Hollywood Drawing

~: 271 - Found Catwoman in advance

"It\'s very late, do you want me to take you back?"

Wayne looked at Angelina Jolie and asked politely.

"Hey, I\'ve been waiting for you." Seeing him appear, Angelina Jolie suddenly smiled, noticing that the man\'s eyes were getting hotter and hotter, she cried out in her heart.

"Or, we can talk somewhere else."

Draped in fluffy hair, Angelina Jolie is wearing a pure black dress, which not only shows most of the mountains, but also has a hip wrap design on the lower body, revealing a pair of straight and round long legs.

The most dry mouth is the woman\'s plump and **** lips. She obviously knows her strengths, and she only wears a light lipstick on it.

"You\'re so hot tonight. I have a nice bottle of red wine there. Would you like to try it?"

Wayne gave a heartfelt admiration. This woman kept hinting to him, and he simply let go of his doubts. Anyway, she would reveal her purpose in the end, otherwise all this would be in vain.


The bright moon hangs in the night sky of Los Angeles, and it is constantly shining. Wayne and Angelina Jolie got into the car and smoothly left the Four Seasons Hotel, walking along the brightly lit avenue towards Greenberg Manor.

Beverly Hills is buzzing with people on the streets, and for the successful people who live here, their nightlife is just getting started.

"It\'s a huge shame to me that I didn\'t get to work on Batman Hour."

On the balcony on the third floor of the manor, Angelina Jolie took the red wine, clink a glass with him, took a sip, and said with an annoyed look on her face.

Wayne leaned back on the reclining chair, looked up and down the woman, and said casually: "Your figure doesn\'t match the role setting, that\'s a slender female prosecutor, and your figure is too sexy. After that, you won\'t Has it been until now?"

Angelina Jolie put down her glass, curiously reached out and touched the two lazy golden retrievers, looked up and said, "I went to participate in a film, starring John Lee Miller, a thriller called "Hackers". "."

She understands very well that this kind of thriller that doesn\'t have much sense of existence is of limited help to her career, and if she wants to gain enough fame in a short period of time, the opposite man is the best shortcut.

Thinking of this, she stood up voluntarily, walked over to the man, bent down and whispered in his ear, "I want to take a shower first, do you want to come together?"

Everyone is an adult. Since Angelina Jolie wants to come back with him, both of them understand each other\'s meaning. Wayne looked at the **** lips in front of him, stood up with a smile, and walked to the bathroom with her.

An hour later, the two of them wrapped in bathrobes, sat back on the balcony again, and drank red wine again.

It doesn\'t matter if this woman has a chaotic private life or is drinking and taking drugs, which is a common phenomenon in this circle.

But Wayne is very clear that she is not the kind of woman who has no long-term plan, doesn\'t care about the future, and desperately indulges. In the end, being able to turn over and reach the height of a first-line actress is related to the charitable characters created later, and more importantly, smart brains and hard work.

"I\'m a comic book fan." Angelina Jolie lay beside him lazily and stretched out a hand to tease the two dogs. "I heard that Batman is a trilogy series?"

"That\'s right."

Wayne has seen the other person\'s figure and understood her meaning. Now he has to consider whether to give this woman a chance and let her try Catwoman.

At least in terms of her **** body, she is definitely qualified. Forget about her acting skills. The main task of this role is to be hot enough.

"The next film won\'t be filmed for at least a year, and if you can afford to wait, I\'ll arrange an audition for you."

"Thank you, do I need to do anything to prepare?"

Angelina Jolie sat up abruptly, looking at him with a blazing light in her eyes. The surprise came so suddenly that she felt that she had achieved the desired result without much effort.

If she can participate in each other\'s projects, it will definitely be more useful than participating in those ordinary films, which will make her career take a big step forward.

"Don\'t be too happy."

Wayne took a sip of red wine, picked up a cigarette from the table, lit it, and continued: "Even if you can get a role, you have to sign multiple contracts with Warner Bros. This is the basic premise of participating in my project."

"Is this the same for the main character of this "Batman: Hour of War"?" Angelina Jolie asked involuntarily, she knew the meaning of signing this kind of contract, which was tantamount to tying herself in one place for several years. .

The same tragedy is not uncommon. Because of contract issues and a falling out with the production company, it is not that the star was forcibly arranged to play the villain. In the end, it is a lose-lose situation.

