Hollywood Drawing

~: 275 - Batman Advent Premiere

There was a huge crowd in front of the Chinese Theatre in Hollywood. Bella Grant and her old photographer partner, huddled in the press area to watch the crazy fans opposite.

The theater has dispatched more than a dozen security guards, but it is still impossible to control the enthusiasm of the fans at the scene. On such a big day, no one is afraid of uncontrollable problems. The staff of Warner Bros. simply called the police, and the main creator of the crew took the lead. Before the red carpet, let the police control the order at the scene.

"I just received the news that the red carpet for "Die Hard 3" next door has already been completed, and all the stars that 20th Century Fox brought to the platform have all entered the Los Angeles Shrine Theater, but we haven\'t yet. start!"

The photographer looked at the large number of fans who were gradually being controlled by the police. He glanced down at his wrist, and Brick said to his old partner.

Bella Grant also noticed his movements and glanced at her wrist subconsciously. It was 8:20 now. Because of the excessive number of fans now, to prevent stampede incidents, the main creator of the crew never dared to walk on the red carpet. .

Not only the staff of Warner Bros. frequently checked the time, but even the reporters waiting in the media area were anxious.

"It\'s about to start." Bella-Grant looked at the beginning of the red carpet and found that Wayne\'s car was driving slowly. While the car hadn\'t stopped, she asked her old partner in a low voice. "How is the situation over there? It can\'t be as hot and chaotic as ours, right?"

"The atmosphere is not bad." The photographer squeezed forward while talking, and brought the camera hanging around his neck in front of him, ready to start taking pictures at any time.

"Bruce Wesley\'s appeal is very good, and Roger Albert also flew over from Chicago to attend the premiere of Die Hard 3. This film critic can also influence a large number of old fans. , I just don\'t know how much \'guidance money\' 20th Century Fox spent on PR for him!"

"Not less than a million dollars!"

The reporter from the "Hollywood Daily Entertainment" around him also heard his words. They were all acquaintances, so they couldn\'t help but say a word.

"If you want to invite that old vampire, and let him cheer before the film is released, the public relations expenses are definitely not a small number, at least one million dollars."

If anyone knows those film critics the most, these senior reporters, definitely know the rules as well as the film companies.

The Pulitzer Prize winner, Roger Albert will not be subject to public relations. Every time he judges the film, he will stand in a neutral angle. This kind of argument is just deceiving the fans. Otherwise, he only relies on the income of writing the column. Buying a big house in the suburbs of Chicago, why can you hire a housekeeper and a group of servants?


I don\'t know who shouted, all the reporters started to press the shutter frantically, and in an instant, the light of the flashes illuminated the red carpet in white.

Seeing dozens of policemen has calmed the emotions of the fans and formed a human wall at the same time. The door of the Rolls-Royce was opened from the inside, and Wayne was wearing a black slim suit that has not changed for a long time, and walked up alone. red carpet.

"Wayne! Wayne..."

"Hey, Wayne, ah!"

Facing the shouts of countless fans, Wayne didn\'t dare to stop at all. There were hundreds of fans before the scene, and they were madly attacking the defense line formed by the police. It was even more impossible for him to stop and sign autographs for those violent young men and women.

When walking the red carpet or participating in activities, he has to accommodate his female companions, give them enough opportunities to appear on the camera, and let the reporter take more photos, but today he is alone, ignoring the shouts of reporters and fans, and going straight to Go to the theater door.

"Aren\'t we going to interview Wayne Greenberg?" The photographer asked anxiously when his partner didn\'t move.

Since it came to this premiere, the Los Angeles Times sent Bella Grant here for the simple purpose of using her relationship to get first-hand interview materials from the film\'s creative team.

"Don\'t worry." The beauty editor-in-chief glanced at the reporters on her side. Many people had already run to the interview area and surrounded Wayne tightly. "The good show is yet to come. Wayne Greenberg is not the protagonist of the red carpet. Get your equipment ready, it should start soon!"

As soon as her voice fell, the huge sound box that had been arranged in advance at the scene suddenly sounded low-pitched music. This is the background music specially created for Batman by the Hans Zimmer team. The sound is low and full of fighting blood.

In the humming sound of countless people at the scene, the music released by these huge speakers became faster and faster. Many fans looked around curiously, not knowing what this was for.


"God, Bruce Wayne!?"

"Batman is here..."

