Hollywood Drawing

~: Two hundred and seventy-four - shot on the eve of the release

After the Oscars, the time also came to early April, and Wayne finally completed the production of "Batman: War Hour".

Since he had to re-arrange the shots in front of the film in his own style, he was very demanding in the final fine-cut, and if he was almost dissatisfied, he would go back and start over.

Fortunately, the post-production time was ample this time, and under the careful polishing of Wayne, Zach Snyder and others, they did not miss the long-scheduled media preview.

On the second day after the production of the film was completed, Warner Bros. immediately held an internal preview of the film. Both the executives present and the company\'s own film viewing experts were shocked by the effect of the finished film.

In the words of Bruce Rosenblum, Wayne perfectly balanced the business and artistic attributes to the extreme this time! And this sentence was recognized by everyone present.

He was busy until mid-April, and Wayne didn\'t get a break. He just came out of the post-production studio, and he had to work hard again to cooperate with Warner Bros.\'s promotion and marketing.

He began to consciously accept media interviews, and at the same time, in a rhythm, he slowly released some information and posters of "Batman: The Hour of War", which was used to gradually arouse the fans\' anticipation.

"According to the reporter of this station, all the production of "Batman: War Hour" directed by Wayne Greenberg has been completed. At the same time, as the male protagonist in the film, Christian Bale\'s Batman style has also been disclosed.

It can be found from this movie poster that this time Bruce Wayne has undergone great changes in both his style and his equipment. Even though this Batman is wearing dark armor, he can still feel his strength, and he will definitely become the perfect screen lover in the hearts of many women. "

Just one day before the media preview of the film, Time Warner\'s CNN TV station made a strong push for the film.

"According to a reporter\'s interview with director Wayne Greenberg, this film is mainly about the origin of Batman. The film has nothing to do with the first two films, and is a new story that overturns the previous screen image. Telling Bruce Wayne From childhood to becoming Gotham\'s guardians, all the mental journeys I encountered..."

Just after the TV station\'s recommendation, the promotional activities of the film gradually intensified. Almost every day, new news about the film will be released on major media platforms, sometimes it is a short trailer of more than ten seconds, and sometimes it is a short-lived Batman. Fight footage.

At the same time, Christian Bale, after a period of rest, began to appear in front of the media frequently with intensive publicity activities, especially when he drove the Batmobile and appeared on the publicity scene, he almost became a variety of media. and the focus of public attention.

The focus of this stage of the publicity for "Batman: War Hour" is completely on Christian Bale and Naomi Watts, a new Batman, a famous Hollywood actress, they have completely become the propaganda core.

Although Naomi Watts can\'t reach the status of a first-line actress, her screen image has always been perfect, and she is the focus of many male fans, which can also guarantee to add more appeal to the film.

Of course, the focus of the film\'s publicity cannot always be on the male and female protagonists. If it takes a long time, it will reduce the public\'s freshness of the film. Therefore, the focus of publicity is constantly shifting, and the plans formulated by Warner Bros. Go down step by step.

After the media preview session, the major media and film critics almost all began to praise the director.

"Typical Wayne Greenberg\'s production style, dark and serious, and more affinity for fans, the film has significantly fewer large-scale shots, which is suitable for more young people to watch."

The large and small media under Warner Bros. began to promote the director of the film. Everyone knows that this young director himself has a large number of die-hard fans.

In just a few days, under the bombardment of TV stations, newspapers, magazines, and radio stations, potential movie-watching groups in North America, and even many passers-by viewers, are aware of one thing. The king of darkness at the beginning of the summer season is back. !

From "Happy Death Day", which first let the audience know him, to "Escape from the Dead", which gained huge reputation, and then "Joker", which swept the world, and "The Clown\'s Soul", which can create miracles with excessive works, In the past few years, he has accumulated an uncountable number of fans for him.

The director\'s fans are not like the stars, they won\'t talk about their favorite director, and they won\'t put up his posters. But when his new film is released, these people often walk into the theater for the first time to support the film made by their idol.