"Yes, including the actor Christian Bale, this is a serialized film, and I will only use guaranteed actors."

Wayne has said it very clearly. Whether he wants to continue or not depends on the woman\'s choice.

She is different from those little actors who have no foundation. Even if it is only because of her father\'s relationship, she will not lack filming. It can be said that many actors who come to Los Angeles to pursue their dreams are envious of the kind of characters with lines, which can be said to be at her fingertips.

"I\'ll think about it, what else do I need to do to prepare?" How rare is this opportunity, Angelina Jolie knows very well that if she wants to get a shortcut to fast fame, she must pay a higher price.

"Let\'s start exercising!" Wayne said as he picked up the American girl and walked to the bedroom, "Work hard to make your body more explosive, but be careful not to exercise muscle..."

Time is gradually entering March, and the awards season is always accompanied by various news. Wayne, who is hiding in the post-production studio, is also watching "The Shawshank Redemption" and "The Shawshank Redemption" from the newspaper after the tedious editing work. "Forrest Gump" is a life-threatening fight.

After the Oscar nomination luncheon, The Shawshank Redemption, the two most popular films of the year, received seven nominations and Forrest Gump received thirteen nominations, both of which identified the other as the main obstacle .

And the actions of both sides are very consistent. While working hard as a member of the PR Academy, they constantly smear each other and elevate themselves in the media.

Even the film critics, who have a lot of influence on the awards, suddenly divided into two camps, and began to constantly cheer for the films they support in their columns.

The awards season is a carnival for film critics, and it is also a carnival for public relations companies. A large part of the public relations expenses for the awards are sucked up by these two groups.

When people\'s attention was attracted by the upcoming Oscars, "Blair Witch", which has been continuously hyped, also quietly entered the North American theater market. There was no glamorous premiere, and there was no high-profile tour promotion. It opened on Friday at a scale of 1,500 theaters.

It is also the AMC chain theater chain near Burbank. The two Weinstein brothers sat in the lounge area of ​​the lobby and observed the fans who came to watch the movie. Just as the two thought, there was a long line in the theater. I\'m a fan of Blair the Witch.

"We still have 1,700 copies of the film in our hands." Bob Weinstein was excited and tried to suppress his voice. "As long as the momentum is maintained for the past two days, I will contact FedEx immediately to distribute copies throughout North America as soon as possible."

"Hurry up, we don\'t have much release time." Harvey Weinstein said in a deep voice. He had expected such a situation for a long time. After more than half a month of crazy fermentation, the propaganda of human-to-human transmission had finally formed.

Not only were there long queues to buy tickets and wait for the movie, but even the hall was full of people. Most of the young people who came with friends were buzzing about movies and witches.

These people came here out of curiosity, but fans who have seen the film have expressed dissatisfaction with the film. The civilized ones are just a few words, and the bad-tempered ones have already started yelling.

"It\'s not a documentary at all, we\'ve been lied to, it\'s a **** movie!"

"Yeah, **** it, what the **** did the director of the movie film? The shaky footage almost made me spit out my breakfast. fxxk! This director is a liar, everything is a hoax."

"motherf**ker! Shit..."

Every time a wave of people comes out, someone greets the director and distributor of the film. The fans who have seen it are full of anger of being deceived and fooled, as if they were disgusted.

But this did not affect the arrival of more fans. Those who were waiting heard these comments, which aroused their curiosity. Few people were persuaded by the comments in the theater~www.novelhall.com~ Ha Wei Weinstein watched and listened with a smile. The more fans scolded him, the happier he was. Now that the period of strong publicity has passed, the viral marketing has been very successful, and the abuse of fans will only make the film more topical.

He had long thought of this situation. Fans entered the theater with particularly high expectations, but what they saw was not a real documentary propaganda, but a shoddy videotape, and all the lies were exposed when the film was played.

Harvey Weinstein doesn\'t care about the anger of the fans. Anyway, the object of their anger in the end will only be the little director and the three actors, and it has nothing to do with him and Wayne.

This film, in essence, is selling marketing, and their purpose is to make a ticket and run.

And as long as there are enough people scolding, the topic will become hot, and the box office of the film will further increase.

Just as the two brothers expected, "Blair Witch", under the unbelievable gaze of countless people, took the box office of 17.88 million US dollars in 1,500 theaters on its first day on Friday, diverting the attention of the media from the Oscars. The preview is pulled up to the video.