The reception outside has come to an end, and many people are saying goodbye politely to the CEO of Warner Bros.

When Wayne came out, he happened to bump into Tom Cruise and his wife, and was just about to leave.

"Hi Tom, good evening, Nicole." Although he didn\'t care about the couple, he took the initiative to say hello.

"Hi, Wayne." Tom Cruise shook his hand lightly with him and said with a smile, "It\'s too late today, I invite you to play ball when I have time."

Nodding, Wayne said politely, "No problem."

After a few greetings, Tom Cruise remained silent until he went downstairs and got into the car. When the car had turned into Mulholland Road, he suddenly turned to look at the agent.

"Pat, although there are always people in Hollywood who suddenly become famous and are constantly producing miracles, no one has ever been like Wayne Greenberg, who has accumulated huge wealth and power in a few years with continuous success. "

This not only makes many old-school movie stars and directors uncomfortable, but even Tom Cruise, the representative of the "milk stinky school", also finds it incredible.

When he came out of the hotel, he was recalling that the time it took for him to reach the superstar position and have a large fortune was already very smooth, but compared with the other party, it was obviously nothing.

Now he can understand a little, how those veterans in the circle feel when they look at him. Everything that I have achieved with many years of struggle, but others have it very easily, and even the achievements have surpassed myself. This kind of taste is absolutely unpleasant.

"Tom," said Pat Kingsley, reflecting on the young man, looking at the client\'s face, and saying, "Some people are just born for it, like you, and Wayne Greenberg. "

Seeing the other party didn\'t mean to be unhappy, she continued: "Unfortunately, the director\'s production style is too different, and it doesn\'t match your play style at all. Otherwise, if you can cooperate, it will definitely create a bigger box office miracle."

If you don\'t look at whether the style fits, just imagine it, this thing is really crazy. With Tom Cruise\'s current box-office appeal and Wayne Greenberg\'s control of the film, the ending is sure to be fantastic.

But this thing is basically impossible. The film made by the other party is not the same as Tom Cruise, who is born with the mainstream business line.

"Pay attention to the news of "Batman: Hour of War"." Liang Tang is also very excited about this fantasy, but he is not as pessimistic as his agent, the circle is so big, it is impossible to say when the other party will shoot mainstream commercial films.

"Okay, I understand." Pat Kingsley nodded and reminded cautiously. "Tom, a niche movie like superhero is not suitable for you at all! Even if a movie like Batman can be successful, you can\'t play a superhero, it will solidify the actor\'s image on the screen."

"I\'m not going to be a superhero." Tom Cruise said solemnly.

Of course he understands this truth. A superhero character with a huge fan base and a well-known reputation has always been a double-edged sword for actors and stars.

This kind of role is very easy to make people famous quickly, and it will also imprison the actor in this image. The greater the success of the film, the stronger the imprisonment of the actor. Fans will only remember your image and play other roles. , will only let the audience play naturally.

It wasn\'t just Pat Kingsley who had this fantasy, Wayne had the same fantasy when he saw Tom Cruise.

He doesn\'t mind inviting a superstar to work with him. He believes that this can increase the box office of the film a lot. The only thing to worry about is the other party\'s worth and schedule.

"What\'s wrong?" Jeff Robinoff asked curiously when everyone was almost gone.

"Nothing." Wayne shook his head, shaking out unrealistic thoughts. Understand that now is not the time to think about the next project, the most important thing is to ensure that the "Batman: War Hour" in front of you.

This series is the most important part of his career, and this Batman is the beginning of the entire series, and there must be no accidents.

"The media preview of the film, the company plans to arrange it in mid-April." There was no one in the banquet hall. Jeff Robinoff sat next to Wayne and was concerned about Batman.

"I\'ve been looking forward to this movie, and I can\'t help but get excited every time I think about the DC Universe plan you made."

Not only excited, but also accompanied by worry. This concept of a movie universe is not new, but no company has yet been able to make it.

The consensus in the circle is that the safest and most profitable films are the sequel series. As long as there is a film that can make money, the film company usually makes a sequel until the film can\'t make a profit and all the value is drained.

The plan produced by Wayne has the attributes of serialization. As long as the first film is successful, the pressure of subsequent shooting will be much less. And this kind of movie universe has a good beginning, it is not comparable to ordinary serialized films, and there will be countless sequels that can be shot.

"Don\'t worry, Jeff. I promise the movie will be done by mid-April."

Looking at the empty banquet hall, Wayne beckoned and took a glass of champagne from the waiter\'s tray. After taking a sip, he confidently said to Jeff Robinoff:

"Warner Bros. only needs to follow the plan I submitted, film one film after another, use successful DC characters to deepen the expectations of fans, and lay a solid enough foundation. When uncontrollable crisis scenes appear, Justice League\'s When a gathering occurs, it will also become a matter of course.

Likewise, greater success will come naturally! In fact, the most suitable character for me to shoot is Batman, and this kind of story with enough bitterness and hatred and thoughtful enough is the type I am best at.

When Batman can successfully film the second part, I will try to give more clues and easter eggs. At that time, we can find more directors, start more than two projects at a time, and accelerate the emergence of heroes one by one. on the big screen. "

These plans, Wayne is well thought out. Even DC\'s superheroes are not suitable for all black attributes. This dark and serious style is the basic core, but it cannot be abused and put on all heroes.

And DC\'s superhero movies, no matter which character is shot, the investment and preparation time are not short, and he can\'t make all of them by himself, even if he is a fast shooter, he is only a movie a year, not to mention he Not a robot.

As long as he finds a suitable director, and Wayne does his own supervision and control, the universe will advance much faster.

"That\'s all in a few years." Jeff Robinoff let out a sigh of relief. Although he was a little excited every time he heard this plan, he still kept his head clear. "The most important thing is now, this universe was proposed by you, I hope you can successfully open it!"

If you want to successfully realize everything that follows, the key is this beginning film, and Batman is related to the implementation of all subsequent plans.

"Ok, as long as Warner Bros. guarantees the scale of the opening and the promotion, you don\'t have to worry about the quality of the film." Wayne drank the champagne in his glass, stood up and gestured to him. "It\'s getting late. I\'ll go back to rest first. You can find Tim Burton at any time about the progress of the later work."


When Wayne and the assistant lady walked out of the hotel lobby and were about to get in the car and go back to rest, they saw an unexpected woman at the same time.

Angelina Jolie is standing next to Rolls Royce, talking to Sergey all the time~www.novelhall.com~ A very patient woman, isn\'t she? \' Nina joked.

Wayne shrugged, thinking as he walked, what was the purpose of the other party approaching him.

Anyway, it definitely won\'t be as simple as seeing yourself cool and feeling right, wanting to have a haircut. He knew that he was not the little plum that everyone loved, and that he could make women unable to close their legs when they saw him, and tried every means to "collect stamps".

He still understands how crazy this girl is. He doesn\'t want to provoke such a troublesome easygirl. Now Julie hasn\'t turned around and turned into that loving adoption freak.

"Ms. Julie."

Wayne pointed to the car to Nina, told her to wait for him first, and then called out to the **** American chick.

He didn\'t pay attention in the lounge just now, and now he found out about this woman\'s explosive body, and he had to sigh that this kind of white girl at her best age was all a **** and hot mess.