Hollywood Drawing

~: 273 - This year's Oscars don't belong to me

By the end of March, the editing of "Batman: Hour of War" was basically completed, and Wayne was relieved at the same time. The rest of the work was only adding the soundtrack, and some simple special effects, dubbing and other work.

Naomi Watts also rushed back from Australia to attend the Oscars as his girlfriend.

Although "The Clown\'s Soul" has a high box office and a very high popularity when it is released, this film is destined to be awarded in professional awards and can only appear as a running role.

After the nominees\' luncheon, "Joker\'s Return" won three nominations for best director, best cinematography, and best adapted screenplay, but Warner Bros.\'s public relations work has only been done here, and the investment of resources has stopped.

Everyone knows that the protagonists of this Oscar will only be "The Shawshank Redemption" and "Forrest Gump". No matter how much PR resources are invested in other films, they are destined to not get good results.

The marketing value of the Academy Awards ceremony has always been recognized in the circle. Now "The Shawshank Redemption" has this idea. As long as it can win the heavyweight golden man, this film will be replayed immediately after the awards ceremony. To the cinema market re-screening.

In order to increase the probability of winning the film, Castle Rock Films and Sony Columbia have bought a lot of pages in major media such as "Los Angeles Times", "Hollywood Reporter", "New York Times", and constantly publish all the information about the film. .

Among the readers of these big newspapers, there will definitely be a lot of Oscar judges. As we all know, almost all of these academy members don’t watch movies, and their votes are almost all based on impression. Which movie left a deep impression on them, The probability of getting votes is higher.

In order to increase more exposure, the media under Sony Columbia is directly advocating that "The Shawshank Redemption" is the greatest film of the year.

However, all the efforts of Sony Columbia did not achieve the desired results.

On March 27, 1995, the 67th Academy Awards ceremony was held at the Sacred Auditorium in Los Angeles. With the departure of host David Letterman again and again, "Forrest Gump" also became the biggest winner of the night. .

Wayne and Naomi Watts sat in the audience, applauding the winners again and again. This time around the Oscars, he once again got nothing.

"Forrest Gump" can be said to be the biggest winner of the night, winning the best movie editing, the best visual effects, the best script change, and six other golden statues.

With this film, Robert Zemeckis also won the Oscar for best director, and Tom Hanks won the best actor and became this year\'s Oscar best actor.

The final award also did not disappoint everyone, and the best picture was also won by "Forrest Gump".

"The Shawshank Redemption" can be said to have achieved nothing, creating an embarrassing record of zero out of seven.

"What are you thinking about?"

The awards ceremony on the stage was coming to an end. Naomi Watts nudged Wayne lightly, thinking that he was depressed because of the lack of harvest, and whispered comfort in his ear.

"It doesn\'t matter, you are good enough. In a few years, you will definitely have your own golden statuette."

"Nami, I\'m not disappointed." Wayne observed the camera and said in a low voice. "It\'s enough to be nominated, this year\'s Oscars have nothing to do with me."

Seeing that there was nothing wrong with him, Naomi Watts gently took his hand, watched the camera turn around again, and simply closed her mouth.

After the awards ceremony, Wayne and Naomi Watts walked out of the Los Angeles Auditorium together, got in a car and rushed to the Hilton Hotel in Beverly Hills to attend the party held by Vanity Fair.

Beverly Hills was brightly lit, shining on the palm trees near the hotel. Les Leis silver thorns circled the hotel and stopped smoothly in front of the hotel.

The hotel tickets have been surrounded by a large number of reporters. The doorman opened the car door. As soon as Wayne and Naomi Watts got off the bus, they immediately surrounded them. Facing the two people who had just got off, they frantically pressed the camera shutter. .

"Director Greenberg, you didn\'t win any awards at this Oscar. Do you think the Academy is discriminating against young people?"

""The Clown Returns to the Soul" didn\'t gain anything. Do you feel that you have been treated unfairly?"

"Wayne, many fans think that Oscar owes you a best director statuette. What do you think?"

Although there were hotel security personnel and Sergey to maintain order at the scene, these reporters still threw questions one after another as if they didn\'t want money.

Every year after the Oscars, the major media have the habit of humiliating unsuccessful films, and this year is no exception.

And Wayne\'s popularity is very high during this time. The publicity of "Batman: Hour of War" has not stopped, and they are eager to get a little news out of his mouth.