Just before the music reached the high nest, there was a huge roar of motors on the street. With the cooperation of the low-pitched music, an extremely powerful and muscular Batmobile rushed out from the street.

This unique way of appearing instantly ignited everyone\'s enthusiasm. This chariot has released concept maps, posters and trailers before, but when it actually appeared in reality, fans realized how huge it was. , instantly captured the hearts of countless young boys.

The Batmobile itself weighs several tons, and it is even more oppressive when driving. It has been accompanied by the background music and the shouts of countless people at the scene, and it stopped at the end of the red carpet.

When the car door was opened and Christian Bale appeared, the reporters frantically consumed the papers, and many fans were also stunned by his appearance.

Just like Bruce Wayne in the film, he really appeared in front of his eyes, with a strong body, wearing a black armor with a sense of technology, and the cloak behind him was like the wings of a bat, with the unique logo of Batman on it.

The only difference is that he did not wear a bat mask, showing a young and handsome face.

Christian Bale turned around and helped Naomi Watts out of the car. Today\'s Australian girl is equally **** and charming, wearing a prosecutor\'s uniform skirt.

As the two walked on the red carpet holding hands, the atmosphere at the scene was like boiling a pot, and various shouts were heard endlessly.

"Look." Bella Grant yelled into her partner\'s ear. "This is the protagonist of today\'s red carpet, Bruce Wayne, from the chaos of Gotham City to Los Angeles!"

The photographer kept pressing the shutter, still shouting. "This plan is simply amazing! f**k! The PR department of Warner Bros. has taken marketing to another level."

Bella Grant nodded in agreement and sighed: "No matter what the movie looks like, this real Batman will grab the headlines of many newspapers tomorrow!"

Seeing the two people on the red carpet, constantly posing for reporters to take pictures, and interacting with fans from time to time, she understood that Warner Bros. created this unique way of appearing. More promotional tasks.

Compared with the big strides when the director walked the red carpet, the two protagonists today are much more normal. They have been taking care of the needs of media reporters and fans, and even under the protection of police and security personnel, they are close to fans. sign.

When the two of them finally walked into the interview area, Bella Grant had already waited here in advance. After they signed with the signature pen, they walked up the first time.

"Hi, Christian, Ms. Watts." The beauty editor handed the microphone to the two of them, said hello, and then asked, "I have to say, the way you played today is so cool, it\'s like a superhero is coming. , to save Los Angeles, Mr. Bell, can you talk about why you did this?"

Glancing at Bella Grant, Christian Bale tensed up with a serious expression. This issue was communicated in advance, Warner Bros. was for a promotional film, and the Los Angeles Times was for a stunt.

He faced the microphone with a heavy voice and said: "This way of appearing is to remember the tragedy when "Joker" was released. Director Wayne Greenberg has always been brooding about this tragedy, and he can never forget those who died By.

So he specially made this Batman and filmed this unkillable superhero, just to use his actions and influence to tell the fans that although our world is not perfect, revenge on society is definitely not the best choice!

As the actor of Bruce Wayne~www.novelhall.com~, I have always wanted to do something, so we designed this way of appearing, which is to convey the spirit of Batman not killing through our friends in the media. Go out, as expressed in the film, as long as there is goodness, no one can destroy it! "

Whether it\'s Warner Bros. or Wayne, they all know that 20th Century Fox\'s "Die Hard 3" is not a soft persimmon that can be easily handled. Desperate to find a way to publicize it.

Fortunately, "Batman: Time for War" is definitely not short of topic points. No matter how opponents smear it, they can find a better way to promote it.

When Christian Bale finished speaking, Bella Grant continued to ask: "Okay, Mr. Bell, you just mentioned the theme of the film, can you briefly introduce what happened to Batman in the film?"

"No problem." He knew in his heart that he was now the first publicity point for the film, and that the national publicity campaign starting tomorrow will also focus on himself as "Batman", so he can say as much as he can.

"The core of the story of the film is the story of protecting kindness. No matter how much more, you will have to go to the film to find it, but I can give you a hint. The city of Sodom in the Bible story is the one that was destroyed by God. The city is the core of Greenberg\'s creation."

When he finished, there was another cry on the red carpet. Liam Neeson, who played Henry Duka, and Ralph Fiennes, who played the Scarecrow, the two "Schindler\'s List" Familiar faces walked on the red carpet together.

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