This phenomenon had already begun to appear when Wayne\'s last "Joker\'s Soul" premiered, and Warner Bros. also began to have more expectations for these people, which is why they hyped the director of the film with their lives.

And unlike Wayne\'s films in the past, those teenagers who wanted to watch those films had to wait for the film to drop from the theater, then go to Blockbuster to rent or buy a videotape to watch, and never could go into the theater to buy an R-rated film. ticket.

But this time, "Batman: Time for War" is at the level of pg13. Teenagers can watch it directly without waiting patiently for the videotape. This part of the potential movie-watching group, even a third-party investigation company, can\'t give it to you. provide a specific data.

This is the difference between R-rated films and non-R-rated films. It is possible to double the number of viewing groups, and it is possible to double more times. After all, the main force of viewing movies in the summer season is those young people between the ages of 13 and 30.

Throughout April, the media, TV stations, and even outdoor billboards were filled with promotional posters for "Batman: Hour of War", and the film\'s publicity intensity was almost everywhere.

As the time entered the beginning of May, both film critics and the media were complimenting the film\'s reputation, and fans were full of anticipation. Twentieth Century Fox and Paramount, just in time for the film\'s release, moved a little bit. .

In a villa far away in the suburbs of Chicago, Roger Albert was notified by his agent and wrote a long film review in his study, while in New York, farther from Chicago, the famous film critic David Denby was also there. At the same time, he wrote a movie review.

In addition to these two well-known film critics, countless film critics with newspaper columns in North America were notified on the same day, and invariably wrote various opinions on "Batman: War Hour".

Early the next morning, as soon as Wayne woke up, he received calls from Jimmy and Jeff Robinoff. Brother Building.

"Look at this, Wayne, I didn\'t expect 20th Century Fox and Paramount to endure it for more than a month, but they still couldn\'t hold back their shots!"

As soon as he entered the ceo\'s office, Wayne saw a lot of various newspapers, and even if he just glanced at it casually, he could find that it was almost full of various criticisms of "Batman: War Hour".

Picking up a copy of "Chicago Sun Plates", he saw the movie review in the entertainment section at first glance.

"Interesting!" Knowing exactly what was going on, Wayne was in no hurry. He lit a cigarette, leaned on the sofa and calmly read the newspaper.

"The confusion of young Hollywood directors, the fall of Wayne Greenberg!"

Seeing this title, he felt a strange feeling for a while. These film critics really don\'t want their faces. Did they forget how they praised him before?

"The great success of several consecutive films has earned Wayne Greenberg countless compliments. When the film achieved box office records, it also gained countless fans and professional word of mouth. From this "Batman: The War Hour" ", it can be seen that this young man has been lost.

He lost his own style, such as profound humanistic feelings, profound analysis on socially sensitive issues, and stories that can be captivating and empathetic to the audience, and began to become like a Hollywood production line, constantly stuffing popcorn elements into the film!

The story of this film is chaotic in logic. Almost all the scenes serve the purpose of fighting, and the dark and serious style has become more deliberate. The special effects that he has never used well in the past are also filled in. In the second half of the film, in addition to chasing cars, fighting is an explosion. The movie viewing experience is like torturing one\'s nerves.

There is no doubt that this young man has been lost and fallen into commercial popcorn. From this film alone, we can see that he has exhausted his talents and entered a vicious circle of constantly denying himself..."

The entire film review is a criticism of the film and his director. There are many places where you can tell it is fake even at a glance, but it is still very confusing. Even a sober person will find that there are many places for the sake of Criticize and criticize.

"All of these?" Wayne threw the newspaper aside, stretched out his hand and picked up a random one, the "Entertainment Observer" that he had never heard of.

"Yes, these are almost all negative reviews of the film, and there are a few critical film reviews." Jeff Robinoff reached out and clicked on the messy newspapers and magazines on the table, and said with an ugly face: "All the negative reviews , it all happened overnight, it was all premeditated.”

Wayne took a sharp puff of his cigarette, spit out a long cloud of blue mist, tilted his head and continued to read the newspaper in his hand, and asked in a low voice, "Does it affect us a lot?"