He didn\'t answer any of these reporters\' questions, and dragged Naomi Watts into the hotel with her head bowed. Under the leadership of the "Vanity Fair" staff, I took the elevator to the banquet hall where the party was held, and then found a corner at random and sat down.

He was not prepared to stay here too long. The production of "Batman: Hour of War" was completed immediately, followed by the media preview of the film and the preview with fans. All the work had reached the final stage, and he had no intention to think about socializing. .

In Wayne\'s heart, if he hadn\'t wanted to show his attitude of actively fighting for the Oscars to the outside world, he would not have played at this event today.

As he himself said, this year\'s Oscars have nothing to do with him, and the fact that Joker has not won any union awards or any Society of Film Critics awards throughout awards season has said too much. .

Everyone in the circle knows that the Oscar\'s outpost awards are not the Golden Globes, but the major union awards and the Film Critics Association awards. If these outpost awards don\'t win, then there will be basically no gain at the Oscars ceremony after that.

The judges of the Golden Globe Awards are the Press Association, and the films they voted for have nothing to do with the Oscars, let alone the outposts.

The major trade union awards are the real weather vanes, because the judges of the trade union awards have a large overlap with Oscar, and almost all of them are members of the academy.

"Hey, boy! I guess it\'s not very pleasant to have empty hands."

Wayne was chatting with Naomi Watts in a low voice when suddenly a harsh voice came from behind him. Turning his head and looking behind him, Mel Gibson stared at him red-faced with a glass of whisky.

"Is that so? I still have a Best Director nomination." Wayne shrugged and squinted at each other. "Why did you, who didn\'t even have a nomination, sneak into the Vanity Fair party? Does Oscar have anything to do with you?"

Seeing that Mel Gibson took two steps forward and wanted to say something, his agent hurried over, grabbed the client who had obviously drank too much, and walked to the rest area on the other side.

"He seems to be very hostile to you?" Naomi Watts looked at the back of the fellow, turned her head and said.

"Because of Braveheart!"

Bruce Rosenblum came over, sat down and said to Wayne. "The film is set for May, the weekend of Batman: Hour of War."

"It\'s okay, let them come, I\'m never afraid of competition." Wayne picked up the glass and touched him.

"The public relations department of the company will handle external matters." Bruce Rosenblum took a gulp of champagne and said confidently: "Warner Bros. is never afraid of competition."

Wayne also didn\'t pay attention to this big star who talked nonsense after drinking too much. All his thoughts are now on the film that is about to be completed, especially the subsequent media preview, the cinema company\'s Film experts will come, which is related to the scale of the film.

He knows Mel Gibson. After all, the other side is so famous for the bad things he did. He was a **** who played himself to death because of alcoholism.

In Wayne\'s memory, this big Hollywood star was immediately blocked by the 8 major film companies in the circle after directing the two films, "Apocalypse" and "The Passion of the Christ". UU reading www.uukanshu.com

Just because he drank a few more glasses of wine in the spring breeze, he was stopped by the police when he was racing on the Malibu Pacific Highway. If it\'s just drunk driving, things won\'t be as serious as they later developed, it\'s just a matter of how much money is spent.

But when the police routinely questioned him, Mel Gibson, who had drunk too much alcohol, shouted his famous words to the police: \'Damn Jews, they should be responsible for the war in the world, and you should be damned too. Jews? ’

As soon as this sentence came out, Mel Gibson made headlines in major media the next day, "Mel Gibson\'s anti-Semitic remarks", which caused a lot of uproar.

You must know that Jewish groups play an important role in American society, and many of them control the financial industry, IT industry, and military industry in the United States.

And most importantly, the American film industry is basically in the palms of the Jews.

The owners of Paramount, Columbia, Warner Bros., Universal, 20th Century Fox, and Walt Disney are all Jewish.

Not only did the six major Hollywood giants express their intention to block Mel Gibson, but even United Artists and MGM, which had already existed in name only, expressed the same meaning.

Even after he sobered up, realized the serious consequences and apologized many times on the public media, he still failed to restore his reputation and was directly banned for ten years.

He is also the first Hollywood superstar who can block himself from playing. If it weren\'t for the later "Blood Battle Hacksaw Ridge", no one knows whether this **** can turn over again.

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