"It depends on the follow-up reaction." Jeff Robinoff frowned. "No one can guarantee that it will not be affected now, our film will be released in one week, but at this time, so many criticisms of "Batman: War Hour" have been released!

The most important thing is the two big film critics. They didn\'t receive our public relations funds this time. It turned out that they had already been publicized. It also depends on how many people they can influence. The influence of these people on the summer vacation file should not be too big. "

"The good news is that among the more influential film critics, there are only two critics who spare no effort to criticize the film, and the rest almost all accepted the PR of Warner Bros., so they shouldn\'t speak indiscriminately."

Jeff Robinoff looked at the newspaper at the table and said that in addition to the two film critics, they still have some fame, which may have some bad influence. He doesn\'t care about the remaining film critics. Those people hardly affect the fans. choose.


Putting out the cigarette **** in the ashtray, Wayne looked at the Warner Bros. CEO while thinking. "I have a proposal, I don\'t know how it will work."

"You said that the company has always attached great importance to your opinion."

"Our film will be released in more than a week. Their purpose in doing this is to confuse the public and affect their choice of movie viewing."

Wayne frowned slightly and said his thoughts. "It\'s not too long before the release, and the other party is obviously deliberately stuck at this point in time to confuse potential audiences. We\'d better hold two more fan screenings to maintain a good audience reputation, um, at the same time. Contact our own media to broadcast the true reflections of these fans."

In the face of this kind of public criticism that may have an impact, he knows that the situation may not be that serious, but he must take it seriously. He doesn\'t know how to fight back. In this aspect, I believe Warner Bros. is more professional than him. The idea he can give is to stabilize the reputation of fans and spread it out through the media to influence more people.

Of course, it is also possible that they looked at film critics and those film critics highly. After all, fans of "Batman: War Hour" are now full of expectations, and young people are not very influenced by authority.

However, there should still be some measures. This is a film with an investment of over 100 million yuan. Even if it can be a little safe, more efforts must be made.

Nodding his head, Jeff Robinoff said: "I will discuss with the distribution department. Now there are many voices criticizing you, and there will definitely be reporters chasing you for interviews. Try not to respond to this matter, Wayne, in the end The result still depends on the box office, and the rest is handed over to the public relations department.”

"OK, I see."

Twentieth Century Fox and Paramount, the media hype of these two companies has indeed made the upcoming "Batman: Hour of War" a bit confusing. Coupled with the two completely different voices in the media, it has also made many Fans were hesitant.

But then Warner Bros. moved very quickly. They held three fan screenings in Los Angeles and New York in a row. Almost all of Wayne\'s die-hard fans were invited. The compliments were broadcast through the media.

On the other hand, almost their own media also began to smear "Die Hard~www.novelhall.com~" and almost returned the means used by the other party.

In this commotion, the time gradually advanced to mid-May. Different from the past, at the same time as the premiere of "Batman: Time for War", 2,500 advance screenings will be opened simultaneously on Thursday night.

Subsequently, the first weekend will be officially opened with a scale of 3,360 theaters. In this regard, "Die Hard 3" is relatively disadvantageous, with only about 2,600 theaters. However, on the same day, this film will also open 2,000 theaters simultaneously. An early stage is equivalent to the two films that started a fierce fight against the flesh.

After Hollywood entered the 1990s, with the rapid and vigorous development of North American movies, the summer vacation period has become more and more important. This period in which all production companies are competing fiercely has also become the most anticipated carnival by movie fans.

And the cruelty of this schedule is that almost every weekend, two or more big productions will be released. Fans may give up some of the films because of different movie viewing tastes, but the significance of publicity and promotion is here, in order to attract more fans into the theater.

To a certain extent, 20th Century Fox and Warner Bros., the two companies smear each other and promote their own films with their own lives, just to stimulate the curiosity and interest of the public, so that they can enter the theater and choose their own film contributions box office.

On May 15, 1995, at 8:00 p.m. on Thursday night, the premiere of the two films at the Hollywood China Theater and the Los Angeles Shrine Theater started almost simultaneously. Under the flashing lights of reporters and the shouting of fans, the filmmakers walked away. On the red carpet.

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